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  1. Hello people, My name is [removed - dx], I am 26 years old., From Bedfordshire. I have 4 kids (please don't judge) with 3 mother's, 2 of whom we are good, my youngest child's mother always causes issues if I give her money like the other 2, she is not grateful and wants more, which is unfair to the other mother's, she went to CSA and claimed I never got involved with my child and also went to my work place and put in a complaint, claiming I was breaching data protection a case was brought up but I was okay as she kept changing stories. But it got to me mentally and I eventually quit my job, I took a few weeks out of work and worked in a new place now CSA sent me a letter saying they'll take 50 pound each week from my new wages which was less than I was giving her, then I received a new letter stating they was going to take 120£ a week. At the time I was living in a shared house and could barely afford to pay rent with this new job, let alone pay for my other kids, I ended up working overtime everyweek and loosing out on sleep, so I could hardly see my children, this started to affect my health, my life and was making me really weak, I wasn't eating. I rang them and pleaded with them, supporting my case with what I could and saying I couldn't afford what you was taking, but they had made it so it came straight out of my wages, I couldn't pay a single penny to my rent, I couldn't afford food, or even to pay for my other children, I eventually became homeless and turned to alcohol (iknow that isn't great, please don't judge) with no home, I lost my job (which was night shift) I had nowhere to go. I've had various mental health assessments also. Until I met a very old primary school friend and he took me into his home up north in Lancashire, he housed me for a bit while I started work, and got myself a place.. things was going okay, my mental state really improved. Until I received another letter this morning, stating they will be taking even more money. Is there anything I can do, I'm sure it is illegal to make someone feel so low and homeless. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated, even if it's something small.... I just don't know what to do.
  2. 'LET DOWN BY MY COUNTRY' Hero war vet, 50, who was Prince Charles and Diana’s driver left homeless sleeping in bushes and feeding off scraps READ MORE HERE: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5551197/hero-war-vet-50-who-was-prince-charles-and-dianas-driver-left-homeless-sleeping-in-bushes-and-feeding-off-scraps/
  3. Hi everyone Babbling on behalf of my boy as hes not too good at asking for help Hes late 20s. He moved out of his home in January to rent. His ex asked him in August to move in with him temporarily, he said no, she whined on that she couldnt go anywhere else as her friends had said no too she moved in with him for a bit. He gave her a deadline of the 20th to leave, she didnt. Shes not on the tenancy and the police were called. they told her they would return to chuck her out but havent since come back. She is now claiming she cannot be removed, as she saw it on telly about some 28 day period and she was invited there that she has rights. Questions Can she stay there? Has she got these rights to stay after some 28 day period? Has my boy got to confess to his landlord and possibly get evicted to boot? Any help would be grateful Bravo Zulu!
  4. Hi, There is this Homeless Charity services (they give used clothes, toys for homeless people ) that we have been using for years because we are homeless, but because we were moved out 2 years ago from our own borough, the staff of that charity ( because of personal reasons) decided that we do not meet the criteria ( we must live in the borough ) and they want to stop us from using their services and are asking us not to come any more. Note that there is another person who was asked the same thing, but she lives in the borough...I don't know the reasons behind this, but this can be purely because they don't feel like it. The question is I want to challenge them and I am wondering what can I do. I wrote to the one who claim to be the director ( I looked on the company house she is not ) and she categorically said that we are not anymore entitled. I am trying to write to the trustees to raise this, also to the council if this works. Do I have any ground to challenge them, the Charity Commission does not look like they can do anything. Can I still go, and if they ask me to leave, what would happen if I don't ? Do they have the right to use force or call the police ? Do they have the right to turn people away ? I need some advise and the best way to deal with this issue. I feel bad, because it is not right to be treated this way. Thanks PS. in their website they state that they help homeless in the borough, but it does not stipulate that you have to live in the borough to get the services.
  5. Guest

    homeless at home policy

    I understand there a homeless at home policy, is there anywhere I can get information on how this should be implemented by the local housing authority please. I am asking as all requests to them regarding this are currently being ignored.
