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Everything posted by TheNorthernWarrior

  1. Well done stevie08. I am hand delivering my bundles tomorrow so I am really pleased that the banks are still backing off. well done!!!! TheNorthernWarrior
  2. Most people here go through CAG. i would say to you, just go straight ahead and file online. The bank will not go to court and even if they do, well, there is a hellava lot of support and advice here and people are winning here too,besides I really don't think the Northern would like to be the first to go, too much to explain! Remember i won my 1st part of the claim and i don't know if i am allowed to say any more? So the answer is go and start your online NOW! Remember,garygumps what have you to lose, nothing but everything to gain!!!!! I'll help as much as I can, just keep reading all the threads and especially the stickys. NorthernWarrior.xx
  3. garygumps, do you have any of the T & C'S? If you have can you pm them, i need them,thanks. NorthernWarrior.
  4. Remember to stick to YOUR timetable. If you are at Online stage, it's 14 days for them to defend. Don't give them time, they wouldn't for you if you owed them money, remember that! NorthernWarrior.
  5. HI, garygumps, I'm sorry my case is so secretative, but don't worry, the mods and bankfodder will advise you and i will as well as much as i am allowed to do so. It sounds very mysterious, but just wait and see. File on line if your claim is below the £2000.00. If not, continue to ask for the full amount from the bank, but if you can, split your claim into 2, IF you are over the limit and ONLY when you have received your first settlement!! Very important that. Secondly, if you are at the online stage,address everything to head office, I did. Cos at the end of the day, the correspondence seems to end up there and the Northern , well from my experience, seemed to be directing all their correspondence from there.The secrecy is due to the fact that a CITI BANK solicitor would watch this site and follow the threads and so therefore was armed with knowledge going into court. It's nothing personal. Anyway, what stage are you at, exactly? Chin up and don't worry, we are reading your threads!! NorthernWarrior.
  6. Ooops! Too late, it's done! The Australian National Bank used to own the Northern so I as i have printed it all i might just as well send it in? NorthernWarrior.
  7. Does any one with the Northern Bank have any T & C's available? If so, please print onto thread.Urgently required!!! Tonight if possible!! NorthernWarrior.
  8. Any Northerners with T & C's prior to 2006/2007? If you haave please post on thread. Urgently required. NorthernWarrior. P.S. By tonight, if possible!!
  9. Well DONE,Kitty, did you include the Scottish Law into your bundle? I'm just printing off the Australian one with 90 pages x 2 and it is sooo long and drawn out. NorthernWarrior
  10. All i can say is, you guys, HANG IN THERE!!! As Caro, said, more news after court date. :cool: I also want you to know that my new name is NorthernWarrior and as I am not Nervous anymore, I really don't see the point of using it! :) NorthernWarrior.
  11. You, Bankfodder and all the folk on this site are the most kindest and generous people around. If it wasn't for you Caro and Bankfodder and your free advice (though when I win, a donation most certainly WILL be going in) i would have been totally lost and vulnerable as would most folk on this site! I would now rather go to court, because with this MASSIVE bundle that i have, i feel so well briefed that i can handle anything and it angers me to think that all this printing could have been for nothing . But now i will indeed put in a claim for my prep work after, of course , i get my money! NorthernWarrior.
  12. Gosh, I sure am glad, I am not the only one round here who hasn't broadband.The reason why i have problems is cos, my computer starts to freeze up in the middle of everything and then it crashes and i have to start all over again! But thanks anyway, i got Caro's email and attachement. Thanks all. Getting it all printed out and then I am sorting into piles and then i am now going to personally hand deliver my bundles to the courthouse in N'Ards and then to the Northern S***** ( that's with an es on the end). Sorry for the bad language, but they are costing us a lot in ink, paper, electricity,postage etc and hey! This is just what they cry about in their unlawful charges,-- remember CYNthesys?!!! Nervous who is now calling herself TheNorthernWarrior!
  13. WELL DONE , WELL DONE!!!!!!!! Open the bottle of champagne, you both deserve it!! :D My bundles are going to be hand delivered on Friday, wish me luck!! nervous (now to be called the 'TheNorthernWarrior'.
  14. Thanks caro,but i can't get into the links for Early Day motion from the House of Parliament and OFT Summary, no broadband and i've been sitting waiting for 2 hours already and i want to send my bundle off tomorrow.Please Help!! Can you send me a copy or draft of it and then I can print it off?? nervous. P.S. thanks for your help, caro
  15. Gary, you are right. It is inconsistent! On my letter detailing court date it states that i must submit all evidence, bills, invoices statemens etc 10 clear days before court date! Photocopy all of your letters,and then use the spread sheets for your charges.Don't send in copies of your statements, that is not necessary just yet. Use the template from the library when it states 'Please describe in simple terms details of your claim.It is all there in the library, you can't go wrong.I'm still watching your thread.GO FOR IT!!!!! Nervous. P.S. I am going to change my name, but I don't yet know to what!
  16. Can you help an eejit like me, with the OFT report? I can't seem to find it and I need it for my court bundle? Thanks a mill!! nervous.
  17. Yes, you're right Parkvale, as I said I only caught the end tail of the news. Sorry if it can sound misleading, sometimes I can be a right eejit. nervous.
  18. Just heard on the news, all you guys out there that the Consumer group over here, have today demanded that the banks declare their charges with explanations because they are unfair. I missed most of what was said but it will be on tonight, so everybody, WATCH THE NEWS! It gives a lot of hope for us to keep on fighting!! nervous.
  19. Hi garygumps, the 'court bundle' to be submitted before your court hearing is 10 clear days, in N.Ireland. 14 days elsewhere. I'm watching your thread and you are doing well. nervous.
  20. My court date is looming and i am sending off my court bundle now, but if i am asked if i breached contract and i say YES, do i just say that it's the charges that i find unlawful? nervous.
  21. Good girl, kerrycarlton, i did pm you, but it doesn't matter now. congratulations. nervous.
  22. Well done, joercityfan 902684, at least you know it's coming and it's all over now. nervous.
  23. BRILL!!!!!!!!! WELL DONE YOU. Have a drink, nah, have a load on me!! NERVOUS.
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