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  1. Hi All, Just a little advice please. I had a works pension that was frozen some 8 years before I got married. My wife and I are going trough divorce and she seems interested in some of this pension. Question is as the pension was paid into and frozen before we married is she entitled to some of it? I am retired and disabled and claiming pension credit + enhanced PIP and Enhanced Mobility. the pension she is looking to have part of pays £42.27/Month She is 58 and due to retire at 67. She has a work p\lace pension and she earns around 1,500/month her new partner earns about the same. wondering also if I am entitled to Spousal award, not that I want to claim any of it, just use it as a lever to get her off my back. Thanks in anticipation Ken
  2. I was unable to pay the mortgage for about 10 months, but then I got a new contract and was able to set up a standing order which was larger than the statutory amount. I decided to pay this larger amount in order to gradually reduce the size of the shortfall in a way that I could sensibly afford. Prior to my first default I was actually overpaying over a number of years, so that my 10 months gap was actually only 4.6 months on the balance sheet (this is acknowledged by the lender). I have already given Mortgages 2 my assurance, several times, that I will be able to overpay them every month over the full term of the mortgage. Despite this they have started legal proceedings to repossess my home. The really odd thing is that they started their proceedings against me after I had set up my standing order to pay them more than I needed to! They have now had 3 uninterrupted monthly payments and still have not stopped proceedings. They are using Moore Blatch and the court case is in early July. Mortgages 2 are no longer in the mortgage lending business, and are obviously keen to recover all of those pesky mortgages and get their hands on the money for whatever new venture they have up their corporate sleeves. My defence is based on exactly what I have told you here. But what can happen? Will a judge really allow me to be made homeless when I'm regularly paying a larger sum than I need to? This is crazy! Does anyone have any views on this?
  3. My partner who is on lifetime DLA is being reassessed for PIP. Having had an uphill struggle to claim other benefits and his pension, we are well versed with their tricks by now. This morning he a received a random phonecall from someone unwilling to identify themselves, who was asking for personal information. He refused, unless the person identified themselves and gave a return phone number (it was a 'private number on the caller ID) for him to call on. They refused point blank and said "There's no point in continuing the conversation and slammed the phone down" Despite the fact my partner has had no contact from the DWP or ATOS since he filled in his form. I immediately suspected this was ATOS, fortunately I was around the corner from their assessment centre at the time and went round. When I went in the person who I saw was the person who had called my partner! However they kept refusing to discuss anything with me (which is fair enough, except confirm it was them who had called my partner), but I requested a phone no so he could call up, confirm his details but much more importantly find out when his assessment is! She refused point blank and said that's "his problem for refusing to hand over his details". Cut a long story short (which was mainly filled with lies from this person about the PIP procedure) I found out his appointment is this Friday from the main ATOS call centre. WTF! we have had no letters, no text's and most importantly this woman was refusing to tell us when it was was! Anyway we have had the appointment shifted. Some quick questions. 1) Is there any chance this lady I spoke to, will be the one who will be doing the assessment ? i.e. is it the assessor who makes that phonecall before the appointment 2) We want to record assessment, how do i get written permission ?
  4. Hello, I’m very sorry I don’t think this post is in the accurate place, I couldn’t find where I needed to post. I have an issue with Littlewoods and Very. I have been with them for about 6 years, I owe £6000 to Littlewoods and £500 to very. I have always maintained payments up until 10 days ago when I have missed my first littlewoods payment due to have some financial difficulty. I received a few text messages from them saying they haven’t received my payment, which was fine. That was until today, I have now unplugged my home phone because I was in double figures on the calls I had received, they now have started to call my mobile as they are not getting anywhere with the home phone. I can’t afford to pay them anywhere near the amount that they want but I don’t know what to do or where to go from here now to protect myself and my family. The calls started at 8 o clock this morning and haven’t stopped since, any advise would be greatly appreciated and I again I’m sorry for posting this in the wrong area.
