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  1. Hi, I've had my grievance with my very large employer upheld in full (shocked!) The grievance related to a number of issues which they bullet pointed as Refusal to implement Reasonable adjustments in relation to my disability , attendance and welfare procedures not followed at all Treated unfairly and differently to other employees by my senior manger. Incorrect information given to me which caused me to fear for my job. And confidentiality issues by my team manager. I'm delighted that the investigation was done properly and they took my evidence seriously. The company has said they will be issuing retraining to people involved and making company wide learning points. During the investigation meeting i was asked what outcome I wanted if it was upheld, I requested an exit package as I no longer felt comfortable working with my manager and senior manager. However the grievance letter says they feel mediation is more appropriate. Where do I stand in refusing mediation? I've told my employer that I feel the relationship has irretrievably broken down and even if I moved teams the senior manager would be the same. I feel mediation is not appropriate as they are such a senior manager they hold all the power in the situation and that it could not be a balanced mediation. To be honest I've lost all trust in her and my team. I just want to start again, I'll never forget the horrible things she has done and said. If they insist on mediation and I quit my job do I have ground for constructive dismissal. Ive been off since this started with stress, early conciliation has ended, I have 3 weeks left to make a claim if needed but i dont know if I can or should. i just want to hide under a rock and cry:( can anyone help
  2. I lodged a grievance against a colleague. A thorough investigation was carried out and my grievance was upheld. There were a number of recommendations made in the report in Oct 2017. One of the recommendations was that me and the colleague attend mediation. It also recommended that if she did not engage in mediation action should be taken via breach of Code of Conduct and/or Dignity at Work Policies. She is saying that her husband is not well so she is not able to participate in mediation at this time. My employer is saying she is not refusing but is delaying. Other recommendations around my line manager reminding her of expected behaviours, her responsibilities and pointing out possible consequences have not been completed. I have continually chased my line manager and HR around these recommendations as what was a bad situation has now got worse. My line manager finally met with my colleague yesterday for half an hour. Following that my line manager met with another colleague and asked her about my mental health. She told my LM that she has concerns about my MH caused by the colleague. I then met with my LM. She said that the colleague, who I lodged a grievance against, had told my line manager that I'm the problem - I'm clearly mentally unwell and am paranoid. My LM obviously believes what she is saying. I reminded her that the investigation had proved the opposite! My mental health has been negatively affected by all of this and I am struggling to attend work. I've met with our Wellbeing Manager to develop a plan to manage my stress levels but she's advised that until the grievance outcome recommendations are carried out nothing I do is going to make any difference. Other than hand my notice in, and I cannot afford to do that as I'm a single parent, I'm at a loss to know what to do next. Any advice greatfuly received!
  3. hello all - need a bit of advice before proceeding This might seem more complex than it actually is, so please bear with me. after a long haul, I have had my PPI complaint upheld by the RBS. So far, so good. They have made me an offer and then gone on to explain that I won't be getting some of it due to a succesful claim made against the PPI. Then it gets a little complicated. I have all my DSAR documentation, and have been going through it prior and post claim. The copy statments show insurance amounts hitting the account to cover the loan payments, but they are sporadic and do not make sense - eg. there are 9 insurance payments being credited to the account on the same day? And I distinctly remember prior to these payments trying to make a claim on the insurance due to redundancy but the claim was delayed and not upheld. I never received any notification from the bank or the insurance company that succesful payments were being made and the account went into arrears, being passed round various DCA's before being sent to CMS telford Theirs and my offer calculations are nearly the same. What is confusing me is that they have sent me copy statements going back to when I opened the account in 1995, listing every detail and transaction etc. but then the statments stop in 2010. The account has been in dispute since 2008 and has been statute barred since 2014. My questions are as follows: how do I find out if the account is still active? there has been no activity on the account for at least 9 years and I have had no "you owe us" letters for about 7 years are CMS a part of the bank or a DCA? I presume that any amount I receive will be offset against the statute barred debt? when I cca'd and DSAR'd the bank they could provide no evidence of any credit agreement existing between us I think i've explained it pretty much, so any comments/suggestions/questions are welcome
  4. Nasty one in the Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4702178/Nurses-pay-150-000-parking-fines.html County Court judge upheld all the tickets.
