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  1. Hello all. First of all thank you very much for supporting this website. It has given me some hope in what to me appears to be a very dishonest situation. Summary PCN received after stopping for 12 mins at the entrance to a P&D car park in which ALL 4 Spaces were blocked by a wooden pallet each with a notice saying the road was too narrow for parking and emergency access. Details Broadwater Street West in Worthing, West Sussex is a short, narrow L-shaped side street running along the side of Starbucks and to the left behind it and other buildings, giving access to lock-up garages and waste bins. It has 4 parking spaces nose to tail running from the entrance of the road. My passenger had a painful case of cystitis and needed to use the loo. Thankfully we saw a Starbucks and from the main road it looked like there were parking spaces free in the side street next to it. After turning into the street and letting my passenger out, I saw that each of the parking bays had a wooden pallet in them preventing their use. In addition there was a sheet of paper on the wall to the side of each space saying that access was required at all times in case of emergency, bin collection and deliveries and that the road is too narrow for parking cars and through traffic. This is certainly the case. Having entered this narrow street the only way out was too drive to the end of the L where there is just enough space to turn around and then drive back to the entrance. Unable to park I waited just short of the main road for my passenger to return. Although I had fully intended to pay, with it not being physically possible to park let alone legal, the whole place gave the appearance that parking was at least suspended if not cancelled. Hence it never crossed my mind that I would be penalised for stopping there. There is of course no one supervising to tell you. My passenger could have just run in to Starbucks, used the toilet and run out but being polite she chose to buy some tea. We had just left the vet after having spent an hour talking to one of their very kind nurses about the loss of our dog which has been heartbreaking. It was a very emotional time and with the cystitis as well I couldn't drive off and leave them; stopped by the entrance I could at least clear the road if for example an emergency vehicle required access. They returned after approx 10 mins and we left. What Happened PCN received for "Failing to Park Within a Marked Bay". Given the situation described above where I was physically unable to park in a marked bay, let alone do so without blocking emergency access I thought it was a [problem] and a quite ludicrous one at that. And for this reason I have not contacted One Parking Solutions. I have since received a letter from ZZPS Limited saying my unpaid PCN has been passed to them to resolve. The balance owed has now increased to £170. They have quoted Parking Eye v Beavis as a recent Supreme Court Ruling. I have spoken to them and they said I was parked for 12 mins. If I do nothing the matter will be passed to their solicitors.
  2. Hi Everyone Im new to the forum so firstly I would like to say Hello. I have attached a photo of a car park sign next to our yard. This is a company that allowed us to park in their car park and has since gone into liquidation. The director who is managing the liquidation has erected the attached sign. The problem is we currently have no alternative to park. Is there any issues with the attached sign? flash signs.pdf
  3. Well i just do not get it. Maybe i am getting older but i have now had enough of cold rainy,snowy dark days. The dark and the gloom. Maybe as i am not working as hard as i did winters seem to be lasting longer Having said that today despite a little frost to start with the sun is beating down. I am ready for a little warmth,are you. So who has seen a sign of change coming. I heard a Woodpecker the other day and Magpies and Herons sat on their nests. Plus one huge Bumblebee yesterday. And a few buds appearing on trees. What have you seen lately. Here is a article Our top spots for signs of spring https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/our-top-spots-for-signs-of-spring The 10 most welcoming signs of spring From daffodils to the dawn chorus, here are 10 signs that spring is finally well on its way http://www.countryfile.com/countryside/10-most-welcoming-signs-spring I wonder if anyone has seen a mad March Hare,years since i saw one. Or maybe Lambs jumping around in the fields. Over to you.
