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  1. Hi i am new to the forum and any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated, Several weeks ago I sent a SAR request to Santander to see if I had PPI on a loan I had taken out, when i received a reply back today I thought I would have nothing more to do than open the envelope and look through the files, unfortunately this has been impossible, due to the quality of the loan agreement they have sent out to me. I have uploaded copies of the agreement they sent to me. .( this is the quality of agreement they sent to me).. Now i am not sure what to do next, and if i have grounds to ask them to send out another copy but of a better quality that is readable. kind regards
  2. Is there a way to send an LBA to Vodafone and have it read by someone who might actually be able to say "oh dear this fellow actually has good cause for action, perhaps we should stop ignoring him?" Some name or address or department I could send it to? I ask because, after having legal advice that my claim is strong, last week I sent my LBA, to their registered office address, not addressed to anyone in particular. I've just had the reply and my heart sank as I read two pages of the usual rambling, uncomprehending waffle - padded with irrelevant statistics about my account and answers to unrelated questions I didn't even ask - that their customer services produces every other time I contact them. Yes, my LBA was dealt with by the same first-line customer support reps who drove things to this point in the first place, even though it was liberally plastered with handy pointers like "LETTER BEFORE ACTION - 14 DAYS NOTICE". I realise the next step can just be to go to MCOL and pay the £105 issue fee. But no matter how much I might blame VF for us being here, it just seems wrong to start proceedings without at least *someone* there taking a proper look at the situation and having a chance to settle. I don't *mind* if they have to pay more costs and fees, but I don't want that to happen pointlessly. So... any suggestions from someone better informed than me? Jason P.S. I've tried phoning, emailing, webchat and on their website... believe me, I've tried...
  3. There are some differences between the benefits system in England, Scotland and Wales, and that in Northern Ireland. Most things are the same, but some of the specifics can vary. It's not a "rule", as such, I'll not be shouting at anyone over it, but it would be very helpful to posters here if you mention, in your opening post, that you are in Northern Ireland when asking for help with benefits.
  4. Hello I have been called to HR next week on monday. i work as security officer, about three weeks ago there was incident. I am called to HR regarding this and i fear i may face some action. So few weeks ago late at night i attended to a female who was on floor, her boyfriend was with her, they had been drinking. I went there to take note and asked boyfriend to assist me to put girlfriend on chair after she began responding to us, bcz initially there was no response from her. when they sat down I remained around the area. i suggested to boyfriend her girlfriend should refrain from further drinks. THe guy stood up and became extremely aggressive and abusive towards me, I listened to him and asked him to calm own. While his girlfriend began picking on one of our female staff finger pointing at her. I see the situation getting out of control, others looking. I had two other security staff on duties so called for backup. The man want to see manager, a supervisor approached him and after listening to the guy and his aggressive intent supervisor asked security to take him out. At this moment, the guy attempted to get hold of supervisor and harm him. The security stepped in and took him. The three of us got hold of him and took him out. Outside entrance he got kicked around by one of the security. I tried to restrain him as well. The guy kept pushing forward towards us with intent of aggression, each time he was pushed back. He got kicked by three times on his approach to one of other officer. He also came close to me, stepped on my feets for which he got kick from me as well, in hindsight i probably should not have done that but he was very provoking when inside and outside as well, this is not my style as in past 8 years i have never became phsyical towards other patrons. So there you go, i have been off for three weeks since that incident but go back to work next week and have told i have to go to HR on Monday. other things to mention is while guy was outside his girlfriend who did not hang around much but did see her taking video on her mobile. While guy was nuisance for us for about 4 minutes before he also walked off. He obviously reported incident to management who have taken notice. I believe one of security who was agency i.e cover security the one who kicked the guy three times s not coming back anymore.