  5. Hi, First post so please be gentle I recently made a claim for PPI for an old Lloyds Credit Card that ran from 2006 - 2008. I did it all via initially the telephone and then using the standard PPI reclaim form. My reasoning for the reclaim was the firstly I was entitled to Full-Pay SSP and also I have type-1 Diabetes so it's unlikely the PPI would have been relevant to me, none of which was explained at the point of the CC application. Lloyds have now said they have upheld the complaint but the figures are extremely weird. I've attached the refund letter but they are stating I only had 0.01p of PPI which I find hard to believe and they are refunding me £298 or so. I didn't request a SAR but now I'm thinking I probably should to work out if what they are saying is correct. Also they've said they'll pay the amount within 28 days, I assume I can still contest this even after they've deposited the money into my account. Thanks!
  6. My PPI has been upheld and I will be getting a refund. Long story I fell behind a few years back and eventually the debt was sold on to another company. Could I ask who should the cheque me made out too myself or the "other" company?????? I was hoping to use the repayment to try and negotiate the debt to be written off??? Any advice please
  7. Hi. I recently submitted a complaint to Clydesdale Bank Plc regarding a credit card I had dating from early 1997. The complaint was declined, and I subsequently complained to the Financial Ombudsman. The good news is that the Ombudsman wrote saying that the Clydesdale were going to make me an "offer". Of course, I'm still waiting, and so to pass the time, I've put together a spreadsheet based on a previous one that I've seen used that calculates the PPI amount plus paid CC interest and then adds on statutory simple 8% interest to both. I guess I wanted to know if my assumptions are correct. Depending on the APR that I used, my calculations indicate that I could be due a compensation payment of anywhere from around 8K to > 40K even as high as 76K potentially (depends on how the calc is done). (As background, for a long time before my current job, I was stuck in the proverbial hole, card maxed out, paying interest by the bucketload and also paying late charges and the like - couldn't get out of it - mostly paid the minumum, or ran behind, it was a nightmare!). Potential Claim : 76,484.31 PPI Paid: 4,328.45 CC Interest Paid : 31,759.29 8% Simple on Principle Plus Int : 40,396.57 Two questions: 1. Have I got the calcs right? 2. Can I claim 8% on the credit card interest that I've calculated to have paid as well (i.e. 8% on the 31K as per my calls, or just 8% on the PPI figure of 4.3K?) Interested in your thoughts people! interestcalcs_pub.xls
  8. Had a claim upheld with LLoyds for PPI paid. I had, years ago, claimed on the policy and I knew that this would be taken off any redress but is it right they can charge you interest too? Claim paid out was for £8900 and the interest they have charged is £4400 on that! The claim would have come to nearly £11,000 so would have been some back if they hadn't charged all this interest!
  9. Hello and thank you in advance for any help you are able to offer. My complaint for mis-selling of a Principles Card in 1989 was upheld by Santander, but an offer of £1 has been made as they have no records prior to 23 July 1996. Does anyone have any advice about how I should proceed? Do I refer to FOS? I doubt I can obtain evidence from Nat West as I do recall payments were made by DD. I also recall I took out a loan in 1996 from M & S to repay this credit card, but I doubt that would be of any use. Advice needed - thank you.
