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  1. Hi guys, It's been a while but things are starting to affect my day to day living once again... Here is the background. October 2007 I purchased a laptop from PC World under HFC agreement. July 2013 HFC transferred an account to HSBC Bank plc. In October 2013 this account then got sold to IDEM Servicing. During this time I was in a fee charging DMP paying various debts off, but I killed them off to attempt my own free repayment arrangement, but due to various reasons, I struggled and put it to one side. On 6th January 2014 IDEM served me with a default notice, with a written intention to terminate my loan agreement. I sent a CCA request on the 10th January enclosing £1 and included the revoke access for sending someone to my home address etc. With no response... Sure enough on the 22nd Jan, a "Notice to Terminate" letter came through demanding full payment of balance. I should have kept chasing for CCA but certain issues at home meant it took a back step and i got distracted. .. unusually hearing nothing from IDEM, until just recently. 1st October 2014, a letter comes through the door from "resolvecall" referencing the Idem account with me. But claiming they were contacted by "Arden credit management" to make contact with me to arrange contact with them (Arden.) I have never had any correspondence from Arden Credit Management. This is an Idem account. the letter from resolvecall stated if i did not contact Arden, one of their reps would make a personal visit within 28 days from the date of the letter (1st Oct). Today is the 8th of October and this evening at roughly 5:30pm, a rep arrived at my door... my Dad answered, the guy asked for me, my Dad advised I was unavailable. (I was upstairs in the bathroom at the time but I could hear him talking.) -- this is where I need your help too guys -- I heard the guy, after being told i was unavailable at the time, tell my Dad that he has been instructed by HSBC to make contact with ME so he could then put me in touch with someone over the phone that he held in his hand, to discuss an account I hold with them. Before I could get downstairs, the guy then started to ask if I held any debts at all.. . my dad at this point simply shrug his shoulders, I went downstairs and kindly asked him to leave the property. His response "Do you not want me to put you in touch with anyone then?" I repeated myself. He then said "ok" and closed his ring binder and left. I got his name.. but I have to admit , I am a little shaken up, my heart was doing that fight or flight pounding in my chest. Where do I go from here guys?? Who the hell do I send letters to now? I am still only in a position to offer £1 for any debt that I owe, there is no special treatment here. But did the doorstep guy from Resolve call breach any rules by talking to my dad and asking him questions? I really hope, after all that typing, you find time to offer your advise... Regards David
  2. Hello, I have an unsecured loan (Lombard) from 1997 due to major debts around that time arranged £10/month token payment. I borrowed £5k and have repaid £2500 so far. I offrered £3000 in 2007 when I sold my house and had a small balance to clear and they refused - they say the total of the loan with interest was £7500. I now have Arden contact me and on the income and expenditure form have asked for property value/mortgage outstanding etc. Does anybody know why they ask, my loan was unsecured? thx
  3. Hi All, I've been paying Arden Credit Management for a few months now (after Moorcroft passed the debt on to them). This was in relation to a Lombard Direct loan. I've not been missing payments, but I get a letter every month, stating: "We wrote to you recently to advise that payments are not being received in line with our request for you to commence repayment of the remaining balance. We now require payment from you." I've paid by the due date and every time, I've requested the authorisation number for the payment. I've seen in another thread that Lombard have ceased giving out loans. They do, however, send me a statement once a year and notified me in writing that Arden were taking over the administration of my account. I am currently paying them £15 per month, although I'm on JSA. I'm going to phone them - I know everyone says don't, but I'm confident enough to do so - and inform them that the account is up-to-date and they should stop wasting their time, as I have proof of all payments. I will then offer them a new repayment plan of £5 a month. If they refuse, this will be reduced to £2 a month and then put in writing. If they don't want to accept it, that's their tough luck. My question, however, is this: If Lombard have ceased trading (as stated by Cerberusalert in another thread) then presumably the debt has been bought by Arden. Is it worthwhile me sending a CCA request if they refuse my payment offers? I'm not trying to avoid paying, just trying to fight incompetent bullies, using their own tactics - I want to legitimately clear any debt owed, but I cannot afford to do it on their terms. If the worst comes to the worst, I own no property, have no appreciable assets, no savings and my only income is JSA, so if they wanted to take me to court, my response would be, "Go on, then." I have nothing to lose, but would a CCA request be a waste of time and what little money I do have? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks
  4. Hi, I’m seeking some advice on dealing with Arden Credit Management. It relates to a loan from HFC bank which was in a DMP. After CAG advice last summer (not enough posts to insert a link to it) HFC Loan, started in September 2004 still with them £3,800 outstanding. I sent a CCA request to HFC in July 2013, but never heard anything back from them and consequently stopped paying them. At some point HSBC took over the account more directly, but apart from a few texts saying call this number, I heard nothing from them. Since then: October 2013 Letter from HSBC saying that account number so-and-so has been sold by HSBC to Britannica Recoveries. Letter from Britannica Recoveries SARL to say that they have purchased it and that Moorgate Loan Servicing Ltd will be administering the account on their behalf. December 2013 Default Notice from Moorgate asking me to pay or they’ll terminate the loan agreement Early January 2014 Moorgate letter terminating loan agreement I then sent Moorgate the ‘Letter for a Failed CCA Request’ from the library telling them I’d made a CCA request to HFC in July 2013 and not received a response. Mid January Moorgate letter saying that they have appointed Arden Credit Management Late Jan Arden letter saying that they have been instructed by Moorgate I then sent Arden the same library letter I’d sent to Moorgate Mid February Arden letter saying non-payment is not acceptable and they might send someone around and start legal action. These two letters are the only communication I’ve initiated since the CCA request and I’m tempted to continue to otherwise ignore them. However they call my mobile most days – I’ve had 19 calls and 13 texts since 29th January. I always ignore them (but it’s irritating if my phone starts vibrating when I’m trying to teach which is what I do for a living). Also I’d hate for them to really send someone around when it’s my wife at home most of the time and I know she’d be upset. Should I continue to ignore and hope they go away? I’ve looked at my report on Noddle and the account is no longer there. Is there any chance they’ll stop? Or should I send a new CCA request, recorded delivery (to Arden or Moorgate?) Or send the Harassment and Doorstep-Visit Letter? As ever many thanks in advance for your time and advice.
  5. In 2011 I found CAG which helped a great deal with advice on debt and how to manage the various debt collection agencies that were 'closing in on me'. I started to manage my debts paying most of my creditors a reduced monthly payment and had the interest frozen on all but one of my credit cards. Barclays/Woolwich mortgages behaved appallingly and this year after court proceedings were issued I finally sold my flat and moved out of London. I had sufficient equity to buy a cottage outright but only because it needs a substantial amount of work doing. I have kept to my original arrangements with my creditors and since my mail has been redirected they are unaware I have moved. This week I began to receive telephones calls from a company called Arden credit management services to say they are instructed by Idem re: a credit card I held with MBNA to collect on this debt and that I should contact them to arrange payment of all the sum due. I have written to them to say I have made regular payments to MBNA over the last three years and have had nothing to say this matter has been assigned or given to them to collect money directly and that when they produce documentation from MBNA to confirm they are now authorised to recover the debt I will pay them directly. I am worried that now I am mortgage free at last my creditors may try to place a charging order on my home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi everyone, my OH and me are new here and would really appreciate some help. I have spent hours on the internet trying to decide the best course of action and my head is spinning! The story is long and complicated but I will try to keep it short. My OH took out two loans in 2000 when his marriage broke down. He ended up with a CCJ for one loan (despite using a debt management company - a very long tale of woe worthy of its own thread) the other creditor, Lombard, accepted his offer of low monthly payments which he paid to them via Westcot Credit Services until Arden Credit Management took over management of the account in April 2010. In Dec 2011 the loan account was transferred to idem Servicing, with payments still going to Arden. Last year Arden demanded he increase his payments which he did under protest and recently they have become very heavy handed, demanding another increase, ‘phoning him numerous times a day and sending letters threatening all sorts of action, as he is “refusing to address the outstanding balance”!! (He’s never missed a payment for 12 years!) After trawling through all the paperwork recently, I discovered the original loan includes PPI which my OH doesn’t really understand about and he thought it was compulsory. I decided to fire off a CCA request to Arden to give me time to investigate matters but they have totally ignored it. Unfortunately I think I used the wrong letter template – I used one from a post in this forum but it refers to section 78(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Have I made a mistake big style, or should Arden have replied to my request anyway? Should I send another letter to Arden about the CCA request putting the agreement in dispute whilst I claim a PPI refund (I am sure I found a follow up letter template on this forum somewhere but can’t find it now)? Do I send a PPI claim to Lombard or idem? Can I also just confirm that we are not trying to wriggle out of paying the debt, we are just feeling very stressed and harassed by Arden and want to fight back a bit! I am hoping if the PPI claim is successful I can offer a Full and Final settlement to Arden. I felt quite strong at the beginning but feel we are now losing our way – please help!
