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  1. Hi everyone, This seems to be a popular topic of conversation. I've had a letter of off a Compliance officer headed, "We need to check your personal information" Bit of background on myself. I have been unemployed for 5 years. and I have also in the last 4 years been sharing a house with a disabled guy, whom over the years I've been helping more and more with his meals cooking and personal assistance, I mentioned this to my advisor whilst on JSA and he suggested why do you not apply to become his carer and get extra money for it via carers allowance and income support, which I did in October. The crossover in benefits was very smooth an all was well until new years eve when I got a letter from DWP saying we need to check your personal information. It's an interview (not under caution) at the local DWP office and I have been asked to take id and any of the following if I have them, one of which is bank statements, which I will have to print out from my banking website as I do not receive paper statements. I was wondering if this is routine or random check although "We need to check your personal information" is quite specific. I was thinking that perhaps it had something to do with my first name, which is a female name that I don't use, my second name is not on the letter. Any ideas what it could be about? Thanks for any advice.
  2. I received a letter yesterday with the following wording: We're reviewing your benefits and circumstances You must come to an office interview. Dear Miss --------- We need to talk to you about some changes that may affect your benefits payments. You must be available for this interview and have all the information listed on page 1 and 2 with you. It asks me to bring something proving who I am which the bank statements will do. It asks to bring my latest bank statements. I saw at the bottom it has a code FESL2T which many people on other forums has said is from the fraud department. My circumstances haven't changed I have sever anxiety and agoraphobia and I receive ESA and am in the work related activity group. I share a bank account with my sister purely because we both don't handle money well and it's easier to manage the money if it's all in one account. It's been this way for the whole time I've been on benefits and nothing has ever flagged before. I also got a personal loan and wondered if maybe that could have flagged. I literally don't talk to a single person, I'm scared of people and have no friends so I don't know anyone that would report me unless my adviser said something. Please help, I can't sleep at all and the interview isn't until the 3rd of January. I'm worrying myself sick.
  3. I have just had a compliance check and really worried. I had a letter stating that they had information that someone else was living here which was true. Its a long story but have been involved with this person on and off for two years. He has been homeless, in hostels etc since March 2015 (he is an alcoholic). I have been trying to support him and he was offered a job not far from where I live and I thought I would ask him to move in so he could get to work. We did try and make a go of it but after a couple of weeks it was quite clear that it wasnt going to work. I called the compliance team and explained this and it was agreed that they would just cancel my Child Tax Credit claim. I have had a letter now from them saying the claim has been cancelled and in their opinion we have been living as husband and wife. I cant be bothered to appeal this as just want to get on with my life. My son is 17 and the payments would have stopped in January anyway. He had an interview at the job centre last week regarding his ESA payment which had stopped at the beginning of October which was OK as he was working anyway. They are now looking into his ESA for last year as he had worked on and off until March this year. He also had a lump sump back payment paid into his account for the time it was stopped this year. He said he told them that he was working but struggling to believe him. He said they told him if there was an overpayment that they would just send a letter and he could agree a payment plan but I think this was for last year. The thing thats really worrying me at the moment is that he did live here from the end of July 2015 to beginning of March 2016. For part of that time we were a couple and I wasnt receiving tax credits but he started drinking heavily again in November and I ended it an claimed child tax credit from then. He did live here until March 2016 but we were not a couple. He did give me sporadic board money. I dont know whether I should just call someone and tell them this as am worried sick they are going to look back on my claim for last year in light of his visit to the job centre. Dont know what to do. Do I voluntarily tell them or wait and see what happens?
