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  1. Thanks, that's a good point. I wish my insurance company would sort it out. Their effing useless, it should have been sorted months ago. I'd contact the insurance company of the other person myself but when I asked for the details of their insurance company, my insurance company wouldn't give me them?! They said by contacting their insurance company directly I could say something that may insinuate guilt on my part??
  2. Thanks, We've told our insurance company there's no damage to our car and they said fine and have taken our word for it (along with the evidence provided by us that can prove we can;t have been there) However, because the other company won't drop the claim when we renew our insurance the underwriters (the company who our insurance company goes to - confussing, I know!) will see that a claim is pending and will bump the premium up. So we're having to wait till they drop the claim which doesn't look likely. Could we go to their insurance company and say drop the claim or when you find out we're not liable we'll sue you for the extra money we've had to pay for a 'claim pending'?
  3. Thanks for your response. The police have actually been in touch with us. We've explained everything to them and they said it may have been cloned but was unlikely. The point is, how can I get this false claim scrapped before my insurance is due and I have to pay more because I have a claim pending? I can prove I wasn't anywhere near the scene of the accident and this has been explained to their insurance company but they are still refusing to drop it!
  4. I have received a letter from someone's car insurance company saying I was involved in an accident with their customers car. They are stating my car crashed into their customers car while it was parked. A witness has given our number plate, although not 100% sure (but could not give a car make and model). The point is, the accident happened over 350 miles away from where I live?? I was at work till 4:30pm and the accident happened at 6pm so can prove I was 350 miles away from the scene of the accident (this would assume I'd travelled 350miles in 1.5 hours in order to be placed at the scene of the accident?!). I've explained this to my insurance company but the customer is still accusing me of causing the crash and is refusing to drop the claim. The claim has been dragging on for 4 months now and the problem is my insurance renewal is up next month and I have to state I have a claim pending. My insurance company has already told me because of this claim my premium will go up!! How bloody frustrating! I'm 100% confident the claim will be overturned because I can prove it couldn't have possibly been me in the crash. This won't stop my premium going up (unless they sort it in the next 6 weeks). Has anyone else ever had a problem similar to this? It's annoying because my insurance company is dealing with the claim and I'm not sure if I can actually do anything myself to speed things up (and get the claim thrown out). Any advice would be much appreciated.
  5. Hi, I recently purchased 2100 Microsoft points from Game in Newcastle, The box was wrapped in cellophane upon purchase. When I got it home and unwrapped it I was surprised to find no redeemable code inside the box?! I've taken the box and receipt back to the store I purchased it from for an exchange but they insisted the problem lies with Microsoft. After calling their support line (Microsofts) and speaking to someone, I was asked to email proof of purchase to Microsoft for them to review my case and determine the next steps. Game have tried to wash their hands of this problem. Does anyone know what my rights are? It's quite a difficult situation because I can't prove the card wasn't in the box and Game are saying because it was sealed the issue lies with Microsoft?! Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  6. Thank you all for your wise words and guidance. I've just returned from PC World and am happy to inform you all that I obtained a full refund. It was a different team of staff so I had to start from the beginning, only this time I told them they'd assured me the card would work after seeing the full spec of my machine. They - as usual - tried to fob me off with an exchange but I was adamant I wanted a full refund which - after talking with the 'tech' guys (does anyone working within PC World have the permission to make any decision without first talking to these people?!) - they decided I could have a refund (gyzmo - I quoted SOGA and told them it was a 'sale by description' so I was entitled to a refund). I mentioned the 'Restrictions on Statements' but they said they were entitled to write what they liked on the receipts. Anyway, I've got my money back and I shall never be shopping there again. Thank you all for your help and advice - it gave me confidence and knowledge needed to go in fighting and get the result I wanted! Ta very much
  7. Thanks gyzmo, I had a feeling what he wrote was useless ('Exchange when gentleman comes to buy new pc' signed by him). They obviousley just wanted to get rid of me. So, their flouting the SOGA by telling me the card would work fine (after looking at the exact spec of my system) and it clearly doesnt. They are breaching Consumer Transactions by trying to restrict my statutory rights. Also, not having a copy of their terms and conditions in the store, surely that must be breaching some law?! I guess I need to get the sales member to admit he looked my computer up and asssured me everything would be tickety boo!?
  8. Thanks dx100uk, I know I have to upgrade my PSU now but thats not really the point, PC World said I'd be fine with the card and said nothing about adding a new PSU. If I knew that I'd probably have saved my money. I'm going in tomorrow to fight my case, they said it would work after being shown the full specificaton of my computer (as gyzmo said this relates to 'sale by description'). It clearly doesnt work without additional upgrades which I certainly wasn't made aware of before. I'm going to ask for a full refund and won't be leaving to it happens.
  9. Thanks gyzmo, I read about the sale by description act. So you think I may have a good case? I was with my girlfriend when I originally bought the item and the member of staff took us to a PC and looked up my computer (purchased by debit card at pc world) having a look at the specs and saying everything would be fine and dandy! As you say, it will be hard to prove (his word against mine and my girlfriends) he told me this. I like the idea of getting him to admit he told me everything would be fine. The managers wrote on my receipt that I can exchange the card and have the money off a PC (which I don't want!). Does this affect my rights - because i accepted the receipt back and walked out of the shop? (i didn't have time to stand round arguing all day). I could try and and exchange it for something else. I can't exchange it for a replacement because my computer specs dont allow it to run properly.
  10. Hello all, I went into PC world a couple of weeks back after a graphics card. I wasn't quite sure what I was after so asked a member of staff for some help. Due to me purchasing my computer from PC World in 2005 the member of staff was able to find out 'exactly' what computer I had and theirfore point me in the right direction and recommend a graphics card that would work in my computer (or so he led me to believe!?). I installed the graphics card and was informed insufficient power was getting to the card and it generaly slowed my whole computer down. After doing a bit of research I decided without getting a new power supply, this card was never going to work properly in my computer. So, I took the card back and I'm sure you can sort of guess what happened. I asked for a refund and they said I couldn't have one because the product wasnt damaged. I asked to see their terms and conditions and they said they didn't have a copy available within the store (surely thats breaching terms and conditions?!). I asked for a credit note and they said they didn't do those. In the end I spoke to the manager and he wrote on my Receipt that I could put the cost of the graphics card, towards a new pc!!? WHAT!!! I dont want a new PC, I simply want my money back!! Can anybody inform me as to where I stand in this situation? I was told by a member of staff (after finding out exactly what computer I had) that the graphics card would work fine, it clearly doesnt! I feel I should be entitled to a full refund. Any help would be geatly appreciated. Thankyou in advance
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