  4. Public Health England urges vigilance about spotting signs of scarlet fever READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-health-england-urges-vigilance-about-spotting-signs-of-scarlet-fever
  5. Hi, just returned from Calpe in Spain and we were burgled in our Holiday Villa which was booked through a UK company. On our last but one day we locked all doors, windows and shutters and went out for 45 minutes, returned and all was OK outside, unlocked and went in and after about an hour noticed an iPad, watch, some jewellery was missing, our mobile phones were out on the sofa still there and nothing else was missing, all inside locks were still locked. Phoned the rep, whist waiting spoke to the one neighbour who said same thing happened last summer to a dutch family who had 600 Euro and an expensive pair of trainers taken but their GoPro was not taken, they reported to the rep and police came etc, we did not have insurance and wondered where we stand in that SOMEONE USED A KEY to get in, we had one and the Owner, Cleaners, Maintenance Etc have access to one, also previous guests, people with a grievance may have copied a key ? This Villa company does have a few mentions with other villas nearby on TripAdviser with similar stories, we used the Safe but it was only big enough for my bum bag containing passports, money and car keys etc The Guardia Police came and we filled out a report, they did not appear to be surpised or concerned. So a previous burglary should they have put NEW LOCKS on ? Are the UK Rental Company liable for lack of security and compensate me ? Any Advice please on where to go with this ? Thanks Milocoon
  6. Hi I received a parking ticket mid December because I parked in a council car park with out a ticket. The reason why I parked without a ticket was there was signs on the road saying free parking today it was a free day of parking due to Christmas shopping. (I have photographic evidence of the sign advising this) I appealed the charge and sent the council a copy of my photo of the sign, they rejected this and said I have to wait for a notice to owner letter to come out before I can appeal which could take up to 28 days, (this is now nearly three weeks over the 28 days period). My question is do I contact the council again and say I have not received the notice or keep quiet, I am just worried they will take it further and say I have not replied to them.
  7. Hello everybody, I am after some advice with regards to appealing a Penalty Charge Notice. I was doing some work for a client at one of their rental properties in Battersea (Cupar Road). I turned into Cupar Road from Battersea Park Road and drove to the end where I saw a parking space on the left (and coincidently right by the house I was working on). As I got out of the car I saw the sign saying “Permit Holders or Pay at machine”. Underneath there was an arrow directing you to the nearest ticket machine. In that direction, was another sign stating the same thing; Permit holders or pay at machine. I went to the machine and got the parkmobile location number and started my parking via the phone app. About 30 minutes into my parking, I see a traffic warden putting a ticket on my car with a Code 12 and for a cost of £130!!! I said I had parked via parkmobile and showed him the running app on the phone. He responded that I have parked on the wrong side of the road! Permit holders only on one side and a mixture on the other! I pointed at the sign when I pulled up (which is right opposite the end space where I had parked. He said, I need to check the other sign (which was about 10 – 15 yards back down the road, in the opposite direction of the ticket machine and the arrows on the other signs). I saw the sign as I got out of the car and another one just over the road both saying pay at machine. The warden noted it was a genuine error and I had paid to park. He also recognised that I am not a resident and just doing some work there. He advised me to appeal and he would write a note saying I was working, so not familiar with the area and parking restrictions. He took photos of the car and the black bags I had lined up to show that we had chatted and that I was working on the house and not a resident. He said in all likelihood, the PCN would be overturned. I also took photos of the car with the sign right opposite the car, which would be the first signage you saw from the car, then backed up with a second sign a little toward the ticket machine which is directly in front of the car. It never occurred to me that there would be a third sign lurking a bit further down the road saying permit holders only or that parking on one side of the road or the other made a difference. I hadn’t come across this parking arrangement before (Live in a small village in Sussex). In my mind, the signage doesn’t make it particularly clear that you have to park on one side of the road or the other. Plus, the positioning of the signs; One right at the end saying pay at machine with arrows toward the machine and another in the opposite direction saying permit holders only. As the machine was at the top of the road and that another sign was there inviting you to pay, I had no reason to walk down the road. In my mind, I saw two signs saying pay at machine and that I could pay and park. Many thanks
  8. We live in a road, that is made up of privately owned houses and flats and which also contains around 15 social housing flats. These properties were built 5 years ago. This morning, a man from UKPC put up a load of parking notices, with various rules about parking in designated bays, displaying parking permits, time limits on parking in visitor bays and non return to visitor bays within 48 hours ETC. Charges are £100, reduced to £60, if paid within 14 days. None of the residents have been given prior notice that this company was going to be doing this! The road is a private road, operated by a separate entity to the lease holders of the properties, and is only for the 90+ properties in this road. At this point in time, no residents have been issued with any parking permits for their vehicles. It seems to us that this company (UKPC) could, in theory, start issuing penalty/charge tickets to anyone now using this road. Is there any legal right for residents to be informed that this was going to happen, or do the owners of the road have no legal duty to do so, other than putting up these signs? Thanks.JD444
  9. Ryanair has signed a deal with Ombudsman Services that will see the organisation operate as the airline’s approved alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body. Approval to the scheme means that passengers of Ryanair who have disputes relating to issues such as denied boarding, lost baggage, delays or cancellations will be able to escalate their complaint to Ombudsman Services if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached with the airline. The scheme operated by Ombudsman services will be free of charge to consumers. Up until now, you have to take your case to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). But the CAA don't have the same powers as ombudsman schemes, meaning they can't force airlines to pay out. The service is expected to be up and running by spring 2016. http://www.traveldailymedia.com/229670/ryanair-aims-to-simplify-complaints-procedures/
  10. Hi guys, So this case was a bit awkward. Actually it happened today (Saturday) around 8:30am when I was unloading my van between 2 signs with different restrictions which makes me a bit confused. 1 Sign had written "No loading Mon - Fri Xam - Xpm" and the other one had written "No loading Saturday 8am - 10pm" and throughout the footpath I had the single yellow line with the vertical single yellow line. Do I have any ground to appeal in this case? As I was in the middle (between) of this 2 different signs Thanks in advance!
