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Found 17 results

  1. My husband at 55 has just been diagnosed with young onset dementia, he has £52k in unsecured debt in a DMP and we have mortgage arrears I have been managing for several years as he was being treated for anxiety and depression, I assume caused by the mis-management of our family finances ( a seperate issue), something that only came to light after he was made redundant in 2012. My question is how to move forward - I am unable to pay these debts (in his name) as I only work part time and have no idea how much longer I will be able to do this with his diagnosis and need for care and he has not been able to claim benefits during most of this period as the dwp declared him fit to work twice - he received esa for the assessment phase and despite support from GP he was declared fit to work. when he applied a second time he was advised he did not have enough contributions - vicious circle. I have much to deal with moving forward but would appreciate advice on the debt above- unsecured. I have spoken to the debt management company who advised I should contact the debtors myself. I am in the process of obtaining an LPA financial.
  2. Housing support for young people READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/housing-support-for-young-people
  3. Well done those lads, how ridiculous - A Head Teacher of a Devon School threatened to put any boy who turned up to school in shorts in the recent spell of heatwave weather, into Isolation ! But sarcastically said they could turn up in skirts.. so a group of 5 did. Apparently 50 more of them were frantically trying to borrow skirts from their girlfriends and sisters to wear to school today Read the full story..
  4. As the title suggests this is a warning post to drivers and their parents about car modifications. I was out the other evening and i noticed three young drivers with very heavily modified cars, with tinted window, sports exhausts etc. As they were only in their early 20's, if they had insurance with all these mods properly disclosed, it would have made the insurance very expensive. Many people carry out mods to their cars and don't even think about insurance. If you fail to notify insurers of any modifications to a standard car, you are at risk of the insurers not paying out for any accident damage to your car. If you cause damage to third party property or injury/death to a third party, whilst your insurers may pay out to the third party as a duty under Road Traffic Act, they will come after you with court action if necessary to get their money back. The third party claim might be for tens of thousands. A friend of mine crashed a heavily modified car many years ago and the car was a write off. He had not informed his insurers of some mods and took them off the car before the insurers engineer inspected. The engineer was not fooled and could see some evidence there had been previous mods, so the claim was declined. My friend argued that the engineer had no evidence the mods were on the car at the time of the accident and after months the insurers paid out. If you are a parent and have Sons/daughters who modify their cars, please do make sure they advise their insurers and have the correct insurance. If they fail to do so, they risk a very expensive lesson. E.g no cover for car damage, liability for third party damages, having insurance cancelled making insurance unaffordable for years to come. They should check whether they can get insurance, before they start spending money on modifying their cars,
  5. Banking Error Gave Young Lady 4.6 Million Overdraft-What Would You Do? Could you be tempted to spend some. Lose your battle between the Devil telling you to get stuck in and go for it. Or the angel of reason telling you to go into the bank and say i think you have made a slight mistake. As you read this story and perhaps watch the video what is your brain telling you. Would you be planning to lash out,travel the world,take a chance. Where would you go or do,could you be tempted. Or plan to catch the bus or walk to town if no funds to tell them Oh dear what is this on my statement Mr Bank Manager. Have you made a mistake. Why am i seeing a gold plated computer in my head.And much more.Be gone devil. Christine Jia Xin Lee's explanation for her $4.6 million splurge The eye-watering shopping list of an accidental multimillionaire Student given $4.6 million in overdraft error may not have broken the law The simple Westpac error that allowed a Sydney student to overdraw $4.6 million and spend it on designer handbags and clothes has been revealed for the first time. The Link. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/the-simple-westpac-banking-error-that-gave-christine-jia-xin-lee-46-million-20160520-gozv5q.html
  6. I tried to get insurance from the cheapest quote on GoCompare.com, which was for £800 from "4 Young Drivers". I called them and quoted the reference number, to which the chap on the phone told me that the price on the website was just the "referral price" and that I would never get that price. Instead he said I would be paying around £1,600!!! (My last years insurance was £600!!) Having contacts in the travel industry, I know exactly how this works, and these insurance companies use compare websites to drive calls, then find any possible reason to come away from the advertised price so they can charge additional fee's on top. I tried to explain this on the phone but the guy hung up the phone. I have emailed a complaint to GoCompare, and also to "4 Young Drivers", but their mailbox bounces back. Should I take this up with the ASA? EDIT: I did get insurance with the next cheapest company without any issues at all. However it is more expensive.
  7. Hery everyone. I'm not sure if I can post this if not sorry. but I wanted your opinions as to whether the RPI done the right thing. http://www.suttonguardian.co.uk/news/10721808.Bus_inspector_fines_young_girl_even_though_she_had_mum_s_Oyster_card/
  8. Sophie Jones, 19, lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning - her family say it should never have happened The parents have set up a petition in order that other young girls are not let down as Sophie was - you can sign HERE
  9. This show the country is the same as it always was. Bringing down the wall hasn't changed it one bit. It's still run by a Communist KGB Officer.