  5. Desperate for advice This is somewhat complex but THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR READING. Please advise as this making me so unwell. I rent a flat which is owned privately, it is managed on behalf of the owner by an agent. The flat is 2 bed and is in a multi complex unit managed by a temporary debt recovery firm. My tenancy commenced 2009. I was advised and have proof that I was going to be linked by the agent, to all utility companies. This was successful with Gas and Electricity but I soon learned that water was indeed privatised and known as resale. I did not agree to this and my concern was supported when bills were finally issued. I took dispute with the billing procedure as it had no consistency – often 8-10 months between invoices and they were not itemised in terms of meter readings or unit costs or how the breakdown in costs were achieved. I have a water metre which is located outside of the flat, the key to which I was told only last year is my front door key. I contacted the previous management of the complex and there began my ongoing dispute. I will make clear that until 2012 I paid all bills for which I have receipts. In June 2012 the new management company took over due to the bankruptcy of the previous owner and through my diligence in pursuing lawful billing, I became aware that the previous company left owing SW water £10,000.00 in debt. I later learnt that the bank to which I paid my bills was the private account of the then owner. I accept that this does not affect me in that the debt was written off by SW Water but I stated in an email to the new company that I wanted, as I had been mid dispute, to have all future bills detail when readings were taken, how the charges are met, unit costs/any administration costs etc. I have emails evidencing all the above. On January 25th 2013 an invoice was finally sent to the owner of the property, this was sent then to the letting agent who finally forwarded it to me in March. I must make clear at this point that bill is in the name of the flat’s owner but of course under tenancy agreement I am responsible. The invoice was dated for the period of 19/06/2012 – 28/12/2012. The balance due as stated on the invoice was for £346.88p. No meter readings as requested, no breakdown in costs, nothing but a sum total. I paid the management company of the complex as the bill was issued by them and it was them with whom I had raised my concerns, as providers. I set up an arrangement to pay instalments of £65 per month as of April and paid x 3 instalments plus 1 ad hoc payment of £35.96p in total £577.84p. Meanwhile I pursued with my request – itemised bills. The management company of the complex clearly became frustrated with this as they contacted me end of July 2013 to say that they were returning the full payment and that they would not correspond with me further as I am not the owner of the property. They emailed this with written confirmation that until this date my bill was £577.84 they refunded the amount in full. I contacted the letting agent who until that time remained uninterested and obstructive – ‘You’re the tenant just pay’. I advised them that I could not make payment to the complex and that I would pay the letting agent which was agreed but I maintained that I wanted lawful billing asking – would you pay any sum placed before you not knowing how that sum was achieved? Many emails exchanged which have been incredibly stressful, I am currently on S/L due to depression and it has taken me a week or more to face this next stage. I’m exhausted. The letting agency were finally in receipt of breakdown in costs, in January 2014 I receive my first itemised bill £1449.49 the breakdown in costs runs into difficulty when the reading for the period of 19/06/2012 – 18/12/2012 (some 10 days difference to original) £97.28p more? Interesting though to note that they go on to state in emails between the letting agent and the management of the complex (email I believe linked to me in error) that my overall bill for Water and Sewerage would have been £2,403.87 since 2009 how do they reach this figure without record of accounts (which they say in email they do not hold) and if it is for the period of the commencement of tenancy, that would mean an average yearly bill of £480.6p which falls in line with the average yearly bill for South West Water and Sewerage usage based on a household that is metered as quoted by OFWAT and the water consumer counsel. I would accept this. So how do they suggest that since June 2012 - June 2013 I owe £1074.61 twice above the average yearly use? I believe my bills to be excessive – they average £95 per month? I ask this but the representative at the letting agency sits in as judge and jury and vets my concerns asking ‘more proof more evidence’ He bullies and belittles me, he sends emails that frustrate me as I am unable to communicate with any other person – It appears he has made this personal now asking that I pay £140 to credit check my daughter who has been living at the property since the start of tenancy – they knew this. I have 14 days to comply. The current situation is I am stating to my letting agent that as I have evidence that until July 2013 my bill was paid in total, I will await an invoice from that period to present day. ‘NO’. I stated that I had met my contractual obligation and cannot be responsible for the management complex now saying that they made a ‘clerical error’ and that I am to pay the sum in total with immediate effect. I have paid the £577.68 and am currently told by the letting agency agent that he will not forward my concerns. The letting agent states that I do not have a case, he is the manager of finance and in my opinion not in a position to judge what is communicated or not to the providers. I understand this is a bit complex and I have tried my best to explain it but as I said I am currently unwell and this only serves to cause me great distress – I have a folder of emails proving the inconsistency of figures. Finally, I have been to CAB they advise civil case, I had an appointment with a solicitor who advised that it may not be cost effective to have legal advice due to costs. I am a single parent, working but lone responsibility for all outgoings. Many thanks for your time if you have read this, feels somewhat reassuring as I already feel less alone.
