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Found 11 results

  1. Has anyone considered a debt management plan to sort out payday loans? I'm seriously thinking of contacting one to help me consolidate my debts as i owe; Paydayuk £652.00 Wonga£350.00 WDA£659.00 Payday express: £552.00 Sunny £249.00 Money shop £249.00 Nationawide £1270.00 overdraft Halifax £1277.00 alot of money. I get paid £1658.00 and feel lost and in a rut im so stupid im in such a mess with money need some serious help!!! dont think payday loans will accept my £10.00-20.00 offer such a fool for going back to them what a mess
  2. Hi everyone, as you might tell, I'm new here... I pretty clueless in which direction to go and I desperately need help from people in the know so I'm here as this seems the right place to get different opinions etc... Right, my situation... Back in March 2009 I took a personal loan out for a newish car with Blackhorse Finance, the agreement was for £9,600 spread over £207 payable back over 60months... Originally the agreement was to be on Vehicle Finance terms but for some reason I couldn't get that so they changed it to a personal loan and got it through for some reason... This allowed me to sell the car without having to pay the finance off etc. (but I'll get back to that shortly...) I was in full time employment and was able to pay the £207 for around 2 years, after approximately 18months of that 2 years I got a promotion in work and was given a company car to use for Social use as well as within work so naturally I didn't see much point in owning a car worth a good few thousand pound when it's just sat at home not getting used. I decided to sell, I spoke with Blackhorse first to confirm they didn't have any 'Interest' in the vehicle there end and was told that I can go ahead and sell it... The car sold and I kept the money in a savings pot as I didn't have enough to completely close the Finance account off so I thought I would just keep paying the £207 each month happily... Then the problem occurred... Around 6 months after selling the car, I was made redundant, obviously the company car went back and I was left jobless... I decided to do what I always wanted to do and start up my own business, I carefully used my savings pot to set up business as a Mobile ICT Technician with a vehicle and some additional kit that I didn't have and got out there working... Self employment went well for around 8 months and during that period I was able to keep the payments of £207 going... Business went bad... Eventually, self employed life started getting bad, the phone didn't ring as much as it used to and a lot of competition had cropped up from nowhere in the local area... I started to struggle... I missed a couple of months payments trying to prioritise my money to actually getting by and living and I ended up burying my head in the sand for too long hiding away from the phone calls from Blackhorse and then various debt collectors... (Stupid mistake I know but I was young...) I managed to make a payment on and off over the duration of about 18months whilst trying to get my business going again whilst looking for full time employment... When I did eventually sort myself out and get a full time job, after around 6 months I answered a phone call from Apex and jumped onto a payment plan with them (As Blackhorse wouldn't deal with me regarding my account anymore and said I needed to speak with Apex) I've been on a payment plan with Apex paying £130 per month for approx. 14months now, I haven't missed a payment at all. The debt/loan is still with Blackhorse and hasn't been sold onto Apex, they are merely handling me for them... According to my basic math, the 60 month term makes the agreement finish in March this year... That's the history anyway.... Myself and my Girlfriend wish to get onto the property ladder at some point this year and as a result of that decision, I looked into my Credit Rating with Experian... it's 458 (shockingly sh$t I know...) So now I'm tasked with the challenge of improving that even slightly some how over the next couple of months as we've seen a house we like and can easily afford the re-payments... Here comes my question of all questions... The main thing that's dragging me down seems to be the Blackhorse finance stuff... (the reason I say the main this because my Barclaycard Credit card doesn't seem to be on my Experian Credit Report at all and I personally believe this would go in my favour if it was there as I've never missed a payment and have 90% of the credit limit available... (any information/advice on this would be really helpful too!!!)) My Mum has offered to lend me a few thousand to clear the Blackhorse debt up/off and so I wish to do this... Black horse debt detail: - BLACK HORSE LTD Started : 10/03/2009 Remaining Balance : £4,559 Overdue Amount : £3,458 I don't have the funds in place to clear the complete balance unfortunately, and therefore I am seeking direction here as to which way to go with this... And that in mind, which way would benefit my credit score the most? Do I clear the overdue amount and get back up where I should be? I believe the difference is so great between those two figures because every time I missed a monthly payment I had a £25 charge added on and during my head burying time that was quite a lot of missed payments... So do I pursue a full and final whereby I request it gets marked as 'Settled' and see how low I can get it? Or do I pursue removing the charges/majority of charges? and pay the overdue amount? From what I can see on my Credit Report, the current status of this is 'delinquent' and not 'defaulted' and so while it is still in the repayable timeframe period I still have a chance of some sort to keep from going to the 'defaulted' status? Any help and advice with my current situation is very much appreciated, as you can tell, I don't have much time before the end of the payable term is up so I need to get some sort of decision made soon so I can get the ball rolling in the right direction... Thanks very much for reading that lot if you got here! Cheers, Adam.
