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Everything posted by smashedbobo

  1. Going back down to police station this morning and making sure they register my complaint this time properly, then off to find a solicitor who will take this on. I am obviously going tell him everything, but i need to clarify something. Am I asking him to go back to LBL and ask for the BOS and also get an injunction on them selling the car? I want to make this as painful as possible for LBL. I am dealing with the seller through the proper channels within the MOD
  2. Good Morning, Out of interest, Do LBL have there own in house legal Dept, Just another thought. when the police rang them yesterday he was passed to the legal dept. And from experience with these companies they usually pass the phone to a colleague and pretend to be legal dept. !!!
  3. Well if i am going to have a jolly old cry, i might as well do it with the ending of Notting Hill, At least thats a good excuse rather than let the twunts get to me. Boo x x
  4. LOL, ee tha knows. Oh c**k, I am carving the clogs as we speak. Getting a right old gander on now. Cant you just tell, I have watched dinner ladies tonight. Looks like the beauty sleep is going by the wayside tonight. And I need it more than most. As my friend said to me tonight, I dont have wrinkles. They are laughter lines. Nothing is that feckin hilarious. I have beaten the DCAs, and the bailiffs in the past, all because of the advice on here. God, I hope i beat this shower of sh1t. Drink anyone x x x x
  5. Thank you Applecart, I think the shock is now setting in. And only one glass of wine so far by the way. And no, not hormonal either, just mad as bucket of frogs. I will get the money together somehow for injunction, been told I am sat on a fortune. Hmmm, wonder if i have a red light bulb. As I said earlier the cost of the car is negligable but if this is happening to so many people then its not right i just give in. I started on the debt free journey five yrs ago, and I am now there. And helped other people along the way. So someone elses debt is so not going to beat me. ( I hope)
  6. Interesting, Going to solicitors armed is good methinks. Thank you hunni
  7. Oh lordy lordy, Thank you soooo much. Please accept my apologies everyone, I know my posts may come across as flippant sometimes, and not as serious as they should be. But I am a nurse working with the military, and after the things I have seen, I have to get by with a certain amount of humour. If I did not then I would go totally mad. The last five yrs have been sh1t and this has topped it all off. In fact I am really p***ed off now, because I have been reading up on LLb etc I have missed a pair of gorgeous shoes on ebay i was bidding. Now its war. Look, this is how a girly girl gets by in times of stress.
  8. oooh ta, been a long time since I have been called young lady. lol Oh god, Reet, as they say in yorkshire, Let battle commence. And may the good lord drop a huge pile of clogs on their heads. I will be probably be a pain with a lot of questions, so I apologise now for whatever I write in the next few weeks. This is the first time in 5 yrs when I could have done with having a man around. lol
  9. LOL, I am pouring you one now. I thought senility was setting in for a minute. I am n ot sure if a big stick to beat myself up with, along with a long vodka and coke will actually produce any results in this sorry mess, but hey, it will be fun trying.
  10. Eh up chuck, now you have lost me. lol I dont know when the loan was taken out. All I know is the previous owner bought the car late last yr. And the loan is in his name. So I presumed he only took the loan outbetween xmas and April when I bought the car. Me thinks another glass of wine for the silly old mare is about to appear. Picked the wrong time to give up drinking and smoking. Its a good job I have a sense of humour. I tell you, I might have just turned 50 last month but in my head I am still 25. Go figure. If I had had the 50yr old head on this morning I would have kicked A**e. Big time.
  11. Going to see a solicitor in the morning in leeds. Head hurts tonight. the value of the car may well not be worth the legal costs, but its the principle. And If I dont do anything about it then they have got away with it again, and they will keep doing it. I am sooooo pleased I did not get the new gear box put in. Had another thought, when someone takes out a logbook loan, do the company have to clap eyes on it. Or is the log book sufficient to get loan. And would it be possible for him to get a loan after I bought the car and before I got chance to register it. Again my mind is playing overtime.