  5. Hi everyone, I received a phonecall out of the blue at work last week regarding an ‘important business matter’. He said they had been sending emails with no response, and sending by post to Victoria with no response. I told him I hadn’t received any emails or the mail, which is true. He asked for my uk email address , I told him to send an email to the one he has on record. I told him not to contact me at work twice and gave him my mobile number instead. 31.01.18 - They rang my mobile, asked to confirm full name DOB and address, I said no due to data protection/privacy. I denied owing anything, and asked how they were going to recover the money. He flustered & couldn’t answer. I said not to ring my employer as it will jeopardise my job as I’m currently on probation. I got the attached email back threatening Stevensdrake. I apparently owe $43k, they’ve reduced it to $37k if I settle in two weeks. I left Australia nearly two years ago. Please see attached email from CreditCorp... There are 3 credit card debts. I’ve received assignment letters for the two smaller debts via email after the phone call, but not the main CBA debt for $27k. I suppose I’m in for the long haul reading about this company & some of the posts on here, just wondering what my next move should be? I told them they could lose me my job if they persist contacting me at work, don’t they realise it’s counterproductive?!! I’m assuming they can’t enter a judgment in Oz while I’m not in Oz anymore, and if not, surely there’s nothing to enforce in the U.K.? Thank you so much for any advice you can provide xxx
  6. ’ll try and keep this as brief as possible but I’ll need to explain a bit of background. When I was in university I rented a room in a house with three other students that I didn’t know between July 2012 to June 2013. Npower supplied the electricity and gas. I gave the first meter reading in July and the first bill came in October and we each paid a fourth to the landlord and I thought this arrangement would continue. However, towards June 2013 I contacted the landlord as we hadn’t got any more bills and queried what was going on he said he’d put the bills solely in my name. I was amazed that this was possible and called Npower to refuse to be the only sole name on the bills but they said this was the landlord’s right. Shortly after that the other tenants all left and two of them half way around the world. The bills at this point still hadn’t come to the house (although they might possibly have done so but one of the other tenants liked to take people’s mail…) and I gave a forwarding address and explained that as I was only one of four tenants they should only send me a fourth of the bill. Instead they started sending widely varying bills (anything from £1300 to £2000+) and after talking to them on the phone failed I then wrote them a letter showing them my tenancy agreement saying that I was only responsible for a fourth of the bills, emails to and from the landlord where he took responsibility for paying the bills if we paid him. Npower ignored all correspondence from me and the demands for payment became nastier and they and debt collection companies started sending letters to my parents as well calling them. I wrote them a cheque for over £500 which was a fourth of what they were asking for at the time. The demands didn’t stop and became more and more frequent. It was deeply stressful and if I’d the whole amount I’d probably would have just paid but I didn’t; however, the demands finally abruptly stopped. But, now more than four years after I paid Npower the £500 and the demands stopped a debt collection company called Wescot that Npower used before has started asking for money again. I think this was because I just updated the electoral register to my new home. It’s a horrible and not to mention embarrassing to start life with my partner in our new home and to be threatened again by this very ruthless debt collection company. I am not sure what to do next and was wondering if someone advise me what they make of these options? Just pay the damned bill and all the nasty extra charges they added. Would this be the end of it? Would accepting it give them the right to damage my credit report? Ignore it and hope it goes away like last time. It hasn’t affected my credit rating so maybe they don’t have enough information about me? And perhaps me going on the electoral register here just tripped some automated system? Pay the bill but take the only other U.K tenant to small claims court for their share? Or even half would that be possible? Threaten to refer their behaviour to some ombudsman or consumer body? Things like calling my parents and writing to them, calling on a Sunday, using aggressive and threatening language etc. Would this scare them enough to leave me alone? Sorry for how long this post was and thank you if any advice you can give.
  7. Hi all Just looking for a bit of information really. I took my first student loan in my first year of uni - 1997. and another loan each year after that so 1998 and 1999 - all the 'old 'style' loans. I have been deferring to Erudio since they bought them. However as for when these loans run out is it 25 years from the first one - 1997, or 25 years from when the last one was issued 1999? thanks all.