  6. In the last few days my colleagues and I have had to remove a few references from posts. Specifically, we've had to remove references to Nazis, concentration camps and so on. Now, we really don't like editing posts, but, well, it does no good for the quality of discourse on this forum when folks compare welfare reform to systematic genocide. Really, it doesn't, take my word for it. By all means disagree with our politicians - I do it all the time, and I'm on the Site Team and should know better. But please, can we avoid comparing the government to the most evil mass-murderers in human history? It poisons the discussion here and insults the memories of the victims of that atrocity. We'll keep editing out such remarks, of course: I'm just asking you to spare us the trouble. It's not like we don't have anything else to do.
  7. How to read your Electicity or Gas Meter please choose from the following PDFs: How to Read your Electricity Meter.pdf How to Read your Gas Meter.pdf Before Printing the PDF TIP If you DO NOT wish to print Page 1 (Cover Page) of the PDF, please ensure to do the following: Ensure you go to your Printer Settings and set it to 'Print from Page 2' (this way Page 1 (Cover Page) should not print out). Note: This will save you Ink & Paper
  8. Earlier this year I changed gas provider, I switched from British Gas to Npower. British gas arranged for my meter to be read on the day I changed provider. A few days later I received a huge £300 final Bill (I barely use £30 a month). After comparing the meter reading on the bill and that of my meter, they are completley different. I called British Gas and they refused to discuss the matter as a meter reading had been taken by a qualified meter reader. They just kept trying to get me to set up a payment plan. I called Npower who wouldn't help either. I wrote to british gas explaining everything and got the same response as the telephone call. I then started getting letters and calls from Moorcroft, we have exchanged a few letters with no joy. My final letter to moorcroft included photos of my meter clearly showing the reading, to this day my meter hasn't made it up to the reading British Gas applied to my account. I also requested £50 compensation for my time, costs and stress involved in trying to prove they are wrong. I recived a letter appologising and stating they were handing back the account to their client. Now today the letters have started coming from Collect Direct (UK) I really want to sort this out but none of this is my fault, I have supplied British gas with the meter reading I supplied to Npower and from which Npower have been billing me from. I told british gas to supply a new invoice upto that reading and I will pay it but they will not reply to my letters. Is there any advice on my options?
  9. Firstly, this post is NOT intended to condone shoplifting. It's to protect people from somewhat rogue security officers/retail profit protection colleagues from abusing their positions. Theft is theft and if you comply peacefully, you'll most than likely end up in a better position than running. People steal for all sorts of reasons, sometimes it's an accident (You forget you have an item in your hand), compulsion, to make ends meet etc. The fact is, if you remove an item with the intention of permanantly depriving the rightful owner of it - It's theft. If you forget to pay, use self scan and make an effort to scan it but it doesn't register or a cashier doesn't scan an item, it is not theft. If you find yourself stopped for shop lifting, there are various rules that the civilian making the stop has to follow. This does not count if you've been stopped by police. Remember, a Profit Protection Colleague, Security Officer or any body else other than the police have only the same rights as you or me. They have to see a certain set of instances known as "SCONE". S - Selection of the item. (i.e, approaching a shelf empty handed, picking the item up). C - Concealment (Putting the item in a bag, coat, whatever) O - Observation (They have to watch you consistantly. If their vision is broken at any time, they shouldn't make a stop) N - Non payment (Going beyond the last point of payment in store - This is your last chance to make your name clean by paying or making an excuse at the checkout) E - Exit (Leaving the store completely past all points of payment with no intention of returning immediately) If YOU believe that any of the above have not been followed, seen and recorded mentally by the officer who is observing you, YOU have every right to put the item down and leave the store. If the company in question offers you a banning notice, you can do as you please with your excuse. More than likely, if you've made it to the last point and bailed, it's more than likely that you were going to remove the item from them. If you've left the store without the item and the security officer stops you, politely tell the officer that you simply did not want the item and have put it down. You do not wish to discuss it further. At this point, you are free to go, whatever he says as without SCONE, the officer hasn't seen an indictable offence take place. If you've left the store without paying for an