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  1. Hi Mocha I am still unsure. Does anyone realise how little work is involved in "solicitors fees" ? How can they justify the amount. I have the following "inside" information from within the Northern Bank on what is all entailed in "executing a legal deed" which the Bank said is down to "solicitors fees" Please read the following. "The work done by the Bank's solicitors is that a Release of Mortgage form is printed by the Bank (as usual a template is used and relevant details inserted by any jobsworth) time spent on preparation - less than 5 mins. The release deed is then 'sealed' and signed by 2 signatories who will probably be The Secretary of the Bank and maybe another Senior Exec - time spent - less than 5 mins. Covering letter - less than 5 mins. Then sent to Land Registry where the staff there probably spend more time processing the release than the Bank would in preparing it. It is certainly not the big deal the Bank makes out and basically could be done by anyone with half an ounce of brain matter." Then later I was told..... "I spoke to my friend today and he confirmed what I said - job is done by basic clerical worker . Solicitor is not really involved other than one has probably prepared the document X years ago. The overall cost is minimal - I would continue to press for the breakdown of how the charges total £100 - you and I know they cant/wont do it. So now you know why I am questioning the £100 charge to us in 2004 I'm thinking of confronting them in a letter with this info and ask them to prove otherwise. As you know they have refused to give me a breakdown of time/costs for this £100 charge....its because they CANT! I dont mind paying a reasonable amount but on this occasion I feel we have been ripped off! I have also been advised that the following wording in my mortgage contract is a standard wording for an MEAF. The Northern Bank said it is NOT an MEAF! Surely the charge they levied IS an MEAF OR part of the MEAF, and it's covered by the FSA's ruling. I can't understand why they seem to believe otherwise, as no other lender seems to have the same belief they do about things which should form part of the MEAF. "Once all the Secured Amounts have been repaid or paid to the Bank in full, the Bank will, at my/our request, release the security created by this Charge. I/we will first pay all costs in connection with the release of this charge. The more I read, the more confused I am getting. I need advice......big time. Anyone care to make comment on this matter? Kind regards Clare
  2. Hi everyone I would appreciate any views you may have on this one. Back in 1995 we took our mortgage out. Then in 2004 we left the Northern Bank and stripped them of all our business including the mortgage. There was no other charged involved only £100 in "solicitors fees" which they took without our permission from a small account we held with them. Recently I have asked the Northern Bank for a breakdown of the £100 in time/costs. I have done so on THREE occasions and always they have failed to do so! In the mortgage contract way back in 1995 NO specific amount is mentioned.....only the following term is used. " "Once all the Secured Amounts have been repaid or paid to the Bank in full, the Bank will, at my/our request, release the security created by this Charge. I/we will first pay all costs in connection with the release of this charge. In their last correspondence they sent the following "gibberish". "The release of your mortgage required the Bank to execute a legal deed. This is not merely a "handling" exercise as you suggest. The legal deed referred to can either be a release of the Bank's charge if the land is registered in the Land Registry or a re-conveyance to the mortgagor if the premises are registered in the Registry of Deeds or have otherwise been demised to the Bank. All such legal deeds have to be prepared and executed by the Bank's own in-house solicitors. Until this legal deed is executed by the Bank clear title to the premises does not re-vest in the mortgagor. This is therefore a legal requirement, and not an arbitrary exercise by the Bank, when a legal mortgage is redeemed by the mortgagor. The fee charged is not excessive for legal work of this nature and we do not intend to refund the fee" Now the £100 was charged THREE years ago and I think its an unreasonable amount for so little work. £50 would have been ample way back in 2004? What is deemed a "reasonable" amount for similar work today? Like I said before they have ignored my request for the breakdown in time/costs for this work. The jargon they use is not very "user friendly" ......obviously trying to frighten me off. What would you advise I do? Do I have a "leg to stand on"....smiles I would love to hear your opinions on this matter. Kind regards Clare
