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Everything posted by Tinkerbelle

  1. Stop it... I'm at work, and folk are going to start asking questions if I continue to laugh "at" my computer!!
  2. Can ya'll see it now!!!! Shoes are cute aren't they?
  3. I know Willow!! Hey!!...that rhymes!! :o know/willow!!
  4. Blimey..any jobs going at your place? I desperately need a new job. Anything IT..anything Project.
  5. Outfit changed to the one in question. Can you not see my dress?
  6. You would! Also spent some time working in Manchester - didn't like it, and couldn't wait to get back to Liverpool to hang with the "down to earth & funny" folk who made me feel so at home!
  7. Hahaha... I've always had clothes on! It was just appeared a bit small to the untrained eye !
  8. hahahaha... well. I quite like the "fresh" raspberry cheesecake that you buy in the chiller cabinet in Tesco. She suggested that I bought a frozen one and wait for well over an hour for it to defrost. I wanted fresh cheesecake and fresh single cream. I didn't think it was too much to assume it would be sold in the shops where she lived. I only have to step out of my front door, walk across the road, and it's there. Anyway, I wasn't demanding, I was simply suggesting to her that unless I got something similar to what was sold in Tesco, then I didn't want anything else. I would not have eaten it, and I was only being honest! Would you class that as "High Maintenance" ??? I wouldn't!!!
  9. Again..very abridged... I became a fan via some scouse coercion from someone who did charity work for the old ex-pro players. Went to my first ever football game Man U v Everton at the Everton Grounds. We still had Rooney & Man U still had Beckham Although Everton lost, we had a right old knees up in the Wilmslow until the wee hours of the morning. Liverpudlians know how to party!! Never looked back since
  10. LOL... Just caught up. What are you guys like! That hotel is MY kinda hotel DG Which reminds me, one of my so called "friends" had the audacity to call me "high-maintenance" . And all because I wanted a particular type of cheesecake . High Maintenance you know!! :o Her defence? "I was too fussy". Too damn right I'm fussy What is High Maintenance about working hard and spending money on things you enjoy. Some people
  11. A long story - but the very abridged version is: Wilmslow = pub across the road from Everton Footbal Club.
  12. You might want to raise queries with the Credit Reference Agencies also. That way they have to investigate it on your behalf and at least put up a notice on your file until it's resolved. Basically you are taking a two pronged approach - no harm in that, and the CRA will more than get a speedier resonse than you. Good Luck!
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