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Found 13 results

  1. I have a mobile account with o2, my bill is late by 1 1/2 months at this point as ive had a few financial issues this month. I am expecting a bit of a cash boost into my account this week due to selling a few items and the money being transferred via paypal. I expect to have it in my account by monday. However in the space of this month 1/2 I havnt paid my bill ive had a disconnection notice last week on the Thursday saying the account had been disconnected but if action is taken that can be reversed if the monies owed are paid, thats happened slightly fast (because its not as if ive gone `months` without paying and I have in fact been in contact with o2 to explain my situation already via livechat and was assured a note would be placed on my account to expect payment soon) but I can sort it on monday when ive got the money and all will go back to normal. However yesterday saturday I recieved a default notice saying they now expect payment of all monies owed for the contract in a single payment! within only 3 days of getting the letter saying I could remedy the situation if I paid the balance owed! 3 days! what are my options here, I want to pay off what I owe and have the number reconnected on monday when I have the funds, does this default notice mean I cant do this now??? is it even legal to go about things this fast? I think the default letter to arrive saturday must have been sent the same day or next day even after the letter I received saying I could still remedy the situation! and as I said ive not even missed 2 payment dates on the account, as well as the fact that ive been in touch with them and been assured notes were put on my account to explain my late payment and the fact payment would be upcoming (this obviously didnt happen) I am fuming to be honest, yes my payment is late but its not stupidly late, I havent gone months and months without paying and Im literally a day away from being able to pay off everything I owe and proceed with the account as normal anyway! Not to mention the fact they tell me I still have time to make a payment to reverse the disconnection and then the very same or next day they send me a letter saying thats now to late! so what are my options here?
  2. I own a pub last year got hammered with rate rises which has had a pretty rough impact on the business.... even though they aren't yet at the peak of the new ones the amount on rent and rates leaves cashflow very tight. I've had Engage services contact me for a debt of just over a grand they've refused any payment plan saying they intend to disconnect. The account is a business account, however the pub is downstairs and we live above it with 2 young children there too. I know residential addresses cannot be cutoff but business can be but we only have one source of water into the building which serves both upstairs and downstairs so not sure where I stand on the disconnect issue. Any help appreciated here. thanks.
  3. Hi, I'm looking for advice on the least painful way to deal with this. We received a letter from npower addressed to a company at our residential address. The letter is a threat to apply for a warrant to disconnect the electricity supply at this address. The letter is addressed to "XXX trading as YYY" at our address. We've lived here for two years and have not been an npower customer at any point. Checking our "Meter Point Administration Number" shows we're a customer of another supplier. About 100 metres away is the location of the company the letter should have been addressed to. They opened about a year ago. We started receiving letters addresses to them at our address about 6 months ago. All returned to sender until we got the one addressed to them or the occupier. Clearly the new company made a mistake opening their account or npower messed up not doing due diligence. Either way, nothing to do with us. Is it worth talking to npower customer services to explain this? I will make one attempt to resolve it but don't plan on wasting more time. My experience of utility customer service is not good for anything that deviates from their script Can our address be taken to court for a warrant without any other attempts to clarify they're chasing the correct person? Should I just turn up at the court on the date given with documentation to show this is nonsense? The court is at the other end of the road and I work from home, so not a lot of hassle to do. Any advice appreciated
  4. Hello, I would be very grateful for any advice. I live in an apartment building and we have a different supplier for our water and hot water services. The hot water supplier is SWEnergy and they were chosen by the building management and I had no choice but to deal with them. My account has always been up to date with them this far. I received a new bill from them on the 5th of September for £73.99 along with a letter asking me to provide them with an updated meter reading as there was a problem with their automatic computer systems due to a thunderstorm. My bill for the previous month was 81.89 and I paid 100 (I pay manually via bank transfer) and the excess 18 pounds wasn't mentioned in the bill. So I emailed them with image for the meter reading and queried the over payment I made on the same day (07/09). I didn't hear from them and then on the 16th I got another notice for them for payment overdue along with the new bill. The meter reading on the bill was estimated and it was far higher than the meter reading image I had sent earlier. So I wrote back to them yet again, including scans of all the documents and the meter reading yet again . The actual meter reading was 18585 while the bill mentioned current estimated read at 18892 and previous estimated reading at 18637. I pointed this out in the email and asked them to get back to me with the correct amount so that I could pay. Today I came home to find a notice of disconnection. I had previously copied in my estate agents into all the emails, and when I called them, all they said was that they cannot do anything about the issue and the company is a major pain to deal with. They gave me a customer service email which I have written to yet again. I am due to fly out to the USA on the 24th of this month to join my wife as are expecting our first baby and this is not something I wish to be constantly worrying about till I am back which is the 28th of October. They gave me a disconnection date of 6th of October and they do not need access to the property as all the mains are located in communal area. Apart from calling them (and being held on queue for hours) or emailing them - is there anything else I can do at all? I would be very grateful for any advice. Thanks in advance. Alex
  5. Hi Everyone A friend of mine has Virgin TV, Internet and Phone line, Big kahuna On Saturday I rang him to see if he was OK, has serious heath issues. Went to see him and nothing was working, phone line not working so on. Anyway after a long phone call to Virgin this morning on friends behalf today Found out that some one had Maliciously phoned Virgin saying my friend had Died sometime at the end of March this year. Yes that's right told Virgin my friend was Deceased. My friend is very much alive and kicking this morning. I got Virgin to reconnect his telephone, Internet and TV within the next 48 hours or so and his virgin password had been changed. Virgin media have my contact details as added back up. I want to report this to the Police on my friend behalf, does anyone think a criminal offence may have been committed under one of the communication act, Just to add Virgin media where much help. Any advice would be welcome . Thank you in advance.