item, security/colleagues should be polite and courteous. In the case of contract officers, this is worth their license to them. Once they've politely reqeusted you return to the store, they SHOULD inform you; "I am employed by XXX to protect profits. I have seen you remove an item from this premises without permission and therefore I am detaining you under Section One of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE). You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you may later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be noted and used in evidence. Do you understand?" The Security Officer will have to explain it if you do not understand. If you inform him you don't understand what he's just said, he should give it to you straight. If he says "Tough, you're coming with me" or similar, you've got a point of complaint. If he does not read you a caution, it doesn't mean that the citizens arrest is null, it means that you can say to him what you please and it will be less credible. Bear in mind, a lack of a caution can work two ways. Security Officers generally have the final say in what course of action to take; If that means you can negotiate with the officer and store representitive, all the better. There's no harm, just as if your kid breaks a neighbours window with a football; Theres not often reason for police involvement. It's a civil matter until the police arrive. If the word shoplifter/thief etc is used, remind them that YOU are innocent until proven guilty, just as YOU are entitled to leave at any time. Remember, civil matter. If they withold the right to use the toilet, drink water or be comfortably warm/dry/cool etc, they have removed your liberty as a citizen. Now, the police can be called or negotiations can be made. If you're pleasant, inform them of ANY genuine reasons that you've stolen/removed items without payment and comply with their request to come quietly to the office, you'll get off on the right foot. Negotiations can be made. Hell, if you're in hardship with three kids and abusive husband (for example), I've offered bags to take the goods away (minus the £35.00 turkey the woman had hidden in her babies "Cosy toes" foot warmer - I'm not THAT nice!!). If the police are called, remember, you've got the right to plead your case. There is discretion in it all. You can be remorseful and pleasant, or you can kick off. If you kick off and smack the person stopping you, you'll get CHARGED for two offences - For definate. There'll be no negotiations and you may be made more uncomfortable than somebody who is compliant. The rest is elimentery. Your rights; There's the right to pursue a false arrest claim if the person making the stop detains you and wont release you even though you've no goods on board or SCONE has not been followed. Remember however, the police CAN stop you and search you AND most towns have CCTV and WILL track you. Remember, if you've not got the goods on board at point of exit, you are NOT committing an offence. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to make notes of what is happening and you have the right to leave - They can NOT lock you in a room or physically restrain you unless you are violent. You have the right to water, toilet facilities and fresh air if available. Nobody can remove your liberty and not allow you the right to water and certain drinks if you suffer from diabetes etc - As long as you're paying, of course! You have the right to ask questions. However, these should be limited and always as "Alleged". You have the right to give the goods back in a saleable condition and negotiate. You have the right to dump goods at the last point of exit if a security officer/store detective is watching you. NOBODY (aside from the law) has the right to search you, remove items from you or look in bags/coats/buggy's etc Remember, unless the goods leave the doors, you are NOT a thief. If you're stopped without having goods on board, the best thing you can do is comply. It's embarassing for the shop, it will ensure an investigation by the SIA (If relevant) and will enable you to complain and potentially reap the rewards for 10 minutes of your time. I've known people get £205 worth of shopping refunded AND £50 gift voucher because an officer stopped them without seeing SCONE. By complaining, you are ensuring that other people will not have to endure the same treatment. The store will complain to the relevant people, the officer will be disgraced and retrained as required. But please, if you're really desperate, take a crisis loan from the job centre and pay for the goods rightfully. Borrow from friends and family or go without. There is nothing worse for us than catching somebody who clearly doesn't want to steal. We're there to stop the big gangs (Booze thiefs, Chewing Gum thiefs, Refund [problem]mers etc). We DO NOT want to be dealing with somebody who is trying to make ends meet. We're not all bad people and as referred to above, are known to turn a blind eye in certain cases; It doesn't happen always and we can't all be the same. End of the day, don't steal. It can end up wrecking your life. This isn't a guide to tell you how to do it, but to avoid becoming a criminal. Yukiko.
