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Everything posted by empowered

  1. Hi Bookie Sorry to hear of your own health problems and those of youngest - they must take priority over everything else;) I think there's enough caggers to take on the mantle now and you deserve a well earned step back from CAG. Keep popping in tho to keep us on our toes... and keep us updated on the personal front in case you need help. So many thanks for all that you have done - often the voice of calm/wisdom/sarcasm and the much needed put down when needed:D Hugs xxxxxxxx Debs
  2. Yesterday was really springlike. Today its been raining and raining and raining. Place looks like a marsh:evil:
  3. With the age/type of car, this will probably be a TL as to repair would be more than the car is worth. You will be offered an amount by your insurance company (not more than it is insured for) less your excess and any outstanding premiums. Any witnesses, CCTV regarding the actual break in?
  4. Hi Woody So sorry to hear of your sad loss. My mum died last July and although everything in place legally wise, dad still appointed a solicitor as it took the hassle away from him. Don't know how simple it is to do yourself:)
  5. Hi MM.. have only just seen this and hope its not too late. SC&M became our bestest friends - they finally dropped all their court cases against us:p Sechiari, Clark & Mitchell PO Box 499, Lower Ground Floor 1-5 Queens Road Quadrant Brighton BN1 3XJ Tel 0870 010 6677 NEVER call them - put everything in writing
  6. Last year went into veg growing big time... carrots, toms, cabbage,french beans, courgettes etc... bloody Lab ate nearly the whole lot. I go out to pick and she just helps herself or pulls the plants up totally and runs round the garden with them:-x ... then theres the pigeons, squirrels, slugs to fight with as well:D Strawberries are now grown in hanging baskets in the greenhouse so that she can't reach them. Hey ho, nearly time to go through the same routine again:p
  7. no... its mine, all mine!! Dream on:rolleyes: Seriously, that amount of money would freak me out... I'd give most of it away and keep an amount that I felt happy with:p
  8. Hi Hammy Ring the court... We did cos we had heard nothing and they told us that Lloyds had discontinued but hadn't bothered to tell us! You may be sitting worrying for nothing:)
  9. My mum died in July and not a day passes when I don't think of her. My thoughts are with you... be brave and smile at what made her laugh x
  10. Well done Bookie.. and a big thanks for all you've done on this site:p x
  11. I'm so glad you went to hospital... its too easy to say "I'll be OK" when something nasty could be lurking. You even have concussion:eek: Look after yourself and stick to lemonade:rolleyes:
  12. Hi Mungy Head injuries need to be checked out urgently - even a slight bang can cause swelling. Get yourself to A&E now - if its down to a hangover then all well and good but better to be safe than sorry. Remember what happened to one of the Redgrave girls in America when she fell over skiing and refused to have it looked at? Let us know how you get on Debs xxx
  13. Who was liable for the accident? If a TP, then she would be entitled to a like for like. If she is liable, then she will have to accept a smaller courtesy car.
  14. Play them at their own game and find out what they are prepared to offer you in order to keep you with them:)
  15. My elderly cat constantly missing her dirt tray and peeing over the carpet instead:mad: Anyone want an old girl? The cat... not me;)
  16. OMG - only just seen this awful news. BB get better.... we are missing the knicker antics... you have a wonderful way of lightening some more serious debates and you are sorely missed. With my very best wishes and thoughts for you and your family - Debs x
  17. I see a comment from another thread about being a troll has gone to Bookies head - our very own CAG troll:D Blimey, I remember collecting them as a child:eek:
  18. Just to throw a spanner in the works- the car that pulled out of a side road into the path of your son was liable for the accident. Just a shame he wasn't insured.
  19. getting an unexpected bonus from work... now how to spend it:rolleyes:
  20. Loved it - was a bit sceptical about going as the only other 3D I've seen was at Disney when everything shot out of the screen at you and you kept thinking you were going to get hit:p Very very clever and so much imagination but forget the "story line":rolleyes:
  21. Hi there **** are Lloyds inhouse solicitors. Have you sent off your SAR for a copy of your agreement? **** took us to court last year for 3 a/cs and discontinued at a later stage when we kept on at them to provide proof of the debts. They had to admit they could not provide agreements as the a/cs were so old but we were lucky in that we had earlier taken them to court for repayment of charges which were refunded before the "big" court case which put all claims on hold. Only one of the a/cs has not been paid out due to the recent ruling.
  22. Hi Jimmy Am a big fan of freecycle and daughter used it a lot when moving into a flat in London. However.... ahem the TV:roll: That's another story and family can't wait to get a flat screen ... if I got another old fashioned one, I'd be shot;) Although I would prefer it, cos we have a lovely yew wood cabinet that hides it and you can't get them for the new flat screens:(
  23. ancient old fashioned TV is on the blink - slowly changing to an alien green colour:eek: but refusing to buy a new one until it absolutely blows up:p Family keep dropping huge hints - I'll probably come down one day and find a hammer thru the screen:rolleyes: Saving the stalks of broccoli and then making luverly stilton and broccoli soup. Buying meat on special offer and stocking up in freezer. Cut husbands hair (not that there's much of it left) Decant any loose change from my purse daily into a box - its amazing how it adds up - saved about £500 last year and then used it for a long weekend abroad.
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