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  1. Hello, I rang the police last week as the motorcyclist did not pass on his details at the time. The police advised that my insurers should be perusing if the motorcyclist has a licence/CBT. I contacted my insurers on Friday. Thank you for your help.
  2. Hello renegadeimp, The check only shows the bike is insured by a third party insurance. Not specifically to the motorcyclist. I suppose any of the employees could use any of the company’s bikes. Thank you.
  3. Thank you. I have checked the website an the bike is insured, as it is owned by the take away chain. The question really is the motorcylist himself insured? I have contacted me insurers to ask. Thanks again all for your help. This is reassuring.
  4. Hello, The bike belongs to the take away chain. I have rang the police for advice and they have said I will need to contact my insurers to ask them to check for his insurance details. Honestly - he did not understand the road set up. But surely my insurers would have checked this first with the other party, before proceeding?
  5. Hello, The young learner is of Indian origin and does not speak English very well. Thank you.
  6. Hello Never shay die, I am not sure who the other party’s solicitors are butI hear they are very aggressive. This happened in South London. My solicitors are Brown Sword. Thank you for the reassurance and all! I could just do without going to court. Thanks you all.
  7. Hello Rebel11, Thank you for the advice. I have checked the local authority website and unfortunately there are no cctv cameras on this road. It was worth a shot though! Thank you.
  8. Hello. Thank you. With all the holes in the claimants story he could still win? Would these details not go against him in court? My insurers wanted to split the claim but don't see why I should suffer financially in the long run for his payment.
  9. Hello thank you. I did not realise I was able to demand his insurance details from the police. If I do would this be interfering with my case? Otherwise I will be taking his claim letter for injuries to the station tomorrow which gives his full address.
  10. Hello, thank you for all responses. Yes I agree with regards to the witness statement. Sounds very suss to me. I will soon find out as my insurers is chasing.
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