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Everything posted by jowalshy

  1. Hi HSBCNightmares. I submitted my claim via MCOL on 14th March. Amazingly I received an offer today!!! Unfortunately it was approx £1000.00 short. I have just sent back a letter saying that I only accept the offer as a partial settlement. Funny though they just kept on replying to my prelim letter and totally ignored my LBA.
  2. Thanks Netty. You are a star. I have just sent the letter off recorded delivery. Hopefully it won't be too long now before its all over.
  3. Where abouts Netty? (sorry to seem a bit thick, but I don't want to get it wrong)
  4. I have drafted up a rejection letter to send off to the bank, and I was wondering if someone could take a look at ti and tell me whether it is o.k Dear Mr Langdale, Account Number :- xxxxxxxxxx Thank you for your letter dated 14th March 2007 offering £3,120.00 in full and final settlement of my request of the bank charges you levied from our account during the last six years. I am prepared to temporarily accept the sum offered as partial settlement on the clear understanding that the remainder of £1,081.10 is to be paid within the next 10 days. This amount is made up of £3,515.50 being charges levied from our account as detailed in my letter before action dated 23rd February 2007, £565.60 being the interest claimed under section 69 of the County Court Act 1984 at 8%, and £120.00 being the amount paid by ourselves for the claim made against you via Money Claim Online on 14th March 2007. I have enclosed a copy of my letter before action together with a schedule of the charges and interest claimed. Please note I am claiming £0.77 per day in interest at 8% until this matter is settled. Yours faithfully I wpould appreciate any advice Thanks
  5. Cheers Pete. I will draft up my rejection letter and wait for them to hopefully up the offer to include the interest.
  6. Is the 8% interest only claimable through the courts or can I ask for it back before hand?
  7. Thanks for the reply Netty. Do you think that I would get the rest if I took it further and do you know if there is a template letter for accepting part settlement?
  8. Netty. If you are there, please heeeeeeeeeelp.
  9. I'VE HAD AN OFFER!!!! But the only problem is that they are still refering to my prelim letter. Since the prelim letter they deducted a further £150.00 from my account which I explained to them in my LBA letter. I have already done the MCOL at a cost of £120.00. In my prelim letter I was claiming £3395.50, but in my LBA letter I was claiming £3545.50. They have offered £3120.00 in full and final settlement. What do I do???? Do I go after the full amount shown on my MCOL of £4201.10 which includes the 8% interest plus court costs??? Will the bank increase their offer. Can I accept this offer as a partial settlement figure and go after the rest????
  10. Thanks Nettyg. I will stick to the timetable.
  11. Thanks again givememymoney. Thats a relief. . Thanks again
  12. On my personal account they charge: Recall S/O or D/D £25.00 occasionally £10.00 Notified Fees (Arrangement fees) between £25.00 and £150.00 Unpaid Item £25.00 On my statements it says NOTIFIED FEES/CHARGES but on the summary sheet of up and coming charges it states ARRANGEMENT FEES.
  13. Thanks givememymoney. What will happen if they just turn around and say they never received my LBA. Will it cock up my MCOL?
  14. AGHHHHHHHHHHH. Received another letter from the wonderful Mr Langdale appologising for not reply to my letter dated 6th Feb and that he will reply by 9th April. I am worrying that he didn't receive my LBA. I have already done the MCOL. Should I give them a ring tomorrow to see if they had received by LBA???
  15. My MCOL has been issued. . Feeling quite scared now.
  16. jowalshy

    JW 'v' MBNA

    My letter has been signed for today, so I shall now sit and wait for their reply. Hopefully it won't be too long, and hopefully they won't be sending the same letter I received before. I am not complaining this time so it should go straight to eh SAR pile and not the complaints pile. I will keep you informed as and when thing hopefully happen.
  17. I haven'r got that far yet. Sound fantastic . don;t forget to send some down outh so that I can put them up in the many branches I have around here. lol lol.
  18. Thanks netty. spent most of last night reading your huuuuuuuuge thread. It was very entertaining and I thought the part about making an advert similar to the Halifax's one would be very interesting. I am currently fighting against Halifax and MBNA aswell but both of these are in the prelim stage. Halifax is currently "investigating my complaint" and MBNA is ignoring my SAR.
  19. jowalshy

    JW 'v' MBNA

    Hello again, I sent another SAR registered post yesterday (with a CAG sticker attached!). According to Royal Mail it has not been delivered as yet. Last time I sent a SAR to them it was signed for the very next day. Are MBNA trying to stall again by not accepting registered post?
  20. Letter to Court now sent (I decided to send 3 copies just in case). How long does it usually take for a reply?
  21. Hi Mazz. don't panic, that is the standard reply I think we all got. Stick to your timetimetable and send off your LBA. The wonderful Mr Langdale is stalling. Don't let the bank lead. You are in control of the situation and not them.
  22. How come the embarrased smiley comes out as surprised smiley??
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