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  1. Thanks guys. I'll file this letter away with the other ones and see what happens.
  2. Sorry to dredge up this old thread. I've received 3 or 4 letters since I started this thread, all with the same generic threats. However the last one said they would initiate court action if I didn't respond by the 18th. I imagine it's all bluster; they've still not supplied any information what this debt it and I've not responded to them at all. What do you think? Sit tight still or write to them? Thanks!
  3. I've trawled through my bank statements, and I think the last payment I made to them was March 2002, so still within the 6 year timeframe. Does this change anything?
  4. Thanks PriorityOne, much appreciated. Hopefully I won't have to ask you for advice again!
  5. I have a vague memory about renting a washing machine once, probably back in 2000 or 2001, so perhaps that's it. There's absolutely no detail about the debt in the letter at all, only the client name and the amount.
  6. The client is Boxclever Ltd. The letter doesn't give any details about the debt other than who I supposedly owe and the amount. I've never been taken to court.
  7. Hello, I've received a letter from SRJ Debt Recoveries saying that I owe one of their clients nearly £250. The letter has 'Trace Confirmation' written at the top, and all the usual threats about court action. What do you advise as the next step? CCA them? Thanks for your help! I've spent the last 30 minutes reading through these forums and they really are excellent. Beest.
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