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Everything posted by TheNorthernWarrior

  1. moneyhelp, how do i log onto the clip, i didn't see it either but i need to urgently? nervous.:idea:
  2. Caro, your inbox is full and i need you to contact me urgently. nervous.
  3. Caro, your inbox is full and i desperately need you to contact me urgently. nervous
  4. Stick to your own timetable, not theirs!! You are in control and you are setting the times and dates, not them. Ignore their date and if you have not received your statements, go for your estimate and then send them a Prelim letter, but having said that they are allowed 40 days to respond to your first request, after that follow your own schedule! Good luck. nervous
  5. hey garygumps, all i can say at the moment is that something has cropped up and don't worry it will be all beneficial for you, but i cant say anything just yet, so please do not think i am not being helpful, cos i am but in this case and at the moment 'mum has to be the word', so be patient and still GO FOR IT, you will not lose. nervous.
  6. hey garygumps. Yes, i sent all copies to the bank and court but the 'bundle' that i am talking about is the groundwork and references needed for court appearance. but i am now getting plenty of advice and i am now doing a lot of research because since Lloyds news, i am now feeling rather quietly confident cos something big has come up. read the notes on yorkshire on whistleblower. nervous
  7. Yes please, caro. I can't seem to get any more advice and as I said this is the 2nd part of a full claim due to the £2000.00 threshold over here in N.Ireland. I am getting pretty nervous about this and my time is looming.The bank lodged a default and our appointment date is for 10.25am on Friday 25th May, that is what it says on the papers. I don't want to have to do the court bundle just yet and then find that they lodge the money or maybe I should and if i do, i am going to claim for the prep work involved. But i don't know what to write forthe covering letter, if anyone could dictate one for me it would be great? I need big advice from a moderator! nervous.
  8. Hi caro, Lickthewallfatboy won and the Northern settled with me for the 1st claim. had to split it and my court date is on the 25th May. I sent a pm asking if i should be sending a court bundle or just bring it with me to the court hearing? Nobody seems to be replying> nervous.
  9. Hi looseend, I am on my second claim against the Northern and I have a court date at end of May. See my thread Nervous v Northern Bank and also read Lickthewallfatboy v Northern bank ( his is excellent and helps a great deal)! Follow the threads and templates and other peoples threads and you will not go wrong. Promise you. nervous.
  10. Hi can anyone tell me if this applies to the Northern as well? I know we can claim as far back as 1999, and I only found that out after claiming from 2000 in November 2006. If so, it would be brill, but at the moment I am still pursuing my 2nd claim and this time my court date is 25th May. nervous.
  11. Congrats Garwil!! You did very well. If somebody is watching, I need some advice regarding my 2nd claim. My court date is 25th May. Should I send my court bundle to the Northern and the courts or wait a bit longer, cos I have not heard a dickie bird from them and I feel they are waiting for a court appearance. Can someone advise on a covering letter and do i state that this is a continued claim or explain that it is a second claim. I don't think I have much of a choice, cos all my letters are for the £4000.00 plus,and as I did get over £3000.00 I will have to state that they still owe me £1000.00 plus, won't I? Please advise. It's the same question as in my own thread, I am pretty worried on this one! nervous.
  12. Okay all you guys, out there. I need advice and bigtime! Do I send the court bundle now to the bank and courts or wait nearer to the date, 25th May. I am really quite worried, cos this time I think they are going to sit this one out! I also need advice on what to put on the covering letter. We did ask for an extended overdraft facility and they refused 3 times, and when we said that we would put our house up for sale only then did they agree to the loan and that was only extended for 2 months! So, as I haven't heard anything I have a sick feeling that I will be seeing them in court!! Help please to all you brain boxes out there!!!? nervous.
  13. Yes, i got a court date! 25th May at 10.30 Newtownards. This is my second claim and I knew it would be more difficult with the Northern this time round. I haven't heard a dickie bird from them but as i have already said on my thread, i am going to prepare my court bundles over the weekend, so roll up your sleeves, Northern guys, I am READY!! nervous.