  4. Hello All I am assisting a lady with a catalogue card debt as she is struggling to make the (modest) monthly payment. Many years ago she had an account with LaRedoute which went into arrears and she ended up in a £5 per month payment plan with Droyds Debt & Collection Services. She has fallen into arrears with this. I asked her how much she owed and how big was the original debt etc. as it seems to me that this is an ongoing thing without any obvious signs of ending. She has not received any statements and does not know how much she has paid over the years. I therefore used the CAG template CCA request and she has received two letters; The first is from La redoute and the pertinent part is as follows: We have checked our records and have been unable to locate a copy of the signed agreement. a copy will have been sent to you for signature when the account was opened in accordance with our standard process but it may be that you signed it but did not post it back to us. I enclose a copy of the agreement that will have been sent to you when the account was opened which governs the account, subject to any variations subsequently notified, e.g. changes to interest rates. Terms and Conditions are also available on our website and in our catalogues. They also sent a double sided photocopy of very poor quality of what looks like a blank Credit agreement. There is no customer number and no signature or date, and it is for most practical purposes, illegible! The second letter is from Droyds saying they have received her payment of a £1 (which was sent as part of the CCA request). They have credited it to her bill despite the wording of the CCA request stating it was not to be used for anything other than the CCA request) and is demanding the balance of £4. May I request members help to answer the following: 1. Is their response a compliant one? 2. If not, am I right in thinking she can stop paying until such time as they produce a compliant response? 3. Am I right to take the position that no further communication need be made to them at this point? 4. Given the frank admission by LaRedoute that they do not have a signed copy of the Credit Agreement is it actually all over for Redoute as far as this account is concerned? Many thanks for your interest.
  5. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
  6. Hi I received a letter on Saturday, spent all weekend worrying about what it is about. I telephoned the number this morning to try and find out more, was advised he has not looked at the case yet but need to wait until Friday when the interview is booked for. I explained i suffer from serve anxiety and nerves and not knowing what it is about is causing me a huge amount of stress, I explained even an interview with my GP I find very stressful but the person I spoke to could not bring it forward or advise me of anything. Can anyone give me some advice.
  7. Hi, I'm just after some clarification of when the compliance stage begins please. My OH got a speeding fine back in Jan. He made two payments then received notification that they had located his employer and would take the remaining £60 from his wages (ok with us). However the employer they had was incorrect so like the letter asked, he wrote to them with details of his new employment on 22/03/16. Expected money to go out of April's pay as thought it would be too late for March's (28th.) The week before April payday he got a letter from collectica saying the £60 fine had been passed to them and we now have to pay a £75 compliance fee, totalling £135. We contacted the court central finance unit to ask why as we thought it was going to be taken from wages and they claimed they never received the letter and were absolutely disgusting with us (threatening to have bailiffs sent round and a warrant for his arrest and he could spend the night in the cells if he wanted, then told him she couldn't help him anymore and put the phone down on him.) They said he should have chased the letter up when they didn't respond within 7 days. (We told them we didn't know they respond to everything within 7 days or we would have and we would have chased it up if it hadn't been taken from April's wages.) I made a formal complaint about not being allowed enough time to realise the letter "hadn't been received" and the manner in which we were spoken to, only to be met with more disappointing responses (addressed by the wrong name and told they "felt the manager wouldn't have spoken to you in this manner as she is very experienced.") I replied to tell her it was unprofessional to call him by the wrong name (amongst other errors) and she should listen to call recordings before suggesting he was lying. Apparently they don't record calls but she managed to apologise for the "grammatical errors causing confusion." Obviously their admin and managerial skills are very poor and we think the letter has been lost. whilst this was happening I told collectica about the ongoing dispute as it shouldn't have been passed to them in the first place and I asked the CFU to contact Collectica to put a hold on the account whilst dealing with the complaint, which they did. When I received the response letter from the CFU (the one with the wrong name etc) I called collectica to make payment as I was unsure if this meant they would take the account off hold and didn't want the £235 enforcement fee to be added. The lady at collectica confirmed it was on hold until 31st May but could be taken off at any time by the CFU (the 7 days to pay to avoid enforcement fees had passed by this point.) I asked the lady what the compliance fee was for as I thought the stage commenced when the enforcement agent was instructed by them and not when the company received it. She told me that was incorrect and it was when the company received it and not when it was passed to one of their agents. I've had another look at the taking control of goods regs and it does say agent: (a) the compliance stage, which comprises all activities relating to enforcement from the receipt by the enforcement agent of instructions to use that procedure in relation to a sum to be recovered up to but not including the commencement of the enforcement stage; Then under interpretation: “enforcement agent” means an individual entitled to act as an enforcement agent by virtue of section 63(2) of the Act, but it does not include an individual who may so act by virtue of section 63(2)©; This to me means when it is passed to one of their agents and not just the company itself? Considering the account was on hold for the majority of the time and by what the lady said on the phone it sounded like had only been passed to the company and not one of their agents. Do you think there would be any chance of getting the £75 fee back? A fee larger than the original amount owed for sending a letter then putting an account on hold seems very excessive to me? Thank you for any help and advice!