  10. A young chap , 25, has lost almost all the sight in one eye. He can still drive, for now, and he works for a large betting company. He went to one hospital and they delayed treatment and told him that if he was 16 he'd be a more urgent case. This was 2 years ago. He's been referred to another and told that they have to go through the whole evaluation again as they can't use what the other hospital has sent them and that will take 2 years and he will be completely blind by then as he needs cornea transplants amongst others. If he were a private patient he could have it done for £5000 within 2 weeks to save one of his eyes. The mods. may wish to put this on another forum. I'm thinking that he works for a large company and they would have to make provisions for his sight and can't just sack him so why not ask them to fund the operation rather than spending the money on aids for him to work there and he is a valued member of staff? He's not in their healthcare system and can't join now as it's pre-existing but he has been employed by the company before he was diagnosed. I need to check if he's in a union but asfaik he's not got anything insurance wise that he could fall back on. If anyone can think of anything and a way forward for this lad then do chip in and say.
  11. I don't know if I am in the right forum here but here goes: Does anyone know of any organisations for young job seekers that actually offer practical help (not just CV and applications) to any young person (not just disadvantaged young people) in getting work? I have been a little dismayed that while a young person I foster has had all sorts of practical help from various organisations from helping her with her CV to actually taking her to agencies to help her look for work, my son, because he has not been in care, is not disabled, does not have mental health problems and has not been in trouble with the police gets no help whatsoever! He appears to be disadvantaged by a good education, and a degree, a smart brain and an ambition to do a masters degree and he desperately wants a job so he can pay for it. He has been unemployed for 18 months and has been seeing Ingeus for around a year but they do absolutely nothing to help him. The only help they offer is CV writing and job applications which he does not really need. They have told him there is not much they can do for him. He suffers from an extreme lack of confidence and social awkwardness and this is what he needs help with. They have never given him any work experience or interview practice. He was sent once about a year ago to go and interview for some work experience and it was in the bad weather, he made it through the ice and snow only to be told it was cancelled when he got there and he didn't hear any more about it. He is 24 so should still just count as a young person but not for long!
  12. Was on BBC 3 tonight: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03kw4pr/Young_British_and_Broke_The_Truth_about_Payday_Loans/
  13. Hi there, I'm not after sympathy or even understanding, I would just like some clear idea of how to get myself out of the bed I've made and how to get back into the black. When I was 19/20 I was at university, I had a pretty decent part time job at the weekends and could easily pick up overtime to gain a couple of hundreds pounds extra a month. It was ideal. However, I got into drugs and suddenly the relatively large amount I was earning wasn't enough to cover it. Well, not so much the drugs, it was the fact the drugs were eating into my essentials budget, so I had to borrow money in order to buy essentials (or so was my messed up logic). Pretty soon I was borrowing from Payday Loan providers, namely Wonga. Eventually I was borrowing my entire months wage before I had even been paid and it was instantly going back out to Wonga. I then had to take other Payday loans to cover the interest and pretty soon the whole thing crashed down around me. My bank closed my account (which had a student overdraft), my parents kicked me out and stopped talking to me (so I had no post forwarded to me), I even dropped out of uni - who I also owe money for student accommodation. I had a second student overdraft too. I then moved into a friends, was unemployed for a year due to the job market, got into debt with his dad as he was the landlord, under the guise I would pay him for my time there - most of this I have paid off. I worked for bare minimum wage for a year, barely enough to cover the rent I owed plus the rent i was accruing. I think, in total, my debt is probably in the region of around 15-20k with all the interest included. However, I actually got a break last year and found a decent job and I have a fruitful career ahead of me. I'm finally in a position to look at repaying my mountain of debt but I just don't know where to start. I don't want to call the creditors I know I have and have no idea where I stand legally. It's been at least 3 years since I defaulted on my loans, with absolutely no contact or payment to any of them. I know I have a terrible credit score because I was refused a mobile phone contract and because my bank wont upgrade my bank account from a basic package - even though I earn enough to satisfy their criteria. I'm also sure my debt has been passed around to various debt collection agencies. I buried my head in the sand in a very real sense, petrified of what I would find when I came out. I've certainly grown up since the mess I was in university and I obviously want to rectify these mistakes. I know I should probably contact CAB and do this properly but I was hoping someone on here would give me some clear idea of what steps would need to be taken. For example, would it be better for me to contact each creditor individually and negotiate the sum I owed or is this something a DMP would do for me anyway? Is there a way of finding all my creditors, such as a credit report? Or will that just declare the creditors which have listed me as defaulted? If I repay these debts, does this mean my credit score is damaged even further, meaning I have to wait 6 years for it to reset? Or will it just be listed from my original default 3 years ago? If I go on something like a DMP, can I try and rebuild my credit while I make regular payments? I know you probably can't answer all these questions, or even answer them with any certain accuracy, but I thank you all the same. I hope one day I can use my experience to help others in my situation, and prevent even more from getting there in the first place. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  14. I'm 25 years old. I had a bank account with Halifax back when I was 15-16 and I went over-drawn by £5 and refused to pay the extra £25 they were demanding and thus they added it to my account. I told them to end my account and being so young and having no idea how the banking system actually worked (I left home and was fending myself at the time) and forgot about it. I've turned 25 and know exactly what jobs I want to do but I'm terrified of applying because they all ask to do a credit check of sorts. If I applied to these jobs, would my details be passed onto (I can only assume) debt collection agencies (if they haven't already) and would they be able to demand the money? I mean, there's 10 years on it and I know how extortionate interest rates can be. And also, what would a credit check show if a possible employer reviewed it? Any help would be received gratefully.
