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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm new to all of this! This is a complex one! Bit of background. 4 years ago my (now ex) partner took out car finance in his name although registered the car in my name. Regular payments were made from HIS own HSBC account until we split up in 2010. It was decided that I needed the car more than him so I took over the payments and notified the finance company (VWFS) of the new bank details from MY own HSBC account. I have email proof of this (and of course a record from my bank statements) I paid the finance off in full in August 2012. However, a letter came from VWFS saying that an overpayment of £251 was made when the full balance was paid off and that they have refunded it to the HSBC bank account. The problem I have is that they have sent the refund to my ex's HSBC account which was actually closed about 2 years ago! I emailed VWFS to explain and they have replied to say that the payment hasn't come back to them and that there is nothing they can do unless they get it back. The next problem is that it is possible (probable) that HIS account was in arrears prior to closing it as he got in a huge mess financially and I think I remember him saying that he went over the overdraft, amongst owing countless other firms. I presume this was never rectified (we no longer speak so I cannot be sure). So questions are: If the account WAS in arrears can HSBC lawfully 'take' any payments made into it even after this long? Or would they have 'sold' the debt (or whatever they do) Same question for if NOT in arrears! Regardless of above, aren't VWFS are partially at fault as MY new bank details should have been on file when they were notified of the new payment details for the Direct Debit? Surely the old ones should have been deleted for data protection, or at they should have at least got in contact to double check the details on file were correct? And finally, have any of you lovely people got an email address for HSBC please? I have looked on Google but can't find one. I hate speaking on the phone as I get all flustered, especially when trying to explain complicated things like this! I hope you can help. I feel wronged as this is rightfully MY money, not my ex's, or HSBC's. Thanks for reading
  2. Hi, A couple of years ago I contacted Barclays to increase my overdraft to £3k. They said on the phone I was eligable to make it £15k and were seeing if I wanted to do it. A bit of a shock that I was eligable for so much, seeing as my accounts hadn't been run well, but I accepted. Since then, my cashflow has gone down and I was struggling to keep inside the £15k (often over it). Any money I put into it, kept getting sucked up in interest, it was like walking up a sand bank. Then Barclays contacted me and said that there were options out there for me and that I could consolidate my overdraft, credit card and a loan, all into 1 loan. They said this could be the best way, as they could see I was struggling to keep up and had slipped up on a previous repayment plan. They also said, that sometimes depending on my circumstances, the loan could be interest free. I uhm'd and ar'd and they suggested that I compile a list of my income and outgoings and that they would call back in a week to discuss. Knocking the interest off things, seemed like a good idea to me, so I have been waiting for their call. Two months down the line, still no call. Then I find out from Barclays (by chance), that my account has been closed and it is showing zero balance! I have also just had another of my Barclays accounts (which I rarely used and always kept in 100% good order) closed out of the blue. When I called them about this, I spoke to someone in collections who said that my main account was showing as zero balance and coming up as 'Money Manager'. The guy didn't know what this meant though and couldn't tell me much more. I have recently had a couple of voicemails from a firm called Credit Solutions. I guess this could be in connection with the situation? My questions are; a) Is there a deal to be had with this Credit Solutions, b), will it effect my credit history in any way, c) can I hold Barclays accountable for anything (i.e. puting me in so much debt, charges etc) and d) is there anything else I should know? Many thanks in advance for any feedback
  3. Hi everyone, In October this year I started my first graduate job - good salary etc, all of which would be paid into the Barclays account I opened. I went for one of their £5 a month accounts and was accepted in the credit check no problem (although I do have a less than perfect credit file but no fraud flags on CIFAS or anything, I check regularly). Within a few days I had my card, cheque book, online and telephone banking details. I got my first pay cheque from work (over £4000!) and took it into the branch to put it in my account. On my way out I decided to change the PIN number on my new card. The card was swallowed up. After hours of calling numbers and being told my account was fine, my account was closed etc I went into the branch. Safe to say I was treated like a TERRORIST. The Personal Banker put a black thing on the screen so it couldnt be read from where I was sitting. After she whispered with her colleague, and spoke to her supervisor through the back, she returned with the cheques I'd lodged just hours before, saying that she didnt want me to get into trouble financially, so they were returning my cheques. It was then I was told that Barclays had closed my account, the decision was irreversible and that I would not be able to hold any account with Barclays bank..... Obviously this has never happened to me before. I currently bank with Halifax (basic account only) and have done for about 7 years. The only reason I went to Barclays was for a better account with a better debit card etc which they gave me. I am extremely worried as to what information they have taken into consideration when opening this account, and then closing it.... This isn't the first time I have read about someone having this problem with Barclays. I don't care to know their criteria, I care to know what information they have on me that has led them to decide to shut my account. Safe to say I am worried sick about it. Any help that can be offered will be appreciated 10000%. Happy to discuss any other details necessary if this helps with peoples' advice. Cheers.
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