  10. If you are experiencing a problem and the loan company refuse to accept a repayment proposal: Write to them and head your letter and envelope: FORMAL COMPLAINT. They HAVE to follow procedures on how to deal with complaints and follow a strict timescale. Advise them them if you do not receive a satisfactory response you will then forward your complaint to the Ombudsman. Believe me, they WILL deal with you. The Ombudsman charge the company to investigate a complaint. Additionally if you are proposing a repayment plan, send a simple budget plan showing your income and expenditure. YOU tell them how much you can afford, and not the otherway round. If they refuse and take you to court the judge will only allow an order of payment based on what YOU can afford. If you don't stick to this plan you are allowing yourself to be bullied.
  11. Firstly I posted a query in wrong area so if this is duplicated please dont shout at me. xx I have CCJ LLoyds CC and its reported on my credit file (fair) but also the debt is reported as a default too and that is updated with my payments each month that I pay into the bank. Will this be read as two debts? Defaults on file I understand they drop off after 6yr period but if I have had no communication from OC. And I send a cheque each month will this default be reported after the 6yr period as still an active account with an outstanding balance? So therefore doesnt dtop off the account.
  12. I have to explain that it is an unqualiified view but the information and interpretation is believed to be accurate. Swift have a revolving account of £400 million with Barclays ( Its like an overdraft). But before Barclays will allow Swift to draw down the funds from this account by way of the cheque they send you the customer, Barclays demand: 1…Your executed credit agreement. 2…The Legal Charge that Swift Register on your property, and; 3….The verification of income and Swifts assessment ability to pay back the loan. What happens in a behind the scenes there is an agreement deal done and that is, Swift assign the loan and the Title Charge to Barclays……………This is never disclosed it it done under the veil of Corporate Secrecy. To all outsiders it appears that Swift own the Title Charge…….but this is not true…….they have had to assign it to Barclays. This is what an Xdraw document is all about, it is a prommisary note between Swift and Barclays look up what a promissary note is and you will see what is meant This is Barclays secret way into the sub Prime Lending market..and it is Barclays that control the Interest Rate by way of the LIBOR Rate which they fixed.
  13. I looked for some help in here and posted a thread relating to ppi, whilst on here I have been reading various ppi related articles, and confused over the following issues claiming on credit cards and mortgages and car loans Both my wife and I have had credit cards for years, surely you just use it instead of cash how would ppi be in that, especially when you pay it of each month:!: Our mortgage we have had for years, Surely ppi is not included in a mortgage We have both purchased cars over the years and the most recent one was only 3 years ago, I cant see anything on the paperwork that suggest ppi is involved Am I being daft, or am i just being to naive
  14. PLEASE READ & PASS ON – IMPORTANT Insurance is a wonderful thing when it works, but read the cause of this fire - you may be surprised. Please pass this one along to your family and friends. House fires - please read The original message was written by a lady whose brother and wife learned a hard lesson this past week. Their house burnt down.. nothing left but ashes. They have good insurance so the house will be replaced and most of the contents. That is the good news. However, they were sick when they found out the cause of the fire. The insurance investigator sifted through the ashes for several hours.. He had the cause of the fire traced to the master bathroom. He asked her sister-in-law what she had plugged in the bathroom. She listed the normal things...curling iron, blow dryer. He kept saying to her, 'No, this would be something that would disintegrate at high temperatures'.. Then her sister-in-lawremembered she had a Plug-In, in the bathroom. The investigator had one of those 'Aha' moments. He said that was the cause of the fire. He said he has seen more house fires started with the plug-in type room fresheners than anything else. He said the plastic they are made from is THIN. He also said that in every case there was nothing left to prove that it even existed. When the investigator looked in the wall plug, the two prongs left from the plug-in were still in there. Her sister-in-law had one of the plug-ins that had a small night light built in it. She said she had noticed that the light would dim and then finally go out. She would walk in to the bathroom a few hours later, and the light would be back on again.. The investigator said that the unit was getting too hot, and would dim and go out rather than just blow the light bulb. Once it cooled down it would come back on. That is a warning sign The investigator said he personally wouldn't have any type of plug in fragrance device anywhere in his house. He has seen too many places that have been burned down due to them. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK.. NOT ONLY COULD IT SAVE SOMEONE'S HOUSE, BUT IT COULD SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE
  15. Experian planning to add payday loans to CRFs but will be recording data differently to other FSPs Banks admit that having or applying for Payday loans isl likely to see rejection for loans even years after. Mortgage applications are likely to be affected. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  16. Very interesting read: http://mikesivier.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/iain-duncan-smiths-question-time-lies-exposed/
  17. Anyone with SEN children needs to read this. NOW. Draft Legislation - Provisions about Children and Young People in England with Special Educational Needs – September 2012 It is the first item here :- http://www.sossen.org.uk/news_and_events.php#response Lex with thanks to Bookworm !