  15. Hi thought i would post this as to make people aware of this company and also anybody who can help with regard to stopping his activity. I was cold called by Mr Allen Young of Pennington Pinder and Co of Sunderland (his company, not ltd) He is a debt recovery company, I had a few company debts to recover and he was not win no fee so thought I had nothing to lose. How wrong can you be. I did check the internet but only the company name, and as it was new there were not threads on it, If i had checked his name I would of been alerted to him. He collected £3000.00 from a customer and now will not pay it over to me stating he has no money to pay me. He collected this in July this year. This person has had 2 previous companies where he has done the self same thing, if you check the what consumer forum and freeindex you will see his other companies Fraser fox and Anderson Reuters have duped customers. Can nothing be done about this. He has stolen thousands of pounds from people and nobody is doing anything about it. He does not have to be registered with the OFT as it is commercial debt and not consumer. The police will not do anything as they say it is civil and the trading standards don't really care, unless you are selling dodgy t shirts they don't seem interested. The fact that he is advertising litigation and accoutancy services and not qualified does not seem to matter, that he has letters from past customers who were never his customers on his website. I think he has been made bankrupt before, if so should he be allowed to trade not sure on the ruling on this. I have spoken to several of his old clients and they feel the same as me, he is continuing to do this and other law abiding people get ripped off. He lives in a rented house and i do no think he has any assets to warrent court action. His last company Anderson Reuters was wound up by one of his clients who he did not pay, and he has paid for this but still not got his money, which i think was about £9000 I have also reported him to watchdog and rogue traders to see if they can help at all. Just waiting a reponse. Has anybody else out there had any dealing with this crook or any ideas as what to do.
  16. Women are being urged to check their car insurance ahead of a new rule coming into force next month which will ban firms from taking gender into account. It means female drivers will see their premiums go up by as much as 25% after 21 December. Some insurers say it might even be cheaper to cancel a policy and sign a new deal before the changes come in. More ... It was obvious they would up the womens policy and not lower the mens. This is twice now the government has forced extra profit on insurance companies and forced us to pay more. First was the con of the 'continuous insurance' and now the 'no gender concessions'. Are MPs shareholders in insurance companies, it would seem that way.
  17. Hello, I wonder if someone can (urgently) help please... I have been accused of hitting a motor cyclist off his bike whilst turning right on a busy road..Here is actually what had happened. I was coming out of a side road onto a busy road, turning right. To my right was a set of traffic lights. I had drove out onto a clear road, up to the white line and was stationary position for at least one minute and noticed a car and a motorcyclist coming towards me to my right. The traffic moved forward in the direction of my intended travel, the car to my left and right, (driver to my right flashed to acknowledge me) car to the left let me through (by waving/flashing). The motorcyclist had stopped on my right. I acknowledged both drivers and proceeded to moved off around 5mph. As I moved, the young leaner motorcyclist to my right, decided that the gap was his opportunity to move around the front of my vehicle on the wrong side of the road in the opposite direction of his travel. As I moved forward, the so called “collision” happened, as the motorcyclist dangerously manoeuvred around the front of my vehicle. He lost balance and his bike fell onto his leg. There was no damage to my car. I stopped and gave my name and address and insurance details. He only gave me his full name and no insurance details. I repeatedly asked him check for injuries which he refused. I also offered to call the police and to take him to hospital, both of which he refused. On speaking with the claimant, a few questions were raised as to whether he holds a full license as he was not aware of the road set up i.e. moving out from a side road onto a busy road with traffic lights. Photographic evidence was taken at the time of the accident and it shows his bike on the wrong side of the road. I have learnt from my insurers, that the young learner had changed his story on three occasions with his insurers, where he said I ran a green traffic light? (if this was the case, I had right of way) and has finally admitted the direction of travel, as I gave in my original statement. The witness in the car to the right provided his details to the claimant, the claimant refused to pass these on. He also did not give these details to his insurers. After three months a witness has come forward and said that I moved out the road and knocked him straight off his bike, which has sent alarm bells ringing as I this was not the case. My solicitors are now chasing this lead. I have not admitted liability as this was not my fault and I have been driving for 15 years with ten years no claims. If this was I would not be wasting my insurers/solicitors time. And I am not claiming any damages. The problem here is the young learner works for a very large take away company who I hear has aggressive solicitors. I am being set up for an insurance claim for the wrong reasons as the young lad is looking for a payout. My insurers have said this could go to court, which I have pushed for, (ideally would not like to attend) but I am wondering: i) how far this can go, before I have to go to court? ii) with all the false details and a bogus claim, have I already lost against a large take away company? iii)Will I lose my no claims? My insurers solicitors are to ring me tomorrow to take a statement.I hope someone can kindly help with advice and set my mind at rest and stop my sleepless nights. Thank you.
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