  8. Hi all, I claimed tax credits as my computer repair business is bringing in less and less each year due to increased used of smartphones and tablets. I got a letter from "B&C Compliance Operations HMRC" asking for proof that the business is serious and that I make a regular income and an intention to make profit, ect. Since this letter stated they do not accept electronic or USB/CD i was limited on what I could provide so I simply sent a couple of my most up-to-date flyers as well as my business website/email address. A few weeks later I get a response saying that they don't believe my work is regular or serious, and strangely, that they cannot verify that I am single? Then a week later I get another letter saying simply that they don't believe I'm single, but said nothing about the computer repair business. Are there any template letters for appeals, or any tips and guides on the best/quickest way to appeal?
  9. Today I have had the misfortune to be made aware of yet another person who took internet advice after receiving a Notice of Enforcement and was led to believe that if he made payment direct to the Magistrate Court that he would be able to avoid bailiff fees. This person took the advice and paid the court direct and;.....as it always the case.....he received a letter from the court to advise him that his payment had been forwarded direct to Marston Group. He too has now found himself in a position where an enforcement agent has made a personal visit...and the debt increased by way of an enforcement fee of £235. He now owes £310 (to also include the Compliance Fee of £75). This inaccurate advice is costly debtors many thousands of pounds and given that the debt is for an unpaid court fine....the enforcement agent is permitted to force entry. For the avoidance of doubt, all debt streams (council tax arrears, unpaid local authority penalty charge notices and unpaid magistrate court fines) may only be enforced by way of the procedure outlined under Schedule 12 of the Tribunal, Courts and Enforcement Act and the fees that can be charged are those under the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014. Worryingly, the debtor has been advised today (by the person responsible for this highly inaccurate advice) that the Magistrate Court have supposedly given him the wrong advice. He claims that the warrant 'ceased' when the payment was made to the court and that the debtor can rely upon section 52.8 of the Criminal Procedure Rules 2014. Not true: Section 52.8 was substituted under The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2015 !!!!
  10. Hi everyone, I'm new here and after some advice. I was made redundant from my job last September through no fault of my own and been signing on ever since. However, before Christmas I had an appointment with my advisor at my local job centre and gave me details of a job to apply for but 2 weeks ago I received a letter saying that they are going to stop my job seekers allowance from the end of January to the middle of march. I have since appealed the decision in writing but when i went to the job centre today I had to fill in another form and explain again. I know it was my fault for not applying for the job, but I always complete the booklet and attend the job centre on a regular basis to sign on. Any advice? Thanks Louise
  11. I have a compliance officer visiting on thursday .no idea why and as far as i know no reason for one . basic standard letter ,no mention of circumstances etc . my wife has known for a few weeks and hidden the letter ,she only showed me it today ,i understand why as i am a natural born panicker . im already scared to my wits end and ive only known about the letter around 2 hours max, i dont know what ive supposedly done wrong ? but its like your already guilty before they even speak to you . my wife hasen't told me for the simple reason i suffer from epilepsy and already had a heart attack this year and i panic over anything . im so nervous im shaking like a leaf . how can i try to avoid this anxiety . they recently paid us £3,500 approx as they had forgot to pay us for our oldest daughter for 2 years, this was only pointed out when my wife phoned for a completely different reason. they only paid us 1 year back and paid us until 28/08/15 as this is when our oldest daughter goes onto her 3rd year at college so benefit stops for her . im just a bag of nerves .