  3. Hi I'm having trouble with Arden debt management, I've dealt with CCCS (now step change) in the past over debts with HSBC and MBNA, CCCS put me on a budget plan 2 years ago and recommended I could only afford to pay each debt company £1 a month, Arden have since taken on the MBNA debt currently £1065 I've never not paid and gradually increased the monthly direct debit to them currently £40 a month, they are saying that's not enough and are refusing to acknowledge that's all I can afford! Up until now I've refused to tell them my monthly outgoings, but did inform MBNA when I was dealing with them, when I speak to Arden on the phone they just keep trying to get me to pay more a month, I'm now receiving threatening letters this morning a final demand one! What are my rights regarding REFUSING to tell them my outgoings and just keeping paying the £40 a month, I'm ignoring phone calls from them currently about 4 per day. Many thanks in advance naparky
  4. Just wondering if anyone has dealt with debt management in writing and had a response? Thanks
  5. The DWP wrote to me on 14/11/2012 to say they had overpaid me and needed me to pay back £2.842 I immediatly appealed this decision. In January this year the DWP starting to deduct my ESA FOR £10 A WEEK TO COVER THIS SO CALLED OVERPAYMENT. On the 19/07/2013 I received a letter from the DWP stating they have looked again and have changed their original decision. And I no longer need to pay this money back as it was there error. Great News but they are still taking the money out of my ESA and have been since Jan. I phoned 2 weeks ago roughlyto be told it will be sorted within 2 weeks to date nothing. Has anyone any idea were I go from here. Thank You
  6. Hi I have been with a debt management company for some time now.but thet take a fee every month off around 35.00 out off 150.00 I pay them is there a company that does not charge feesand can I pay less than 150.00 as its a struggle every month to finde this money. Thanks Paul.
  7. has anyone had any similar experience to us i had a accident back in june 2010 ,as a result of us being 3rd party fire and theft covered only ,we where told to contact a seperate company from our insurance provider and they would deal with any losses We contacted Broker assistance who insisted that we where entitled to a courtesy vehicle ,me being suspicious declined initially but was reassured (via a phone call with one of thier representatives) that we would not be responsible for any costs involved and they would write it off against the claim ther fore we took the courtesy vehicle for a total of 1 week just before xmas where where contacted by a seperate comapny, motor claims managment, who sent us a very threatening letter demanding £700 for the cost of the car it turns out that broker assistance have gone bust and ba are working on behalf of the administrators to recover outstanding money as the result of my accident left me at fault they have contacted me has anyone had any similar experiences ,where do we stand legally?
  8. Hello, I am facing a problem with my non fault claim(my Mazda 6 car was smashed while parked) Sequence of incidents: After the accident I went through Mazda Accident Aftercare, because of "call Mazda first" campaign". Their aggressive advertisements always say the customer is better off going through them instead of insurer. Actually they are a claims management company in disguise. They arrange a hire car from enterprise for a price double that of enterprise advertised prices. My car is written off. Mazda Accident Aftercare valued the car approximately 1500 pounds cheaper than their own website advertised prices(My car was also bought from Mazda dealer last year). They did not take my proof into consideration and did not even give me any explanation about how can I buy the car with their offered money. Mazda Accident After care took the hire car back, and told me to process the claim through my insurer. Also they told me as my written off car is in a garage I need to arrange rental from my insurer. Now what are the choices I have? I have legal assistance from my insurer. Can I directly deal with the third party insurer? There is a case of Mazda misleading the customers to claims management company by an aggressive advertising campaign, but that is an issue I will take separately.
