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  1. Thanks Noddy, I do have the address but don't have a working printer at the moment and struggle with writing due to a hand injury. I'll have to bite the bullet and ring them if necessary, although as a previous poster said, it's unlikely they'll deal with me as it's not gone to my account. I also meant to comment on the first poster regarding bank bashing. Fair point, I agree it's not HSBC's fault. I wasn't sure where to put the query as I mentioned HSBC in it (requesting email address) I did get a reply from VWFS this morning, albeit without the use of a spell or grammar checker!! :O "Hello, It appears on our system that teh refund ahs not been rejected and has left our acount. Could we ask you check this and let us know state of play as soon as possible? Regards Customer Services" Very bizarrely worded reply IMO! State of play?! Anyway, thanks again for help - if anyone does come up with an email address, or more advice on how to proceed please let me know.
  2. Thanks for the helpful replies so far. As mentioned though, have any of you got an email address for HSBC please? Thanks
  3. Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm new to all of this! This is a complex one! Bit of background. 4 years ago my (now ex) partner took out car finance in his name although registered the car in my name. Regular payments were made from HIS own HSBC account until we split up in 2010. It was decided that I needed the car more than him so I took over the payments and notified the finance company (VWFS) of the new bank details from MY own HSBC account. I have email proof of this (and of course a record from my bank statements) I paid the finance off in full in August 2012. However, a letter came from VWFS saying that an overpayment of £251 was made when the full balance was paid off and that they have refunded it to the HSBC bank account. The problem I have is that they have sent the refund to my ex's HSBC account which was actually closed about 2 years ago! I emailed VWFS to explain and they have replied to say that the payment hasn't come back to them and that there is nothing they can do unless they get it back. The next problem is that it is possible (probable) that HIS account was in arrears prior to closing it as he got in a huge mess financially and I think I remember him saying that he went over the overdraft, amongst owing countless other firms. I presume this was never rectified (we no longer speak so I cannot be sure). So questions are: If the account WAS in arrears can HSBC lawfully 'take' any payments made into it even after this long? Or would they have 'sold' the debt (or whatever they do) Same question for if NOT in arrears! Regardless of above, aren't VWFS are partially at fault as MY new bank details should have been on file when they were notified of the new payment details for the Direct Debit? Surely the old ones should have been deleted for data protection, or at they should have at least got in contact to double check the details on file were correct? And finally, have any of you lovely people got an email address for HSBC please? I have looked on Google but can't find one. I hate speaking on the phone as I get all flustered, especially when trying to explain complicated things like this! I hope you can help. I feel wronged as this is rightfully MY money, not my ex's, or HSBC's. Thanks for reading
  4. Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply - I was hoping you would be one of the 'repliers' cos I know you are one of the 'experts' on this subject! I have got a HP agreement regulated by the CCA 1974 which I can't scan at the mo cos scanner is being divvy! Typical! However there is a small section on repo rights which states that "If you do not keep to your side of the agreement but you have paid more than a third (£3,489.24) then we cannot take the goods back against your wishes without a court order. If we do take them back then you have the right to get back any money you have paid under this agreement" I have had 'some' letters from them but to be perfectly honest I got all stressed about the situation so they are in a drawer somewhere, yet to be dug out! They were all opened and read though and I have got 2 to hand - one from Peugeot finance on 6th Aug asking me to contact them regarding arrears (which I didn't - head in the sand and all that...) and the other from Anglia saying that they have been appointed as managing agents for Peugeot and that they have appointed a 'field agent' to visit me and discuss the options available. Which didn't happen. My first contact with Peugeot was an email to them on 5th July explaining my circumstances and asking to pay in instalments, which was flatly refused. I then did the 'head in the sand' thing and ignored the letters until 10th September when I emailed Anglia on 3 or 4 occasions with the various offers to pay in instalments (each time offering to pay a bit more than offered the last email - ending up with me finally offering to continue paying the original £247 per month) and explaining that I was now employed again. Each time they put my proposal to Peugeot (Banque PSA) but they refused and then said my file was being 'closed for escalation' on 30th September unless I returned the car voluntarily. They then said that if the file was escalated then the next step was 'likely' to be from an agent regarding repossession. Here is a copy of the first email from Anglia on Sept 20th - others available if required? : Hi ..... I am Gary Millar and I work for Anglia UK who have been appointed by Banque PSA, Peugeot Finance, with regard to your account. I have now taken over the file and will be dealing with it until a conclusion is reached. I read in your email that you want to keep the vehicle but would need to pay in monthly installments rather than a lump sum. What level of payments are you proposing ? Usually Banque PSA require the full amount or the vehicle returned, but if you can settle over a suitably short timescale there may be a possibility of arranging this. There is no guarantee any plan will be accepted. If the plan is rejected then the options will stand as the full balance of the account payable or the voluntary surrender of the vehicle. A further option would be to do nothing at this stage which would be likely to result in legal action being taken. Being as I didn't want to surrender and obvs couldn't pay in full I chose the latter option as suggested by Mr Millar, but haven't had any 'legal' letters or documents at all. In addition I have just typed up a letter stating that I know my rights with regards to the car being on a private driveway that isn't mine, (so the householder doesn't give permission for them to be on there either) and that I have paid over a third so according to Section 92 etc etc they can't take the car. I am thinking of putting this inside the car on the window, maybe also with a copy of the Repo bit on their agreement. Good idea or not? Also, does any legal paperwork come by recorded delivery or handposted etc? Just curious in case something got lost in the post.