  6. Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer any advice or point me to an organization that can help. The story is as follows, rightly or wrongly. I sent BG a letter stating they have 28 days to object or I would commence with having my own meter installed into the property under Schedule 7 Electricity Act 1989. They failed to object so I commenced, Had the meter installed August this year. I provided meter serial numbers, start readings etc etc to BG. Then a chap requested to inspect the meters at 9pm Monday night (10/11/14) which I let him do, he said it was unsafe and then had an engineer come and remove the meter, he said he wouldn't be putting in their meter or a pay as you go meter. I called BG the next morning and they are refusing to install a payg meter untill we pay £1,400.26p. They said it is a second offence, Wrongly I know I did do something before. I have scraped together £800. But they wont budge... I understand if people call me a thief, fine, fair does.... I did this with the full reading of the Electricity Act 1989 which states at schedule 7 that I could have my own meters installed. Did I interpreted that act incorrectly? Are there any charities that can help liaise with BG?
  7. I have recently taken over a business and switched electricity to British Gas from the previous owners supplier N-power. Today I returned to my business after having a few days break to see that my business had been broken into and my electric switched off. After ringing the police and asking my neighbours if they seen anyone I was informed it was someone from an electric company. I then rang British Gas who told me my supplier was N-power. I then rang N-power and was told they had gained entry and switched off my electric. They left the door to my business damaged and entry into my business was easily obtained by opening my door. It was left totally insecure and as a result items have been taken. By whom I do not know. They now tell me I have to pay £500 to have my electric switched back on. I have only just taken over the business they should not be allowed to break into my business and leave it insecure and then bill me for it. Can anything be done with this? As I am not their customer or ever been. I can not owe them money as I have only just taken here over. Are they allowed to enter my business when I am not the person who is contracted to them? Should I have been informed about this? Should they have left me documentation to say they had entered and disconnected my electric? Can they leave my business insecure? Also can I do anything to have my electric switched back on without having to pay the previous owners bill? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi all, Posting this on behalf of my father who today received a hand delivered letter from Meterplus with a big orange sticker claiming" Disconnection Notice Gas/Electricity. My father recently moved suppliers from Npower to E-on and the Disconnection Notice is from Npower where there is a balance of £300+ owing. He moved his duel fuel supply to E-on in Oct 2013 and has received his first bill from them. My father is getting on and rather forgetful lately but this has scared him somewhat. I have tried to assure him that Npower can't disconnect him as they are no longer his supplier but even after a google search I am not sure myself. Can anyone offer any advice or confirm that Npower can't carry out the disconnection or meter change to a token meter. Thanks George
  9. We moved into this house in March this year the supplier was for the gas supply was with British Gas, I had tried to change suppliers to another company, however they blocked it claiming a bill hadn't been paid, this bill was for £16.68, and yes I had missed it, the letter they wrote stated that the reason for blocking the supply was this unpaid bill which was fair enough even if it was only for a pathetic £16, this was then paid and I thought nothing more of it, and expected the transfer process to go ahead. I next received a bill at the beginning of August from British Gas for £372.24, stating this payment is due by the 9th August, things went into a panic as there was no way I could afford that. I had never agreed a contract with BG, and tried to move away from them, I am also on the standard tariff which is far from the cheapest. "then followed a letter which says in large bold letters across the top Your gas is now at risk of disconnection" My wife called their very unhelpful call centre and offered all we could manage right now which was £70 every month starting on 15th Sept (payday), he said no chance and they want £150 by the 20th September or it would be going to court. I wrote to them following this call letter below clearly expressing the fact that we could only afford to pay £70 per month I received a response to my letter basically saying they are refusing to set up a payment plan (the spelling/grammar mistakes are not mine) I have no intention of calling them after they way my wife was spoken to on the last call, they were extremely rude abrupt and demanding, and wouldn't listen to a single thing she said, simply saying that the offer wasn't enough and action would be taken unless we agree to their terms, we only use gas for cooking and hot water, we hardly ever have the heating on, the only reason this bill was as high as it was is because we had a burst mains water pipe in the loft causing a lot of damage, the heating was on full for around 3 weeks constantly to try to dry everything out before work could begin on replacing the electrics, sorting the plaster out and putting new floor down. When she called he also said there's no way we know that you have set up a Standing Order so you could be lying to get more time, so we sent a printoff from online banking showing the payment was set up as she told them. There is also no way they are fitting a prepayment meter, I have had them before they are terrible, and also much more expensive. Now today (our anniversary which should be a happy day but has just been destroyed) received another letter from BG, the paid was made successfully on 15th for £70 we said it would hence the lower balance. If they had switched suppliers at the start after I paid the pathetic bill I received then this wouldn't have happened, I forgot to mention that in my letter, after the bill was paid they had no legitimate reason to block the transfer, they also never contacted me to set up onto a tariff at any point they simply started billing I had no idea how much we would be paying until the bill came through the door. This isn't we don't want to pay, its that we cant pay the amount they are demanding, as I have said we have set up a SO for the most we can afford right now, yet they are refusing this, can they do that? Also can they refuse payments simply because it is a SO and not a DD which they can set to whatever they want without us having a say in it.