  9. Can anyone give me any feed back on a company called commercial domestic investments please
  10. I've been going through the DCA's as they have popped up and with CCA requests etc they have pretty much all given up. A while ago I dumped our land line number when we swapped from BT to Virgin and did the same with the mobile so it's been peaceful! Just keeping an eye on my credit file (via deal from bank with travel/mobile insurance for a good price BTW) and it's just a case of watching them drop into the SB abyss over the next few months, lord know I tried to get this sorted with the original creditors but that was like pushing water uphill so I have no issues with the situation. However on a pretty new mobile number (couple of years old) I just got a txt from Debt Managment Ltd, I'm not going to call just wondered if they are chasing and got my number or are they just one of the PPI ambulance chasers?
  11. Hi fellow consumers. My name is James and I have been working for ******* for 20 months on a 20hour contract Fri and Sat. From day 1 i have been asking for a full time job 39 hours. I was told to be patient because people leave and wait for my chance, just keep working hard. During my employment about 3 people have left. So eventually i approached my shift manager for the full time contract. His reply was the store isnt busy as it used to be but leave it with me. I have asked him a number of times after that and most of the time he says "ill sort it out". Talking to collegues they told me the store wasnt giving out full time contracts no more, so i left it. Come november 2011 a team leader job came up which i applied. 2 weeks later I came in 1 night for my shift, my manager approached me and told me my interview was tonight. i told him i didnt get a letter telling me it was tonight. He blamed HR for not sending it. He asked me if i want to do it another time but convinced me I didnt need to prepare you will be fine. At which point i took it as an easy interview was definetly going to get it. The interview was taken by him and the current shift manager. i thought i did good and passed the written exam. Another few weeks after i asked them any news on the job and they said they have no idea and blaming HR. Until 1 night a collegue told me there was a letter with my name at the office. i never thought anything of it, thought it was my payslip i didnt get last month. After christmas i went up to the office to collect my payslip and there it was the letter telling me i didnt get the team leader job. The letter was dated 4th of december. I was raging! i confronted them about it. i said "i work my ass off for u guys, always do what im told, come in whenever u phone me because you guys were short of numbers. And yet u cant even tell me i didnt get the job or even hand me the letter" They always seem to blame it on others. i went into tears and my manager called me into his office. I begged him for the full time contract telling him i have a family to feed. So he promised me he would get me that full time job before he gets transfered to another store in jan. Collegues told me they didnt get me that letter because management wanted me to work my ass off and that he was leaving soon and didnt care. A few weeks later after he left i spoke to the current manager and told him, id be happy for a 30hour contract instead of a 39, to make it easier. Managements favourite reply "Leave it with me" Easter came along During a group huddle The manager asked us if we need new uniforms at which i put my hands up. And still to this day and asking so many times still no uniform Until last week i was talking to a collegue about overtime. he said he got the full time job and didnt need it. He used to be on 20 hours too. he told me he approached HR and not management. He had written a letter to HR and 2 weeks later he got the job. This was back in February. Oh My God!!!!! Another collegue told me i should have been offered the hours because i was here before him which is stated in the collegue handbook. i got so mad i went to managment and complained WTF he said "not my fault" So i approached The Store manager and the same reply "No idea and will get back to you" So on Monday i phone HR and spoke to the HR manager , she says she never knew i wanted more hours. So after all this time management never went to HR. So I lodged a complaint and will have a meeting with the deputy manager next week when he gets back from holiday. Is there anything i need to know going into the meeting. And after what has happened to me, would it be classed as discrimination? i really enjoy working there, get along with my collegues and love the benefits. e.g. discount card, holidays. I have always worked hard until after christmas i lost motivation and find it hard to go in. Thanks for reading this and please advise.
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