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Thoughts in your day

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Just a quick word from an oldie cagger......this year saw 10 years on the forum..ouch, need to get a life in 2017!!


Have a very happy Christmas folks, keep up the good fight, thanks for the support when needed, go get those who need locking up in 2017 who have wrecked lives maliciously.


Have a good one folks



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How time flies!! Have a joyous festive time Andrew :-D


Your turn for the ten years next year young termi - someone else who needs to get their life back after fighting these professional rogues ...


Enjoy your Christmas....:wink:



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Regarding Chelsea FC surely there's a law which concerns concealment of information knowing the harm caused and harm which would be caused if this information was not made known. Chelsea FC say they haven't broken any rules.


Harbouring a criminal perhaps?

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Ouch!, I have an 8 year old granddaughter, I couldn't imagine what that would do to all concerned losing her...my thoughts are with you SD.


Makes me realise that no matter what difficulties one is facing ourselves, there's always someone else with far worse. Some, you just can't begin to think about having to deal with.

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My thought for today?


Tis the end of another year. 2017 is a year that some of those I have encountered in previous years will be remembering as a year they'll never forget.


The net has begun to close on those who wronged me and they don't suspect a thing.


That makes me feel 2017 is going to be a good year for me and a bad year for them.


I'm not as educated as them in their particular profession, but I am better than them because I am truthful.


I play my own game, but I play by rules. My rules now, not theirs.


I don't need to lie to achieve my goals, I am transparent, honest, and no longer need to be intimidated.


I have many other thoughts for today, but that, on the eve of a new year, is the best!


I am me, and proud of it.


Be you and feel the same.


God bless you all in 2017.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts today? - My son needs his God for sure to hold his wrath having moved into his new home yesterday which he had highly spec'd by completely giving it an overhaul once the previous owners moved out and having it demolished by the totally careless removal men.


Wallpaper torn, replastered walls dug into with furniture, doors dented, newly painted surfaces stripped from every surface imaginable, mattress soaked in the rain, furniture left randomly throughout the house and boxes in all the wrong rooms. He didn't have the energy to cry given all the hours he'd spent getting this place perfect for his wife and kids.


On top of that, he'll no doubt lose his deposit for the damage these removal men have done to the rented property they moved out from - much the same damage getting things out as putting them in. He sent 2 yrs in that rented place keeping it pristine and had cleaners in making sure the place was perfect to be taken over.


He's 40 yrs old and looked a broken man last night when we dropped the kids off...I expect he and his wife both cried themselves to sleep - I know what work and effort has gone into making this their dream home and all the finishing touches and dreams were shattered by an undermanned, untrained bunch of louts who couldn't have cared less.


When he sold his last home and moved into the rented place so that he could find his perfect house, he used the same company and they were 1st class, this time around they were a nightmare.


My thought for the day? - please say a prayer for them!





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So true UncleB....They trusted them as they'd used them before, that's half the trouble, new crew, new problems...they have evidence, but you don't normally go around taking pictures of woodwork or walls - with hindsight of course, he should have.


He's going to have a battle on his hands for sure, but he'll get there.


Thanks for the thoughts.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My thought for today is an inflation related one....


I took my car to the Car Wash place who normally charge £12 for cleaning the inside & outside.


Today the fecker said it had gone up to £15.


That's 25% - Come back George Osbourne, all is forgiven!! :mad2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

20mph around where I live, Council spent a fortune recently marking the roads and putting up signposts - no-one takes a blind bit of notice of them and the police don't have the manpower to enforce it...complete waste of taxpayer's money no matter how well intentioned or necessary it was to impose. Most drivers don't give a toss.


My thought for the day? - council should focus on more important, enforceable issues that actually DO make a difference.

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  • 1 month later...

Our local Council spent a fortune writing '20' on all the local roads in white paint, putting up expensive looking signs on posts all over the borough - we had one day when the Police stood in the rain with a speed gun on the odd road.


Now nobody takes a blind bit of notice of it and race about as they always did before. I hear Manchester is doing away with the scheme for much the same reason. A complete waste of Council Tax payers money!


Also, not wishing to be a disciple of all that is doom, someone mentioned that the batteries we are all going to have in our wonderfully silent and Eco efficient electric cars are going to be sent from one of the only factories they are made in in Tiawan or some such Far Eastern country, shipped to the UK causing vast amounts of pollution in their transportation by ship to the UK and then, when the cars are either written off from collision damage or past their sell-by dates, the batteries will need to be sunk into concrete and left countless years like that before being safe to dispose of.


Now that makes me want to rush down to the car showroom and buy a nice battery operated car - doesn't it you?


For the record, when Volvo bought their 4x4's over from Sweden the pollution each ship caused bringing them over far outstripped the pollution the 150 cars they were bringing would produce throughout their lifetime.


Battery operated Cars are not some magic remedy to Diesel or Petrol and people should think before they buy one as to what is going to be the environmental cost to us all. It reminds me of an article I read today about the likes of Nestle replacing sugar in chocolate bars with sweeteners which cause more damage and more dangers of we all consuming the chocolate of getting type 2 diabetes. It's a nonsense to think these electric cars are the wonder drug.


On that happy note, I'm off to drink my Horlicks and eat a bar of Cadbury's whole nut a tot of whisky and off to bed!


Night folks

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I was walking along the Strand in London many moons ago when I saw a small group of people standing outside the Adelphi theatre so I walked across to see what the fuss was about. Red carpet out and a Limo arrived and out popped Lulu attached to that Nick the Hairdresser fellow Clarke.


As she walked across the pavement looking at the folks gathering lining the carpet like me, our eyes met and locked and for one split second I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck and every cell in my body tingle - Wow did she have one drop-dead gorgeous pair of eyes!