  8. Miss-sold a product, received final response from ombudsman whom stated that we were an accidental landlords, the Financial Ombudsman went onto say that the bank, Yorkshire Bank, had missing paper work. They ruled in the favour of the bank, we fought back, by saying it was an unfair process, as they had missing paper work but the financial ombudsman said they had treated us fair, so would not re-open the case. We went back to the ombudsman and stated this was an unfair process, as it was not true and Yorkshire Bank is misleading. The ombudsman stood by their decision but said we could take them to court, in which we have just started court action. I later found information in our own filing cabinet that showed upon mortgage application that the house was tenanted by our daughter and we had made it clear and it was stated clearly on the application. As we went through that information it became clear that the bank had mislead the ombudsman, they had not informed them that we already had a mortgage on our own property from the same company, when we were filling in paper work, we agreed to questions like, are you paying for a residential mortgage, we answered yes thinking it was this property we live in as the advisor had just been speaking about it. The product we had wanted was a buy to let, on interest, we ended up getting a residential mortgage on payment plan, we didn’t know what this was as no information was provided, so never questioned it as thought it was a buy to let. They also mis-sold another product at the same time, which was a signature account once that complaint was made we received a final response from Yorkshire Bank admitting no liability, however, we took this case to the financial ombudsman also a year before this one and they found in our favour on that particular case, which was sold to us at the same time as this residential mortgage was, for a tenanted property. We have recently found out by Yorkshire Bank that this was not just missing paper work but the mortgage file is lost. Yorkshire Bank got out of this by saying but we have system files, it was these system files that were produced to the financial ombudsman, obviously missing out the information that we already had a mortgage before application and with themselves at our home address. Our home address is residential. Missing out the information that the property was tenanted before mortgage application, missing out information that we wanted a buy to let on interest. Yorkshire Bank mis-lead the Financial Ombudsman, plus the discussions with Helen, which they can’t keep on system files. I have been writing to them for months by recorded delivery, they would not respond, i used the last method I possibly could use, it was facebook multimedia site, we got them to speak to us, however it was transferring letters we had already sent to them via facebook. We then got a call from Yorkshire Bank, stating they found the letters in a closed file and don’t understand why they went in that particular file. During the call the lady made a mockery of the complaint, when I mentioned our daughter was a tenant in that property, she said, “oh your daughter”, although it was clearly documented. We have since then had four tenants who are not related or friends. That same advisor then started to tell us on the phone what the original advisor would have said to us at the mortgage application appointment, I said, “hold on a minute” your putting words in our mouths, that was not said at all. We have asked for a copy of the call but they said they will play it in a branch near us but we can’t have the recording. They admitted fault in another letter today with regards to no correspondence and put £100 in our bank without asking us if we would accept, we don't want the money, we want justice. Hence the court case. Is there any information you could supply us with or support us on, as I am doing this court case myself as we can't afford to employ a solicitor? We have also asked the bank permission as we are going to auction on the property but they said we need a valuation, we said it has to be quick and urgent as the auction is June 2017. We waited so long on them responding but never received a reply from them in three months, we have had to take the next course of action to help ourselves as the Bank has turned their backs on us at that point. I don’t mind the valuation, but June is fast approaching and this valuation in case there is a shortfall on the mortgage (all of this knowledge has been sourced by me from the internet) is not only our problem, Yorkshire Bank has contributed to this by not supporting us or responding to us, when we were desperate. We have also asked for email correspondence from them, they have refused, saying letter only. Because they did not respond to our other previous letters they have placed us in a bad situation dragging us along while times are getting difficult and trying to not get into the area of repossession, and now they think they can pull the strings and tell us what to do after all this time. We are not going to be able to afford the full mortgage and the council tax, our limitation is June 2017, hence the auction. We need some help or some area of support to reach to, we will do the work, this is not an issue, but please, some light at the end of the tunnel would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
  9. Hello, I made a lot of silly financial commitments about four years ago as I was working and in college, just turned 18 and assumed I'd be able to just walk into a job when I went to uni the following year. That didn't happen, and my student loan just hasn't been able to cover living costs and the debts I have. I've been trying to make payments as and when, but I realised that the charges I was getting on my accounts were more a month than I'd be able to actually pay them so, instead of being an adult about the situation, I just ignored it. I am now finishing uni in a few weeks time and have found a job and would really like to be able to start working towards being debt free but I've no idea what to do. My debts currently are: £560 to Lowell (o2 phone bill) I set up a payment plan with them about six months ago for £15 a month, even though it was more than I could really afford but was told it was the minimum they could accept or they'd escalate the situation(the idea of bailiffs at my student halls terrified me) but after some reading around I realise that I've probably been lied to. £1600 Simply Be £2000 Littlewoods I've no idea where to start with approaching companies and stuff, so any help would be much appreciated.
