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Everything posted by lois

  1. Congratulations John!! i'm at the waiting for statements stage so your thread gives me much encouragement!! xx
  2. hiya guys i would be happy to donate money in whatever way you would prefer, just let me know, its the absolute least I can do for all the hardwork that you put into this site and all the advice that you give etc, without you guys, I would never have attempted to recover the bank charges that I have incurred. You have put such an incredible amount of effort and work into this site, not to mention that you probably don't get too much of a social life with the work that you do on this site!! OOH, I could send you some beer/wine or something?! if I can help in any way, please just let me know, I would be more than happy to help in whatever way I could and if you're ever looking for a legal secretary ... many thanks, lou xx
  3. omigod, don't even get me started on the whole queuing thing ... it takes forever doesn't it?! Luckily, my local post office opens at 8.30am so I end up running in there before i have to start work at 9.30am, i cannot believe they have said they won't give you a new card at this time?! whats that all about? let me know how you get on with them, all the best, xx
  4. hiya tinkerbelle nope, not a dicky bird ... they have got till 2 May to get back to me. fingers crossed I'll get something soon though! xx
  5. i guess you could always ring them to check whats happening with your statements etc, if you wanted to. to be honest, i requested my statements over the phone and told them I was requesting it under the DPA and did they want the £10.00 - Abbey told me that they would send the information through free of charge. I then followed that conversation up with a letter (sent by guaranteed next day delivery) confirming what I requested and again stating that I was requesting the information under the DPA. They've sent me statements for the last 18 months and then I got the letter from Pam Speed regarding the outstanding statements. so, I might find myself in the same situation as you shortly, in that I will need to follow up with yet another DPA letter and enclose a cheque for them to physically do anything about my outstanding statements. keep on at them though, they are a complete nightmare and a lot of people are having the same problems with Abbey using delaying tactics etc, good luck! xx
  6. hiya i got exactly the same letter from Pam Speed last Friday - I sent them the letter that alanfromderby done and which is on top of the Abbey forum. in my letter i also reminded her that there was only 15 days left for compliance under my DPA letter. have a look at the letter that alanfromderby has put on top of this forum, its called Abbey - the microfiche argument all the best!
  7. YIPPEE ! well done you xx
  8. hiya i just got the pam speed letter (see my thread) and have sent them the ltr that alanfromderby put on the abbey forum. I haven't received statements requested for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 so they have 15 more days under the DPA to get this information to me, i think you should report them though to the IC if they don't get the requested information to you by your set deadline what are Abbey like - talk about sailing close to the wind?!! all the best xx
  9. lois

    No word from Abbey!!

    Hiya Guadge I too have an abbey credit card which is run by MBNA - if you look in the 'other institutions' section, there is a section called MBNA and all the details are in there, my thread is in there too, so you can have a look if you like, all the best, xx
  10. Bookworm, you totally amaze me and in such a good way, well done you, what a blinding result! xx
  11. Hiya Tim Hope its all going ok .. I'm about two weeks behind you, Abbey have another 15 days to provide me with computer print-outs/statements request made under my DPA letter - on Friday I just had a delaying letter from Pam Speed with the usual blah blah .. but am keeping to my deadline so I think I will be filing a claim in two weeks time! Good Luck - keep us posted on what happens next, xx p.s. and that letter ... what a load of old tosh ! I think I'm beginning to hate Abbey more and more as the days go on ....!!
  12. citicards are a complete nightmare! I have an outstanding balance on my credit card with them of £160.00 and £125.00 of that amount is THEIR charges for late payment fees! Can you believe these jokers - the stupid thing is that I only have an available credit limit of £300.00 and I've never even gotten close to owing that amount on my card. I've sent off an LBA, and they've got another 8 days left, so the clock is ticking, and omigod, am I really gonna hit them with it if they don't get back to me, I'm so sorry about your Mum, its typical that these people ALWAYS target the most vulnerable and just keeping adding, adding and adding those charges, it makes me sick, it really does. Still, keep going, and keep me posted on how you go. You are in the right, its your money/your Mum's money, stick to the timetable that you set, keep up the pressure on them and truly hit them with it. I'm watching with interest GOOD LUCK !! xx
  13. lois

