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Posts posted by lenny100

  1. this is a hypothetical case based on several real cases she has come across in her work up to date , and although its not a rule change as such, the recent changes to ESA mean metal health is harder to get points for in the Work capability assessments. the current discriptors are

    learning how to do tasks,

    being aware of danger

    starting a task and finishing it to the end

    coping with change

    coping with getting about on your own

    dealing with other people

    behavior with other people

  2. A friend of mine who is doing some research into today’s workplace for her university course has asked me to post this up although I have done it in my words as hers seem a little to complicated for me to understand and would like your honest answers, please not the political correct answer also.


    A 48-year-old ex-soldier was medically discharged from the army due to mental health issues over 15 years ago.

    He held down a job for 5 years at first working in a support role for a IT company but is illness got worse and he was forced to give up working, and was put on the sick with a lifetime recommendation in 2005.

    He is on the maximum amount of anti-depressants he can be safely given, and has tried to take is life several time over the last 17 years, but has not responded to any other treatments offered by the NHS and has now been “parked” as untreatable.

    Due to the recent rule changes to sickness benefits were mental health is no longer considered as a barrier to work, he is no longer able to claim Employment Support Allowance, and he is put on job seekers allowance and must try and find a job.

    His mental health issues have worsened over the years and he finds it now difficult to talk to people he doesn’t know well, and although he has a short fuse, he has never been physically violent to anybody, but does shout at people and then walk away.

    He needs several days in bed to recover from downer episodes and these may occur at short notice.

    He also suffers for frequent flash back episodes and has been reported to be in a drunken state after, although he is a teetotaller.

    The job centre says he must apply for up to 30 jobs per week in the local area but all his qualifications are now out of date, and he cannot afford the renewal fees or get any grants for over £20.000 it would cost to bring the up to date.

    What role would you realistically see him in at you work place or would he even stand a chance of working at your firm,

  3. my local council Durham has already stated it will do no more that the legal minim in most areas they lost over £100 million from their budgets, closing all its care homes, most of its smaller library's and closing its regimental museum and art center, also we are to have a tax rise of 3.9%, we already pay some of the highest rate in the UK with a band D yes a D at over £1700 a year

  4. Today I received a large brown envelope, you know the type used by the various government departments that people who like me are on sickness benefits dread coming in the post.


    There was no way looking at the front you could tell this letter was not from the DSS its the same type front on the address and the only other thing you can make out through the window is the bar codes you expect to see.

    I did not open it for a few hours building my self up of the dreaded news I was to be reassessed or something, but when I did, what fell out was a cardboard capital one credit card and a thick letter saying i was probably pre approved for a card with a credit amount up to £1500.


    |Now i get a lot of unwanted mail even thought my address is on the postal preference service, but this is a new low, and almost give me a heart attack.

    I think its bellow the belt to try and disguise unsolicited post to look like a official letter and i will be reporting them to the rel event body's i the hope something can be done about this .

  5. Occasional lead occurs naturally in groundwater

    however, this is a rare situation in the UK and lead is not present in the water within our wider public water supply network.


    However before 1970, many smaller water pipes were made from lead.

    Although lead pipes have not been permitted for this purpose for four decades,

    in older properties it remains possible that part, or all,

    of the underground service pipe connecting the water main in the street to your kitchen tap may be made from lead.

    It is also possible that some original lead plumbing remains within older properties especially if the kitchen has not been modernised.


    In hard water areas the scale that forms on the inside of pipes protects against the dissolution of lead from the pipe into the water.

    However in soft upland water supply areas there is a greater likelihood of lead from pipes being present in the water.


    Where this risk exists, water companies treat the water with orthophosphate and this reduces the problem significantly.

    None the less, particles of lead may build up in these older pipes and intermittently appear in tap water.


    A less common cause of lead in drinking water is the illegal use of lead based solder to join together sections of copper pipe.

    Lead solder is still sold for use on closed central heating systems and mistakes occasionally happen whereby unqualified plumbers or householders

    use lead solder on drinking water pipes contrary to the law.


    For all these reasons, the amount of lead in drinking water at a particular property may sometimes be above the health based standard.


    If your home has been modernised since 1970 and all of the pipes from the water company's stop valve outside your home to the kitchen tap replaced,

    there should be no lead pipe on your property.


    If your home was built:

    • before 1970 it may have lead pipes


    • after 1970 it is unlikely to have lead pipes property belongs to the water company.

    This is known as the communication pipe.


    The part of the service pipe leading from the stop valve outside your property to the point where it enters your home is the responsibility of the owner.

    This is known as the private or supply pipe.


    All the plumbing inside your home to the kitchen tap is the responsibility of the property owner.


    How can I find out if there is lead in my drinking water?

    If you suspect that your home has lead pipes you can ask your water company to test the water at your kitchen tap for lead.

    Water companies take daily samples from consumer taps for lead at random

    and they will give you a report of this testing in your local area (water supply zone) free on request.

    They will also tell you whether they are treating the water to minimise the likelihood of lead pick up.


    Your water company will be aware of and will tell you if you live in an area with a history of lead pipes having been used and not removed.

