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  1. Sorry trying to attach edited copy of response but keep getting an error message that I have exceeded my quota ? Please can someone kindly assist in fixing problem. I have had a reply from Window Company who have cashed my check stating that under the contract reference I quoted, the current info they have is our previous address details and contact numbers. I did mention that we have since moved and provided evidence of both addresses and mentioned if any further evidence required to kindly advise. They also state that the information is stored on their electronic database and is not to be shared with a third party ? Have they failed to respond correctly ? If someone can assist I will load up response. Cheers Baz
  2. What is a "Subject access request" please? I am in a prolonged claim with AXA regarding a leakage of water in our kitchen that resulted in having to completely rebuild it. AXA did no inspections of base-units yet claim they were not damaged. We have evidence. I would like AXA to pay for all the replacement cost but they will not. Also, AXA dug up the kitchen floor to aid its drying out. AXA claims that its contractor did not do the work despite my evidence that it was its contractor. Will a "Subject access request" get the information out of the company that I need to progress the claim. We shall end up in Court otherwise in order to complete the claim of £6608. Where will I find the Form or what words shall I use to complete the "Subject access request" if it is worthwhile?
  3. Hi all. A very good friend of mine has had to resign from his job at the local council department (planning) due to the extreme stress he was put under. He raised this isuue many times with the department running up to his resignation but they did not offer any help at all. My question is if he were to send them an SAR, would this cover internal memos/emails about him? If so, please can someone help tailor one to cover this as I only have a standard SAR letter for bank charges era from years ago. Thank you in advance for any help offered, Buel10
  4. Hi people I recently sent in a SAR to my previous Employer to see what information they held on me relating to an incident that happened at work. The request was sent to their Privacy and Data Protection Team, but looking at the information they sent me there appeared to be missing information (emails). Should the team deal with these requests covertly and not inform any parties that appear in the data held about me? Or is it procedure to inform any parties involved? They advised me that they need to inform parties to locate the information, but I suspect this information can be accessed through the Exchange Servers (email). Thanks
  5. Hello, I am looking to refer a complaint to the financial ombudsman as I believe the company I am complaining about have overlooked a couple of key points. Firstly, I would like to review all of the information myself. Therefore, I need to submit a subject access request. Is the company required, under the law, to provide me with recordings of my telephone calls plus their own notes on my file? Many thanks
  6. Hi all, this is my first visit I have a 14 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism. He has obsessive tendencies, which is one of the symptoms, and as such 'demands' that I take him to his favourite places on a Saturday. I approached my employer and asked for my hours to be amended to accommodate this and was open and honest and explained the situation fully. They made me fill in the relevant forms, and then knocked me back, stating their reasons, all of which dont hold any water. They first claim cost when I proved that cost would be zero and also that they couldnt 'cover my duty' of a Saturday, when I have evidence that my job has been covered every time that I was off on holiday on a Saturday. I have since become absent due to stress and anxiety and have attempted to contact my manager by email, requesting various documentary evidence that he claims to have to support him, but he has not answered three emails. My simple question is, where do I go next? Any help greatly appreciated
  7. Ok Im new to this forum and i have not posted on any forums what so ever in regards to the question i have. After doing several hours of investigating and checking out tons of posts on several forums, i decided to try CAG's user knowledge, I sincerely apologize i has posted in the incorrect section i am not someone who Blogs or post's on forums so i do apologize. After spending 2014 Clearing all my Debt and CCJ's left from my break up with the misses, And the fact she decided to talk me into getting £20k car on finance, Also i was self employed and when self employed you will always hit rocky roads in the way of DEBT! Now at the end of 2014 im left looking at my credit file: Score of 120 (BRIGHT RED) 2 CCJ's (although now paid) 36 Defaults (All now paid but recent up to November) 19 Credit searches in last 12 months (All Traces) And well the list goes on... As you can imagine i am Bright red in all sectors! I have met a new girl, She is now pregnant and i have spent 2014 clearing all my debts without her knowing. Now my debts are cleared i have £12k saved up in cash thanks to a good job. The money is in her bank