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Everything posted by smashedbobo

  1. Hi guys, how we doing are we back to normal now, my replies are at top of page. Posted a reply to you DD about letter from clownells. c
  2. I will when i get near a scanner. The letter is such a crude mock up. And it is certainly something i have never seen before. Am going to check through my files for all docs i have. Thank god i kept everything. My first mission is to get the default removed then will be gunning for lowells big time.
  3. Sorry by the way, Lowells sent me what they say is the credit agreement from cap1. It is a totally made up piece of paper, it has been made up from what looks like 3 letters. It is on cap1 headed paper. there is a bar code on top right of letter and another barcode on bottom of letter. Two boxes showing my signature and cap1. Which is quite novel as i applied for it online. Neither of the barcodes match each other. And also there are faint lines across the letter. It looks like they have taken bits seperate letters and put them together. It is blank on the other side. It does say consumer credit agreement at the top of the letter.
  4. Hi guys, i had a debt with cap1, all made up of charges. Wrote the usual letters asking for them back. Got the nope you can only have so much. This debt was sold to a DCA. I requested the CCA from them. They did not have one so passed it back to Cap1. Who then sold the debt Lowells. I did the same thing to them. And took Cap1 to court. I got letter from Cap1 saying the usual blurb but on this occasion they would pay me in full as a gesture of good will. And the CQ would be with me in 14 days. Its now 13 days. No sign as yet. The outstanding balance on my card would be 247.00 which would be paid to Lowells and i would get remainder. Right now, Lowells have defaulted me. And now passed thedebt onto Red. I am fuming. I did all the right things and now got this. The balance on my card was all charges. Can i get this default removed. I dont want to ring Lowells or Red. Any advice would be welcome. Thank You x
  5. Help what is going on with my posts they are all over the place.
  6. Not sure how my message has got to top of page when i have only just posted it. Anyway again its almost exactly like that but they have put credit agreement across the top of the letter. Will pop over and have a good read of your thread now. Thank you so much.
  7. Its exactly like that. Thank you so much. Did yours look like it was made up from seperate letters. I cant believe they would do that. I cant believe i actually wrote that. I would believe it.
  8. Yep, same here. oops. Cant have what i have not got. So there. Did not go down so well with the council. Especially when i told them i was basically homeless. Jacobs handed it back to them so a succes inpart. x
  9. The car was 6,000 and with finance charges etc the total was 10536.00.And have paid 7260.00 off. I ancelled the ppi right at the start. Lots of charges on my account. And also payments they say have bounced from bank did actually go though. checked my bank statements. So the figure left owing should be less. Am truly sick of them, Fed up of being passed from pillar to post and office to office.
  10. Hi guys, I SARed welcome 2 months ago at least and guess what they put the 10.00 towards the debt. Muppets. They did send me a statement but thats all. I asked for eveything including CCA. So please help where do i go from here. They keep sending me letters saying due to my financial situation they are more than happy to accept a nominal payment monthly for now. Methinks they may not have credit aggreement. Is there a letter i can send to them re non compliance and who and where isthe best place to send it to. Is there an e. Mail address i could send it to. Thank you in advance everyone. By the way my loan was car finance.
  11. They really do need to clean up their act.
  12. Yep, it is. Checked it. Decent website as well. But we have paid for it. So only the best for us.
  13. Hi guys, has anyone actually looked at lowells website. They seem such nice people on their site. They abide by all the rules and listen sympethatically. Am i getting them mixed up with another company of the same name. Cos the person i spoke to needs to be sacked if it is the same company. Listening and followings rules did not come into his training.
  14. Hi looked at the website. RBoS will be holding the account. Not sure how it would work. Ok your salary goes into the account, they pay all your bills first then put the rest to a card account for you to use. So no more charges. What about the monthly fee they will charge for making sure you dont get any charges. I dont think so. Not for me. They have had more than enough from me already. And my mattress is rather comfy now. It gets softer every week. And guess what, for now that is where i will be leaving it.
  15. Hi could i ask what thre relevence is to pre and post 1999 for credit cards. could smeone explain please. Me no understandy, and if i have got it half right in my head would that count for loans pre 1999. Thank you everyone. And interesting thread by the way. x
  16. Well very sorry to say, your happy worry free life could be over for you now. All for a 47.00 debt. Please remember those ivory towers can be very tall. Be careful you dont fall out of yours.
  17. Well thats is all very well, but sadly as a situation that is " Not your fault" you did all you could to cancel with sky. And now you are bein chased for a debt you say you do not owe. Welcome to our world. And if sky put a default on your credit record then, i am quite sure you will be asking how it can be removed. But then it could go on to land with you with a ccj. But that wont be your fault will it. It will be skys. Tell that to a a mortgage company or credit card or even the utility companies who do a credit check on you. If as you say you are so good at keeping out of debt then i am sure you will have kept a paper trail for every transaction you have ever made. And sadly again it is your word against theirs if it was not done in writing. If you wanted advice then accept it with the grace it is given. And if possible could a mod close this thread please.
  18. Have deleted post. Sorry if anyone took offence to post. Last post on this.
  19. The master may have gone but he taught us well. I mean WTF. Do we all give up now because we have lost a good friend and adviser. I think not. And lets face it the site in truth is made up of so many people who give their time as well. The site will not fall apart because of this. I for one appreciate the advise from a newbie right up to the likes of bookworm and bank fodder, laiste, sequenci, setmefree, herbie, odc, rory32, I really dont think i need to go on. DMD will be missed and it is sad but we go on and fight on. So come lets get a grip now. Nipping out for some vimto. Never had it before. Hope it goes well with vodka. x sorry for rant
  20. Can i just say something, what on earth happened between 11.02pm last night and 10 minutes after midnight. DMD seemed ok looking at his thread and in good humour. Has he been taken by the body snatchers and replaced with something else. Something just aint right. DMD, hope your ok pal and if you are watching we would love to have you back. But it is your call. Again good luck.
  21. Please dont tell tell us we are losing anther good guy. I wish you well for the future and please come back from time to time. I have read your threads and they must have helped so many people. Me included. Take care of yourself. And thank you from me for being such an inspiration. x
  22. Dont ring them and ask when they are coming. Dont invite them. If you do ring to see if he is coming you may get more charges from them. Write the letter as advised above. And if you have some money then pay the council direct. Do you have a friend with a normal debit card you could use to do it. You can give them the money to pay online for you. This is going to end up making you ill hun if you carry on like this.
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