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  1. When I took the property over I did not know who was the electric supplier. The landlord had no idea so I rang up British Gas as they supply my home. They told me they would contact the company concerned with my electrical supply and inform them of the change over of ownership and electrical supply. I had to do nothing. British Gas have since told me they changed the supply over but N-power changed the supply back. Neither company informed me of any of this. Surely given that I am not the previous tenant and they had been informed by British Gas there was a change of ownership it will make them entering my business as an illegal act? Thanks for the help.
  2. I have recently taken over a business and switched electricity to British Gas from the previous owners supplier N-power. Today I returned to my business after having a few days break to see that my business had been broken into and my electric switched off. After ringing the police and asking my neighbours if they seen anyone I was informed it was someone from an electric company. I then rang British Gas who told me my supplier was N-power. I then rang N-power and was told they had gained entry and switched off my electric. They left the door to my business damaged and entry into my business was easily obtained by opening my door. It was left totally insecure and as a result items have been taken. By whom I do not know. They now tell me I have to pay £500 to have my electric switched back on. I have only just taken over the business they should not be allowed to break into my business and leave it insecure and then bill me for it. Can anything be done with this? As I am not their customer or ever been. I can not owe them money as I have only just taken here over. Are they allowed to enter my business when I am not the person who is contracted to them? Should I have been informed about this? Should they have left me documentation to say they had entered and disconnected my electric? Can they leave my business insecure? Also can I do anything to have my electric switched back on without having to pay the previous owners bill? Thanks in advance
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