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm going to tell you my experience to date so that others may learn from it. It's not quite over yet but I think it will be by next week. Feel free to ask me any questions. I live in SW Scotland and in Feb 2014 I approached a local family run company to quote for double glazed replacement windows. The sales director sent me the quote from his email address. I responded with a query and then accepted the quote by email. His email address was then automatically added to my Outlook email address book. The work was carried out in May 2014. The fitters did a really good job and I love the windows so there's no problem there. The problem started on 2nd June 2014. I received an invoice from the company asking me for immediate payment but that invoice didn't give me one jot of information on how to pay them. In fact it was very poor, it had no company reg number and no T & Cs either. I sent a quick email to the sales director (using the address already stored in Outlook) asking for payment details. I got a response which mentioned 'New bank account' signed by the director from the sales director's email address. I logged onto my bank account (Cahoot) and setup the payment online. This all happened early afternoon. Then around 4:30pm I received a second email from the sales director's email address but signed by the girl in the office. It gave me different bank details. I presumed that the company were in the process of changing bank accounts and that maybe the directors hadn't communicated it yet to the staff. It was too late in the day to check with them when I picked up the email. At about 7:30 that night Cahoot performed a security call. In it they asked me if the payment was going to the windows company to which I said yes. The next day I received an email from the sales director asking me where the money was because they hadn't received it. I was given the run around until the 11th June when I had become very suspicious and stopped communicating with him. In the meantime the bank were trying to trace where the money had gone. They sent me the necessary proof on the 20th June. I then got in touch with the company and sent the document to them on a different email address. I told them they could now put pressure on Barclays bank because they had definitely received the money. They instantly replied asking why Barclays when they were with Bank of Scotland. I sent them all the previous emails and the girl in the office phoned me and said they had never sent the emails to me. She asked me what I intended to do and I said I was going to phone the police, which I did. The police investigation is ongoing and there are now 8 other victims none of them to do with the windows company. Not once did this company try to talk to me or investigate the circumstances. Their first response was when I was on the phone to the office girl and the sales director was asking in the background if I was insured. The next thing they did was get a solicitor involved and sent me a demand to pay up. I went to my own solicitor and showed her the email. She told me I have paid. The company did a few things that made me very suspicious about them. They never chased me for the payment when I had told them they should received my payment by 3rd June at the latest and they deleted all their emails which were police evidence. I had my computer checked to ensure I hadn't been hacked which I hadn't. I then had the email headers looked at by a computer expert and they have shown that the so called fraudulent email was sent to me via the window company's server. It looks as if someone within the company logged onto a google email account (which is largely anonymous) and somehow intercepted my email but not quickly enough to stop another person in the company from also seeing my email. My next step was to complain to my bank. There had been no warnings on their screens to tell me that I wasn't protected by the Faster Payments System or that they don't check the account name. The bank's response was to tell me they didn't want the criminals to know this! I said if that was the case they could have told me during the security call. They dismissed my complaint. I went to the Financial Ombudsman. The adjudicator also dismissed my complaint twice but I appealed and it finally reached the Financial Ombudsman. The bank had very conveniently lost the recording of the security call but somehow the FO managed to get them to find it. It was because of that security call that she upheld my complaint. She says that the bank led me to believe that they checked the account name. She also said that the bank had authorised the payment and not me. She ruled that the bank should re-imburse me for all my legal costs, the debt owed to the window company and any other costs so that I am not out of pocket. This decision was made in May 2015 from my initial complaint in Aug 2014. My solicitor was amazed at what I had achieved. I would say that the Faster Payments System is not secure enough. The customer has no way of checking that the bank details provided by a company actually belong to that company. Criminals are now putting people into companies to spot loopholes in their security/admin procedures in order to send out fraudulent bank details to unsuspecting victims like me. You could ring a company to ask them for their bank details and the person you were speaking to could give you their personal information and you would be none the wiser. There is nowhere to verify that an account belongs to a company. Once you have paid the money it is impossible to get it back unless the bank made the error. I believe that in other countries they use a third check like the company reg number or an NI number. When the bank finally got in touch with me in August this year I asked them who makes the decisions on the court case if they are now paying. They said that I do no matter what the cost! They also said that they didn't want me to settle out of court and they wanted the hearing to go ahead. I have put in endless hourss of work on this and accumulated some very good evidence to defend my case. A legal debate is scheduled for 22nd October but my solicitor wants to use Counsel for the debate. They are saying they have struggled to find anything in law to help them and have had to go right back to Victorian law. They say the contract was formed via email and the company should have ensured that their email system was secure because I had relied on it. At the mention of Counsel the bank have started squirming. They rang me on the 22nd and said they were refusing to indemnify me after that date. I went back to the Financial Ombudsman with this information and she told me that wasn't quite what had been discussed. So everything is currently up in the air with the case. It looks very much like I will have to settle out of court because I cannot afford to fund this on my own. If the criminals are part of the company they will receive the money twice. I had hoped that the bank would help me see this case through to its conclusion so that I could have possibly had an outcome good enough to help others that follow in my footsteps. I may never know who was responsible for sending me that email because the police are just following the money. I now have a lovely set of windows with no guarantee.
