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Fred Bassett

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Everything posted by Fred Bassett

  1. I'm not trying to wind anyone up mate, just trying to get justification for idiotic comments. Also, this thread has gone way off topic. Cheers. Fred
  2. No, don't CD, this is ridiculous. Just remember that she 'left' this thread about 30 posts ago. Let's just leave it at that.
  3. You've even got that wrong. What CD was proposing was that you and I become a double act. If I could learn ventriloquy then I would maybe consider it. Anyway, about Thatcher's war crime - what was it?
  4. "My mistake, I thought you were referring to those posts the other day Tony - tis true that some of us blond women don't have a huge amount of brain cell capacity you know" Exactly.
  5. Yep, Arthur's still going apparently. I don't know how well he is but there was something in the news about him in the past couple of years to do with the house he lives in and the NUM. Can't remember what that was about now but I'm sure Google will reveal all. Regards. Fred
  6. You still here? What crime did Thatcher commit over the Falklands then? Come on, we're all dying to find out.
  7. Ah well, maybe, but this was primarily about Blair, Bush and Iraq, not the Falklands. Anyway, guess who this quote is from: "My mistake, I thought you were referring to those posts the other day Tony - tis true that some of us blond women don't have a huge amount of brain cell capacity you know"? Who am I to disagree? Regards. Fred
  8. You're quite right Tony, but we've been here before haven't we?. Box, tool, sharpest, the(x2), not, in, spring to mind. Regards. Fred
  9. I thought you were going. Never mind, but as you're still here, just let me know what crime you'd like to see Thatcher charged with.
  10. I don't hero worship Thatcher any more than you, apparently, don't hate her. I haven't called you stupid, I said your argument is stupid (you don't even know who STARTED the war for God's sake), but if the cap fits, please feel free. Britain does not have an empire. The people of the Falkland Islands are free to come here as far as I know and I don't have a problem with that. They are British citizens which is more than can be said for the 2.5 million that the Blair/Brown administration flooded the country with. So tell me, what should Margaret Thatcher be charged with? Defending the right of British people? All you've come up with so far is conjecture (She wanted the war, she was always going to have her war, etc. etc.). Everything she did was done with the approval of the British Parliament and people.
  11. By your "logic" (I use the term very loosely indeed), the Allied forces who invaded Nomandy were just as bad as Hitler's troops. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is effectively what you are trying to say.
  12. Her actions were no different to Genral Galtieri's. Yes they were - demonstrably so. Argentine troops invaded sovereign British territory, British troops invaded and won them back. By your logic, anybody could invade British territory anywhere and we would be wrong to do anything about it. I can't believe that anyone is stupid enough to think that these are one and the same things. Thatcher never wanted the situation to be sorted out in any other way other than war, and she has the blood of many on her hands from the Falklands war. Look back and read back. Argentina had plenty of opportunities to get its troops off the island. They were warned time and again but they wouldn't budge. You know as well as I do, but perhaps won't admit it, that Thatcher did not care who lost their lives just as long as she kept her power hungry position. She has just as much blood on her hands as any other person who has committed war crimes in my opinion. So you know what was going on in Margaret Thatcher's mind in 1982 and what is going on in mine now do you? Whether you like it or not, the Falklands war was supported by the vast majority of people in this country and was entirely legal in it's conduct. Just because you hate Margaret Thatcher does not mean she was guilty of any war crimes and there has never been any serious suggestion from anyone that she was (apart from the idiot Tam Dalyell, but he has been proved wrong). I will ask again, for the THIRD time, what crime do you think she committed?
  13. I may be wrong, but I don't think taking her to the ICC and charging her with "an unnecessary one" would get very far. So what crime do you think Margaret Thatcher committed?. You want to see her charged but what with?
  14. Because Argentina invaded. If there's another Falklands war, then it will be about oil. Argentina always claimed that the Falklands belonged to them. Their President at the time, Galtieri, was unpopular and Britain gave out the wrong signals. He believed that Britain would not or could not do anything if Argentina invaded. Whoops.
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