  12. Whilst in the process of dealing with a PCN that had reached the enforcement stage, that had become a mess due to Maidstone Council authorising Marston and Phoenix. I quickly paid off another that i knew i needed to be paid directly using Maidstone councils online portal. Unbeknown to me this had been passed on to the EA's (Phoenix in this case), i paid on the 27th of Aug, i have a letter that was dated the 24th of Aug that i hadn't opened or was aware of due to several reasons. This was the first letter in the process telling me i owed £187, £112 of which was to the council and the rest to Phoenix. I foolishly disregarded this as i had paid and i assumed it would be updated an Phoenix were no longer necessary. I then received a 2nd letter stating that i should pay now or face the enforcement stage, i also ignored this for the same reason as the last letter. Eventually someone called Miss Taylor turned up with a letter which she handed to my Mother, it said that i now owed £422 and she would return to collect goods from my mothers house, i instantly called her and disputed this and told her i had paid and gave the date. She denied this and called her office, she then called me back and said the amount was now £310. After this i tried to get some advice from a different forum, both by asking and reading similar threads. The advice i was given was that as i had paid during the compliance stage i was liable for the £75 but no other fees, and that the initial warrant couldn't be used to take any goods as the original amount had been settled. I understand it looks as if I've tried to get away with dealing with the Bailiffs but i happily would've paid the extra £75 to avoid this. My question is, is this advice correct? Or am i liable for the amount of £310. I have searched and read the forum for similar threads to mine but just wanted to make sure i got advice that was up to date and explicitly relevant to my situation so apologies if I'm going over old ground. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  13. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  14. I'm on ESA and PIP due to severe mental health problems. I live in England and am single. A friend typed this up for me as I'm unable to manage this type of thing usually, but I'm really worried and desparate for some advice. A week ago I had to attend a Compliance Interview at the Job Centre. When I got there it turned out they thought I'd had too much savings in the past, and they wanted to see bank statements. Turns out it was their mistake and the bank statements show I'm in the clear. However, during the interview the Officer became extremely unpleasant and aggressive, questioning me about my living situation. They then insisted that I'd have to come back for another interview. I'm presently homeless, only just got a raise in benefit which will enable me to sort out a place, so they are having a go at me for having too much savings to be homeless- even though I haven't had a chance to sort anything out. They then started to rant about how a friend who I stay with occasionally and am very close to must be my partner (even though we're a male and female and both gay), and then insisted I must return for another interview. The whole process took a big toll on my mental health and has set me back majorly both in terms of my recovery and sorting my living situation. My main question is, do I have the right to bring a friend into the interview with me? Just to provide emotional support. Do they have the right to refuse that? I am trying to get an 'advocate' from Mind sorted, but it might be too short notice. Also, although I've got nothing to hide (as the evidence in my bank accounts shows), I'm very worried about how confused I get about details and keeping track of things- in my last interview it seemed that they were trying to trip me up constantly. I don't want to be in trouble for fraud because I get confused! Can they take my benefits away? Any advice at all would be so helpful. Thankyou very much bones
  15. I am a pensioner and full-time round the clock carer to a close disabled relative. I receive no benefits apart from the usual state pension. The disabled relative I care for has severe care needs and is unable to work, they receive PIP and ESA. Upset and frustrated by lack of interest on my life savings I started reading info on savings on the Martin Lewis website. To maximise interest it is recommended to open several of the top interest paying current accounts - which I did. I had money over so accounts were also opened in the person I care for's name (all my money, paid directly to accounts from my bank account). The relative I care for has now been called for compliance interview with DWP, no reason given. Could what I have done have triggered this? I didn't even know about the savings thresholds and can't believe what I have done and how stupid I have been. I feel ill, my anxiety is through the roof and I have felt ill since the letter arrived. I fully understand this was a ridiculously stupid thing to do, there was absolutely no intention whatsoever to cheat the benefits system, the benefits system wasn't even thought about! We're talking about maxing out the current recommended currents acounts. Could someone please advise the least damaging way to explain this to the DWP?
  16. Hi - I received a parking ticket that wasn't paid, and one thing led to another - it went to Task Enforcement, who sent a letter telling me I needed to pay. I called to ask if i could pay in instalments, they said i need to pay it all - so said I would pay by the end of October. As it happens, my work had an issue with their PAYE, and it didn't go through on time, and I didn't pay - my fault entirely. I thought they'd send me a reminder, and forgot about it. QI received nothing from Task - until a phone call from my wife to say my car had been clamped, on Friday morning. I was then told because it was a broken arrangement, they didnt need to send me any further letters, they can come straight away, and demand full payment, plus bailiff costs. The charge was £75 Compliance, and £235 Enforcement, plus the initial ticket. The other thing to add is my wife is 9 months pregnant - and she uses that car. It is registered to me though. Question 1 - can they come with no warning for a broken arrangement? I didnt even think about breaking it - just one of those delaying tactics i guess, and you expect a reminder letter first. Question 2- can they charge for compliance and enforcement without visiting my house or dropping another letter - and go straight to charge both upon clamping my car? Question 3 - does the fact my wife is pregnant change the charge they can levy? I have obviously paid this, but would like some money back if i can! Thanks, Jude
  17. I have been asked to provide details how i arrived to my figures on last two self assessment tax returns that i went back in and amended so i would receive less refund. Only problem is my figures were estimated , they are roughly right but i think i entered some figures wrong such as some sort of expenses i didn't understand ??? Will i be in a lot of trouble ?I filled it in the best i could but i now fear i have been over paid or not paid enough tax ?