account as my wages go into her account, I closed my bank account as i was over drawn and decided it was best way to clear everything. Now we have 12k in cash saved we would like to go for a mortgage next year, Due to my credit file i can not apply for the mortgage but its my wages that is the key to the mortgage. my solicitor has said i could change my name using their service rather than using a public deed poll for them to advertise it world wide that i have changed my name, Change my passport, I could hopefully be placed on the electoral roll in my girlfriends current (rented) property under new name, i could potentially put the gas, water, electric, internet and phone in my name, And start to build a fresh credit file from scratch, Then attend one of the banks with utility bills and Passport to open an account. I understand they will see i have not been living at that address very long and ask for previous address. However i can provide my parents address of which i lived at 80% of the time, the only problem is i was not on the electoral roll there. I am not in any way shape of form trying to do this to avoid debt or cause fraud, my debt is totally wiped, I am not trying to get credit in any way as i get paid £3k a month for my job. It is to start a fresh credit file with no bad credit recorded and no good credit recorded, And then hopefully stage by stage be able to rebuild myself in the way i can ask the bank for a mortgage, My first step would be to obtain a bank account with my new start. Again i can not stress enough after reading all the posts.. I am not trying to hide from debt. its all paid now, its just so i can actually get myself a mobile phone, a bank account (without overdraft) and just general life needs. some friends have told me this is the best thing i could do while others have said just wait till the debt gets wiped off your file with good credit. The problem is i can not get credit to wipe the bad away! And with big plans for 2015 with our baby, Mortgage and Maybe a wedding to look at in the future, I really don't want to bring my bad credit to my girlfriends perfect credit file as i have been told if we go joint on anything it will damage her credit. I would really appreciate any input here, I am no [problem] or fraud person, I am doing this will the best intent possible. Maybe it just is not possible, Or maybe now i have paid my dues and everyone is off my case. i can now be allowed to create a new profile, new identity and not have to look over my shoulder as its paid and done with. Look forward to hearing from you guys, Thanks. Jack
  8. Morning all, I have a quick question about an SAR I sent to Satans bank. They have responded to my SAR by sending a 'letter of permission' It says: Dear Sirs, This letter is to give my permission for Satans bank to send me the data they have compiled in response to my recent Data Subject Access Request They have even put a little 'please sign here' post it between yours faithfully and my name :!: (thanks santy, wouldn't have worked that out for myself) Is this normal or are they after my signature as I always thought this was not required for a SAR? I have already lift proofed it, just after your thoughts before I send it Many thanks Up2
  9. Hello there! I'm new to this forum and would really appreciate some advice as I have exhausted Google/CAB! My ex employer is a massive public sector organisation. I am currently in the process of taking them to the Employment Tribunal. I won't go into too much detail about that for now as I think I've got it all in hand. Anywho, I made a SAR to my ex employer back in July for some of my HR record as it was necessary for my ET case. After a seven week delay (thats seven weeks AFTER the 40 day time limit) I finally received some of the information I had requested. I believe my complaint to the ICO gave them a kick up the bum. Fortunately the day before receiving the SAR, the legal department at my ex employer sent me a copy of the information I had requested, so I now had two copies of the same document. When I compared both documents, it was clear that the Data Controller who sent me the SAR had redacted ALOT of information. The information they had redacted was not in relation to a third party, but information that supports my ET claim!!! They have also redacted any reference to an email that I had requested, that was attached to this document (this email supports my ET claim massively). Needless to say, they haven't sent me this email. I immediately phoned the Data Controller and spoke to one of the advisors and the manager who both seemed extremely uncomfortable and eager to end the conversation. I have furthered my complaint with the ICO, who have passed this on to a specialist department. Is someone able to tell me what I can do about this?! Is this not akin to attempting to pervert the course of justice?? I have a case management discussion next week, should this be brought up?? I'm unsure as it wasn't actually the legal department who tried to cover this information up, but still technically the Respondent did... I am livid and will now doubt any documents I am sent by the Respondent in future! I apologise is some of this doesn't make sense, my toddler is currently trying to use me as a climbing frame!!! Any advice very much appreciated!!
