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  1. Thanks for the replies. I have sorted this fairly easily by contacting Lowell solicitors and agreed to pay £5 per week from April till August 2017. They said as long as I miss no payments the CCJ and further court costs won't happen which is fine by me. Have these companies changed their ways? as last time I dealt with a debt company they were impossible and so argumentative and unrealistic. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for the reply, unfortunately I don't have access to £155. I do work full time but I live each week with about £25 spare once everything is paid for.
  3. hi, I was given a bulk load of mail from a previous address at the weekend (moved September 2015) After going thru the letters, I found letter after letter from Lowell portfolio debt company saying about putting a CCJ against me for £300 (now £407 with court costs) and then I found a letter from Northampton county court issuing a CCJ for £50 per month and the first payment was for the 19th of this month (I opened the letter on 20th). I am not sure what to do as this is the first time i've had a CCJ. I have proof of when I moved last year but shouldn't they be able to find my correct address instead of just sending important letters to an old address? either way I am unsure what to do. thanks
  4. this is miss kc1983 but some posts are from partner. sorry for confusion. post 1&2 from what i can tell are not related to this situation as are old posts by partner who uses same log in :/ I will have to use a credit card then even though its for real emergencies but it seems this has to be paid and there is no way around it like paying it off gradually after reading about payday loans on here that is definitely a no.
  5. hi, my last post was regarding me being evicted by landlord. the council have investigated and found that I have not made myself intentionally homeless and are currently sorting out rehoming us. I have a £280 court fee to pay which is for the landlord taking me to court to evict (accelerated repossession, court gave me 35 days not the 14 which landlord was trying for). the court letters says I must leave property by X and must pay the landlord £280 by X. I do not work at the moment as still not right from open heart surgery I had. what method can I pay this £280 fee to landlord via bank as I don't have a lump sum of cash unfortunately, but the court letter says the sum of £280 must be paid by a certain date and I don't want any more stress or worry of the court being more involved or sending me more charges to pay. thanks for help.
  6. hi, we are currently going through an eviction process. we received our court letter today saying we must leave by the 5th of october. i called the council and had a relayed message that our case worker at the council has put our application forward to be signed off by a manager, what does this mean? is it them accepting a duty to help or could it be to not help? its so hard to get an answer from the council where it doesnt mean 2 things. thanks a short insight to the situation we were renting through an estate agents, they vanished along with many peoples money. the landlord tried blaming us for rent arrears even though we always paid via bank transfer to estate agents. the estate agents were acting on the landlord behalf not ours was my argument so any money owing is between the landlord and estate agents and not us and plus we have proof of paying like receipts. i hate the fact the landlord can just say "rent arrears" and it makes the eviction process a nightmare. just to update i finally managed to speak to the lady who is dealing with us and asked if the application she put forward is a positive one in our favor, which she replied with "yes". hopefully her manager will agree and sign it off now and we will get help before our heads explode from this nightmare.
