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Found 14 results

  1. Paramedics to be given body cameras to protect them from abuse READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/paramedics-to-be-given-body-cameras-to-protect-them-from-abuse
  2. Announcing the new UK Criminal Records Trade Body (CRTB) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/announcing-the-new-uk-criminal-records-trade-body-crtb
  3. A new financial guidance service to provide advice on pensions, managing debts and other money issues is to be created by the government. It will replace the heavily criticised Money Advice Service (MAS) as well as two pension advice services. The government thinks a single advisory body will be more efficient but has yet to decide how the new service will actually work. The abolition of the MAS was announced in the Budget in March. It was criticised for failing to help those who needed it most and paying its staff too much. No timetable Like the MAS, the new organisation will be paid for by a levy on financial services companies. The new body will also take on the roles of the Pensions Advisory Service, and Pension Wise - an organisation set up in response to pension reforms introduced in 2015. The government looked at setting up two bodies to replace the MAS and pensions services. But industry and consumer finance groups raised concerns over how they would work together effectively. The new body as yet has no name and there is no timetable for its creation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37597567
  4. As an enquirers thread was being diverted I have kicked off this thread to discuss CCTV and BWC. As E Munch has highlighted ICO concerns and DPA on this thread at post# 8 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457929-Bristow-and-Sutor-%28Council-Tax%29-threatened-ARREST-if-not-pay-NOW...%282-Viewing%29-nbspdress happens to be right number wrong street I will kick off with the other side of the coin as in an aggressive EA is captured on a debtor's doorstep CCTV trying to intimidate a 14 year old daughter who looks 18, with no other adult present. DPA issues? and as it is a private house EA cannot demand footage destroyed and apparently no DPA issue especially if warning that CCTV is recording all visitors being displayed. Compare and contrast with DPA implications for BWC on EA capturing the same incident. Discuss
  5. Couldn't think where else to pose the question Any suggestions which body within England and Wales prosecutes s.50 offences and does anyone have access to any reported cases? Relevant section at the following link http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1974/39/section/50
  6. Hi Caggers, Sadly, my business partners sister died in London last week, she had a series of medical and mental health issues which culminated in her passing away in the ICU Department at Royal Free Hospital. Clearly my mates family are devastated and sadly they were shocked to 'find' that to transport the body back to Wolverhampton for her funeral is not as simple as organising a funeral director to transport her home. Apparently they have been warned that they will incur a 'fine' or 'fee' from EVERY County Council she passes through on her journey home, the price of which has yet to be disclosed . . . apparently this 'law' dates back to the plague!! Could anyone please shed some light on this . . . thanks in advance . . .
  7. Visited a retail store today used toilet facilties. See pictures. When you got to go you got to go. Spend 90 minutes in store getting accident form recorded as 'water and foreign body has fallen from hole in ceiling hit him on head'. Action taken toilet closed. Environmental officer was phoned and has closed the toilet until tiles repaired stores retail risk and complience team have been in touch. No first aider was offered. While complaining manager threatened to phone police for harrasment until I phoned head office. Accident happened at midday, environment officer has confirmed fault with tiles was reported three hours later. When he arrive the sanitary bin had been removed and also the company were unable to provide water test logs. Stores defence we checked the toilets an hour before the tiles must have been stolen by customer. Where do I stand???
  8. Is it 3 years from the date of repair that the warranty is undertaken?
  9. hope every body is doing alright! I am new to this webpage, after discovering it exploring the depths of Google. I hope to find a lot of new friends here and help or be helped on some tricky situations. have a good day!
  10. I'd welcome the thoughts about this, please. We have a massive Great Dane dog, who consumes vast quantities of food. This includes canned meat and we buy Butcher's Food from Costco or Makro. One can was found to contain a very sharp cube of plastic. I returned to Makro but the Duty Manager wasn't interested, refused a refund and offered a replacement can of food. Who, in their right mind, would want more hazardous meat? I contacted Butcher's, who merely offered £10 in vouchers to buy more of their food. They admit it was a production fault. It's an oesophagus clip. I asked for cash and this was refused. I went to a law centre who said I should issue county court proceedings, which I did. Butcher's employed a major law firm and the response threatened me with £2000 costs if they had to attend court. It seems my petrol costs and phone calls are not allowable expenses, but my time spent researching and suchlike are allowed under CPR 46.5 I want 4 hours at £18 per hour. Both Butcher's and Makro have now offered me £10 cash plus £25 to cover the court fee. There is a preliminary hearing shortly. What should I do, please?
  11. HOW TO ACCESS INFORMATION FROM A PUBLIC BODY GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the Link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/official_information
  12. HOW TO ACCESS INFORMATION FROM A PUBLIC BODY GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the Link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/official_information
  13. They are now seeking the Grandmothers boyfriend. It was obvious it was him at the very beginning. Sad, sad sad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-19214964
  14. Just a bit of fun:-D Click on link. You will be guided to input your height and weight and be matched to a competitor. I did mine and I was matched to two male football players and a lady archer:madgrin: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19050139
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