  11. Hi All, I've got a couple of PPI claims that were with Shop Direct of which the FOS has upheld my complaints Back in Jan, the FOS said they were not happy with the way Shop Direct have been handling the refunds (on a mass scale not just my accounts) and is now being discussed at a more senior level. However this does not currently help me, as one of the debt collection companies which shop direct sold an account to, has turned up TWICE to my address - both times I stood my ground and they went away.. Today the FOS have comeback to me and stated that SD are willing to do an interim Payment based on two options: 1. Shop direct would buy the debt back from Lowell and would deduct the PPI and interest paid and this would then decrease the debt. The interim payment would then be deducted from what you owed Lowell and if there was no more left to pay you would receive a cheque for the amount that what was left over. 2. You could have the interim payment issued to you but this would mean the full amount you owed including the PPI charges would still need to be paid to Lowell if you did not use the money for paying off the debt. Of course I've opted for Option 2, as I dont trust them. BUT option 2 did not read right with me also - it seems that the FOS are telling me that I must use the funds to pay off the DCA even though there is a MIS-SOLD debt which they already know about? Anyway - I was wondering as to how they should calculate the refund(s) as I have the following: Account 1: PPI Charges £450, Annual Account Interest 49.4% - charges taken between May 2009 & September 2011 Account 2: PPI Charges £100, Annual Account Interest 49.4% - charges taken between April 2010 & September 2011 I've tried filling out the Calculation sheet's found on this site and seem to get £3.5K compound interest for account 1 and £800 for the other. Is that right? FOS also gave me the impression that its Charges + APR + 8%?
  12. I have recently been investigating a consolidated loan that was taken out in 2005 and have today received a copy of the credit agreement from GE. The document is headed igroup and GE have confirmed that this is there company and that Loans.co.uk brokered this loan. I am now in the process of starting my PPI complaint as it was a single premium of £4320 on top of a loan of £35k. The interest was 16.25%. At no time were we given any advice or options i.e. monthly PPI. I have only just established that the PPI only covered 5 years of the loan which was taken out over a 15 year period. Therefore it appears that the PPI was inappropriate. I do feel that we were completely mis-sold and forced into this option to secure the loan. GE have told us to make the complaint to Loans.co.uk as they were the broker. Am I correct in thinking that due to this being a single premium PPI there is a case?
  13. I had a small Halifax Bank Xtraloan in the mid 90's over a period of 24 months. I still have the original agreement, where they have typed in a 'X' in the Premium Protection Insurance box and not ticked by myself. I also have confirmation of monthly payments statement from them. My questions are, can I still submit a mis-selling complaint considering how old it is and if so what calculator spreadsheet would I use ? If compound, what end date would I enter - last paid premium date or current ? Thank-you
  14. Slightly complex claim here. I topped up an Egg loan at the beginning of 2007. The total cash amount of the loan was £9331 and the payment protection premium lent was £1730.85 with the total amounts payable at £10668.00 and £1979.04 respectively. I subsequently defaulted on the loan and it was sold to various debt collection companies, ending up most recently with Arrow Global. They stated that the purchase balance of the account was £8193.79, down from the £11061.85 advanced by Egg. Added to the complications, I now live in the USA. Restons for Arrow Global obtained a CCJ by default judgment against me and I applied to have it set aside once I found out about it. I ended up deciding to settle with them and we eventually agreed on £3000.00 in full and final settlement of the account. So I have effectively repaid £5868.06 of the debt, plus whatever interest that I'm unable to calculate. In the meantime, over a year ago I was sent a letter by Canada Square Operations asking me to complete a complaint questionnaire, as I belong to group of customers who MAY have been affected by a PPI policy being mis-sold. I never sent it as at the time I still owed the debt. The letter they sent noted that the debt had be sold on to another company and asked permission to contact them to find out the status of the debt. Since I have now settled the debt I filled out the questionnaire and sent it off. I'm wondering what I can expect given the circumstances surrounding my case. I'm also wondering if they will respond to me at my US address?