  6. To put it bluntly Councils have been saying to people faced with homelessness that you will have the same issues as the street homeless have now so are not more vulnerable. Also because you have these issues before you become homeless there will be no risk soi we do not have to help you. Judge says [naughty word]! http://nearlylegal.co.uk/blog/2015/05/vulnerability-a-fresh-start/
  7. I have just been treated in the most vile and sickening manner regarding my mortgage and will almost certainly be shortly evicted (there has already been one eviction order which was suspended). Does anyone have any ideas of how I might deal with this. Unfortunately, it will take an age to write down all the details and you readers will become bored witless. Birmingham Mudshires said I couldn’t pay them a large capital sum to cover a three year period of time needed to remain unemployed to look after small child as single parent and sort out the horrendous problems that had been caused by the child’s Mother becoming severely mentally ill. The money eventually disappeared and before I actually got into arrears I wrote explaining that I was in the most horrendous circumstances and asked the building society if they would be happy accepting only the DHSS contribution of mortgage interest of about £400 which was about half the total amount of £800 monthly. They said yes, but immediately charged monthly default fees and two months later the harassing telephone calls started in which they denied any knowledge of previous agreement to accept only DHSS contribution. In one of these abusive telephone calls they said they were not interested in giving me further time to sort out an income while looking after my child at the same time and said they ‘would let the court decide’ if I should be given the opportunity of sufficient time to sort things out. They seemed to imply by this that they were incapable of making their own decisions and must somehow rely on a court to make their decisions for them because they lacked that capacity. A strange form of buck passing to deny any responsibility for their obviously unreasonable behaviour ! Within just seven days I had the summons for reposession. I was approximately only three months in arrears at that time with the DHSS continuing to pay half the monthly amount. My annual arrears were therefore accumulating at about £5 000 against an annual average increase in the value of the £220 000 house of perhaps £22 000 at 10% per annum, or even £11 000 at an annual increase of only 5%. As I owed about £150 000 I also had equity of about £70 000. Why foreclose and evict someone in those circumstances ? At this point I became severely ill and had a hospital date for abdominal surgery at the same time as the repossession hearing. I requested an adjournment until after the recovery period of six weeks after surgery. I was unable to get any proper legal representation because solicitor after solicitor either said they didn’t do legal aid any more, or they did but not for mortgage issues. It took about a hundred telephone calls to find this out. I was granted an initial adjournment but the building society went back to the court behind my back and listed a hearing for a time when I had only just returned from what had been a major abdominal surgery. Barely capable of even walking, I made it to the court just seven minutes later than the time my case was listed. I was told by the usher the case had already been decided by default in favour of repossession by the building society. I could not therefore go into court as the case had completed, with several others - just seven minutes after listing ! Without going into the gory details it had been literally impossible not to be late and the precise reason for being late at all was directly related to the surgery and was a clear illustration of why it was ludicrous to expect me to be in court so soon after surgery (five abdominal incisions, moving the liver and pancreas around to get at other things, sewing bits of stomach around the oesophagus and stitching the diaphragm up) and well within the recovery period the surgeon had told me to remain in bed/at home/convalesing. So I now have a repossession order and suspended eviction order and they are simply waiting until after christmas to throw me out with two weeks notice. My son and I will then be homeless and I will inevitably lose most of my household possessions and also lose any immediate possibility of working. Are they real bastards or what ?