  18. I decided to make a new thread as I think this particular letter deserves urgent and strong attention. This is my third thread on this matter the second being here ( it contains a link to the first) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?357193-MY-RLP-case-has-returned-after-8-months.-Help-please. RLP have sent me a letter that contains copied and pasted posts I have wrote herew with them answering and responding to them. They begin by writing. 'We refer to our letter dated 4th July 2012 which we understand you have published on the consumer action forum. As you will recall, we have urged you from the outset to seke legal advice in this matter. You should seek proper legal advice from an appropriate source, and from an advisor who is qualified to advise in the civil laws and the torts of trespass and conversion. If you had contacted us directly with regard to many factors we may have bene able to clarify the position or assist you in so long as it was not creating a conflict of interests. In light of your postings on the CAG forum we now take the opportunity to answer some of the comments and information you have posted there. It would of course be rather more contructive if you were to correspond with us directly, rather than via an internet forum. On 8th July 2012 you posted. What should I do now? Do I still ignore them? I am concerned after hearing about several cases RLP have won. Should I reply to them, or even go into the tescos and speak with them? The silly thing is if Tesco had simply asked me there and then pay the value of the goods even if they were lost ( which was about £30.00) then I would have. I am not however willing to pay extortionate costs to criminal companies. The practice direction for pre action conduct and the civil proceedure rules 1998 requires parties to exchange information in order to promote settlement of a claim to prevent court proceedings from being necessary. We therefore urge you to contact us and engage in pre action correspondance to attempt to resolve this matter before court proceedings are necessary. Where there is no responce to our correspondence statistically it is indicative of a lack of remorse and refusal to accept responsibility for wrongful actions. The main aim of our client in exercising its rights of civil redress in matters such as this, is to deter defendants from future incidents. Where there has been no responce it is often appropriate to issue proceedings. Commercial viability is not the first priority of our client in taking this decision. The deterrent to the crime is the primary aim. By ignoring our correspondance you are therefore at an increased risk of proceedings being issued. There is no question of our clients claim being 'extortionate'. It is actually a claim for only a contribution to the losses you caused at our clients store. We are of course not a criminal company. We are a legitimate company working with a large number of major and minor retailers, other businesses, carious crime partnerships and the police, with the aim of reducting business crime, of which retail crime is the biggest problem. On the 10th of July 2012 you posted. I just wondered, and by all means shoot me down and tell me I must NOT reply again to them if thats still the case. Is it worth me sending a second letter ( my first being about 3 months after the incident denying any liability.) stating something along the lines of. I refert to the recent oxfordshire case, where this was effectively what the judge ruled. If any further action is taken I will be filing a defence equal to that of said case. Therefore I am offering to pay £1.95 to your client for the Cheese and as a conclusion to this matter' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it worth me posting them a letter saying something similar to this? ( would like caggers to re word it for me if they think it is a good idea) Or should I still reply with absolutely nothing? Just feeling they need to know I would be defending it to the hilt. It is not sufficient to merely advise us that you dispute liability. You are required to provide us with sufficient details and information to investigate your dispute, and to advise our client accordingly. You are therefore required to submit a written defence, giving a full account of your version of events regarding the above incident. We refer you to the practise direction for pre action conduct and the civil proceedure rules 1998 with regard to what is required of you if you wish to defend this matter. You are also required to advise us, as it is proportionate to do so at this stage, of the evidence on which your seek to rely in support of your defence. The case to which you refer was not a 'test case'. It was a small track case in the county court and has no precedence value or binding auithority. The decision in that case was based upon the facts and evidence and representation in that case. Being a small track claim, it was heard on limited evidence and documentation as the small track allocation dictates. It is the only claim of this nature which has ever failed for a number of reasons which were specific to that case. Other cases continue to proceed accordingly and judgements are awarded in both the small track and fast track county court proceedings. Indeed the case to which you refer