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Found 11 results

  1. Predatory mortgage support boss disqualified by the courts READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/predatory-mortgage-support-boss-disqualified-by-the-courts
  2. Directors of debt management company disqualified for 29 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/directors-of-debt-management-company-disqualified-for-29-years
  3. Estate agent cartel directors disqualified READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/estate-agent-cartel-directors-disqualified
  4. Hi all, I was recently sacked (for reasons quite spurious) by my last employer, and now the DWP want to see a letter from them establishing why I left my job. The letter is pretty scathing about my behaviour ("inappropriate" comments and other oversensitive twaddle) but states they dismissed me, and I was NOT dismissed for Gross Misconduct. However, does the fact the dismissal was about 'behaviour', and not performance/attendance etc, mean I can't get JSA as before? Would appreciate some clarity as this is a concern. Cheers, JB
  5. Charity removed and trustees disqualified following terrorism investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-removed-and-trustees-disqualified-following-terrorism-investigation
  6. Debt management directors disqualified for a combined 11 and a half years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/debt-management-directors-disqualified-for-a-combined-11-and-a-half-years
  7. On Friday 3rd November, while travelling up to Blackpool, around 8pm i was pulled over by Cheshire police, when they did a licence check, they told me that i have been disqualified from driving since June. Something i was completely unaware of. I was subsequently arrested and charged with driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. I was released that evening and had to get a train to Blackpool. Next morning i contacted the DVLA for more information, they told me i had been disqualified through Oxford magistrates court. Being the weekend i had to wait until Monday morning before i could contact Oxford magistrates where they gave me details of the case. A speeding offence took place in December on a vehicle which doesn't even belong to me but belongs to a company i used to work for. They had recieved a speeding ticket, and nominated me as driver using an old address so i did not recieve or know about it. Without my knowedge i was charged with speeding and failure to provide information, i was given a fine and 6 point, which under the totting up procedure i was given an automatic ban as that took me up to 12 points, therefore a ban. I made an application for a statutory decleration and on the 20th November i had to travel up to Stockport magistrates to face charges of driving while disqualified. Due to the circumstances i was allowed to make my stat dec at Stockport magistrates, and the case was adjourned until the 20th Feb and i had the 6 points removed from my license and the driving ban was lifted. I have since resolved the speeding ticket issue, i have recieved 3 points and a fine. Meaning i now have 9 points on my license, but no ban. My question is, should i still be facing the driving while disqualified charges? Because technically, the ban was lifted and removed from my license. I cannot afford a solicitor and i don't qualify for legal aid and i can't use the duty solicitor on the day. Please advise where i stand on this and what are my options. Thank you
  8. In July 2015 I contacted a firm called Savi EPC Ltd about an EPC survey for a fee of £9.95 to them. With a few days this had escalated to over £74, I refused to pay and was threatened with court action. Two years later Christopher Whatcott of Savi EPC wrote to demand payment of the debt. The owner/director of the company is a Chris Whatcott. In February 2017 he was sentenced to 8 months and disqualified from being a company director for 10 years at St Albans Crown Court. A press report can be found at: http://energyassessormagazine.com/panels_boss_whatcott_sentencing/ The company, and others, he ran is dissolved. I received a letter from a firm of solicitors who said they were acting a for Mr Christoher Whatcott T/AS Low Cost EPC (not Savi EPC Ltd). Nevertheless, the alleged debt is clearly and unambiguously from the company Christopher Whatcott was the director of and which is dissolved. I reminded Christpher Whatcott of his criminal conviction and that I didn’t think it was legal for him to chase these debts. He told me he would no longer communicate with me. Does anyone have any information on Christopher Whatcott and Savi EPC since he was sentenced in February 2017. Is it legal for a disqualified director to collect debts for the dissolved company he was the owner of. He told me Hertfordshire trading standards knew he was chasing amounts owed to his business.
  9. Hi I was caught doing 80mph on a dual carriageway back in March and just had my court hearing on Tuesday July 26th. During which time my points have gone from 9 down to just 3. I was unable to make court as it was 150 miles away and only had a few days notice. My case was heard and I was disqualified from driving for 6 months from the 26th July. If they are to take the 6 months from the 26th then I only had 3 points at that time and should only get 3 points and £100 fine? Have I got a case here?? Would appreciate any help MK
  10. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2012/08/15/nl-olympic-athletes-touched-by-timbit-815.html
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160617/Argentine-tennis-player-David-Nalbandian-booted-Queens-Club-final-wild-kick-line-judge.html?ito=feeds-newsxml http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/tennis/4378332/David-Nalbandian-disqualifed-from-Queens-final-for-injuring-tennis-official-with-kick.html
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