  8. Given the lack of affordable housing, how soon will it be that it will illegal to be homeless..
  9. My local council - Wycombe District Council - is thinking of introducing a £100 fine which will impact on the homeless and destitute in the area. When I first read this news I thought it was a joke - but its not - they really are thinking of imposing this dreadful fine on people who can least afford anything! Guess who runs the Council - that wonderful and caring lot - the Tory party! Anyway if you are as outraged as I am perhaps you can take a minute to sign the petition against - link below:- https://www.change.org/p/wycombe-district-council-remove-the-plan-to-fine-homeless-people-in-the-area-100?utm_source=action_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=340287&alert_id=ESerANrtjA_mbAlvMi5cDAP4YTr3wBMrnLHla60KfRt7%2BhxqZvtQbeJhI17vectQih11pm4dGJx
  10. A primary school teacher from Wolverhampton has designed flat-pack cardboard beds for homeless people which he's giving away for free. If you click on who they are available from there is more information Read More Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-34910855
  11. hi, i rent a room in one town (near my works and children) and my partner (not the mother of my children) rents a house in the next town, she is signed off sick and has a daughter. i cant move in to her home as she is being evicted as landlord is selling up, section 21 ends in september and her local council are not helping much they just say she will have to rent another private which isnt easy since she isnt working and on sick benefits due to ongoing heart issues for which she is having open heart surgery for very soon. i work full time but cant have her and her daughter live with me as i rent a room in a house to keep costs down so i can pay for my children and not go via csa. i have already registered for housing with local council in my town but of course can only apply for a 1 bed place due to it being just me. i have now filled in a change of circumstances form and added my partner as we were thinking of moving in together in the new year (have been with each other for several years so not a rushed thing) with all that is happening her end i dont know what to do as she is going to need me with her full time during and after surgery. have i done the correct thing adding her via the change of circumstances form with my local council? as i hope they will help us get a place together and soon due to her condition . we did not want to move in under these circumstances but i need to be there for her full time. since we are both living in different towns i am just wondering what the best thing to do or push for. a very odd situation and any pointers would be great as i am worried about her condition and the stress of all this being evicted is having on her but also wanting to get help with a council home not private rent as i cant afford to keep both of us on private rent rates. thanks.
  12. Please have a read of the attachment as it provides information for homelessness from the start of the year till the end of March. 1st quarter. It is now once again on the increase... " If faced with the loss of their home, any household can apply to their local authority for acceptance for housing assistance. A household is considered homeless if they no longer have a legal right to occupy their accommodation or if it would no longer be reasonable to continue to live there, for example, if living there would lead to violence against them."
  13. I was offered a house which was in dilapidated condition from the council. At the time an acquaintance tried to sort me out with a shared private let, rather than move into this house of horrors, but this fell through. The council deemed me intentionally homeless because of this. I was refused access to my housing officer and refused my right to make a complaint about the property, at the time when i had to make a decision. I had a couple of days time frame to make this decision. My appeal failed and i was to be cast onto the streets like a leper, but fortunately luck was on my side. An near impossible feat for an unemployed person in Edinburgh, i found a private let through an x-landlord i was with while i was at university here. So my question is, how long does this unusual punishment last if you are struck of by a council? Is that it for you? are you just left to die on the streets or maybe luckily find a prison cell? https://www.flickr.com/photos/124422960@N08/with/14339100655/ some pictures from a temporary accommodation dwelling courtesy of Edinburgh council and associated partners. A few of my holiday snaps heres the house i refused
  14. Hello, I haven't caught up with this forum for a while, so please forgive me if this question has been already answered. I'm a male in my late 40s, long term unemployed but not yet claiming (long story why I didn't claim). I'm not yet technically homeless but will be in a short time if I don't find a source of income or claim JSA. At the moment I'm living in a sort of b&b/backpackers hostel in Birmingham (not a homeless hostel) and the owner doesn't really like the unemployed. If I should receive a brown envelope, he would probably kick me out (it has happened before to previous residents). As I have nobody willing to take my mail, would a homeless charity take my mail, even if I am not registered homeless? If so, can anybody recommend one in Birmingham? I know there are a few, but I'm not sure where to start and I feel very ashamed for doing that. I used to be an office worker and for me this is a new territory. Many many years ago I lived in Glasgow and I met an unemployed man who would receive his mail at the Big Issue office in Glasgow. Do they still do this? Sorry for the daft question. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can send me a PM. I check the Internet once a day. Thank you all.
