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Everything posted by empowered

  1. Hating it today:( Its a one size fits all mentality and individual cases are not looked at according to merit - the upside is that I do work from home:cool:
  2. Finally managed to get to local pub last night and meet up with all our stranded friends.... lovely to get out and SEE people again:p Snow now all gone - lovely green grass again:p
  3. Hi Ali I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your dad - a very worrying time for all and quite honestly money matters can take a back seat if you are all strong enough to ignore any phone calls/letters. I am sure that once someone has died, debts cannot be called in by credit card coys etc but I'm sure somebody else can advise with more experience. I would get your dad to enjoy the time he has left without trying to find extra income. My thoughts are with you.
  4. I'm more impressed that you've been a cagger since Jan 1970:eek: Gremlins in the works?
  5. Just got back from a lovely walk with pooch - sun actually shone for about 2 mins:p Discovered a very impressive large igloo that someone has made!
  6. Aargh!! Yet more of the white stuff coming down in Guildford:mad: I'm now suffering badly from cabin fever:rolleyes:
  7. You'll just have to hang on for a bit longer. It is usual that if an insurance company does not hear anything back from their policyholder, they will in time, make an offer on a without prejudice basis but it does take time:cool:
  8. Get your insurance company to appoint an assessor (engineer) to look at your car and prove it hasn't been involved in any collision. In a typical disputed liability case like this, it should be standard procedure.
  9. Dustmen? what do they look like? Haven't seen any for 2 weeks:lol:
  10. I remember when.... way back in the early 60s when we were snowed in as kids in our street. That was when the grocer/milkman had their rounds so all us kids would take our sledges to the top of the road and collect our deliveries that way. I seem to remember trains etc running OK. What is it with this country in this high tech age, that it has all gone so badly wrong?? As we live in the country surrounded by fields we don't expect to get any of our roads gritted - we just have to dig the cars out (we have a 200 ft driveway) and drive bloody slowly, using gears instead of brakes - most of the accidents have been caused by drivers not adapting to the conditions - rant over:p (mind you, did nearly slid sideways into our gate yesterday:rolleyes:)
  11. Thank you very much but we've got tons of the bloody stuff:rolleyes: Thank God I work from home:p
  12. me too - get 1 notification and find that loads of posts have been added to threads:?
  13. Guildford area - not as much as last March when it was 2 ft:eek: Currently at 6" and falling heavily. Dog is running around in the garden shovelling snow up with her nose:p
  14. Before Christmas applied for an online ISA with First Direct - recently sent off the form they supplied together with a chq for the full amount to be deposited. Just had a phone call saying I don't match their criteria for banking and they are returning my chq:eek: I don't want a sodding current account - I'm only trying to put money IN their bank:mad::mad: Girl couldn't tell me why I have been turned down but said anyone applying for banking or savings goes through the same process checks.
  15. Thanks Crapstone and Cym - it was a lovely gesture and this was our first Christmas without mum - she always used to say that you can't take money with you so it will be wisely invested and NOT spent! We've had too many frightening financial years so its nice to have a little stored by now:p
  16. .... on Christmas Day, humungous cheques for myself, OH and two kids from my father from my late mother's estate:eek: He says he doesn't need it and wants to see us enjoy it whilst he's still alive:p We were all in such shock the meal got cold while we recovered:grin: And he's determined to live for another 7 yrs so the tax man can't get it:wink:
  17. I lost my mum in the summer and she adored Christmas with us. Am slightly changing the routine this year and table settings as dad is staying with us as usual - she will be remembered fondly and we shall raise a glass for her. I have to keep strong for dad's sake but we will remember all the silly things we used to do. I did my howling when I put up the tree and got the house decorated but this is the time to celebrate all loved one's lives:)
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