was highlighted in Northampton County Court only 2 days later, and the judge in that case reached the usual decision awarding damages and costs to the claimant. Our client continues to rely upon the same authorities which have been advised to you, which remains good law. Our client would not have been willing to accept your offer of £1.95, but would have bene willing to negotiaite a reasonable settlment with you. On 11th July you posted. So you reccommend I send them a letter simply stating ' I do not believe that this invoice has any valid case in law, these claims and arguements have been previously relied upon and examined and dismissed in Oxford' Should I word it exactly like that ( I am inexperienced in wording letters to state this kind of case you see so kind of need help in writing the thing word for word almost. Our correspondence relates to a claim for damages and NOT AN INVOICE. We refer you to our comments above. With regard to the valid case law, you would have been advised that our client is relying upon the following cases which are of precedant value and therefore binding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is then a list of random risk insurance companies followed by a list of authorities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We note that you had a previous thread and refer to your posting dated April 2011 ( my first post). They pasted that original post onto a sheet to I wont post it again here to save room. In relation to your comment that the police advised that no further action would be taken. This was in relation to the criminal proceedings arising out of this incident. The FPN was a conclusion to the criminal matter. The civil matter is entirely seperate from the criminal proceedings and remains outstanding. There is no criminal sanction for failure to settle the civil claim. Ultimately if not resolved, our client would have the right to issue proceedings in the county court. If successful this would result in a county court judgement, which if remains unsatisfied after 30 days, will be registered and may affect your credit rating. The issue of proceedings must be a measure of last resort. We note your reference to Watchdog. The Watchdog program broadcasted inaccurate and incorrent statements of fact and law, based upon misinformation provided by to the BBC by a representative of the CAB. The criticisms you refer to are totally unfounded and irresponsible to broadcast. The BBC has already removed some of its material from the internet upon our request. There is a current civil dispute with CAB in this regard, and it is also subject to a criminal investigation. You state that you are a new dad, suffering from depression, and in financial hardship. Had you advised of this and not made false allegations that we are bullies, our claims are unlawful and referring to our clients claims as extortionate, our client would have been willing to indeifnitely suspend this matter upon recipt of an apology. The position now. In your initial posting you accepted responsbility for your actions, but expressed concern about the value of the claim. You now appear to have been convinced not to accept any responsibility, and to deny any liability for your actions, in an attempt to evade payment. You have further made false allegations, without any merit whatsoever against us. You clearly demonstrate that you have no remorse whatsoever which leads us to believe you are likely to commit further wrongful actions against our clients. As a result of your involvement and taking wrongful advice from an internet forum, which has its own agenda in its campaign of harassment against us, you have unnecessarily protracted this matter, which could and indeed should have been resolved many months ago. Our client is an ethical company, and understands that individuals to take advice from the internet in these current times. It is therfore willingf to give you a final chance to seek some proper legal advice and respond accordingly regarding your following options. - Pay the full amount outstanding - Advise of any circumstances you would like our client to take into account. - Make any realistic proposals for settlement. If we do not hear from you with regard to what option you wish to persue we will take further instructions from our client with regard to how they wish to proceed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I bolded the bit above because I was shocked to read that. 'our client would have been willing to indeifnitely suspend this matter upon recipt of an apology.' I never received this option in any letter from RLP, so how would I have a clue to do that? I simply seeked legal advice and found my way here. Of course I would have taken that option if I had been offered it, as I was remorseful and have not undetaken any such action since and never would do again. I Will send them a letter doing just that and hope that will conclude the matters. I hope they mean it when they say that and aren't just saying it. I showed remorse and apologised to Tescos at the time as well. There was/is no need to carry this out and bleed me dry. There is no need to make my financial situation difficult because I would never do that kind of thing again, so no deterant is needed. The FPN and risk of future conviction is deterrant enough anyway!