  10. Hi, Having major problems with Talktalk, have been speaking with them today to cancel the phone and broadband service after being with them for 15 years. They have told me I have to pay £35 disconnection fee as somehow my contract was renewed in March this year, although I don't see how or why. They advised they phoned to renew the contract as they do each year, but I strongly deny this as it would have gone onto a rolling contract like any other service. Is this something you guys have heard of? Edit: To add, we won't be moving to a property with a fixed landline as it's a lodge on a Caravan Park.
  11. hi all, not really got time to go into too much detail right now with the background of how this all came up (will give details tomorrow when I can) but due to changes in circumstances certain benefits got stopped last year and took quite a few months to be restarted again. .the same has happened over the summer this year and both of these instances have resulted in a build up of debt. I am on the verge of being taken to court for repossession of my home (local authority) but have paid the majority of what I owe with back payments of the benefits I have just had reinstated. I have recently gained employment, a year after graduating last year as a mature student with 2 children and will get my first pay on 30th november. My most urgent problem right now is that, despite telling british gas of my situation re benefit non-payment, on and off for over a year, as well as my rent arrears this has caused, they are refusing to stop court action (on thursday this week, to cut off my supply on 20th november) despite my application to the british gas energy trust and my offer to pay a substantial amount to both my gas and electric bills on the 30th of november and every month from then on now I am working. I know this is very last minute but I really dont know what to do. My home phone is incoming calls only until I can pay that bill which I have told them so email is the only way at present that I can talk to them..they have given me a freephone number but the only pay phone near me has glue stuck in the coin slot!!! Any advice would be truly appreciated. .all I want to do is get out of this mess ..if only they would give me 2 more weeks and I will have been payed and will be able to pay them!!! Thank you for any help you can give ..to be honest I just wanna give up. .really seems like theres no way out, they just wont give me the extra week or two to come up with the money..
  12. Having moved house i am using the energy suppliers that the seller used after moving out of my last house making the cut from British gas they have billed me for a disconnection fee and now a late payment fee(£14)! they claim i had a contract i never sighed anything.I only agreed to pay them for energy used The disconnection fee(£50) it never was disconnected as my buyers have picked up the supply can they charge this Have written to BG they have failed to respond Thanks:-D
  13. Hi all, Long time member of this Forum but 1st post I moved into this flat back in July 2009. The previous tenant had left a while previous owing a lot in rent and utilities - in particular her Electric bills. I have never met the woman and her current whereabouts are unknown to my landlord (he would like to catch up with her as well) British Gas have been sending regular letters to her which i have always returned as "No longer at this address, return to sender" Up till now I was quite unconcerned by the whole thing, however.......... A couple of days ago i recieved a letter fromm Face2Face Contact, addressed to 'The Occupier' headed 'Warrant Notice Letter' stating that their records show that the this address is currently unoccupied and that they had made numerous attempts to gain access to the property to read and inspect the electricity meter. They then state they serve notice that they are applying for a Warrant of Entry at the local Magistrate Court under the Rights of Entry Act 1954 Section 2 and the application for the warrant is so they can enter the property and disconnect the electricty in accordance with para 8(2) Schedule 6 of the Electricity Act 1989. Entry to the property will be by force if necessary. At this point i hit the ceiling and contacted Face2Face and explained, as calmly as i could, that I wasnt the person that they're after. I have religiously paid EVERY electric bill i have received within a couple of days of receiving it. The woman i spoke to at Face2Face was very unhelpful and basically ignored everything i told her. Hopefully this will all come ot nothing but I'd hate to come home one night after a late shift and find the electric has been cut off for something that is nothing to do with me. Suggestions anyone?
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