    Lois V HSBC

    Hiya So, yesterday, I received the following from the wonderful, Mr Bowden Thank you for your letter dated 12 April 2006, the contents of which have been noted. I acknowledge receipt of your previous letter dated 30 March 2006. I can confirm that the issue of charge stated in that letter is being dealt with by our complaints department. As soon as a satisfactor decision has been made in relation to this matter you will be contacted. I hope this clarifies the position for you. Yours sincerely Mr M Bowden Customer Service Manager is it me, or does this letter kind of read like -- yeh, thanks for your letter, blah blah, we'll get back to you when we feel like it. blah blah?! I mean, maybe it is me, but I just dont think this is a satisfactory response. Anyway, unfortunately for Mr Bowden, the Letter Before Action has gone (i sent it on 18 April 2006) so Mr Bowden had better get his bum in gear and come back within a bit more constructive that what he's sent to me so far .... he's got 14 days and the clock is ticking ..... lois xx
  14. hi guys so yesterday, I got a letter from Pam Speed, Business Manager of Banking Servicing and it states: Thank you for your letter dated 6 April which we received on 10th April requesting information on your account. (funny that I sent this letter by guaranteed next day delivery and I have the confirmation from the post office to prove it arrived on 7 April, so I have no idea why it took pam an extra 3 days to receive the letter!) Some of the information that you have requested relating to transactions on your accounts is no longer held on our systems and therefore, an administration fee is required. The fee will be as follows: £5.00 per account for 1 monthly statement which has been archived. £10.00 per account for multiple monthly statements, which have been archived. The transactional information remaining on our systems will be forwarded to you free of charge under separate cover. If you would like to go ahead, please fill in the form enclosed and return it to us. You can pay by personal cheque made payable to Abbey. You can also ask us to debit the money from your account if thats easier. she then goes on to say: You have also asked for details of any "manual intervenions" that there may have been on your account. Although I am not entirely clear as to what information it is that you require, I am taking "manual intervention" to be any action taken with regard to your account other than automatic of computer-driven action.' the letter then goes on: You will appreciate that, first of all, not all manual interventions on your account may be recorded. For example, if a member of staff looks at a paper document relating to your account, a record of that activitiy will not always be made. Moreoever an "intervention" may be carried out by any one of a large number of departmnts in Abbey. there is no central record of such intervensions because this is not the kind of information that we usually need nor, more importantly, information that a customer would request. I regret therefore that I am unable to supply detailed information of any manual intervention. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Ok, so I am pretty sure that I should now send off the letter that Alan has done in relation to microfiche/archive argument. BUT good old Pam has given me her fax number, so first thing Monday morning, she'll be receiving a fax from me and reminding her that she now has only 15 more days under the DPA to provide me with my requested information. Any help from you guys would be gratefully received, I'm sure I need to send off the letter that Alan done, but if I am wrong, perhaps somebody could kindly point me in the right direction? thanks everyone, all the best, lois xx
  15. lois

    Lois V HSBC

    thanks guys will let you know when I hear back xx
  16. lois

    Nickdc v HSBC

    hiya sorry, Alan Pretty is the Senior Quality Control something or other Customer Service blokey, I just sent it to him as well just to get some sort of correspondence regarding my request for a refund, no idea if it will work mind you, but hey, no harm trying! just found his details: Mr Alan Pretty Senior Service Quality Officer HSBC Bank Plc Arlington Business Centre Millshaw Park Lane Leeds LS11 0PP
  17. lois

    Nickdc v HSBC

    this is exactly the same response as I got and 20 days later, I was still waiting! so, on Monday, I sent him the Letter Before Action and I also copied in Alan Pretty .... now I'm waiting (again!) but their 14 days are up on 8th May and then I'm gonna hit them with it ! Good Luck and I hope you get a response from him soon,
  18. hiya DaveJ have you got any further with Smile? just wondered how you were going with them? I've just got the standard letter back saying that they will provide the information within 40 days. lois
  19. Hiya I'll keep my fingers crossed for you - I've just sent my DPA letter off to Capital One so am waiting to here back with list of charges etc keep us posted on how you get on, all the best !!
  20. thats brilliant! Congratulations Overdrawn, I'm really pleased for you. Keep your fingers crossed for me with HSBC!
  21. lois

    Lois V HSBC

    hi everyone just thought that I'd post a quick update on my HSBC account I have heard nothing from Mr Johnston since his initial letter saying he was investigating, so the deadline of 14 days ran out on Good Friday and I've given him a couple more days (being bank holiday weekend) and still nothing, so I am now sending the Letter Before Action letter to him and copying in Mr Alan Pretty and its going by next day delivery post today, lets hope I get a reply to this letter ! hope everyone is well !
  22. Good Luck Tim ! I'm still at the 'waiting for statements' stage with abbey so not as far down the road as you are, but all the best, look forward to reading your update!
  23. hiya i think it has been recommended that you use the address of your local branch good luck!
  24. lois

    Lois V HSBC

    Hiya OMIGOD can you believe those idiots at HSBC? They have just charged me another £100 in charges and debited from my account (yesterday). So, I've gone from being £80 overdrawn, which cash was paid in yesterday to solve, to £180 overdrawn, oh but get this, they won't be charging me for the overdraft though that THEY have put me in .. how very thoughtful of them! AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH ! blah blah blah, terms and conditions apparently that I signed up to .... same old story isn't it reallty? they don't really give a crap, i am so upset, i could cry, truly, i cannot believe they've done this to me.
  25. lois

    All Welcome

    sorry, couldn't get the day off otherwise I would have come along. GOOD LUCK Stephen and I look forward to reading what happened!
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