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Everything posted by empowered

  1. I have to say, you had me going when I first read it:lol: I'm an Eastenders girl:p
  2. Oh Monx - I'm so sorry for both you and your dad - however, surgery and treatment can be brilliant these days although I don't have any knowledge of this particular problem. You're quite right in your comments that men won't go the GPs with any personal problems:rolleyes: My dad who is now 83, discovered he had prostate cancer about 4 yrs ago. He's been prodded, and jabbed and put on medication and injections and he is now clear... however at the time he really thought he had had it, and imagined all sorts of pains in his body, and had convinced himself it had spread to his bones:cool: He's now on a annual check up and since mum died, is living life to the full with a trip to Paris planned for next week plus a cruise by himself. Keep us updated so you can get the moral support you need:)
  3. Well done M&M. Our trial is 9 April with BOS:eek: Defective DN doesn't come into it.... its a totally blank template supplied and verified as such in their W/S:roll: Think we'll be on much stronger ground pushing this angle rather than the T/Cs and "agreement" which is not available. At the end of the day, it really is getting a judge who knows his onions:p
  4. It will take about 10 mins. Judge will make directions for the next stage of the claim, such as ordering disclosure of docs by a certain date etc. We were dreading ours, but other side didn't turn up and it was, with hindsight, nothing to get worked up about!
  5. Freethemice - many many thanks for that - that will do nicely! No need to peruse the DN for errors - it is totally blank and is what BOS are going to rely on in court! I know that some posters advocate the use of solicitors when it gets to court but what they don't tell you, is that even if you win, you will only get 50% of your costs back:eek: The solicitor we consulted has given a basic ballpark figure of at least £4K for his costs and this could rise further. So don't want to find that we are down £2K even if we win. Will send off letter you suggest and in the meantime start constructing skeleton argument and loads of reading, research and printing of case law:rolleyes:
  6. woohoo - watch out for this lot! We are off for trial on 9 April. Your docs looks identical to ours and they admit in their WS they cannot supply the original app/agreement form, have sent an identical blank template letter and there are about £700 in charges. Once they have tackled the original stages of the claim, they will pass to SCM, in house solicitors for the Lloyds group, who BOS are now part of;) Was going to get sols to act for us, but tooo expensive if we lose or win. Hoping they discontinue at the last mo, but doubt it.
  7. thought it was me... but rest of t'internet seems to have had probs as well. Now back up to normal speed:p
  8. Hi Mungypup was going to suggest that you wear her choice of shoes for the actual wedding/photos etc then change into something more comfortable for the rest of the day but see you've already thought of that! Once you're sitting down no one will look at your feet under the table so you can kick them off and relax! Then its dancing, bare feet are always preferable on those slippy floors! I'm a size 8 and used to wear very slim, high heeled shoes... now with age and the fact that I'm always in flatties or barefeet in the summer, those styles are very uncomfortable:p Feet have gone sideways (a bit like the rest of me)
  9. Oh what brilliant news:p Having no positive updates, I was beginning to fear the worst:sad:
  10. I couldn't agree more. This will be the first Mothers day without my mum. For the first time I can celebrate the day how I want with my adult children. She died last summer after suffering with dementia which actually made her easier to cope with. But for all my life, we, all the family had had to put up with her moods. She constantly had to be the centre of attention, wherever we were, and every celebration be it Christmas, birthdays etc, we were all wondering what mood she would be in, because it would ruin the day. I felt constantly sick and nervous at meeting her. She and my father joined us on a family farm holiday years ago. I had to get my father to take her home after she was obnoxious to the farmers wife who had come in to babysit. All my father could say "she's my cross, and I've got to bear her". I cried when I heard she had died, but havn't cried since, and for that I feel tremendously guilty. However, not a day goes by when I don't think of her... I have a large photo of her in front of me as I type this. I try instead to remember the silly times we had, some of the happier memories instead, but all I honestly feel now is the relief. Crapstone... come back. I know exactly where you are coming from and I like to think we were/are a fairly normal functioning family! If you can't vent your feelings here, the way we do about other problems in life, then it would be far more dangerous to vent them off line and cause potential long lasting problems.
  11. £5600 + claimants costs of £3K. Bank should read BOS and not RBS! Basically they don't have original agreement as confirmed in their WS, sent copy of blank template DN only, with computer records showing that it was sent out plus there are about £700 of charges in the amount they are seeking to claim. Sols are SCM in Hove. Here's my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/158754-court-action-rbs-aa.html Many thanks, Debs
  12. thanks PT. Currently stuck between a rock and a hard place:p Have consulted local sols who have warned me that representation at final trial on 9th April would be at least £4K and could rise. Wanted to use them as I don't want to fall at the final hurdle but think I'm going to have to do it myself:(
  13. Well done! Did this result from PT's suggestion in #104 above to write and suggest they discontinue?
  14. I know that this isn't as bad as the few earlier posts, but dog has just thrown up all over my carpet (she's a big dog)
  15. Had a good read around the forums on final trials. Seems quite a few people are either having a bad judge lottery or not defending themselves properly on the day. Although I feel we have a good defence, I am now looking at legal representation - I could do all the prep but feel I would fall at the last hurdle with trying to get the law/facts across in a court room:( Have found some solicitors who handle consumer law and given them the facts. They are getting back to me today/tomorrow.
  16. You got me worried Loopinlouie:p Daughter rang to say she was coming home for Mothers Day next week and we were going to book a table at local restaurant - had to doublecheck my diary:D
  17. Just done a google for SCM sols who are representing BOS - I thought the name was familiar - they also work for Lloyds and we had a run in with them last year when they discontinued 2 claims:roll:
  18. Update:roll: BOS witness statement not received until just before Christmas. Their legal assistant, who has prepared the W/S states they do not have the original copy of the agreement and has supplied a copy of the Application/Agreement with OH signature on it. He also confirms that a copy of the DN has not been retained but has supplied a blank template copy. T/Cs supplied in W/S are not the ones in existance when the a/c was opened. Today have received court date of 9 April:eek: Am now bricking it.... what needs to go into the trial bundle? Can't find any BOS wins on the forum relating to the above points... are there any? Any and all help much needed - thanks Debs
  19. Hi DK How are things progressing with your claim? Finally got the BOS witness statement just before Christmas! Court date set for 9 April and am now bricking it:eek:
  20. :eek: Am I the only one who hasn't got a clue what is going on here?
  21. Well done Jo .... as a past and sometime present sufferer of work related stress I can deeply sympathise. Unfortunately the only person who can heal you, is you! I try to take a big step back and put everything into perspective and try not to get paranoid:rolleyes: Good luck with the new job - it may be the big break you needed:p
  22. Now we know why babies get so cranky when teething:eek: Had my out years ago when they started to impact through the roof of my mouth -not nice:eek:
  23. Oh Crapstone... there's nothing worse than seeing a loved one in pain and not being able to do anything about it, and at the same time having to stay brave yourself. I hope the next couple of days improve for you allxx
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