  15. Trusty Paws Clinic Glasgow Simon Community has announced a new partnership with 4th year Veterinary students to provide a free monthly clinic for dogs belonging to homeless people at their RSVP Advice and Information Hub. This is a fully equipped/professional “pop up” clinic overseen by a qualified vet and the clinic will take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 2-5pm. RSVP Advice and Information, 72 London Road,G1 5NP. People who are homeless can contact the RSVP service on Freephone 0800 027 7466 This service only deals with Dogs not other pets. http://www.ghn.org.uk/node/168 http://www.facebook.com/trustypaws
  16. Hi My neighbor's son and his friend have for the last year been renting with a private landlord who is now selling house. They were going to rent together again, but his friend changed his mind last week. Come Wednesday next week the neighbor's son will be homeless, and is friend he was renting with who owns a one bedroom flat which he was renting out is going back to it. The major problem is in late 2014 my neighbor's son (I don't want to go into the ins and outs) ended up with a electronic monitoring tag for homegrown for himself. He cannot afford to find a lump some to take out private on his own. He was made redundant and cannot get another job due to monitoring tag and community service. He cannot go back home to mums has she is sold up and moving away. He did try and tell the courts and electronic monitoring tag company Friday gone about soon being homeless etc but no one wanted to know. Anyone got any advise, what to do. who to go and see? Many thanks Dan
  17. Hi - My son has been homeless for a year or so. He cannot live at home - because of regular violence to himfrom his younger backwards brother. We have extended family units in the area and with his friends there are places he can sleep most nights. He can also sleep on the sofa here from time to time - but not too often. After more than a year of claiming JSA as homeless, the local office are now claiming he he cannot prove he is homeless and therefore they are cutting off his JSA. They also say they will visit the places he says he sleeps to see if they are entitled to "rent" space (although he is paying nothing to anybody for sleeping at their homes). This will devastate him. I haven't a clue how these JSA people think they are entitled to do this. Can anybody help me here? References to the law and government guidance would be useful too. Thanks.
  18. Hi, I was living with my parents from January this year, I had to go back as I had nowhere else to go. One of my parents has always been abusive to the other parent in a verbal and emotional way, however within a few months of moving in the parent ruined and humiliated the other parents birthday and was acting horribly towards the parent so I just kept myself to myself, stayed at my girlfriends house 3 nights a week and wasn't there much and didn't talk to the abusive parent. The abusive parent then proceeded to cut off my internet access, then kept threatening to cut my electric off in my bedroom, stole things from my room which they admitted to the other parent and because I wasn't talking to the abusive parent they threatened persistently to kick me out. Anyway, on Monday this week me and my partner were there and the abusive parent came home from work and we thought we would sit down and talk about the situation calmly and in a civil way, however the abusive parent immediately got aggressive and was shouting in my girlfriends face and almost went for her and wouldn't listen to what we had to say and he forced me out of the house and said I had to leave. Therefore, I am temporarily staying with my partner, although she lives in an extremely small private rented room and it's for single occupancy only and there isn't even washing/cooking facilities in there apart from a microwave and a tiny portable fridge and I can only stay there a few days or a week or so at the very most. I do not want to contact the local council where the abusive parent lives, my partner lives in a town around 16 miles away and that's where I am currently staying. My partner is a witness that I was forced to leave and a witness to the aggressive nature that the abusive abuser showed on Monday, also the other parent has told my partner of several events where they and myself have been threatened, blackmailed and verbally abused, my partner is willing to make a statement also. From advice I have been given that due to the fact I have suffered from domestic abuse I can approach any council I wish, is this true? I have also been advised to contact the police, I am reluctant due to the fact my other parent has been verbally and emotionally abused for years yet they accept it and won't do anything about it and I'm worried they will suffer more if i report it but I think it has to be done. I also have a lot of health issues so I'm very vulnerable if I am homeless. One council contacted me today and asked for the abusive parents phone number so they could phone them to confirm I had been asked to leave but surely this is wrong? A controlling domestic abuser will just say they haven't kicked me out because they won't want to let anyone know they have done wrong and my abusive parent always puts on a show and denies anything when confronted so what can I do? Thanks for your time.