  19. Please read this first about Swift Money before you apply for a loan with them. I am going to include a copy of my emails and their replies to them. They barred me from applying to any more loans for making a query or posting a comment about their policies. You will see from their replies that they act like a dictator in the way they run their business and give no thought to any of their customers. They charge £25 for a same day advance even though the banks offer it for free nowadays under the faster payment system which every other payday loan company use. They are a complete rip off so please don't use them unless you have no other option. But still i would stay away from them. You can also see from the emails below that i was accepted for the loan if it's not for me being off work sick today, and then they turn me down because i raised a query. Please read below my emails in blue and theirs in red. We can lend our money to however we wish, and should we choose not to deal with someone due to their attitude, we are well within our rights to do so, as the OFT will tell you. Thanks Kind regards! From: Sent: 09 August 2012 15:15 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status That's fine i will see what the Office of Fair Trading, and Financial Ombudsman, and every consumer advice site have to say about the way you treat customers that make a complaint. Thanks, From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 15:20 Subject: RE: Loan status Tamer We request that you take your business elsewhere, we will no longer be processing your application. Many thanks Kind regards Swift Money From: Sent: 09 August 2012 14:42 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status I'm sorry i wasn't aware that i am not allowed to make a complaint or raise a point or query if you wished to do so. Tamer From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 14:47 Subject: RE: Loan status This is the second time you have made a complaint about our service. Please be aware that our underwriting rules are in place for good reason, and will not be reviewed. If you wish to apply when you are back in work please feel free to do so, if you are displeased with the service then please be reminded it is optional and there are other lenders that may operate differently should you choose to use them. Regards From: Sent: 09 August 2012 14:22 To: Info Swift Subject: Re: Loan status Thanks for the reply. But i find the rules to be strange and contradicting. It's OK to be on holiday but yet not OK to be off sick even though i'm still fully employed and in current employment with my employer. I mean i am back on Monday and can apply for the loan and be accepted for it and then go off sick for a recurring illness or a new illness, how will that affect my loan then? I think your rules need to be reviewed. Holidays, and sicknesses need to treated the same way and not separately from one another. Thanks, From: Info Swift To: Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2012, 13:46 Subject: RE: Loan status Hi I still havent been able to get through - I havent tried for an hour so I will try again in a moment - fingers crossed Many thanks From: Sent: 09 August 2012 13:38 To: Subject: Loan status I would like to get an update on my loan application. I have tried calling but the line is constantly engaged. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
  20. Last Thursday/ Friday I drove down to Portsmouth from 40 Miles west of Glasgow for a Veterans Reunion. The main event was on the Friday Night. Whilst getting my car ready for the return journey doing the usual checks Iwater, oil etc I noticed that in amongst my documentation I could not find myAA card. I went online shortly afterwards to right down the details in case I required them later. I discovered I had not renewed my breakdown cover so I renewed it there and then. We set of at 0900 on the way to Scotland. We were detouring through Lincoln dropping a comrade off who was picked up on the way down. On the M4O one mileshort of Cherwell Valley Services the car started to lose power and eventually stopped. Thinking how fortunate I renewed my AA breakdown the previous day, that’s when the problems started. I called the AA who promptly came out and diagnosed Cylinder head gasket gone. The mechanic towed us to the services and arranged to have the relay sorted. 26 phone calls and 5 hours later we were on our way for 50 miles and then onto pick up a hire car which we had to organise ourselves. This all came about because of timings. If I had renewed my breakdown cover on Saturday morning instead of evening I would have been entitled to a Relay all the way home. Because I broke down less than 24 hrs after the transaction took place I was only entitled to 50 miles relay any millage after that would be 2.5 pence per mile which the quoted me @ £800. That wasn't the last because I was inside the 24 Hours an additional £79 would have to be paid. If I was pulling a fast one we could have waited till the oil in the car cooled down drove into the services waited 4 hours and then phoned the breakdown in. Unfortunately I am honest, I also believe in loyalty unlike The AA I surmise. After a few phone calls today the AA would offer me no goodwill so I offered none back, I no longer have the 4 policies with them , House, Car,Breakdown and Emergency House call out. Please read the small print as there are no sums mentioned and the wording is a bit ambiguous at best.
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