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Found 9 results

  1. Now the UK has decided to leave the EU, what is the time scale to activate article 50 of the Lisbon treaty ?..
  2. Home Secretary statement on the use of DNA evidence in immigration applications READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/home-secretary-statement-on-the-use-of-dna-evidence-in-immigration-applications
  3. So this is my situation... I was 21 and was visiting London for vacation back in few years ago (2015) ,I shoplifted in a Primark store, and I'm from Hong Kong. It was an item valued at around 12 pounds...And I did paid for other items at the cashier. I was followed and got caught by a security guard after leaving the store, and went back with the security to a room at the back of the store. They took the item back and I was scared and crying...AND was asked to sign a form(name, address, email), I was worried so I wrote down the wrong address and email which they cannot contact me and my parents wouldn't know it. They also photocopied my passport. Police was not called, and the security escorted me to leave the store via the exit at the back and told me that I cant go back to the store in the future. So there are some questions I've been worrying these days. 1. As I saw other posts on the forum, RLP will send letters for "fines", but in my situation, it is not possible for them to contact me because I left the wrong contact info. But will they still do this if I did left my correct address since I live in HK? 2. Will I have a criminal record because of this incident even the police was not involved? (Will they pass the case to the UK police since they can't get the fines from me) 3. I'll need to travel around because of my new job(including UK), will the immigration officers have the record and stop me/arrest me at the UK airport immigration if I'm going back to UK in the near future? Thank you so much! I've been so worrying about this, and I know wouldn't do this silly thing again in my life!
  4. Three months ago I was accused of shoplifting, brought back to an office, was spoken to by the loss prevention people, and given a one year ban (which I had to sign, but I can't remember is I was told signing was an admission of guilt). I was in the uk visiting my English fiance and gave RLP people my home country issued id (NOT my passport). They didn't say anything about sending my a loss recovery letter and didn't get police involved. I am now married and applying to join my spouse in the uk. I've done quite a bit of reading, but would like to confirm that since I was never issued a speculative invoice/fine/civil law suit and there is no police record I have nothing to disclose on my visa application. Thank you in advance!
  5. Armed forces service complaints process READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/armed-forces-modernised-guidance
  6. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/immigration-rules-changes http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/activists-burn-35000-in-fake-bank-notes-at-home-office-to-protest-new-immigration-laws-a6970996.html http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/06/david-cameron-victory-eu-migrant-arrival-rules ... given that our Doctors and Medical registrars basic salary is 27k - 8K below this level I have very mixed feeling about this. The devil, and deliverables are of course in the detail not the tailored emotive headlines.
  7. Hi I wonder if anyone out there can be of assistance. Just over 2 weeks ago it was my daughters christening. A very good friend of ours is a priest and he agreed to perform the ceremony. He actually lives in Texas and has visited UK on numerous occasions so we were thrilled when he said that he would pass through UK (perform baptism) on his way back to the US after visiting Nigeria. The christening was actually scheduled to take place on the day that he was arriving (1.30pm). As the flight touched down at around 7am we thought that would allow plenty of time. He secured the necessary transit visa and when he touched down at Heathrow he called to let us know that he had landed. An hour later (around 8.30) he called to inform us that the booking agent in Nigeria had made an error with the return flight. Return flight had been booked for 09:45 the same day. He tried changing it but the problem was that he needed to pay a surcharge but the American credit card he possessed was not able to process the fee. I said that I would pay but the airport officials said that I could not do this over the phone- only in person. Around 9.30 am I rushed over to Heathrow and made my way over to the excess fee desk. I explain the situation to the desk attendant and provide the Fr’s details and flight reference no. The attendant informed me that a new return ticket would have to be issued with a return flight either that afternoon at 2pm ($200) or the next day (£881). We opted for the next day as the christening was happening 1.30pm that very afternoon and there was no way that he would have made the 2pm flight. Before he authorised me to purchase the ticket he was confirmed that purchasing the ticket would allow him through. I purchased the ticket and waited for him to come through. I waited and waited. Around 10.30 I called him and he informed me that Immigration was not allowing him through. When asked why the immigration officer told him that a visa does not automatically allow anyone into the UK and that she has the authority to reject any visa and that she is using that authority now. He was told that he would be leaving on the next flight out to the US and that he could either leave peacefully or she would instruct her colleagues to bundle him onto the flight. I was shocked and could not believe it. No explanation was provided. In fact I spoke with Fr when he arrived back in the US and he told me that there were other junior immigration officers present that were sympathetic and when the senior officer left the room they apologised profusely and informed him that this particular immigration officer was anti cleric. Fr was put on the 2pm flight and I rushed back to the church and arrived an hour late for the service. Luckily our resident priest had been kept in the loop and had agreed to perform the service (solo). However before leaving the airport I had instructed BA to cancel the ticket and demanded a full refund. They tried to refund the money back onto my card but said that as the flight was paid in dollars it was causing problems (not sure why exactly). In fact no less than 3 members of staff (each more senior than the next) had attempted to give me a refund but ‘the system’ was not allowing it. They were only able to refund £87 for some reason. The rest they couldn’t do. I was provided with a customer service number which I tried later that evening only to be given a reference number for the issue. I have since received a response from BA- see below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I think I probably have a strong case for the mere fact that Fr did have all the necessary papers and secondly I had cancelled the flight and BA had already attempted to give me a full refund. However before I respond I would like to know if there is anything else I can say. Thank you.
  8. Hello, first post here and apologies if you've seen my post on other forums, but I am in need of help to claim my Permanent residence certificate as a EEA citizen in UK. Hello, the original formulation of article 6(2-3-4) of the The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 were as follows: The amendment introduced 3.12.2013 have modified the interpretation of retained worker status and jobseeker: and: For the purpose of counting periods of unemployment as exercising treaty rights matured before 2014 (and only for that period), will the new regulations apply or the old one? Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
  9. My wife was caught using a student oyster (from my son) instead of her one. TFL will prosecute her, and once she pleads guilty, she will get a criminal record. Will this affect our immigration process to the UK? I am using the tier 1 (investor) visa to stay in UK, this is my first year staying here.
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