  5. Hi there, I've been trying to read as many threads as I can (very useful btw!) but wanted to give my own story to double check that I have got the facts straight. I took (regulated) finance out on a Peugeot through Peugeot Finance in June 2007. Figures as follows: Deposit £300.00 Amount of Credit: £8,335.00 Total payable £10,467.73 (11.2%APR) Payments were £247 per month and were paid on time for at least 24 months, not including any PPI payments. In December last year I was made redundant and claimed for this and got all the repayments paid for by the PPI on the policy until May 2010. Unfortunately, May was the month that the final lump sum of just under £2,814 became due as it was a 3 year finance agreement. I was still unemployed and obviously unable to find this amount so offered to pay £50 a month until I got a job, which was in August. This was refused. I then offered to pay £150 per month when I got my first pay cheque plus an extension of the term (I obvs have other debts I'm trying to sort too) but this was refused too. I then offered a lump sum of £500 (which a friend kindly offered to lend me off her credit card!) and still pay the £150 per month on top, but again it was refused and each time they just said they wanted the full amount or it was going to court. In the meantime the case was passed from Peugeot to Anglia and they wouldn't budge on the 'full payment or nothing' idea either. I decided to await a court letter and see if I could pay monthly following a court hearing and as yet haven't heard a thing. However this morning my mate rang me at work to say that someone was outside her house trying to take the car! (Sods law that today was the day I got a lift so hadn't got the car at my workplace, as they don't know where that is!) Luckily the car was parked on my friends drive (as she was going to borrow it later in the day) and when she answered the door she pretended to be the householder's babysitter and that she had no idea about the circumstances or where I was. She obvs didn't give them the keys or anything. He said that he'd come to take the car and if necessary would smash the window to gain access. My friend asked him if he was allowed to do that as it would be trespassing and he said that yes he is. She then pretended to ring the householder (which is herself IYSWIM?!) and then came off the phone and told the guy that he was not to touch the car as it is on a private drive so it is trespassing. He (to be fair to him) wasn't at all ars3y and just said 'I don't really wanna damage it so I'll leave a contact number - can you make sure she calls me' So, first of all, I have had NO court paperwork whatsoever and this visit was totally unannounced He had some paperwork in his hand with some details on but never said where he was from or never gave copies of any paperwork either., just put his phone number on some paper. If it is parked on the driveway of a house that the car owner doesn't live at is is any more serious than taking it off a drive that does belong to the owner? If it were to be 'blocked in' by someone elses car does that make it harder for them to take it? (It's a one car drive so the 'other' car would be on the road) I can actually now borrow the full amount (albeit on a friends credit card) - is it worth offering that or leaving it to go to court? I'm really stumped as to what to do - I'm going to be 'moving' it to a friends drive 5 miles away for the weekend as I can use my friends car, but will have to put it back on the drive by Sunday evening,what if I wake up Monday morning to find it gone? Can they take it without first checking that I am at home? How do they take it with the steering lock on anyway? What if I krooklok the gear knob and handbrake? What's the earliest and latest these people can come round? Do the PPI payments count towards the 'paying a third or more' tally? HELP PLEASE!!! I know that there are loads of threads about this on here but I'll be at work all day tomorrow and Sunday so won't have time to read them all and I don't know when these guys will be back. Thank you in advance for any help or advice x
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