  19. On the 2nd of April I became homeless due to eviction by virtue of section 21. In November 2013 my ex partner started to have problems with her boyfriend and with the help of the social services I became guardian of our 2 years daughter. Less than a month later on the 8 of December my ex partner was victim of attempted murder and suffered horrific injuries caused by her boyfriend. My daughter started to live with me permanently. On the next day the council stopped paying me my housing benefit as result of me applying for Income support which I didn't get because I wasn't receiving Child benefit for my daughter. I had to stop any work as my 2 years old daughter required all the attention. For 3 months I insisted with the council to pay me benefit based on nil income after 3 months and with a possession order against me that the judge reluctantly awarded to the landlord ,they finally decided to pay me. By this time the warrant of possession was already granted to the landlord . Now I'm homeless ,my daughter had to go live with the mother ,who has another 9 months old baby. And I requested assistance from the council to help me with accommodation. In the mean time after my eviction my father died on the 7th of April . Today I requested the Council Housing Option for help and here is the reply I got. "If you are a single person, we would not have an automatic duty to assist you. There is a single surgery on a Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, that offers advice to single homeless applicants. It is held at the Civic Centre London Road Morden. Hope this information helps Sharon Maclaren Senior Options Adviser Where do I go from here ? Please can somebody help me.
  20. Can a family be found homeless if it leaves suitable accommodation to move - closer to family, - due to finding work near that said family - due to neighbours constantly arguing, general ASB. They moved in with some family members who after just 5 weeks told them that they need to leave.
  21. My friend was living with her brother, and unknowingly he handed in his notice to leave, she was informed 3 days before that she had to leave.... nice brother hey. Shes pregnant at the moment as well. So she made an application for homelessness through her local authority. They have ducked and dived on this situation, they have sent her off to other councils to apply. Anyways long story short, they have put her now in temporary accommodation. However they rang her christmas eve to tell her she is intentionally homeless as she had a tenancy on a property a year and a half ago, a 6 month tenancy, which she left after 1 month, as the person she was sharing the property with turned nasty, and people were trying to break into the property all hours of the day, as the person she unwittingly shared the house with was into some bad activites that she had no knowledge of. The properties she has lived at since then the owners have declined to put her on the council tax lists there.... fraudulently of course. So deny that she has been staying there.... this includes her brother. Are the council acting within their rights here, as theoretically she has been temporarily housed by them already. She also suffers with anxiety and depression and the whole situation has affected this so she is now applying for ESA, as the doctor has signed her off.
  22. Hi Guys, Any advice would be welcome as I've had enough of battling with horrid council staff. My brother was made homeless by his Ex partner July last year, Due to that he lost his job and she took everything he had it was quite a controlling relationship even now she has his bank card. My brother tried to take his life went it all became too much for him thankfully the police managed to get there in time to cut him free, Due to the suicide attempt he was taken to hospital then placed under the crisis team who would visit him at my nans. He was given a support worker along with various care plans, They thought that due to his mental health and learning difficulties he would get help quick with the council. The council have gone out their way to make it hard for him with wrong bands, lost his medical info along with care plans apparently it was left somewhere and then refused to admit he was homeless because he kipped on my nans sofa. He has been sofa surfing for the past year with him staying more frequent at my nans on the floor, Then the council contacted my nan around 2 months ago and threatened her with eviction for allowing him to stay. I attended a 'meeting' at my nans with a housing officer who said she was meeting us to help my brother, When she arrived she reduced my brother to tears saying he will just have to live on the streets as he's not vulnerable and then upset my nan with yet more threats of eviction. My brother is now on the streets with the occasional night on friends sofas, the council wont help and they are keeping check at my nans to make sure he's not there. The council medical Dr dismissed the mental health issues said he's on a common anti-depressant with a slight mood disorder and a incident of minor self harm (tried hang himself). He said learning difficulties didn't make him vulnerable, My brother went to a Special needs school he's 26 and still cannot tell the time properly, manage money, understand the date and needs a lot of support. I'm unsure where to go from here and the pressure of all this is really taking it's toll on everyone.