  10. Hi, in the middle of December 2015 I received I letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors chasing a debt with Cabot Financial, after searching this site I sent them a prove it letter, heard nothing .... received court papers between Christmas and New year. I submitted a defence saying that I had no knowledge of the debt and has asked the solicitor to provide evidence. Mortimer Clarke wrote to me in late January 2016 saying that they would put action on hold whilst they waited for their client to provide the evidence.Since then I have heard nothing, until last week (8 months later) when I recieved a letter from Mortimer Clarke with the enclosed copy of the CCA of a loan had taken out in 2009 and a statement of account dated March 2016. They have made an offer to reduce the amount owing by 40% and if I agree that it would be a Tomlin order but I have to respond within 14 days. I believe though that this debt is statute barred, the last full payment of this loan was July 2009, they kept trying to take payments and successfully managed to take a token £25 payment from my account on the 10th September 2009 (which I think, based on the statement they have sent, was a charge for writing a letter to me). Since then I have made no payments and not acknowledged the debt in any way. I need to respond back to Mortimer Clarke, can someone tell me if the debt is statute barred and what the procedure would be for the ccj which is currently on hold Many thanks
  11. Just had a very worrying phone call started with me querying the fact that they where still under the impression I was self employed (a job I did for 18 months) got put through to tax credits department who said that we still owed £12000 and this sum was now in the hands of a debt collection agency. And that their last letter to us was March this year which is an absolute lie. they refuse to send copies of any correspondence. Not had any correspondence on this issue for years. This debt goes back to when tax credit's first came out and was based on estimates from my local tax office. When I found out that they could do this I stopped claiming tax credits and never claimed again. I have never ever claimed a penny since and my kids are now 19 and as far as I am concerned must have saved HMRC well over this amount. I was under the impression early overpayments due to their incompatence (not mine) had been written off. I am at an all time low, could never pay it off and face paying this off out of my pension. I work part time earning just enough to keep my head above water and now I feel totally gutted and depressed. Any advise would be helpful, especially as I don't even know where to find or if I still have my paperwork. HMRC will not issue old correspondence they say they have sent to me, which I know I have not had. So how can I fight this?
  12. Hi, I previously lived in the UK but have returned back to the US as I was made redundant. I owe approx. £10880 to Virgin/mbna and had a phone call with them earlier. I am able to borrow the monies from family and after going thru the series of questions of my incoming and outgoing expenses I gave an approximate figure £7000 to clear the above loan. they were going to check w a mgr and get back to me. It now seems I could have gone lower and think I am going to call,them Monday and say I only had £7000 total as I also have to use that to pay the £6800 to HSBC. I need to get this cleared as I now cannot afford the min bal as I am living back in the US. Do you think I can negotiate a lower amount? They also said they don't so full and final settlements anymore so I guess I just hope when I accept they don't sell, the remaining debt on!