  11. Is there an offical minimum size for speed camera road signs please? My local authority, Preston, have started replacing them round here and they are almost half the size of the old ones and much more difficult to see!
  12. read the lastest post on the parking prankster's blogspot about planning consent for parking signs, it is something I have beaten PE on before so not an isolated example. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/ So, if you get a Court Claim than one of the documents you should ask for from the parking co is the planning consent for the advertising display board. Check with your local council as consent is needed for any sign big enough to be acceptable under the CoP covering the signs that form contracts. Generally the parking co's do not apply for PP and rely upon existing consent from the stores. However, in the case when I beat PE, the car park had a separate address to the store as a building was demolished to make way for it and no planning applied for so not only were the signs illegal, the car park was separate and thus would have attracted business rates of its own. I know that PE applied for PP and had to erect new signage as a resulot of my action so it is always worth checking.
  13. recently caught doing 38 in a 30 zone, having just come out of a 40. the 30 sign was at the side of the road facing the other side, rather than directly towards the oncoming driver so not very clear. I cant find anything on the legislation pages which says how signs should be positioned, only the dimensions of the sign any advice would be welcome.
  14. Just wondering if I have any chance of appealing this parking ticket. I was parking on Charlotte Street in Birmingham today. I used to park there regularly as my wife worked on Charlotte Street and it was always pay and display both sides. On driving down the road I saw the pay and display signs on the right hand side (road is one way single lane with parking bays on both sides) There was an empty bay on the left side so I pulled into this and paid for 3 hours parking from the pay and display machine on the right hand side of the road. On returning to my car I discovered a parking ticket on my windscreen. The traffic warden was at the scene having a discussion with another person parked a few spaces behind me who had also received a ticket. The warden pointed out the right hand side is pay and display but the left hand side of the road is permit holders only. He then pointed out a small sign about 1 foot across and 8 foot in the air, which was identical to the pay and display signs other than bearing the wording “permit holders only”. The warden admitted a lot of drivers get caught by this and they often overturn the tickets on appeal as a result. After the warden left I saw another lady park on the left and buy a ticket from the machine on the right although I could not get to her in time to warn her she faced the same issue. Do people think I stand any chance of appealing this ticket and if so what is the best strategy.
  15. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52265[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]52266[/ATTACH] Spotted today! some companies just don't get it do they (Penalty mentioned on both signs) guess I'll be overstaying and parking in the wrong place there soon
  16. How is failure to comply with the above mentioned sign penalised outside London. I know in London it's by a PCN issued by a local authority but what about outside London. Is it a motoring offence dealt with through penalty points and a FPN issued by the police?
  17. Hello All, Great forum, I've searched for similar threads but did not find anything, hence the question. I got a PCN for not displaying a valid ticket - overstayed by 8 minutes (observed from 08:04, time of contravention 08:08. - parked in a parking bay - Manchester, Lana street, next to Premier Inn hotel. - Arrived late in the evening (after 9pm), did not see any signs, parked in a parking bay. asked hotel staff if ok to park, they confirmed that ok to park till 8am. - got genuinely delayed during checkout by people demanding money back for the lack of internet connectivity, asking for pillows etc... but that's probably not a good argument for the appeal ? - caught CEO red handed but it was already too late (was taking pictures) I think there might be inadequate signage on this street, as certainly I did not see any at the moment of parking: - Lena street is a one way street - there is only one sign on this street, at the entrance from A6 (Piccadilly/London Rd). it looks like it's bent toward the entrance - I did not use that entry to Lena Street - I parked at the other end of the street which is 70-80 meters (or more) away from the sign - I came from Patton Street & Back Piccadilly and there is no sign at the entrance to Lena steet - There are no P&D machines on Lena Street I cannot find a proper regulations I could use in my appeal. I only found the following information, would that be enough to fight against that PCN? Please find my photos of the street: s1162.photobucket.com/user/afronrg/library/PCN Many thanks for any input. Regards, a.
