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Posts posted by lenny100

  1. I was recently asked by a friend to find out if their council garage which is not attached to their propriety but across the street is part of the right to buy.

    They have rented it for over 30 years at a peppercorn rate of around £3 per month, but recently they shot up to £10 per week.

    several of the block are already privately owned already but the council are digging their heals in when they asked to but it, "as selling the garage might set a president".

    I looked around the gov website but can not find out this info.

  2. the Armed forces charities are out of their depth when it comes to welfare reforms, as most local volaters are not trained in the in and outds of the system, and the people who are specialets are totaly swamped by cases. I know this because i needed help from one and untill i got onto the national team, the advices was at best ot of date from the well meaning local team

  3. i myself suffer from bi-poler, ptsd, and quite a few others, and relay one a charity for help, but they are swamped by new clients and i only get two weeks residentual care per year now, the local nhs admit they are unable to help me, just help me manage my condisions so I dont get any worse, so now somebody is going to be payed thousands to give me a few sesions of cbt, which does not work for me , in fact i got worse on it, and i am now ready to work, Now that i am magicly well, please name me one employer who will take on somebody who oftern will not be able to get out of bed for a few weeks , is very short temperd, is unable to be in a room of people were he is unable to see outside and pesonal highine at time is doutfull!

  4. tell you the truth it more than it worth trying to do any type of work whilst on esa as they will use it as a resion to remove you from the benifit and tax you over the odds, i know i tryed, as i got a job working 6 hrs every two weeks through my health team at hospital. after a few weeks all was going fine till the phone calls started wanting to the second the times i worked, and letters from my doctor on why i was still unfit to work, etc. the suport people told me ,also my employer was also getting calls and had withdrawn from the helping hands program because of the constant calls about people they were trying to help!

  5. This war hero turned up on our seafront out of nowhere almost like rising from his grave to tell us something,


    his expression tells of 2 story's,


    1st the look of pain and sadness for the thousand upon thousand of his comrades who fought

    and fell at his side for the freedom and rights of our country and us,


    We need this war hero,and now he needs you .....


    the towns people have only 10 weeks left to raise enough cash to keep our soldier "Tommy"


    We need £102 thousand, and fund raising is strating now please see the facebook page for more info

    and see some of the hunders of photos of this powefull image from the past



  6. I seem to remember some very surprised MP's when the North east of England had a referendum as to should Newcastle rule the Northeast (put simply) and got a very loud NO in response.



    I think they may get the same response to who do we want to rule us UK or Europe. I say neither it wont make a bit of difference to us they would all rip us off..





    but they are still doing it via the back door as they are working to have a super local goverment almaglmation

  7. all the companys registred at that address bisy boys their


    Srj Debt Recoveries Ltd - Engineers (Consulting)


    Enterprise House One Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0845 313 7200 Fax: 0870 428 2340


    View more »


    Lowell Group - Loans & Debt - Management


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0845 300 9410 Fax: 0845 800 9411

    Web: http://www.lowellgroup.co.uk

    View more »


    Lowell Acquisitions Ltd - Engineers (Consulting)


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Finance Ltd - Holding Companies Management Activities


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio Iii Holdings Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio I Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Group Financing Plc - Banks And Financial Institutions


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Funding Ltd - Engineers (Consulting)


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Metis Bidco Ltd - Holding Companies Management Activities


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio Iii Ltd - Engineers (Consulting)


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Finance Holdings Ltd - Credit Related Institutions


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio Iv Holdings Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio Iv Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Portfolio V Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Lowell Holdings Ltd


    Enterprise House, 1, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH


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    Hitachi Capital Credit Management - Debt Collection Agencies


    2, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0870 235 9582 Fax: 0870 235 9584


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    Hitachi - Debt Collection Agencies


    2, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0844 375 5499

    View more »


    Hitachi Capital (Uk) Plc - Credit And Finance Companies


    2, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0113 380 1056, 0843 816 1068

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    Hitachi Capital Insurance Europe Ltd - Credit And Finance Companies


    2, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

    Telephone: 0113 380 1056 Fax: 0113 281 8912


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    Tocatto Ltd


    Interchange, 3, Apex View, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 9BH

  8. First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.


    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.


