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Everything posted by smashedbobo

  1. Thank you Watcher, was a bit worried as saffron had not posted an update. Worried more for her rather than the outcome of meeting. I know she has not been well recently. Will keep an eye on thread. x
  2. Hi all, has anyone heard from saffron. Has she posted on her own thread. Cant see anything. Hope you are ok saffron. And does anyone know what happened with her meeting. x
  3. good luck again saffron. Thinking of you. I too am talking to anyone who will stand still long enough to listen. I know for a fact a lot of people i know have had a brush with the bailiffs. Sadly i am met with where did you hear all this from.Of course i direct them here. But because this has not made national news as such they think i am slightly off my rocker and dont believe about the new powers bailiffs will have. I get soooooooo frustrated. But i will carry on talking to people. But sometimes brick and wall and head come to mind.
  4. just popping in to say good luck saffron for tomorrow. And to let you all know we dont all disappear. I wish i could contrbute more but still learning myself. This site has spurred me into taking some sort of course into consumer law though. I am finding it all very interesting. And of course the bailiff situation i believe is paramount in helping everyone if it can be sorted out. x
  5. The best thing for you to do is to go out on thursday. That way you wont be tempted to answer the door to him. If you cant go out then DO NOT let him in. Unless he has been in your house before he cannot come in. Talk to him from an upstairs window if you have to. And yes there is someone you can report him to about his certificate. Just cant remember who at the minute. But someone will be along soon to give you a fuller answer.
  6. And naming and shaming here would leave the site wide open to libel, lawsuits and the like. And i for one would be devastated if the site had to close down. It helps so many people.
  7. Hi, i am with you on this one watcher. I have had dealings with a couple of high court enforcement officers. And to be quite honest they have been nothing but courteous to me. And have also given me time to pay the debt back. This was after a ccj. I did try to pay but due to circumstances the payments were sporadic. Hence they were called. It is the other bailiff companies i would be happy to boycott and only deal with the council direct. In fact that is what i am trying to do now.
  8. Is the debt the one you thought it was. SAR the original creditor anyway. JFDI. Dont forget to stick to your timetable not theirs. If they do not come up with a valid cca within the legal time frame then you report them. And use the backbone you have within your working life. Fight for you for once. A comment from somene at the weekend was have you put some certain people in their place recently. Well if you have done that, and they can be scary people, then you can take these on. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. This does not make for good reading at all. I hope she becomes unstuck somewhere along the line. It seems like the my people will speak to your people and your people will get me a really good position as solicitor general. How high would you like me to jump m'luds. Pity that instead of talking they all listened to the people who pay their wages. Oh but forgot that cant be us. We dont pay our council taxes do we. As if. so who is paying her wages. The bailiff industry. The DCAs. Sorry got the cynical head on.
  10. Yet again i am sitting in agony waiting crossed legged arms and everything. Have been thinking about everyone all day. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeze let it be good news for all.
  11. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek, ok now i have a problem. I wrote to cap1 asking for my charges back. That was in Feb. they wrote back saying blah blah blah. NO. But we will offer you 274.00. I was claiming 1300. I said no i will do thr MCOl. So not enough money at minute but asked them again. They say NO. And will not enter into any other communication on the matter. Final offer etc. Got a letter friday saying this is a letter of assignment and that lowells have bought the debt. So ok guys. i have it in writing from cap1 the offer of 274.00. This would have cleared the balance. I should have taken the offer. Muppet. So now i have lowells on my back. Please any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
  12. Good idea, but what about all the people that dont know about the forum. And also their rights at the moment. This is the scary thing. We are together on here but where do you see in the media, well not often about this. It needs to be brought to a much wider audience. It needs to be on all the local news sites. Things like that. sorry if anyone thinks i am talking cobblers at all but do not have the expertise like the fantastic people here. I am only talking as a lay person. If you know what i mean
  13. The government cant regulate themselves so how the hell they are going to regulate the bailiff industry god only knows. I do hope something comes up whereby this bill can be overturned. AM did a good job. But as usual what would have happened if his daughters car had not been clamped. Would he have stood up then to speak out. As i said earlier when one of the politicians get a visit then they will know how it feels. I wonder then who will get the mostpublicity. The vulnerable or the politician. erm, let me think.
  14. In a sad way i hope the bailiffs do start with the route of forcing their way into peoples homes. That maybe the only way to hang themselves and when someone is injured or commits suicide then only then will this stupid bill be looked at again. I hope that some of those that voted for this bill eventually come upon hard times and get a visit. What goes round comes around. Its not only the vulnerable and poor that fall on hard times. Bet there would be an outcry then.
  15. They have had a long discussion about 1.30pm about the forced entry etc. Then it went onto park homes. They were talking about bailiffs being regulated. Austin Mitchell stood up and put his side forward. So is there more to come again after the park homes
  16. I am glued to the telly. But not got a clue where we are up to and what the outcome is as yet. Or has a decision not been made. I had to go to shop and was only out ten minutes. Have i missed something. They are now talking about park homes. eek. Anyone
  17. What it mean is that as far as having goods to satisfy a debt if any one has anything of any value, then if they are worried about getting a visit from a bailiff then all they will do is move their own things somewhere else. And lets face it when our goods go to auction even quite valuable stuff they make a pittance anyway and nowhere near cover the debt nevermind the bailiff fees. So what then. How are they going to get the money then.
  18. Had the same e.mail. Time for me to leave the country. Have actually sorted out all my bailiff stuff but if this is the way things are going here then i dont want to be in a country that is scared to death to go out or even scared to be in there own homes. Very very sad. I really do not know what else to say.
  19. Hi hun, please take the advice here. It is so good. I have had exactly the same dealings with the, i sent off the letters etc to them and apart from one letter i have not heard a word since. They are trying it on. But please please do not ring them or speak to them on the phone. Relax and have a good read through the threads on global debt recovery. You are not alone in this. There are many of us. They have been chasing me for a number of years. But now i think i have got rid of them at last. Stick with it and with the fantastic folk on here. xxxxxxxxxx
  20. Well done hun, stick to your guns and keep us informed of how you go on. I have had dealings with rossendales and they refused to give me a breakdown. I am now on with jacobs and they are refusing as well. And the same as you the council told me the bailiffs could charge what they wanted. Got one sorted now but am gunning for rossendales on a previous matter.
  21. Sorry i mean site not sight. I am a muppet.
  22. Listen rant away. Its not a problem. If talking ranting, giving advice, or just reading the site and each others problems helps some someone else get through all this **** then it can only be for the good. When we come on here we are all on the same tack. To sort things out. But also its not just our debts etc we have to deal with. Wat about our family and friends. As in my situation and many others i am sure the grief we get from them becauase of all this can be a huge weight to carry. I know. My ex and i used to argue all the time about money and debts. We as individuals post on here but there are so many other people involved. I tell my friends and family what i am doing now and sometimes i end up worrying about something they have said. I feel sorry for the folk who have to go about things with noone to talk to or confide in. A friend of mine is so worried about her partner. He is doing everything possible to sort things out. She thought at first he was having an affair. NOT. He was trying not to worry her. And at te same time was worried she would leave him if she found out about his debts he incurred before they got married. Which in turn meant she was also having sleepless nights. Both tired, both agitated in the morning so on and so on. You can guess the rows that happened. I have told her about this sight so hopefully a relationship can be saved. And they can move on. Sorry guys if this thread is not about giving advice as such but i do feel strongly if the psychological side can be sorted out then it is easier to see the wood for the trees and move forward. xxxxxxx
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