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Fred Bassett

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Everything posted by Fred Bassett

  1. Our allotments are inspected a couple of times a year. The expectations is that by the end of April, the plot will be dug over and stuff planted. It's fair enough, but my problem is that I can't really start anything until the beginning of April, when the clocks go forward, because I don't get home from work until 6, so it's too dark before then. The weekends until that point are a bit of a lottery, so I always end up in a mad panic in April and early May. This year I'm more behind than usual because me and my Wife had both had the lergy for a few weeks. Hey ho! I'll probably get a warning letter, but it's nothing to stress about.
  2. I'm way behind on my allotment this year - haven't even finished digging it over yet. I've got to get cracking as there are about two weeks to go until the first inspection. I might even lose a bit of weight at this rate! Once I've done, I'll just grow the things I like and the stuff that grows so well. Runner beans, peas, courgettes (got some beautiful yellow courgettes last year), spuds, leeks, sweetcorn. I need to get moving though.
  3. A clip on youtube entitled "Worst ever attempt at parallel parking". Well worth a watch.
  4. 'Ed Miliband' comes pretty close. But you're right - Brown wins.
  5. Hi Govester, they definitely told me on the course that you could do another one after 12 months has elapsed, but this is Dorset and their scheme is different than most. I think a large number of forces (i.e. Somerset where I got my first ticket), are in a scheme together where if you get caught in any of those areas within 3 years you would have to take the points. The other thing to bear in mind is that in Dorset, they only consider their own records, but I don't know how this would work if you already had points on your licence. Regards. Fred
  6. Brig, Am I correct in saying that in order to enforce in court they have to produce the original document? Also, how can you go about finding out if they have the original or not? Cheers. Fred
  7. Personally, I would send them a CCA request, just to see what they've got. I know you already sent one to the Halifax, but you won't know what paperwork, if any, was transferred to Lowell. If nothing else, this will give you time to consider your options. It is unlikely that you will get any help on here regarding the unenforceability route. Regards. Fred
  8. "The tour guides, who visit the volcano several times a day, would update me on changes in the amount of strong smelling gas being released from the summit, or changes in the colour of the water in some of the bays around the islands." Co-author, Dr Juliet Biggs, from the University of Bristol, said: "People were obviously aware that something was happening to the volcano, "But it wasn't until we saw the changes in the GPS and the uplift on the radar images that we really knew that molten rock was being injected at such a shallow level beneath the volcano. "We are at pains to say that this had nothing to do with the fact that Woody was on holiday here at the time. "Many volcanologists study the rocks produced by old eruptions to understand what happened in the past, so it's exciting to use cutting-edge satellite technology to link that to what's going on in the volcanic plumbing system right now." The volcano's last major eruption was 368 days ago, when Woody was last on holiday, when it buried Santorini and nearby islands under metres of pumice.
  9. What matters most is a good Pilot. You can easily classify them, they have the same number of landings as they do take-offs.
  10. No need for you to be confused HB. I think you understand. You make a statement, somebody questions that, you answer. Simple. Normally.
  11. Well to do that, you have to follow normal, civilised and intelligent rules - like justifying the posts you've made. To do otherwise causes annoyance. A great deal of it.
  12. They certainly are. Let's not forget that this was actually the worst terror attack on British people too, given that 67 died - more than in the 7/7 attacks.
  13. When the older Public Service Workers signed up they where happy to receive lower salaries in return for security,the goal posts have moved dramatically their salaries are now higher than the Private Sector so I feel they can afford to pay their Pensions without subsidy FS That's fair comment.
  14. I know. The trouble is that the two answers earlier I can really believe were given truthfully and not in jest.
  15. I think that's part of the problem now. It's a fair question, but at the same time, we are asking people who started a job, say, 30 years ago, to accept changes to their contracts after all this time. There may be some unfairness in this. It's not unfair to say to new employees in public sector jobs that they will have to contribute more. They go into it with their eyes open. But so did the ones who signed up decades ago and now things are changing for them. I have a certain amount of sympathy. Not too much, but a certain amount. They will still come out of it with much better pensions and at an earlier age, than a lot of people in the private sector.
  16. I had trouble too when my Daughter was at Primary School. Maths was not her strong suit at all, but it was mine. I couldn't help her though because I couldn't get my head around the way she was taught. I couldn't teach her they way I knew because that would have just confused her. I could see nothing wrong with the way I was taught, but sometimes you feel that people want to change things just for the sake of it. I can't remember now, but it may well have been the system you described.
  17. I appreciate what you mean, but in my view, some privatisations go too far and don't make sense. I thought the privatisation of the railways was one such. The problem is, under the old 'British Rail' system, everyone was held to ransom by the Unions and that wasn't right either.
  18. If you've had no experience of Ryanair, how can you be in any position to judge what is a perfect description of the Ryan Airs (sic) experience?
  19. Well I've said that I think strike action is wrong, but I don't want to deny people the right to do so. I haven't offered an alternative. Some people think there isn't one, while others don't care if there is because they just want a strike regardless. We would however, be in a terrible situation indeed if we were to rely on the likes of Bob Crowe for anything. It's odd that this is only being talked about now because there is a Tory-led government. Privatisation didn't stop when Labour were in government. They even privatised our air despite promising not to - no surprise there really. I think the point here is that a general strike would only be talked about as the means for replacing the government, but to replace it with what? Another government who would doubtless do much the same thing. Who knows? Bear in mind that the unemployment rate is still only 8%. That means 92% are working. They may not all be happy and prosperous but they are still employed. When Thatcher was Prime Minister, the unemployment rate reached far higher figures yet she still kept getting voted in. I really don't think there would be too much support for a general strike. Don't underestimate the power of the 'I'm alright Jack' vote.
  20. No. Some things must be run by public services. How do you reach that conclusion from what I've said?
  21. I don't agree with striking, I think it's wrong. I don't think the TUC would get the support for it either. There will be Union Leaders like Len McCluskey and Bob Crowe who would clearly be in favour, because trying to get people out on strike and causing maximum trouble is their only role in left, but generally they are not very representative. If it does look like going that way, I would be very interested indeed to see what Ed Miliband has to say about it, given that he owes his position as Labour Leader to union block votes - Labour party members wanted his brother.
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