  7. Hi I have been paying my DCA Idem then passed to Arden for almost a year but I have just gone into a Debt Management Plan so have not paid them for 2 months I just dont have the money as i couldnt keep up the repayments i instructed a debt managment plan I owe Arden 2,000 they have just landed with a solicitors letter what should i do contact the solicitors or not?
  8. Hi I'm having trouble with Arden debt management, I've dealt with CCCS (now step change) in the past over debts with HSBC and MBNA, CCCS put me on a budget plan 2 years ago and recommended I could only afford to pay each debt company £1 a month, Arden have since taken on the MBNA debt currently £1065 I've never not paid and gradually increased the monthly direct debit to them currently £40 a month, they are saying that's not enough and are refusing to acknowledge that's all I can afford! Up until now I've refused to tell them my monthly outgoings, but did inform MBNA when I was dealing with them, when I speak to Arden on the phone they just keep trying to get me to pay more a month, I'm now receiving threatening letters this morning a final demand one! What are my rights regarding REFUSING to tell them my outgoings and just keeping paying the £40 a month, I'm ignoring phone calls from them currently about 4 per day. Many thanks in advance naparky
  9. How annoying are these people? I have a loan of £1,600 which was originally with Mint. Ive paid £10PCM for a while as its all I can afford. During that time ive not had any bother from Arden .Ive had no phone calls or texts or any other communication.. ... until.... . I contacted them to see if they would accept £400 as a final settlement courtesy of my parents. Now all I get is constant calls and text. When I answer they never seem to have any details of mine to hand. Twice they said they would send me a Income/Expenditure form and it never turned up. Eventually I downloaded one from the net and sent it. I answered a call this morning assuming it was about the form which they should have received by now only for the ................. (Sorry, struggling to know what to call these people) on the other end ask me if I can pay the £1,600 in full this week. He then asked me to make a payment whilst they find the Income/Expenditure form! Ive still got my Standing order set up so I will continue to pay that. I called them to try and end the loan and now I feel like they are harassing me with their text messages and calls.... If they call tomorrow im just going to say I only want contacting again when they have reached a decision on my offer of £400... Is it really so difficult? I only want a yes or no....
  10. I sent a CCA and was given a recon with no name; no address; no T&C's; no interest rate - nothing. I challenged it and this is the response - verbatim - which I received this afternoon - any help would be appreciated cos I am fuming! Also - thier figures do not add up - they say we owe them 1,800 but when I went through the statement they sent me they had missed off TWO years of payments at least! We actually owe them just over 1k. letter from them - "Further to my letter f 1 November 2012. I have now investigated your complaint fully and in line with our Complaints Proceedure. I am in a position to provide you with a final response. Our investigation has highlighted that we do not uphold your complaint. To enable you to understand the reasons for this decision, I would like to take you through the facts of the investigations and share the conclusions with you. Our Investigation On the 24 October 2012 we responded to your request for a copy of your loan agreement. In compliance with your request pursuant to Section 77 of the CCA we enclosed a reconstituted copy of the executed Credit Agreement and a statement of account. In accordance with the Consumer Credit Act 1974 it is acceptable to supply you with a reconstituted copy as the creditor or owner may not have preserved a copy of the executed agreement. The requirement allows us not to provide an exact copy, a carbon photocopy or microfiche copy and we can therefore provide a reconstituted copy. Our Findings We are confident that all our agreements are properly executed and not open to challenge. Even if, which is denied, the agreement is improperly executed then all requisite Schedule 6 information is included sufficient to allow the court to permit enforcement. You must take whatever action you conside necessary, however, we will not be releasing you from any obligation. Furthermore, a request made under section 77 of the Consumer Credit Act is not a provision to remove liability and if you believe that the above agreement was not entered into by you and therefore believe fraud to have take place, you should report this to your local police station. The current balance is £1813.43 which remains outstanding. If however you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact our office so that we may discuss mutually agreed repayment proposals. Please note that, under the terms of our Complaints Proceedure, this is our final response. If you are dissatisfied with it, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You need to do this within 6 months from the date of this letter. For more information please read the enclosed guide 'Your Complaint and the Ombudsman'. The address of the Financial Ombudsman Service is: Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E12 9SR I also enclose a copy of our internal Compliants Proceedure for your information. Once again, we are sorry for the inconvenience we caused you and hope you will find that the points above offer a fair resolution.