  18. My wife has received a PCN for a Code 34: Being in a Bus Lane, which cannot be denied as she did indeed drive in the said Bus Lane. However, I believe that the Road Signs for this Bus Lane as seen from the road that she entered the Bus Lane are incorrect and therefore illegal. My wife was photographed turning left from a side road onto the Bus Lane which is on a 2 vehicle width road, the lane next to the Bus Lane is for travelling in the opposite direction to which the Bus Lane goes, which in effect means that anyone turning left from this side road MUST go in the Bus Lane. Could someone on here please confirm or refute my belief, Thank you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47957[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47956[/ATTACH]
  19. Got a ticket for parking in Threadneedle Street EC, the kerb markings were there and not very visible, couldn't see the restriction sign on a post, when I got the ticket the sign was planted on a wall quite high up, do I have any grounds to appeal and is it worth it. Do the council have the obligation to ensure kerb markings are clear and precise rather than broken and not very visible, I also notice the vehicle in front of me didn't get a ticket as I asked the driver
  20. Please does anyone know if there is a legal height for parking signs? I recently cut my head open on a parking sign in a local authority car park. I dropped something and as i straightened up I hit my head very hard on this metal parking sign which I am sure should not be at head height but much higher. I now look at all signs and they all seem much higher. High enough to easily walk under. I wrote to my local council but their reply was " the signs are of a standard height and size and not regarded as dangerous for anyone taking due care and attention" I am sure these signs are dangerous and should be raised higher but I cannot find any laws or guidance on statutory heights for signs. Can anyone help please ? Thank you.
  21. Hi, My car has been parked outside my house for days. I saw it being ticketed and ran downstairs to be told that this single sign had been up for 3 weeks. I had seriously never seen it, but how do I prove that it wasn't there? Is it even legal? Is is so small and only says no loading. Not no parkling. This is the third time I have had a parking ticket from the same warden. The last two times were slightly different, I appealed and won each time, but with NO explanation as to why the mistakes were being made. It is so maddening. Also during those days, nothing happened at all! I was working from home and there was NO use of the bays.
  22. Hi Have searched but have an unclear understanding of the signs in parking restriction areas. If a designated parking area is marked with a rectangle box, parallel to the pavement: Môn-sat 9.30 -4pm 30 min parking no return 30 min My question is, what are requirements for the local authority to place signs in that area? The marked area in question can fit approx 20 cars. Currently there is a sign at the beginning of the bay and another ¾ down the marked area. I parked my vehicle at the end of the bay and just exceeded the 30 min parking time and was issued with a pcn. I wanted to challenge this pcn on the grounds that a sign was not erected at the end of the marked area and was not aware of the restriction (which is truly the fact).the nearest sign to the end of the bay is 21 mtr away I have read in posts that signs need to be erected at each end of the box area (or where the line turns in to the pavement (L shape).can someone shed some light on this and any links to the legislation. Thanks in advance
  23. I got a PCN from Westminster and I have already filed an informal appeal. There were 2 signs one above the other right beside where I parked (photo attached). One said "Disabled badge holders only. At any time". The one below said "Mon-Fri 8:30am - 6.30pm. Maximum stay 4 hours, no return within 1 hour". I figured that the top one applied to the bay in front, which was clearly marked disabled and the other applied to the bay in which I was parked (photo attached). It was raining really heavily that day so I couldn't get pictures but I used google maps streetview to get photos and used that for my informal appeal. In the rejection letter, they stated that I was in a residents' bay and there was a sign 12 metres behind my car. I remember reading somewhere that where one restriction meets another, there should be a sign 5metres from either end and there definitely was not. If this 5 metre rule is accurate, could somebody please point me in the direction of the official wording I can use to make a formal representation? Thanks!
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