  12. Sorry to be a pain, Just a thought, If I have a logbook in my name and it was sold at auction with logbook that LLB have from previous owner would there not be problems for new buyer. If they tried to register under new name surely DVLA would flag it up in some way the fact it has been re registered, If you get what I mean. Would DVLA have to contact me if anyone tries to register it. Or am I thinking to sensibly now. I feel a stiff drink coming on. I have huuuuge headache. lol
  13. Well done ims, I stand in awe of you, I wish you all the best, and good luck with everything Boo
  14. I really dont know if I have the strength to fight these people. I did not get a receipt. He was a squaddie at the base I had been working in. He said his logbook was at home. And I had no reason not to believe him. So instead I went to DVLA in Beverly and applied there for a new one. Got one with no problems at all. The car was a non runner ideal to be done up. I suppose in one respect the car is still a non runner and the repo man was a bit miffed when he found out. In no way does the car cover what the previous owner borrowed on it. And it was a bloomin S reg car as well. Even if LBL put it into the ring they will not get much for it. And the previous owner will no doubt go bankrupt. So they get nothing else. I am still looking for thread that mentions LBL should not be lending on cars older than 8yrs. I bought the car as a 50th birthday present to me. I thought that car will look nice all done up. Hey ho, we live and learn, Thank you so much for your support Boo x x
  15. Otley police station, and I spoke to the desk sergeant. I was in bits and have forgotten his name. That is Otley as in west yorkshire. He spoke to repo man on the phone first who was arsy at first and then he gave him LBL number. He then spoke to them. Obviously I dont have any paperwork for this loan as it is not mine. But even so I know the loan would only have been taken out earlier this yr. So the fact the car is over 8 yrs old shows that LBL should not have allowed the loan in the first place. I did not pay a lot for the car, but now it is the principle of the thing. And the fact that I could bang my head against a brick wall for being such an idiot. Still beating myself up on it.
  16. Hi sorry to jump on this thread, I have my own running as well, If anyone one like to add my problem to the list. Also, does anyone know of a solicitor who knows about log book loan problems. I have been to 3 in my town, only a small town. And not one of them said they can help me. I will be following this thread with interest. Thank you Boo x x
  17. Ok , been to see police, they spoke to LBL and he came back and said bad news, they can do what they want. But the good news is the guy you bought it from has sold you the car illegally and you can have him charged. I have been to see 3 solicitors in town and not one of them said they could help me. I have looked at the age of the car, and it is 12 yrs old. Now from reading other posts on here that may make the BOS null and void. Am I correct in saying this.
  18. I have just spoken to repo man, He said he does not have a court order as he does not need one. Going down to police now. I am going to look a right old twit in there when I tell this tale
  19. No paperwork what so ever, apart from what he showed me this morning saying they were the rightful owners as the previuos owner had taken out a log book loan with them. I said I wanted to take advice, he said he was going to report it to police as stolen, and also if I did not hand car over it would have an affect on my CRB. I am a nurse. I guess I panicked a bit. I feel such a fool. The car was not on my driveway. It was down at the mechanics waiting to be done up. The police will probably laugh at me when I say I showed them where car was. They spooked me some what. I did not hand the log book over though. And they had a set of keys given to them by LBL. I feel sick tpo the stomach. How could I have so stupid. The recovery guys showed me the paper work saying that the ownership was registered in the high court and they did not need a court order. They told me that LBL did not need one unlike other companies such as finance Companies. Thank you for you swift reply
  20. Hi all, I bought a car in good faith in April this yr. A doer upper basically. I have arrived home this morning to find 2 burly men and a pick up truck saying they were taking my car as it has an outstanding logbook loan it. Taken out by the previous owner. I knew nothing of this loan at all. I did an HPi check and it was clear. I have the new registration document, which I got without any trouble through DVLA. Thye have taken the car now and they said it would go to auction. I bought the car from a squaddie who is now serving in Germany. Should they have had a court order to take car or can they just do it. I would be grateful for any advice at all please Thank you in advance Boo x x
  21. Hi hun, i had problems with Global and FV1. Just send them the letters and trust me you wont hear from them again. I asked global for FV1 address but they refused and said i could only go through them. Not heard a peep as i say for over 6 months. And funnily enough all this was to do with Lloyds TSB. And nothing on my credit records anymore. So i hope thats that. Good luck. x
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