  11. Hi all, my first post here, hope all are well. Am seeking some educated advice and from my reading of other threads this looks like the place to ask I hope. So the background... I used to have several cards/loans that I ran up and couldnt pay (yep fool i know but that was a while ago now, single, out every weekend etc) summing almost £15k I ended up with CCCS and cleared much of it. I then came into some money with which I got settlement figures from 4 creditors & used all the money and paid them.. .MBNA would not give me a settlement figure & by this time I was out of the DMP with CCCS as I only had MBNA left. This was summer 2010. After requesting settlements & hearing nothing, I sent about £50 a month and was passed to Mortlake Recoveries in Jan this year. I had the card initially from around 2005. It was around £4200 in 2008 and is now at £2400. I missed a payment to Mortlake in April by mistake which I explained to them was due to stress at home ( our son has autism) and then I caught up in May but in June they have passed me on to Arden CM. I have set up a standing order to them of £50 a month... the first one was paid 1/7/12... they keep writing saying Im ignoring them and havent made an attempt to deal with the matter... they call 8 times a day. ..I ignore them as I only contact in writing.. .however they only seem to receive "signed for" letters...surprise. I rang them today and was told that I need to make an official arrangement with them for repayment over the phone and I cant just send money every month.. .I thought this was odd-they either want the money or they dont surely. He also said I need to do a I&E over the phone...I said Id ring back. Am I correct in saying. ..an I&E is not compulsory & my I&E is private unless a result of a court hearing and then only known to the judge? Should I write & tell them they have no right to know this? Should I also send them the request for the CCA and stop the standing order? Also Im seeking info on the "no phone calls or doorstep visit" letters as they are threatening that now. Hope my waffle makes sense thanks for your time guys Paul
  12. I have an outstanding loan which started with Lombard got passed to Moorcroft then to Arden (they transferred all of Lombard Directs rights as lender to Idem december 2011 which has agreed to perform the obligations of Lombard Direct under the terms and conditions of your loan with Lombard etc and as a reult of the transfer Idem will be your Data controller as defined in the data protection act 1998), when I requested a CCA was told to contact Idem servicing, so complied, received my statement from them then wrote to Idem servicing informing them of my circumstances and could only offer a token payment, have heard nothing until last month when I go a letter from Arden saying that Idem servicing have instructed them to recover the amount of loan and asked for a one off payment etc (which I cannot pay as I don't have it) today I have received another letter from Arden saying despite numerous attempts to recover the ammount we have had no response from me and were going to instruct field agents to attend your property to discuss this matter in person etc and a fee for the visit will be charged to you with the amount not exceeding £75. We can cancel this visit if you contact us within 5 days of the date of this letter and make satisfactory arrnagments regarding your account. Being a bank holiday first it ridiculous to expect a reply within that time, I need to send a £10 request for a SAR this time as I need to try and claim back my PPI can you advise me which letters are best sent to Arden and Idem servicing, I assume the SAR request will have to go to Idem as they appear to own the loan and what letter should I send to stop door step callers thanks
  13. Hi guys I have an existing 'debt' that was with Virgin for a credit card in the region of around £25k, although I think I'm about to dispute the debt. Hopefully one of you lovely people will be able to help me clear up a few questions I have. Since the time of my original application for a CC from Virgin, they have been taken over or otherwise transferred to MBNA. After writing to MBNA requesting a copy of the original Credit Agreement, which was with Virgin, they have responded by sending a copy of an online form that they have printed out. Firstly, is the online form a valid agreement, based on the fact that it is absent of my signature but includes a sentence stating that by ticking a box I am electronically signing the document? Secondly, considering that the original agreement was with Virgin, does the fact they have issued me this printed version of an online form with MBNA as the party to the agreement instead of Virgin make it null and void? I could do with a little help and advice as to how I should proceed and what the response from them actually means. Thanks in advance.
  14. I received a letter from Arden regarding an unpaid loan from Lombard. In the letter Arden state that there is a CCJ against me, but I have checked my credit report which is right up to date and no CCJ appears on the credit file. If this is the case aren't Arden acting illegally by giving out false information. Advice please.
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