  3. Texel.....This is for you.......smiles God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece Enjoy!
  4. Hi T4ff As a woman and not renowned for taking orders ....especiallly from a man.(who are often wrong).....I broke all the rules......smiles I filed against the B of Scotland this morning. (7th April). I hope its "lucky 7".......smiles Kind regards Clare
  5. Hi Bad Mother ( think you should call yourself GOOD Mother...smiles) Wow! Thats no ordinary letter!.Its a frightener! If I were them I would settle immediately......You certainly mean business! I claimed against the Northern Bank on a BUSINESS account and was successful. They didnt settle till I filed against them in the small claims court but that was even better because I also got the statutory 8% interest! I wish you well in your claim. Glad to know more business people are claiming now. Many think that the claiming back of penalty charges is only on PERSONNAL accounts but thats not the case. Kind regards Clare
  6. Thank you Kitty & Naughty Yes....I have went by the rule book and sent a preliminary letter first then later the LBA giving them a further 14 days( from the date they receive the LBA). I have claimed against other banks but this was the first time I have been had the "Financial Services Authority" regulations mentioned in any correspondence from any Bank I was claiming against. I guess every Bank's tactics are different......smiles This is Good Friday , so I have decided I will file a claim online TOMORROW I dont want any bad luck.....smiles.... One more day wont make much difference. Kind regards Clare
  7. Hi everyone Advice would be much appreciated. My LBA in March clearly stated that I would be taking action against them if by 5 April I did not recieve a full refund. I thought I would ring them today and got this wee girl who stuttered and stammered repeating what was in their letter I received YESTERDAY (4th April) ..."....you will receive a response from us within a maximum of four weeks, in-line with the Financial Service Authority regulations. " Do I still have the right to file against them TODAY..or are THEY within their rights to hold out another 4 weeks." I dont want to seem unreasonable.....smiles......She told me that they were in undated with 1000's of such claims....(surprise , surprise) and there was a back log. I told the wee girl that it was their chance to settle NOW in full or face paying the interest plus my court fees a later date as I planned to go to the small claims court..... it was their choice. She said the Bank was still within THEIR rights and had another 4 weeks to respond. And she didnt even take the reference number or anything to check the amount of my claim.....I could have been anyone! She didnt even take my name! Must I wait the 4 weeks? What should I do..
  8. Hi everyone..... I have a problem..... I am claiming back money from the RBS Tesco card and all correspondence has gone to the Edinburgh Head Office. Not surprisingly they would not pay the charges back but offered a small amount provided I signed "my rights away"...smiles. So naturally enough I filed against them ONLINE and named the RBS , Edinburgh a the respondent. This morning I checked the claims progress only to see that it is being queried and the following is why.... Its important you know that I live in Northern Ireland. Re: XXX V ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND I am unable to process your documentation until the undernoted matters are attended to: Your small claims application requires service in Scotland. I have endorsed the application with the required certification, which you are required to sign and date before returning. Before you decide to proceed with the application it is important that you are aware of the following factors: 1. It takes longer to obtain a decree as additional time is required for service outside the jurisdiction. 2. If you are sucessful in obtaining a decree and wish to enforce it, you can only enforce it through the enforcement procedures in Scotland. 3. It is possible in most cases to initiate proceedings in Scotland where the defendant resides. If you would like further information on the registration or enforcement procedure in Scotland you should contact the Keeper of the Registers in Edinburgh (Tel No 0131 6596111). However, if after considering these factors you decide that you wish to proceed in this jurisdiction, please return the forms and I will process them for service. Yours sincerely XXXX XXX I know we are governed here by English Law .......so SHOULD I have filed against them at their English Head office or would this cause even more problems as they would have no claim details. Its soooooo confusing. As you can see the court is sending back all the paper work concerned . What would you advise. YOu see I will probably have to file a claim against the Bank of Scotland at a later date so I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. Kind regards Clare
  9. Hi Nervous. Its a long time till MAY!.... Dont panic and dont waste the ink! I am sure they will "chicken out" They are only "calling your bluff" Kind regards Clare . Psstttttt.... I am claiming against the Northern Bank AGAIN but this time with regards an MEAF ( Mortgage Exit Admin Fee). Thanks to Martin Lewis' weekly email I wouldnt have heard of it. But as you know we took everything away from them in 2004 including the mortgage .The Consumer Council in Belfast encouraged me to do so because its a "grey area" at the moment . THE CCB told me what to actually ask for in the letter with regard this particular MEAF(which shall remain nameless for the time being) . Its not alot of money but it is still worth the try and I am to keep them informed.....they are learning too.