    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.


    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.




    all so true now as then

  9. I know for a fact the up here in east durham there are no avalable 1 or even two bed houseing from east durham homes "our local houseing people who run the all the houseing stock around here", and the stock they have are proatised for the over 60s as they were built as warden controled areas way back in the 1950s, in fact there has been NO local athority house built since the early 1970s when they finished building peterlee new town.

    There is at the moment over a 17 year wait for any house under 2 bedrooms that are not in warden controled areas so were are people to move to

    Most of the private sector is ex mineworkers houseing that should have been knocked down years ago, but they were all bought up streets at a time by what we around here call the bradford landlords. and they regulay are up infront of the local houseing cheifs about the state of the homes, in the ex pit villages, but they factor the fines into their rents which run around £120 per week for a two up and two down house, and evict people who do complan as they only do very short time lettings, and if your face dosnt fit then you are not offerd a extesion!

  10. thats the same i found the locals dont like the nationals stepping on their patch, to many jobs for the boys i think in local offices, i found the national very helpfull and my be using me as a test case in relation to a houseing bennifit claim in durham, as they wont give me any as they claim my pension bennifts are a "SECOND INCOME"!"!!!!!!

  11. the best thing for you to do is forget your local rbl. they dont have all the infomation, contact the national team through the website, they send somebody to your house and will take over all your claims for you , incuding apeals, etc. they did this for me as i was in the same position as you and they got me on esa, and sorted out a few other things for me also,, best of luck

  12. my family member tried to reclaim a ppi claim fron santander loan taken through a famous windows company for over £10.000.


    she contacted santander about the loan ppi,

    which the window company arranged,

    but they have written back saying that they must go after the windows comapny as they are libal for the missselling of the ppi .

    at the time they were both self employed .

    is this true ?

  13. I stupidly bought this game online from EA games here is the list of problems


    1 you must have a broadband connection at all times to ea game servers to play even in single player mode, that's if you can sign onto a working server, as them seem to have only 12 for the entire world to play on.


    2 if you don't have a internet connection then you carnt play the game at all! and I don’t believe all those TV adverts have even mentioned that fact, so if you want children t play this game then you must give them unrestricted online access


    3 when in a year or two EA bring out a replacement game they will turn off the servers and your $£40 game will now be a useless icon on your screen, unlike older games which you can continue to enjoy for years.


    when I tried to get a refund because the game is not fit for propos and false advertising, I was warned that if I continue to complain as I am unable to have a refund as they state its in the terms and conditions, I would have my origin account cancelled thus losing over £300 worth of games I have bought from them so they are in fact stating you don’t own any software that you buy on origin you just paid to rent them from ea.


    if you were looking at buying this game don’t, there is a online petitions signed by over 47 thousand users in just over 48 hours to have this drm system removed or EA give everybody full refunds


  14. I have today recived the figuresfor east durham homes which are probably the most in the country but i stand to be put in my place


    single person or couple with no childern 2 bedrooms reduction 14%

    3 or more reduction 25%


    lone parent/couple with one child 3 bedrooms reduction 14%

    4 or more reduction 25%


    lone parent/couple with 2 children both under 16 and same gender 3 bedrooms reduction 14%

    4 or more reduction 25%


    lone parent/couple with 2 chuildren under 10 diffrent gender 3 bedrooms reduction 14%

    4 bedrooms reduction 25%

  15. my child who is over 18 and lives at home has just been told she need to be taken of her jsa and put on esa, by the company who she has to report to every few days as part of her jsa agrement due to mental health problems.

    now i clam esa myself for me and the wife who is also unable to work because of long tuem health problems and recive sevral other benifits including councal tax and housing allowance. will we be affected by this desision and lose even more money? i have had a look around but carnt find out

  16. we have all made numrious complants to everybody, inculuding in my case comeing from police officers etc, and all we get is they will remove our data this time but there systems are automatic and the data will reaper when they download the infomation from their various sources, but they will not give us who these sources are as they are company confidentional infomation so we go around and around every few weeks

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