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Everything posted by oneofakind

  1. Don't do anything. Especially, DO NOT CALL THEM. Once they have their teeth into you, you'll have no end of problems getting rid of them. You never got any card, understand? If this WAS for your TV licence, you should have had a reminder from the licensing office, surely?
  2. Looking good! But don't get carried away yet.... things can go quiet for months, then jump out of the woodwork.... years, even, in some cases. But chill for now, you seem to be on top of things. D.
  3. Don't see any point in telling them the situation.... they are (or should be!) very well aware of it. If they continue collection activity, they would be digging themselves a big, big hole; and that's all good for you!
  4. Well, the 'information' they hold is as worthless as everything else they've told you. Go for the jugular!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. It's all up to you. If you want to make a token payment, then do so. But the fact remains that they do not appear to have an enforceable agreement, without which they can basically do nothing. Nothing has changed since your first letter - they are just trying to prod you into making payment. I am in the same situation.... They set a DCA (iQor I think) on to me. I asked for a CCA, they couldn't provide one, and all has been peaceful since.
  6. Cohen's have been sending out a HUGE number of frankly unjustified court claims, like mine. Chances are that if you put up a stiff defence, they'll cave in, like in my case: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/174843-court-claim-cl-cohens.html Hope yours goes the same way! D.
  7. Thanks BF. Reliable as always. Watch this space!
  8. Hi All, Just a quick query, and apologies in advance if I'm asking dumb questions that you see every day on this forum, but I don't have time right now to read everything..... Been here before with Lloyds, on my daughter's behalf, and got some charges refunded 2 years ago. She's had trouble over the last few months, and currently LTSB seem to be sticking her with over £100 in charges every month. I seem to recall that they changed their terms after the previous claim, and we need to know if reclaiming charges is still a viable option? If so, can someone point me at an exemplary thread regarding recent charges? All help greatly appreciated, as always. D;) Now off to a fun weekend of night shifts!
  9. Bottom line is that the worst Link can do is take you to court... BUT if you've been keeping up your agreed payments, and they DON'T have a CCA, then they haven't a leg to stand on! If you stop your payments, your debt won't just disappear... even if it's unenforceable, it'll stay on your file for six years. At least, if you keep paying, it'll eventually be gone. If, on the other hand, they were to start again with their repertoire of underhanded schemes... well then they deserve everything you can throw at them. If I were you, I'd let sleeping dogs lie. (In fact, I have a couple of 'accounts' in the same situation with Link. As long as they play fair, I'm reasonably happy.) D;)
  10. It's up to you, Hirsty. You are not obliged to pay them as long as they are in default of your CCA request. However, if they're not on your back, you may just wish to keep things as they are, and get your liability down. CCCS may take a dim view of you cancelling your payment to Link; I'm sure I've read elsewhere here about that happening. How much are you paying Link?
  11. Besides, 'referred for consideration' means ****-all! They're just trying to scare you.
  12. Considering the time they gave you to reply..... No. They've just given you an arbitrary deadline, which (correct me if I'm wrong, folks) is unreasonably short, anyway. Disputed is disputed, whatever the date....
  13. Does that apply to agreements taken out under the 1974 Act?
  14. Just found this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/186281-mercantile-data-bureau-ltd.html which is very enlightening.
  15. There you go then. They have nothing. It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, you get from MDB. Will be watching with interest, as they've started on me now.
  16. Afternoon all. Anyone had any dealing with this bunch? I've received a letter from them, saying I ignored their 'recent letter' (never had one) and demanding money for a debt that was paid up years ago. They say that 'The profiling process is now underway....':eek: Quaking in my boots..... D.
  17. Hi OSR, Do nothing yet. At the moment, they can rectify their default by producing the CCA. Let them have their 30 days. Don't offer ANYTHING until you know what (if any) proof of debt they have. If they have actually purchased the alleged debt, then you should have been sent a 'Notice of Assignment' from MBNA, and a 'welcome' letter from Link. You've put the ball in their court at the moment, so do nothing. And remember, NEVER speak to them on the phone! D.
  18. Andie, I don't believe Jacobs have any right to come and take your goods away, full stop. Looks like they are harassing a vulnerable target. Keep paying your £50. The only recourse they have would be to take you to court. That in itself would take months, allowing you to pay more of the debt off. If it DID ever get to court, you'd probably find the Judge more sympathetic to your circumstances than Jacob's appear to be. Are you paying Jacob's, or the council?
  19. Does this letter give the case number of the alleged judgement against him? You (well, HE) needs to contact the Court to get the details. Have you had ANY previous correspondence on the matter at your address? Are these REAL bailiffs? They should have proper court documentation if they are. If they're just debt collectors, they have no right of entry whatsoever. Call the police if necessary.
  20. Have just received a letter from Instantsilver, regarding a 'debt' previously handled by Link... who failed to produce a CCA of any kind... Do they really think we're stupid? (Rhetorical question ) D.
  21. Frankly, they're p***ing in the wind here. Any alleged debt would be statute barred after 6 years, never mind 10! Bear in mind that THEY have to prove that the debt is owed. You do not have to prove your 'innocence'. As said above, NEVER speak to them on the phone, NEVER NEVER give out your personal details without knowing who's on the other end, and NEVER NEVER NEVER admit to owing anything. You should be pretty much bulletproof on this one, anyway. D.
  22. I have a feeling the Judge could be pushing HC to put up or shut up here. By ordering disclosure (and payment of fees!) , he's effectively making them show YOU what they have. If they don't get valid paperwork to you and the court in time, they'll have NO case. Fingers crossed for discontinuance.... But you have to fulfil your obligations here as well, make sur YOU do everything RIGHT.
  23. Robin, I don't think you should be signing this. The Consent Order is a legally binding document: it will be sent to the court, and the situation is basically, 'yes, I admit the debt, and this is how we are settling it between us.' Should you default on the arrangement, the CCJ will click into place. Have you received all the details you requested from HSBC/ Cohen's yet? I suspect they know they cannot make a case against you, and have tried to 'buy you off' with this offer.
  24. Yes, I have the claim itemised and ready to go.... I imagine it would take quite a while to get in front of a judge, though! D.
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