  10. here we go again Is there a template that I can print out to get information from the council regarding your council tax and rent rebate for the last 2/3 years If (and it should) this SAR picks up incompliance from approx. 12 months ago that cost someone there council tax and rent rebate not being paid for several months can the person reclaim it or is it now to late
  11. Can you send a dealer a SAR asking for all information with regards to vehicle you bought from them brand new? Actually in this case the vehicle is a caravan suffering from damp and we want to find out if they carried out a damp test at the previous service in November last year plus we need to know some other information regarding the caravan.
  12. New Subject Access Code of Practice The ICO has published its new Subject Access Code of Practice. During 2012/13 the ICO received more complaints about subject access requests than any other topic, with over 6,000 complaints handled during this period. One in six of these complaints related to the financial sector, while one in ten related to the health sector. A link to the new Code of Practice is below: . http://www.ico.org.uk/~/media/documents/library/Data_Protection/Detailed_specialist_guides/subject-access-code-of-practice.PDF
  13. My husband suffered an injury at work in October. He has been unable to work since and has recieved SSP which will run out this week.His employers (a public school) have not accepted liability for the accident and to be honest have been quite nasty. He works 3 days a week as a general maintenance man. He read somewhere that he could have holiday pay rather than SSP so he asked for 2 days from last year and 4 days accrued for this year. He received the following reply. Holiday entitlement can be requested at anytime during the holiday year but it is the employers decision when it can be taken. It would be quite unusual to pay holiday entitlement unless the contract has come to an end when we would of course factor in any accrued holiday not taken' Is this true? I cant see any reason for refusing other than making life difficult for us.
  14. HOW TO REQUEST YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION GUIDESubject access request) INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) From this Link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/personal_information
  15. PLEASE HELP ME , i had a ccj against me in 2006 for £17.5k and with interest plus court costs it came to about £21k i was told to pay £40 per month but then i got made redundant i could not keep up payments i panicked and did a runner {I know i could go to prison} - no you cant!! i got a letter from HL Solicitors acting on behalf of Lloyds TSB who said fill in attachment of earnings order and make an offer of repayment or they will enforce the suspended attachment of earnings which was £40. My question is can i go back to the district Judge and ask him to lower it again or even write the debt off as i only work part time doing 2 shifts a week, £40PCM does not even cover the interest on this the debt is growing by at least £100 and i cannot physically do anything about it, Please advise me what to do my fellow caggers.
  16. Hi, I have had no response from NatWest after sending them a SAR by recorded delivery, and then after around 50 days I then sent a reminder with a 7 day deadline, also by recorded delivery. I sent a £10 postal order with the original request. I havent heard a single thing from them in response to either letter. Can anyone please advise me as to what I should do next? Thank you, Marc
  17. New rules come into force today,following campaigns to axe the proposed "Pastie Tax" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19731923
  18. Can someone please help me with this. I've contacted RBS Credit cards in an attempt to obtain my old card number, with a view to reclaiming PPI premiums. The bank have written back to me to say unless I can provide my account or card number they are unable to trace my details. I checked the template library and found the SAR request template and would like to know if this format is still appropriate for use. I know there would have been plenty of the unfair charges on this but don't know if you can still claim for these so would any part of the letter need to be edited to suit? Any advice greatly appreciated
  19. Can a bank refuse to give broker and packaging information in a subject access reguest? Would this not be necessary to prove if mortgage was mis-sold
  20. Hi there, I need to get all the information 2 companies have on file about me and my Ltd company. The first needs to goto the insurance broker / intermediary - One Business Insurance Services and the 2nd needs to goto the actual insurance company - Tradex. I am concerned about information requested by the broker which I submitted and how it was used. Also, I am not happy that despite numerous requests, I did not receive a document with my no claims entitlement. I have had template that I got off this site for requesting information from the banks (thanks cerberusalert but for insurance, I need something equally good to get as much information they hold as possible Regards, Greg
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