Some things you never forget - that was around 1975.


As for Donovan, in those same years I had to go to Glasgow to work Mon-Fri and he was playing a concert in one of the theatre's up there. Not only did he arrive three quarters of an hour late, he came out on stage, didn't say a word to a soul throughout, sat bohemian like on a box, went from one song to another without addressing the audience, walked off and that was it. By which time most people in the theatre had already left in disgust. I had nothing better to do so sat it out, but he was awful.


Catch the Wind never had the same resonance after that.

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My old next-door neighbour was in Advertising and went to lunch with Joanna Lumley to discuss a voice-over on an Ad.


He had a lovely wife and kids, was a bit older than Joanna Lumley, but I guarantee that day he fell in love all over again, because he never ever stopped talking about her. He said she was the most riveting, warm, intelligent woman he'd ever met.


Funny how some people can do that to you in a fleeting moment isn't it? Memories for life, just like my snap-shot glance exchange with Lulu - it was like her look could penetrate through to my soul - I'll never ever forget it.

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My wife comes from near the village, Moneygall, in S.Ireland where Mr Obama's relatives come from - the local pub does a roaring trade these days and they set-up a new shopping centre in his name which has forced the closure of numerous local village shops. My brother-in-law was there at the pub when Obama paid a visit and he is the guy at the end of this German video on youtube in the little red tractor

Great fella!


Hope you get a good look morrondevo

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I'm not a betting man, never have been because if I did bet I usually lost, so now always stick with facts and the facts are generally a safe bet to use especially in the kind of work I get myself into these days fighting these banking feckers.


Once a year only, a few quid on a flutter on the Grand National


This year £5 e/w - I pick one, Mrs picks one, + one flyer.


1) Mrs picked - One for Arthur

2) I picked - Cause for Causes

3) Flyer - Last Sumari


First and Second came in 1st and 2nd, flyer- Last Sumari still running.


£110 back on a £30 layout - thank you very much! Can't wait til next years race!! :-)


Life's not always bad news is it?


Hope you guys and gals got lucky too?



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  • 5 weeks later...

How can anyone live on that kind of income in this day and age? I was helping a friend with his annual review of his Debt Management plan recently and the operator at the DM company said that the creditors were unlikely to accept that his food costs would be acceptable at £10 a day. This is a Midlands based chap in his 70's who lives alone but has 5 grandchildren he sees.


£10 a day? Too much? What planet are they living on these finance people? Unless they all expect these people to spend their lives in Mc D's !!


snowdragon, you're a Saint if you have to survive on that!

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  • 1 month later...

The best way for Mrs May to gain the Country's confidence she is a good decision maker and that she's got the people around her we can trust?


Bring back Michael Gove.


I'm going to emigrate!! I've been a Tory most of my life, but that's like asking the nation to trust Prince Charles again after what he did to Diana!!


GOVE ????? - For heaven's sake!!


Theresa, just pay Brussels their 50-60 Billion and let's get on with it!! Save us the theatricals.

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  • 1 month later...
That was the 9th and here we are.


Apart from Mr H's comments on public sector pay, he was reminded of his comments a while back that if a Labour Government were in power the national deficit would rise to 1.5 trillion. When reminded under this Government it's now 1.7 trillion, Mr H basically said it's alright for us to do to boost the economy but bad if another party dares to do. It's just hypocrisy.


They borrow but don't want it known.



But Termi, borrowing is what the Country survives on - don't you remember at school being told that you have to start life in debt, get yourselves plenty of credit cards and loans so that the banking big boys out there can squeeze the population dry for most of their grown-up lives and thereafter they will be in hock to someone else! - What makes you think any Government is any different?:madgrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

People have seen the benefits of Leaseholding as an investment, chum of mine has made a packet out of people leasing from him and then selling them the freehold come the end of their leases.


Nice business!

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  • 1 month later...

I was trying to find a photo I had of something similar I found under the bedroom floorboards, done before I moved in here. The fellow had laid carpet, then put in built-in wardrobes on top. I needed to recarpet so once the old carpet and underlay had all been removed I set about screwing down floor boards which 'squeaked' before the new carpet was laid.


Curious as to the condition under the floor and being an old 1860's house I thought I'd explore so whipped a couple of boards up only to find that prior to the fitted wardrobes being fitted there was a socket installed on the wall as part of the ring-main which had a feed taken from it and connected to the gas boiler which sits in the end cupboard/wardrobe.


What he'd done is taken the face plate (the bit we can see with the on/off switch on and the 3 holes for a plug) from the wall socket and stuffed the wires to the boiler into the connection - effectively running a spur off the ring main but rather than putting in a junction box the proper way, he left the face plate with all the wires laying face-down and exposed without any insulation or cover (back-box even removed) and left it flying in the wind right underneath the water pipes to the shower room.


That was an expensive late-night call-out job to get an electrician in to rewire it all properly before the carpet fitters came the next day!


I'd be interested to know how you established the amount of leakage labrat as we have a similar situation in the kitchen. Every time I touch the microwave, I can feel the discharge of electricity through it. Not much, but it tingles and I don't trust this cowboy of a previous owner not to have done something similar to yours somewhere although to be honest, the wiring in the loft feeding the top-half of the house looks like it was done quiet professionally. It's the jobsworth who did the odd jobs after the professionals had installed the rewire I don't trust.


How did you work out the leakage?


cowboys always cost us a fortune don't they?



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I'm still not sure I did it right I clamped the live and earth and the meter did the rest


What kind of meter did you use? Was it just a volt meter? I've got one of those but haven't a clue how to use it...maybe I'll have to get another electrician to look at it.

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