  13. Hi, I run a small hair salon. J ust over a year ago, I was approached about the possibility of having some advertising, the advert would be 1000 leaflets for my use, as well as leaflets being left under the seats at a local ice rink, and an advert put up on screen. This would last for 1 year. The adverts would be on a rolling advertisement, but guaranteed to be shown at least once during each event that was held there. I never went to the ice rink, but had faith that it would be done.. . having said that, over the course of a year I've had no custom from it. The leaflets all said to bring the leaflet with them, and the customer would receive a discount. I put it down as a lesson learned, and a failed attempt to advertise, and thought nothing of it. However, today I received a letter saying year 2 of my contract had started last month, and I now owe a full year payment (in full or installments) as I have agreed to a second year. I never did this. I have called them up, and was informed that I was given a second year because I did not cancel my contract in the first 9 months of year one and it was a rolling contract, minimal of two years, unless a cancellation was requested. Now, I would put this down to another lesson learned, and I should have read the small print, etc. when I took out the contract, I stated very firmly I did not want two years. I wanted one (which was an option they gave me), and I was told that 'Optional' would be written down for year 2, so I could choose to have it at the same rate if I wanted it. I signed the contract, after again confirming it was for 1 year and my request for it to be 1 year only meant it would not roll over. I set up a quarterly Direct Debit, and that was that. this request for payment seems to be unfair, because I was told it was 1 year and my request for 1 year counted as an immediate request for cancellation. I also find it strange (yet I'm also thankful) that it wasn't just taken from my bank, since they have my direct debit details. Why the request for me to send them the money? I've been in touch, it is legitimately from the same people. But it just seems odd to me. They've been very offish about it when I've contacted them, and basically told me tough as no request was made in that 9 month period. But as I was told, on signing in the first place, that it was accepted and no second year would come... why would I call and cancel again? What are my options here? should I have received a letter (in good grace) to remind me I needed to cancel, if they truly thought I'd not done already? If anyone could help, I would be most gracious
  14. Hey, A bit of background: After I hit 80 kg (176 lbs) [btw I'm 1.78cm] I decided to start exercising. I found a nice dumbbell + PU + crunches plan and will try to stick to it. Before that I was on keto (when loosing weight) or on a low carb diet (loosing slower/ maintaining). Now my question: Are there any reasons to stay on low carb when trying go build muscles? Are there any downsides on a low carb diet? From what I understand It probably doesn't matter as long as I get enough protein, but I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks for helping out
  15. http://www.cash4phone.co.uk/ http://www.nominet.org.uk/whois/lookup?query=cash4phone.co.uk
  16. Hi All, I have various debts that are being handled by agencies. I have a limited company that I stupidly set up a bank account for with Natwest. I say stupidly because they held my personal account too. I had an instance of fraud on my company website and had to refund a customer £160. This came at a precarious time in terms of cash flow. As a result the account was thrown into debt. Natwest decided to close both my personal and my business accounts at the same time because of it. I also owe worldpay who were my gateway service providers for my website. I have a personal debt with Very due to defaulting on the buy now pay later scheme as I found myself unemployed. As it stands I have had many letters from many CCA's. It appears that the debt is being moved around a lot. Natwest and Worldpay are both being held by Moorcroft. Very is with NDR. I did get a call this morning from someone saying they are "Allied International" and then asking me to supply details for data protection. As I had no idea who they were I refused to give them any information. The woman said she couldn't tell me anything without my information. In the end she hung up. I understand now that they are AIC. I'm not sure which debt they now hold. I would really like advice on how to get started with sorting this whole mess out. Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. Well I have started as off 3 o clock today it will be 6 days . I decided to quit because Tescos were now charging 9.25 for a pack of 20 ,so off to the doctors and we started on the patches . I must admit they were useless since I was doing as lot of hiking to get myself fit after a back op . hey kept on sleeping off so had a relapse. Back to the clinic again and they suggested lozenge and the pipe thingy . Tried the lozenge and it seems to suit me . I am already feeling the benefits last sunday I walked up Leith hill and nearly collapsed at the top this Sunday I managed it to the top with a quick breather. One thing I would point out it might be cheaper for you to pick yp your NRT at the supermarket since my doctors gave me 36 lozenges for £8.10 and went into tescos and they had 96 for £12 . Also they had some deals on the other NRT. I have also taking up hiking which I gave up years ago after my back problems and I am finding that I can do longer and longer hikes . Finally I must admit at the moment I can smell a cigarette at 200 paces at the moment I was smoking over 30 a day and I am already seeing the benefits I was able to spend quite a bit of money on my niece and nephew when they went to LEGOLAND (They were very happy) What im saying is never give up get your family to support you as well