  15. Hi everybody, Around 10 months ago I quit work to move to another employer. I didn't wish to do so but after 6 months of appalling treatment at the hands of my manager I felt I had little alternative. I, like 3 other staff in the organisation, had complained to his manager about him but this hadn't solved the issue. On what turned out to be my last day I was verbally berated in a humiliating and demeaning fashion in front of other staff, which was then followed up with an email in which I was accused of lying and being deliberately disruptive (with choice sections highlighted in bold for emphasis.) I left immediately, having been advised by HR first that I should consider seeing out my notice on stress related sick leave and then being told to just go and that they'd pay me for my remaining time there. Having left, that same day the manager in question called a team meeting (knowing that everyone in the team had seen his behaviour and that it would be investigated) to repeat the lies told about me in an attempt to justify his behaviour. He also ordered my desk stripped (I had had to leave in such a rush that I didn't get a chance to clear it) and decided himself which possessions of mine to return to me. My grievance was almost entirely thrown out upon initial investigation, because the organisation refused to allow me to source emails and other electronic evidence that vindicated me. Of 13 allegations, they upheld only one with a further partially upheld. I appealed and 'won', in as much that I received a letter stating that this individual had now been found guilty of multiple breaches of the organisation's dignity at work act and had been disciplined accordingly. However they refused to say what they had done. Considering the complete lies spread about me around the organisation which were dismissed by the investigators as 'we can't stop people from talking', the damage to my reputation and the financial loss I've sustained (I did resign voluntarily but ended up in a less well paid job for a year), and particularly that I now know someone else has raised a formal complaint about him at the same organisation, is there anything else I can do or is it too late? I've lost money, my reputation is damaged and my sense of what's 'right' has been well and truly infringed by this cover up. I'm willing to throw money at this but is there any point? I don't want to spend and drag it all up again if I don't stand to end up financially up as a result. What a world! Thanks!
  16. Hello helpful people. First off a huge thanks to all who have posted here, you have helped this long-time "lurker" to a successfully upheld claim with the Halifax for my credit card PPI. My card has had a largish balance on it for nearly all of its 15 years and my average PPI payment per month has been £28, with many payments £30-£35. My situation is thus. The SAR came back with ALL statements and payment details going right back to the issuing of the card in June 1999, so there should be no guessing or averaging on the part of the bank. I painstakingly input all the details into the spreadsheet posted on this forum (The running credit one titled "FosRunningPPI v102.xls") twice! and got the same settlement figure order of £26K both times. Halifax have now written to me upholding my complaint and made a final response offer of almost £16K. They are saying that I have 28 days in which to accept the offer, or to call them if I am unhappy with the decision. How accurate is that spreadsheet above in terms of how the account should be reconstructed? Could there be any other reason for such a discrepancy? I'd would like to contest the amount if it is wrong but don't want to end up like that guy who was offered £22,000 and ended up with £3,500!! Thanks for any help and advice. Much appreciated.