  10. Hi Nervous...... Thank you!.......and I wish you well in your next claim. But....... I think you were very lucky to have been paid the MAINTENACE FEES. I have read elsewhere that they are a SERVICE charge and NOT a penalty charge that is why I didnt risk claiming them back. Would you care to take a bet on it.? smiles..... your winnings from the Northern Bank as your stake? smiles. Someone help us here......smiles. Kind regards Clare
  11. Hi Lizzie. The items we claimed back from our statements :- Referral Fee, Unpaid Charge Warning Letter Sadly "NO" to the following as they are standard SERVICE charges FE DD Setup FE DD Cancellation Maintenance Fee DX Arrangement Fee I am unsure about FE (Strangely no narrative) £8.50 but I am nearly 100% certain it includes interest added on when overdrawn (which they are permitted to do if you were drawn) but at the higher rate of interest. We left the Northern Bank in 2004 so "wordings" may have changed since then. So remember......GREEN is Yes, RED is NO.....smiles Unless someone knows diffferently I hope this helps Kind regards Clare
  12. Hi "young fella"..... LTWFB doesnt lie. ....thank you.......smiles. The small claims court ON LINE recommends NOT to withdraw your court action until CHEQUE IS CLEARED!..... You know.......I am walking on air.....today.......lol... It feels good......smiles.
  13. Bring out the champagne!!!!!!!!!!.. Corks popping everywhere.!.... Celebration Time in here!! Yes...today we received a cheque in full settlement!! Gosh......this is fantastic news! If you read this thread you will know there were times when my spirits were low. Everyone seemed to be getting money back on claims filed long AFTER we filed ours......smiles Perseverance won the day.......smiles. But thanks everyone for your help and advice AND encouragement. It is all much appreciated. As this was a FARM business account I would encourage members of the farming community to get their hard earned money back and claim now!! Kind regards Clare By the way...the Northern Bank said they would be contacting the small claims court and tellling them that the claim has been paid in full. I suppose I should do the same online? Its the least I can do!
  14. Hi Nervous. I am glad you told me that the Northern Bank had infact lodged a defence resulting in a date being allocated for the court hearing. Seems all nonsensical to have done so and on the same day wrote you a letter of settlement. I thought they were "picking" on us when they lodged a defence against us! So no one should be too alarmed when the Northern Bank lodges a NOTICE of DISPUTE or DEFENCE. This only confirms what LTWFB said all along....."....its standard practice" with the Northern Bank. As for our claim........as predicted the Northern Bank lodged a defence but this morning no date or court has yet been allocated. We have not received any communications from the Northern Bank since we filed against them on the 1st Feb. Viewing my claim online is my only way of finding out what the Northern Bank is up to. Nervous......if I were you I would be very wary of staying with the Northern Bank. In future they could be very awkward with you when e.g. you ask about a loan etc. They may want "revenge" at some stage. As you know we left them years ago so they mean nothing to us.....smiles. Kind regards Clare
  15. Hi Nervous. All I can think why they settled with you so quickly is that IF you left them they would stand to loose alot more. You are probably a good customer .....in the nicest way of course....smiles. I am sure the Northern Bank will be delighted when you sting them for a second time!!....smiles.. I hope a letter or something arrives tomorrow in the post from the Northern Bank! Kind regards Clare
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