    You can also have your water sampled by a private laboratory for which there would be a charge

    and this can be through your local authority environmental health service.


    If you live in social housing or you are a tenant, your first point of contact for further advice is also environmental health.


    In the short term if tests have confirmed a risk then you should not drink water that has been standing in the pipes for long periods,

    for example, overnight, or if no one has been at home during the day.


    Instead, before you draw off water for drinking and cooking, put the plug in the sink or put a kitchen bowl under the tap,

    and let the tap run until the sink or bowl is full.



    This amount will remove standing water in a pipe of up to 40 metres in length.

    You can then use the kitchen tap as normal.


    The above short term measure will protect you and your family but it is a waste of water

    and you should take steps as soon as practicable to replace the lead pipes between the stop valve outside your home and your kitchen tap.


    When arranging for this you should notify your water company

    because they are legally required to replace their communication pipe if all of the following criteria are met:


    • test results show the level of lead in your drinking water to be above the drinking water standard of 10 μg/l;

    • the owner agrees to replace all lead pipes for which they are responsible;

    • the owner requests the replacement of the communication pipe in writing



    .When replacing lead pipes make sure this does not reduce electrical safety by removing any earthing arrangements dependent on the pipes.

    Ask your electricity supplier if in doubt.


    Some local authorities offer assistance with removal of lead pipe from social housing.

  6. around me in the late 1980s as the coal mines were shut down, whole streets we bought up by what we call the "Bradford Landlords", for as little as two thousand per house, people moving away jobs were desperate, Now those houses are little better than slums, as apart from the day to day maintenance the law says they must do nothing has been done, but the town is on the up, investment is starting to work, and now the value of those house is growing fast, so they are coming on the market but considering the local advantage wage is still around twenty grand, they are price around £180,000 but need another 25 to 30 grand to make a decent home of them, locals carnt aford to buy then, so commuters from the large city's around here are buying them up so locals are being forced out and the town is becoming a bedroom area, in some areas were there are a lot of new build £250.000 "affordable" apartments were built on the local coal mine site there is nobody around on a weekend, and the local shop wont open at all on a Saturday or Sunday as there is no trade.

  7. during the miners strike in the `1980s i lived in a mining town in the north east and that year most of the children around got nothing, and almost all will say even today that it was one of the best ever as family's relay shared what little they had around, one family provided the turkey , another the veg, etc. Most of the presents around came from France miners and i will always remember the art set i got, loved it for years

  8. the act make it a offense to say you are a member of the armed forces when you are not and applys to all who make those claims, there has been recently a few cases up in courts around the country of people claiming to be ex members of the armed forces and trying to claim or even claim benefits which are open to ex armed forces members and geting found out , but the small armed forces veterans badge is at the moment unprotected from this abuse and is being misused across the country .you can find them on eBay for a few pounds and these are being used to obtain goodwill from people who belive they are helping a true vet.

  9. Making the Veterans badge a decoration will protect it because it is illegal under section 197 of the Army Act 1955 to use these to pretend to be a member of the armed forces. (This act will be superseded by the Armed Forces Act 2006 in November.)


    The act makes wearing any military decoration, badge, wound stripe or emblem without authority a criminal offense. It is also illegal to wear a replica "as to be calculated to deceive", and to falsely represent yourself as someone entitled to wear any such award.


    Making the Veterans Badge a military decoration will give it protection under these said acts and illegal for non veterans to wear it and use it to secure favor such as discounts given to true veterans




  10. the agent says " we may get a refund before the 25, but she dosnt know any more than that", it sounds very fishey to me as we are talking £500 worth of vouchers here, which the wife stgugled to pay her over the last year

  11. Is anybody having trouble with park.



    My wife has been told by her agent that the delivery of the shoping vouchers she orders has run into troble

    because of a problem on parks side and



    we will receive a refund but she didn't know when leaving us very short for Christmas.



    NOW I am unable to find any other news of this anywhere,



    so do I give the agent a few days to prove to us this is Gen or are we looking at a possable fraud case?

  12. my wife may have a compersation win of sevral thousands comeing from a NHS mistratment claim. I claim for her on my ESA but she also recived dla on her own right, as we are both disabled.

    I am now worring that we may have to give up our had won benifits as it is very lightly it will be over the £6000 limit sevral times, and even have to pay some of them back, even though she is not claiming any benifits in her name exept dla mid range for care.

    Can anybody stear us right if this is the case.

  13. i have a kindel fire for some reason has stoped working :-x. It wont turn on the :-xscreen:-x.


    Now the totally unbelievable part,



    at 10.30 last night i loged into my amazon account to see what if anything i couold do and

    there was a help button so



    i pressed it and somebody came up in chat :!:,



    explaned about the fault and



    they must have someway to see into the account they are talking to as they came back with the model and when i bought the fire.



    they then said its a known problem with some fires and because it was still under one year old they would send out a replacement :madgrin: free :madgrin: of charge

    and i would have it in 2 days,



    i woild also have a free postage box to return the non working fire.



    now thats customer service for you ,



    i never expected to recive the relpacment untill i had returned the old one for sevral weeks whilst they investigated.

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