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Everything posted by Bona

  1. Stuat Suggest in the first instance that you ask them to prove they havnt if you write and say you have been told that you can not pay the shortfall and that it would be covered by the govermant scheme and ask them to stop bothering you if they come back ask them to give you proof that it wasnt included.
  2. havnt been around latley due to personal reasons but a contact I have said if you loose your house and one of the banks are chasing you especially if it has had govermant help with bad loans ask for proof that your debt has not been renderd to Gov and that that they have not had the money for it apparantly if it was lumped as one of the Toxic loans you free dont know how true this is but anything may be worth a try will try to get some more info
  3. Bookie Intelligents and common sence do NOT go hand in hand on fact the clever you are the more common sense you dont have
  4. Ok Guys send them to me I have 48 + teenagers well, 8-18 including Jowalshys two for a couple of weeks any more gratflly recieved plus cheque for there keep will send thm back to you eventually if I havnt killed them in the meantime
  5. Ok Im running a Summer school and it will take me 3 days to fiull in the forms re various things are all staff CRB checked, First Aid Cover Risk assessment ( how can I look into the fiuture to see if one chokes on a pea nut Risk assesment as to if one will get lost in London. Number of children to adults Risk assesment could they brake a leg playing rounders do we have enough drinks to keep them hydrated Risk assesment for swine flue The only risk assessment I need is will i kill one before the two weeks is over BAH HUMBUG
  6. Missed that one Jo hope you had a good Birthday and hope that taking your two eldest of you hands for a week will surfice as a pressie lunch on on friday
  7. i just dont understand why I havnt won every week I play and it seems every one else wins I have premium bonds not many but do they win No I always have a raffle ticket or two do I win No I cant be that unlucky I just assume that I will get the big one oneday what will I do with it banks no SPEND IT
  8. dave Just relax and enjoy and if you feel you canytdo at the last minute Ill go for you Bonaxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. I missed it:eek: next time have it on a day Jowalshy and I can get there Glad you had a great time
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