  7. The council are aware and the police that this estate agents are rogues. The problem is the landlord is saying I have rent arreara but from day one housing benefit has been paid direct to estate agents. Also I had to pay £25 per month rent top up but the estate agents made me pay £75 per fortnight in cash and bank transfer to them direct (I kept receipts) my issue is that I think the landlord is holding me responsible for any loss that the estate agents have caused by not forwarding money onto them. I'd be surprised if the council decide not to help me just because the landlord says the eviction is due to rent arrears yet provides no warning or figures and then goes into hiding and ignored the council altogether. The hole thing is dodgy but I'm still getting evicted so unsure what to do or how to push the council to see what has actually happened (they have seen receipts). Thanks
  8. hi, 2 years ago I was given a letter from estate agents to leave property due to owner wanting to sell up. I was told to stay put by the council until it went to court, that was in 2013. nothing further happened. In April this year I was given a section 21 notice from the landlord this time to leave the property, the estate agents have done a runner and just vanished (last year). the council again advised me to stay in the property until it went to court. the landlord has told the council he is evicting due to rent arrears! I was on full housing benefit and not working due to a heart condition. the council are saying because landlord has said he is evicting due to rent arrears they may not help, here is the problem I have with this... 1. the council originally told me I was to pay £25 per month rent top up, the estate agents made me pay £75 per fortnight (I still have all receipts) council reckons I was over paying agents now. 2. never have received any letter RE rent arrears from anyone 3. the estate agents vanished and my housing benefit was being paid to them direct not from me to landlord. 4.just over a year of estate agents vanishing my landlord is evicting me and mentions rent arrears but has given no letter or figure to either me or council and is actually ignoring the council. 5. landlord has given me a section 21 notice not a section 8 and the court letter I received was for an accelerated eviction that does not include or mention a figure of rent arrears. can the council refuse to help me just based on the landlord saying there is rent arrears and with no proof or figures and it being my word against his. if he is out of pocket in anyway its not from me, it would be from the estate agents not paying him when or just before they vanished which surely cant be my fault as they were acting on his behalf not mine? I don't know if I should make a full statement to the council or wait to see what they say and then appeal with a statement pointing out the key points as I have on this post. any help is always appreciated thanks p.s. my deposit was secured so the eviction all seems legal.
  9. all forms are now being dealt with and I have been told to call Monday if I have not received a call by Friday so thank you for that. A new problem has occurred. A nosey neighbour who is friendly with landlord confronted my girlfriend along with landlords mother making accusations and idle threats and showing girlfriend she has keys to the property and will come in. Tenancy termination letter states keys should be handed in and property left by 2nd of September but girlfriend has been told by council she must not leave property at all. As I don't live with her full time I can't be there 24/7 but now worried for her and child's safety. Told her to report it to police which has been done. Friday I am installing a CCTV router camera and sign that records video and images and sends pic and alerts to both our phones and allows her to check who is at door by viewing camera via a app on phone. And to leave key in door on inside. I don't know what else to do as I can't just stop working to keep her and child along with house secure and am worried for them. I will also tell the council this as its harassment. Is there anything else I can do apart from pull them out of house which is what I want to do but can't as I rent a room and have no finances or big enough wage to rent private to suit our needs.
  10. hi and thank you. she has a shorthold tenency that turned to a rolling tenancy last august. no rent arrears. landlord is selling house. yes a supporting letter of her condition will be possible from DR or hospital. she has some documents as it is .i have only filled in a change of circumstances form adding my partner and her daughter to my application .the council have not stated how long the waiting list is but at the moment being listed for a 1 bed there are places available to bid on but do not now suit due to change .yes she paid a deposit which is secured and showing as registered with the 1 of 4 deposit schemes. i guess i should add partners medical condition to application but did not see a form to download for this and they would not talk to me about adding her until it is put in writing on one of the correct forms.
  11. hi, i rent a room in one town (near my works and children) and my partner (not the mother of my children) rents a house in the next town, she is signed off sick and has a daughter. i cant move in to her home as she is being evicted as landlord is selling up, section 21 ends in september and her local council are not helping much they just say she will have to rent another private which isnt easy since she isnt working and on sick benefits due to ongoing heart issues for which she is having open heart surgery for very soon. i work full time but cant have her and her daughter live with me as i rent a room in a house to keep costs down so i can pay for my children and not go via csa. i have already registered for housing with local council in my town but of course can only apply for a 1 bed place due to it being just me. i have now filled in a change of circumstances form and added my partner as we were thinking of moving in together in the new year (have been with each other for several years so not a rushed thing) with all that is happening her end i dont know what to do as she is going to need me with her full time during and after surgery. have i done the correct thing adding her via the change of circumstances form with my local council? as i hope they will help us get a place together and soon due to her condition . we did not want to move in under these circumstances but i need to be there for her full time. since we are both living in different towns i am just wondering what the best thing to do or push for. a very odd situation and any pointers would be great as i am worried about her condition and the stress of all this being evicted is having on her but also wanting to get help with a council home not private rent as i cant afford to keep both of us on private rent rates. thanks.
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