  18. Hi all once again, have a small problem with an eviction. I am with Amber home loans, have a self build mortgage on another property. Keeping it short I had an accident a few years ago that left me unable to work. In January run out of money and could not pay the mortgage. Struggled to find work again etc as injuries restricted me. Anyway bury head, get repossessed then ring Amber. Told eviction date of July 30th. I owe about 3800, paid them a 1000 up front, told them an interim from my accident was due in a couple of weeks which would clear arrears, they asked for bank statements, proof of work ( I am self employed) proof that the 100 pounds had been paid out of my account (just paid them on my debit card ? ) and then they might be able to do something to stop the eviction. The best bit was that they wanted all this the next day !!!!! What are my options now ? Thank you all
  19. My wife and I are approaching 70 and receive Pension Credit. A few years ago we had a terrible experience when I was summoned to an Interview Under Caution. We couldn't imagine what lay behind the allegation of fraud that was mentioned, but nevertheless I was rather fearful of a formal recorded interview and all that this implied. My wife however, who was not a strong woman, was very badly affected by stress and significant anxiety. This began when they would not pre-advise their concerns so that I could assemble whatever supportive material would be appropriate to have with me, and then grew much worse over almost ten further weeks of furnishing information followed by long silences before ultimately stating in a brief phone call and in a very offhand manner that they had actually dropped the matter a week or so earlier and would be writing to confirm. I understand entirely the need for due-process, and certainly for not giving deliberate fraudsters any wiggle room in advance of looking them in the eye. I could however have provided at the interview all of the particulars supplied in response to drip-feed requests across the subsequent many weeks, eliminating the anxiety-escalating long silences and saving everyone's time and my wife's perpetual distress and more. "Due-process" is not simply a step-plan to be followed for DWP's information-gathering needs, it also dismissively corrodes undeserving people's lives when followed with no discrimination. My wife was not the same woman after that experience nor has been since, despite there actually being nothing to answer and the matter dropped. A glib dismissal certainly did not reset the clock. I am not able to forgive. I tried, I really did. In view of this I hope someone can help me now with some information or guidelines on a new matter ... This morning I received a DWP letter notifying me that a Customer Compliance Officer will visit us at home next week. No particular purpose given just general phrases about possible changes of circumstance and ensuring correct entitlement, and about having bank documents etc available. I told my wife who now has a genuine dread of every brown envelope arriving, and she went ashen, sat down with her face in her hands and started sobbing, all those insecurities and fears instantly on the surface again. If anyone from any of these Departments is actually reading this and didn't understand what I was saying a few lines above, think what that past effect must have been to cause this so readily some years later. And you should be bothered by it. I have told my wife that it is just a box-ticking visit to make sure we aren't missing out, that it isn't an IUC, that there is no accusation/suspicion involved, however she simply sees that "IT" is about to happen all again beginning next week. What I would like help with now please is some real-world understanding solely for myself ... I have a hard time thinking that this is just a friendly benevolent chit-chat. I suspect there has to be some underlying purpose, some information-gathering for whatever reason and prompted by some itch they now need to be seen to scratch. I've absolutely no problem providing information, but it would be nice not to be deceived in the process. Clearly DWP does nothing for other than a self-serving purpose. Can anyone comment from experience about a Customer Compliance Officer's visit that they were subjected to? Benign? Or were you hit with an IUC letter shortly afterward whether justified or not? That won't help me to know the topic, and no doubt if they are quietly gathering information to possibly support some suspicion then I won't find any clues next week either, however just being aware of a different motive will help my focus on the day. I think you could say we are a pretty nice senior couple, have daily habits for walks and visits and shopping, we have nice neighbours, are clearly retired not career benefit-fraudsters and as far as I know nobody living near knows our affairs and that we receive benefits anyway. But I am sorry, DWP is NOT just coming for a cup of tea and checking we aren't missing some entitlement. I would like to be aware if it is known that these visits are an initial ploy, can you advise me at all so I can focus suitably when they visit? With thanks.