  17. My other half put in a speculative letter/claim for a PPI refund from Capital One when she had her credit card with them between 2007 - 2009. She paid the account in full and closed it in 2009. Her original credit limit was only £200. She's had a letter back today upholding her complaint and an offer of £41.68 as a refund. This amount was a lot less than expected to be fair. They have made the following calculations: £29.71 - Premiums £1.11 - Associated Interest £13.57 - Interest @ 8% £2.71 - Deduction on 8% interest (Basic Rate Income Tax) Now I told my other half to submit a SAR before making a claim so we could work out roughly how much she was owed, but she didn't do this and this offer seems derisory and lower than she expected. Is there anything that can be done at all? I am tempted to send a 'thanks but no thanks' letter and add compensation to this amount. I'm also thinking that they haven't calculated the interest @ 8% correctly. It doesn't say if the 8% interest is per annum in which case is she entitled to 8% for every year since her account has been settled (2009)? Thanks in advance.
  18. My wife took out a loan with HSBC around 10 years ago. This loan had a sizeable PPI fee attached to it. My wife and I have been servicing a DMP for a number of years now, during which time the outstanding debt was handed firstly to Metropolitan Collection Services and then subsequently to CL Finance. She wrote to HSBC recently demanding that the unfair PPI be refunded, and after a bit of correspondence they upheld her complaint and made an offer of payment. The problem is that they have sent her a form to sign which essentially compels her to sign this figure over to Metropolitan to offset the outstanding debt. It is our belief that this amount should only be passed to CL Finance as they have owned this debt for a number of years now. I am also led to believe that Metropolitan are simply HSBC in a thinly disguised form. It would appear that, not content to mis-sell the policy in the first instance, that even when caught out they still attempt to trouser the loot. Hard to believe that a Major Bank could be so devious, ain't it? Anyone had anything similar to contend with?
  19. Hi Readers After doing a little digging, I found out I had 4 loans with Lloyds TSB from 1988 to 2003 which had PPI, all 4 loans total was £29,000 for varying amounts. Unfortunately I didnt have the original documents however my local branch had the total amount I had borrowed & the length the loans ran which was actually the full term of the loan. I sent Lloyds the relevant documentation to complain about mis selling of PPI, they replied & informed me that the PPI was not mis-sold. I took the case to the FOS & in no time my case was upheld. I received a letter from Lloyds with an offer of £4,800 stating it was a good will gesture & that they were not liable for mis-selling of PPI, they also said it was an average payout without me having original documentation & that Lloyds also did not keep the original documents as it was more than 7 years. I declined their offer & challenged it as feel Lloyds did not follow the FOS guidelines of simple interest from the start of the loan to the current day ( I believe its 8% per year)? The FOS has acted in my favour again & upheld it a second time, informing Lloyds to follow their guidelines. However i am not sure if Lloyds will try & fob me off with some silly offer or will they really apply the FOS guidelines of reimbursement? How can a bank not admit liability but still offer you £4800 as a good will gesture? Im still waiting for a 2nd offer from Lloyds! Any help appreciated! Thanks
  20. I've had a PPI claim upheld on my Barclaycard which I'm pleased with. However, over the years I've had several default charges added for being over my credit limit. Does anyone know if anyone's been able to reclaim these default charges on the basis that the accumulated PPI is what has taken them over their limit? And following on from that getting the defaults removed from their credit report?