  14. Received a court date which is 25th May @ 10.30 in Newtownards. OH YIKES!! I'll print off my court bundles on the weekend!! I am sick to the back teeth with this crowd and our mortgage is coming up for renewal! Wouldn't you think that they would want to keep us?? nervous.
  15. Northern Bank has lodged a dispute on the 16th March. They haven't contacted me and I have a funny feeling that this will go all the way to the court house!! It means that i will have to print out my court bundle 3 times and what a lot of paper that is going to be. If their solicitor is waiting on the court date (yet to be decided) i am going to include my time onto the final bill and the remaining interest!! I am absolutely furious and this means WAR!! nervous.
  16. Received notice of court claim and the Northern has until the 5th April to respond. They will and I bet that this time, i will have to prepare my court bundle. Well, I am going to charge for this, cos it is a hellava lot of ink and paper and time!!!!! Watch this space..........? nervous.
  17. My cheque £62.00 has just been cashed by the Small Courts Claim!!! So , my 2nd claim is DEFINITELY on the way.LOL!! And after today's news, it MUST only get better!!! Ooh, luvely jubbley!!! nervous. P.S. Anyone heard how Anaconda has been getting on? He did have 25K to chase after all!!! Keep this up all you , Northerners out there! The Big 4 Banks cannot sit back and take our money, enough of this , polite 'yes Sir, no Sir, three bags full Sir'! The bags are full of OUR MONEY!!!! Nervous. P.S. My hubby says I should have gone into politics, but they're crooked, so then he said I should have gone into the Legal System, yeah right, that's what my father and grandfather did but I was the rebel. But then he does let me do all the hard graft, 'cos he says I'm better at it than he.
  18. Yes, please do Lizzie77, because I included my maintenance fee of £62.00 in my second claim. IF you read what Bankfodder says re; the maintenance fees and charges, it is VERY clear, that one can claim on the maintenance fees because they are inclusive of overdraaft interest charges as well as the handling fees for the overdraft interest, if you get what I mean!! Anyway, to prove thepoint, it has been announced today by the consumer assoc; that the Big 4 Banks MUST be clear in their explanation of charges and overdraft and they MUST give 14 days notice of any pending charges etc etc. This is only a provisional statement and the official statement will be announced in May. We are not stupid and we do realise that the provisional statement ordered by the Consumer group is tantamount to being the Official statement! So there to the Big 4!!! Claim for what I said and yes the £8.50 that is still an unlawful fee/charge! Nervous.
  19. Well done , Clare!! That is brilliant news and I knew it would happen just like LTWFB said!! I got my notice of a court hearing for the end of March TODAY!!! How weird is that? I double checked the settlement letter and yep there it was, written on the 21st Feb the same day that they lodged their dispute!!!!!!? What angers me is that it is the taxpayer who will pay for all the legalities arranged for the court hearing and it would be time for the judges to fine the banks thousands for time wasting!! nervous. P.S. Keep reading my thread, i am still not finished with my full claim.
  20. HI there, if you read my thread 'nervous v northern bank' you'll see that i too received settlement for first claim. I included ALL of the above except arrangement fee, setupfee and cancellation fee. They are not to be included! I did include maintenance fees because they were a behind the back door charges relating to the overdraft fees. See Bankfodders sticky on charges in the Northern Ireland Banks. It made VERY interesting reading and i will include that in my court bundle for my second claim whixch has just been submitted. nervous.
  21. Thanks,paddym, i have tried a few times to tip your scales and it keeps coming back that i have to spread reputation around? nervous.
  22. Hi Clare, posted off my second claim . Went onto the small claims online and do you know that the we had a court hearing for the 29th March???? What i don't understand is that they had typed their settlement letter on the 21st Feb. and we received it ON the 22nd. the same day that they had lodged their dispute?!!!!! I just don't get it!! The judges will start to lose their rags, because this is time wasting in the biggest sense..... it's wasting the Judges times and all this cancelling is costing money in the long run to the taxpayer!!!! nervous.
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