  18. Hi Can anybody help please. I am trying to start a new thread but justg getting this message: ' The number of tags you tried to add exceeded the maximum number of tags by 3'. Kind regards
  19. Hello I recently bumped into a good friend from the past, around 2007 bereavement happened within his family, and his nan left him money. He ended up moving round the UK and parts of Europe living with new age travelers. Anyway he recently started a job, but his company he works for is putting him on emergency tax has he did not have a P45. Can anyone advise to what he can do? so he can stop paying emergency tax and claim back what he's overpaid. Thanks
  20. Hi all, Was wondering if anyone can put my mind at rest about this if possible? My ESA claim started on Dec 10th...I was usually paid IB on a friday which means with their "no breaks in payment" policy I should have gotten a payment yesterday as normal but I didn't. The last payment I got was on the 6th. Does anyone know if they shift payments to accommodate the new claim date or am I likely to be facing some kind of other problem here? The woman that phoned me about my claim did specifically say nothing would change so that's why I'm worried and also the time of year is not the best. I could kick myself for not checking yesterday then I could have phoned...now I have to wait til Monday but if anyone could put my mind at ease til then it would be much appreciate. Thanks x
  21. Hi there, I'm just looking for some information regarding " Final JSA payment" I signed off on Friday 20/09/2013 and im just wondering how many days it'll be till i receive the backdated payment? Also my JCP adviser "Fast Tracked" working tax credits for me and i rang them last night and they said i've been awarded Working tax credits but it could take up to two weeks to receive this? My main issue is i dont get paid until 25th October and i've got three children to support and im starting to worry that im not going to be able to do this sufficiently Any help i will be most grateful. Thank you
  22. First off, hello all! I've decided to join in on the forum to let you know how I get on with a PPI complaint against Northern Rock (£7k personal loan). I borrowed £7k over 36 months in Jan 2008 via a telephone application. Sales guy at NR told me he had run everything through the computer and it was recommending I took out "Gold cover" (sic) and that the success of my application sort of depended on it. I never thought any more about it and paid off the loan early (Feb 2010). It was only when I was looking at my credit report online that I remembered it! After my initial claim form ended up with Bradford & Bingley (who dismissed it), I managed to get hold of NRAM again today only for the assistant's PC to crash after 15 minutes of me providing details. Next person I got passed to basically told me to sod off as I had no paperwork and call Cardif Pinnacle and ask them if I had PPI. She claimed it would show as a separate payment on my bank statements (which it didn't) Called Pinnacle and managed to confirm I did indeed have PPI and they supplied me with a policy number which was the loan reference too apparently. So back to NRAM and after 1 dropped call and 1 non-answered call (:-x), I got through and have now started a claim. Strange that they cannot simply do the same search that Pinnacle did! Anyone estimate what the interest rate would have been on a personal loan back in 2008? (Trying to work out how much the PPI portion of the loan was!!) Anyway, I'll keep this thread updated with how I get on... I did submit a complaint to HSBC a year or so back regarding their PPI on a credit card but they dismissed my claim as I had signed a box on the paperwork to accept the Ts & Cs of the insurance and I never got around to taking it further...
  23. Recieved O/H agreement from MBNA, noticed that although she was unemployed at the time, she ticked PPI and they did not inform her tht it was worthless if she was unemployed, so claim submitted today. Will let you know how it goes
  24. Hi I have no idea if i was ever sold PPI but i would like to find out. How is this done, i've had a quick look on the site but i've not found anywhere that shows a simple guide for what to do first. I would imagine there is one and that i'm probably blind. If there is, please can someone provide me with a link. I assume the first step is to write to my current and former mortgage providers and ask them if i had PPI on the mortgages. I've only ever had one credit card about 20 years ago and i've never had a loan so it's just the mortgage that i'm bothered about really. Thanks
  25. I've got several threads that I've started but when I go to my profile/find all threads started some are missing. any suggestions on how to locate them?
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