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  1. Hi it is included I have just gone into last month so should I just send the solicitors letter to the Debt Managemnt Company and ignore it ?
  2. Hi I have been paying my DCA Idem then passed to Arden for almost a year but I have just gone into a Debt Management Plan so have not paid them for 2 months I just dont have the money as i couldnt keep up the repayments i instructed a debt managment plan I owe Arden 2,000 they have just landed with a solicitors letter what should i do contact the solicitors or not?
  3. well i have decided to have some fun with these idiots this morning I suprisingly received in the post today a full statement showing all the payments on my loan including the card payments I have made with them since august 2013 and outstanding blanace of £3865 - i requested this last week. Yet credit report shows £5,947 and 6 missed payaments!!. Called them this morning now spoke to x 4 people and a manager is calling me back as according to them the full amount became payable when they bought the debt from Lombard and that is the reason why i am showing defaulted 6 missed payments and the balance remains the same - what utter idiots even there code of conduct statement on their website states this : "continue to credit report debts that are reported to credit reference agencies by the debt seller " t. . CAA and SAR letter also issued today i am really glad I came to this forum... thanks again
  4. thanks everyone i feel a bit better but still upset that this bad practice is allowed in the uk .. will send letters off first thing and have cancelled the card payment with bank and requested a new card
  5. thanks everyone invaluable support i am going do everything suggested not happy at idem bunch of sharks is it worth me also complaining to financial ombusdman
  6. right i will call them and cancel the authorised payment for march april may june and july august as that is what is in place at present I will use the letter templates as suggested how do I pay the OC lombard do I just post cheques to them ? sorry for all the questions
  7. hi all thanks ever so much i wished i had came here first before stupidly paying idem. they got me at a very stressful time in my life. yes i got 4 letters from lombard all asking for the missed payment to bring my account up to date the fourth one said they were passing to DCA then I got letter from idem can i get the 1,800 pounds back I have paid idem I can ill afford to lose this money and will it mean I am stuck paying lombard for longer sorry for all the questions ! just checked the letter it says idem have bought the debt checked signed up for noodle it is saying IDem owns the debt and I have missed 6 payments they are not taking a DD just a card payment each month should I call them and ask them why my credit report is showing no payments - they said it would show payments as long as I didnt miss any ?
  8. okay thanks a bunch for responding i will do that I am pretty gutted as it has screwed my credit report and i am really worried that this debt will be affecting both of us as we are looking to re-mortgage in 4 months hubby has excellent credit and I had good credit before this now showing a very poor on experian. how do they get away with this surely if a loan is passed on and you make payments it comes off the debt ?
  9. sorry to be a pain but what is an OC and DCA mean? Should i stop paying idem what abou the 1,800 pounds they have got off me ?
  10. hi i I really need some advice with dealing with idem. Had a loan with Lombard taken out in Oct 2007 for 7 years due to complete April 2014. I missed 1 payment due to death in family in June 2012 who live abroad got a sabbitcal from work I wasnt home for 4 months to get their letters didnt know I had missed a payment to Lombard by the time I found out they had passed the debt onto idem servicing having still taken the direct debit payment for july & August ! I have been paying idem the them the same ammount of £297 a month for the last 6 months Just checked my credit report it is showing as 6 missed payments and the opening balance is the same ! They have now asked me to do an I& E report do i have to do this and how do I deal with the issue of my credit report?
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