  21. Hi all I had a premature baby who was very ill.She was born at 24 weeks and I went off on leave before my line manager even knew I was pregnant. It was all very sudden and unavoidable.I was put straight onto Maternity leave.After 9 months,I seen my manager about returning to work. At this stage,I was made to use all my Annual leave before being given a date to return. During this period,I became increasingly worried about leaving my child.This spiralled into depression and severe anxiety.I was diagnosed with post natal depression and detachment syndrome.I rang my dept. on 2 occasions and handed in relevant sicklines. However,my pay was stopped with no warning. On investigation,my manager told me that my sickline was not valid as it didn't cover the self-cart period of my leave.She said that I wasn`t ringing her often enough and wasn`t allowed a self-cert ?? I then was sent back to my GP to get another back-dated line.With this came an onslaught of bullying behaviour by my manager. This included-a letter after 6 weeks sick,threatening to sack me.An argument over my occ health report,in which she told me I wasn't sick.Being told I missed a promotion because I had a baby.A series of derogatory comments relating directly to my illness and maternity leave. It also became clear that she had lied,saying that I hadn't bothered to call in sick and had been repeatedly late with sick lines(she didn't even send the first line to HR).She had absolutely no proof of the latter as she hadn`t dated the sick lines. As you can imagine,coupled with what I had to deal with (she also was aware that I had a teenage daughter who had been sexually assaulted during this time)it was very stressful.I had a subsequent re-assessment with occ health in which they agreed that i was ill(this was after a request from my GP).She then made me come in for a return to work interview while still off sick and I am meant to return at the end of July. I lodged a grievance on the grounds of her bullying behaviour and her harassment.My grievance was upheld,saying she had been unreasonable and should have forwarded my first sick line but that her management of me was because I handed in my sick lines late(which I STRONGLY deny). They believed her even though it was clear she had no proof.They didn't address the comments she made to me at all.I am angry because they have said yes she is wrong but basically its my own fault!! Can I appeal this decision? She was rude an aggressive during the grievance hearing and never denied anything,in fact she tried to justify the comments she had made.I am worried about returning to work with her as I feel she will continue her bullying and make me uncomfortable. Thanks in advance
  22. Two months ago the F.O.S upheld my ppi complaint against Lloyds and gave them a month to respond if they agreed or not. As Lloyds have ignored them my complaint now has to go to an Ombudsman to make a legally binding ruling which can take up to another year! Is this just another tactic the banks employ trying to make people give up fighting them? I always thought if the F.O.S upheld your complaint that was a legal ruling but apparently a complaint has to be upheld by an Ombudsman to be of any use.
  23. MBNA turned down my PPI claim in the summer of 2012. After many months of waiting F.O.S have upheld my case. Thanks to this excellent forum i now have a SAR which give me details of every single transaction going back 11 years (when i took the card out) I am now awaiting MBNA's reponse!
  24. Hi guys I've seen 'explanations' as how the FOS works out the repayment after a 'successful' PPI reclaim case - but I'm afraid it's beyond my simple brain! If I lay out the actual figures, maybe somebody could do the sums for me? Please? In June 2005 we took out a 25 year, £89,000 loan. To this was added a five year PPI policy costing £17,000. So we owe, in total, £106,000. Our repayments are c£730/month for the £89k and c£130/month for the £17k. So we pay, in total, c£860/month. As the PPI policy only ran for five of the 25 years of the loan it expired in 2010 but we continue to pay c£130/month. The FOS has found in our favour and instructed the PPI company to stump up. My simple mind puts the amount we are owed as at least what we have paid, ie £11,700 - 90 months (June 2005 to December 2012) at £130. The bits I can't work out are all the stuff based around the idea of "putting us back into a situation had we not taken out the PPI" (I've has this explained as indemnification - apparently one of the cornerstones of all insurance policies. If we hadn't had the PPI, the £11,700 we have paid would have made an enormous dent in the interest we are being charged on the loan proper. So, 8% of the £11,700 is an entirely inappropriate settlement. 8% on top of the £17k premium is closer to it but still not enough), plus the compensation for the stress it caused us (£130/month 'unnecessary' payments would have been a contributory factor in forcing us into a DMP a couple of years later). I understand the FOS will make us an offer which, presumably, we either accept or reject. If we had a ballpark figure of approximately what to expect we'd know if the offer is about right. Can anybody help me here please? If anybody out there is running an aerospace company and wants guidance on AS9100 compliance I'll return the favour! Cheers, Gaz
  25. Hi, New to this so apologies if this should be posted elsewhere. To set the scene - got a Barclaycard in 1992 and had PPI on the advice of the person in my local branch. Tuens out I could never have claimed so cancelled it in 2002. Still have the credit card so tried to claim back. SAR didn't go back far enough but CCA proved I had it. Barclaycard rejected my claim so I went to FOS. They investigated and found in my favour (hooray!) - they wrote and told me Barclaycard would put me back in the position I would have been in if I hadn't taken out the PPI. Question is - if there are no records how will amounts be worked out by Barclaycard to put me back where I would have been? Has anyone had a similar experience?
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