  20. Just after a bit of advice after my partner had a visit at her home, and it hasn't gone well from sounds of it as he's saying that we're living together! We used to live at my flat but once child was born we had the usual stress and split up, council gave her a house for her and our little girl and I stayed on at the negative equity mortgaged flat . With her not working she has been claiming full entitlement and I work full time to just keep afloat here Now he's visited and says I have been spending too much time at her house, which I do go round a lot after work and stay 1 or 2 times a week, and his final abrupt comment to her was to sort it. I can't move in with her, I owe way too much on flat to be able to walk away even if I could! What can I do? Is the officer right? Just after some advice before we schedule another meeting
  21. Hi all I've just received a letter from the dwp saying I owe £700 and I must pay within the next two weeks. Its half twelve at night and I'm so stressed I can't sleep. Well actually I'm watching a really good film. Does anyone have a template letter I can send these people? First template letter, I want to know if this money is really owed by me which I doubt. Secondly a letter stating they can have £ per week from my benefit and stop sending me scary letters don't you have IT system to sort out. Thanks caggers
  22. Please help! I'm very new to benifits, this is the first time ever I have made a claim for Income Support. I have been in receipt of IS since the end of May this year (2015). Yesterday I received a letter asking me to attend the above interview. I tried to ring the number on the letter today, to maybe get some idea of what it was for. However I got the answer phone of the man conducting the interview. The answer phone message made me feel even worse, as he said 'you have reached the answer phone of ****** fraud and error complience officer! FRAUD! Jesus I'm totally at my wits end. I really can't deal with this stress, I have a 16 month old daughter to look after. I'm thinking of ending my claim, and getting a job. That was my plan, and i do have a job to go back to if I want, but I really wanted to be with daughter for a little while longer. I spent yesterday frantically getting together as much paper work to support my case as possible. But is £92.00 a fortnight really worth all this stress? I'm thinking NO.
  23. After sending a LBA to my previous LL, who had not secured my deposit (£650) with the TDS, they returned the deposit in full. I re-sent the LBA reminding them of the maximum penalties (3x £650) for non-compliance. The LL has now come back with an offer of £650 in full and final settlement, stating that they were unaware of the law - even though it was specifically referred to in the LL's rental agreement. What is the chance of a claim for the maximum penalty of £1,950 succeeding, now that the LL has made this offer?
  24. So, yesterday I had a letter inviting me to apply for PIP as my DLA renewal is up, and today a Customer Compliance Letter. I have rang the office to find out what exactly they are after, and what they think I have done, but the lady was out, interviewing. I haven't done anything so god knows what it is, and I know people say if you have done nothing then nothing to worry about, but I will still worry. I daren't even imagine what tomorrow will bring. Anyway the reason for my post is this. Can I ask for the interview to be held at my house? The letter is telling me to go into the town office, which is pretty far away, and isn't going to happen because I have issues. I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, so catching a bus, walking 15 minutes to the office and then waiting around until I am welcomed into some small room with the door shut behind me is not going to happen. Also, if this lady starts accusing me of anything I am likely to flip. This isn't me normally, but I have issues with people accusing me of things I haven't done and it will make me extremely mad if this happens, which concerns me. I will ring them again to try to find out what the issue is, but does anyone know if this is going to be a scare tactic with accusations being thrown at me? There are no changes to my home or life situation so its playing on my mind, and the interview isn't for another 10 days yet. Thanks for any advice.
  25. Ofgem Investigation into BES and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences (Standard Licence Conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B) Publication Date: 30th October 2014 Company being Investigated: BES Commercial Electricity Ltd (electricity supplier) and Business Energy Solutions Ltd (gas supplier) Ofgem are investigating whether BES (encompassing both licensees) is complying with the requirements of conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B of their gas and electricity supply licences. We are aware of a high level of complaints made about BES and have also received a referral from Citizens Advice. For more link is here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-bes-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-7a-7b-7-14-and-21b
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