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  1. Hi all, Long time member of this Forum but 1st post I moved into this flat back in July 2009. The previous tenant had left a while previous owing a lot in rent and utilities - in particular her Electric bills. I have never met the woman and her current whereabouts are unknown to my landlord (he would like to catch up with her as well) British Gas have been sending regular letters to her which i have always returned as "No longer at this address, return to sender" Up till now I was quite unconcerned by the whole thing, however.......... A couple of days ago i recieved a letter fromm Face2Face Contact, addressed to 'The Occupier' headed 'Warrant Notice Letter' stating that their records show that the this address is currently unoccupied and that they had made numerous attempts to gain access to the property to read and inspect the electricity meter. They then state they serve notice that they are applying for a Warrant of Entry at the local Magistrate Court under the Rights of Entry Act 1954 Section 2 and the application for the warrant is so they can enter the property and disconnect the electricty in accordance with para 8(2) Schedule 6 of the Electricity Act 1989. Entry to the property will be by force if necessary. At this point i hit the ceiling and contacted Face2Face and explained, as calmly as i could, that I wasnt the person that they're after. I have religiously paid EVERY electric bill i have received within a couple of days of receiving it. The woman i spoke to at Face2Face was very unhelpful and basically ignored everything i told her. Hopefully this will all come ot nothing but I'd hate to come home one night after a late shift and find the electric has been cut off for something that is nothing to do with me. Suggestions anyone?
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