  23. hi guys i am an ex gambling addict my payday loans etc have finally caught up to me I have never done anything to hurt my mom but she doesnt want the stress of having me around and having people knocking the door for money etc. which is fair enough if you ask me Soon i will be leaving the house with literally zilch, well, infact minus £15,000. I will contact shelter and see if i can find somewhere to live - but i was wondering if because i am an ex gambling addict ( very recently ) would i be classified as "intentionally homeless" I am a well educated young man but i have nowhere left to turn
  24. Hi. I am new to this forum but at an absolute loss as to where to turn with my problem. Basically I signed an assured shorthold tenancy with a friend of mine in June 2012. My friend having never paid rent abandoned the property at the time and I had entered a period of depression. I was being hounded by the landlord about his arrears as they couldn't locate him. Neither could I. In January I had a friend who was eligible for DSS offer to move in. I contacted my landlord and at the time they would not change the lease to his name without us paying £250 which I couldn't afford. I was issued with a notice seeking possession of a property let on an assured tenancy on January 25th 2013. In the end after Citizens advice had tried to work out the situation of getting my friend on the lease and my landlord did not respond to their letters my friend had to leave the property due to my landlord telling me I was in breach him being here. I tried to reason with them saying my original co tenant was not returning and his rent would never be paid. Even if I paid my side of the rent which was £300 I was still gaining £300 a month arrears which if my friend was not found would have made me liable so I was advised as I am soon declaring bankruptcy to stop paying my rent as this would all be included in my bankruptcy. Come March 2013 I was suspended from work after becoming extremely stressed on shift and in April was officially fired from my job which is still under appeal. I am currently on ESA signed off with a Doctors note for depression and anxiety. I have been told by my landlord that on June 27th when my tenancy ends they will be here to collect my keys. Now I have been told by citizens advice and shelter I do not have to leave on this date as when my tenancy ends it automatically switches to I believe a periodic tenancy and the landlord must apply for eviction in the courts. Does anyone for sure know if this is accurate. Also how long would this procedure take. My landlord also now wants to start viewing the property with prospective new tenants and I informed them that due to my current medical condition this is not possible as I currently suffer anxiety attacks supported by a doctors note and I am on prescription Valium. After a heated email discussion with my landlord today I was informed they have the right to enter with tenants and will do. I informed them that a text at 2 pm today for a 12pm visit tomorrow is neither 24 hrs notice and also not written to which they informed me to stop being pedantic. Any advice would be much appreciated as in 9 days I fear I face homelessness and housing associations told me if I leave when the lease ends I am volunteering being homeless. My landlord is telling me I must leave. I feel its all making my medical condition worse. Thank you for any help and sorry for the long post but I wanted to include all the information.
  25. Hi guys. I joined this forum originally to get in on the chatting and help other people out wherever I can even though I'm not particularly the most skilled individual when it comes to money and legal jargon, but it seems I'm a person who needs help now, although nothing in-depth (for now). As it stands now, I work as a garbage collector and part-time snow removal in Manitoba, Canada. I don't make very much money but have always done well for myself all things considered, and provide for my wife and kid decently if my word is to be trusted... But our living circumstances are complicated, needless to say. We are currently living in a rented home, however, we are not the renter. To avoid anything confusing, the layout is: Owner -> Renter -> Me However, we have no contract with either party. In fact, we are living in this home as part of an agreement with the renter... Verbal agreement. The owner has no clue that the renter isn't living in the house and that it's us instead. From what I have found out by asking around, I pay the rent the renter must pay with a little bit extra, so I guess this is something he does to turn a profit from doing something like this. The renter has been coming around increasingly more often in the past weeks. First, it was to make sure everything was running well. Then, he simply hung around the house. Every time I would object (mainly because my daughter would complain), he would inform me rather blandly that it is his contract, his house. This was not what we agreed upon. I am beginning to become worried that maybe he will evict us from our home without us being able to really do much of anything, and I have made an appointment with a lawyer next month as I live somewhere rather rural and he is gone on vacation. I don't have the money to afford traveling to the city, and paying for this lawyer was close enough to not being possible. This then begs the question... What are my options? Can I get a contract several months into living here? Can I go to the owner and inform him of the situation? Is what I'm doing essentially illegal? Are verbal agreements even remotely valid under a housing system? Any information would be great... I'm not looking for really in-depth explanations or ideas, just a general overview of what's open to me before I go to the lawyer. I am not good with this stuff and I want to make sure I address everything I can when I meet with him. Thanks! P.S. This is posted under homelessness in the off-chance that I have no options and may end up being, indeed, evicted with nowhere else to go for a few months.
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