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  1. Hi Have managed to get to speak to a union manager this morning.He is very unhappy and is taking a look over all the notes.He has also contacted the Equality commission on my behalf and they have said that due to the fact that she became aggressive during the grievance hearing,I should lodge an ET1? form to begin an industrial tribunal case.The union are very supportive and they have told me not to worry?? I don`t have much idea what any of this means but am trusting them!
  2. Hi Yes the grievance was upheld.They stated that my Manager treated me wrongly and her actions were inappropriate.They then said that this decision will be passed on to my Manger and they hope I can integrate back into the workplace.Thats it! end of story.No other information. As she was still being so rude and aggresive during the hearing,I am really worried about how she will be with me once I go back to work at the end of the month.I personally think the whole thing has stressed me out even more.I thought they would at least asked her to apologise?
  3. Hi.Thanks for your reply The first occ health report was vague and I was assessed by the occ health nurse.The 2nd assessment was with a doctor.He recommended that I finish my counselling course (5-6 weeks)and if I then felt ok,I could contact my Manager to get a phased return to work.He agreed that I had detachment syndrome and was suffering stress and anxiety and I wasn`t ready to return to work until I had at least finished with the counsellor and began to gradually leave my baby for longer periods of time.I fully intended to try and return to work once the counselling sessions were over anyway but my Manager called me in for a RTW interview before this.She said that instead of continuing with sick lines,I should use some Annual leave to cover me until the counselling was over.I was too scared to refuse.(this meeting was conducted after I had handed in my grievance). All I want is an apology and some reassurance that she wont continue to harass me.I dont want anyone to feel like I have.The way she behaved at the grievance hearing and the subsequent decision by the panel have done nothing to reassure me at all.
  4. Hi all I had a premature baby who was very ill.She was born at 24 weeks and I went off on leave before my line manager even knew I was pregnant. It was all very sudden and unavoidable.I was put straight onto Maternity leave.After 9 months,I seen my manager about returning to work. At this stage,I was made to use all my Annual leave before being given a date to return. During this period,I became increasingly worried about leaving my child.This spiralled into depression and severe anxiety.I was diagnosed with post natal depression and detachment syndrome.I rang my dept. on 2 occasions and handed in relevant sicklines. However,my pay was stopped with no warning. On investigation,my manager told me that my sickline was not valid as it didn't cover the self-cart period of my leave.She said that I wasn`t ringing her often enough and wasn`t allowed a self-cert ?? I then was sent back to my GP to get another back-dated line.With this came an onslaught of bullying behaviour by my manager. This included-a letter after 6 weeks sick,threatening to sack me.An argument over my occ health report,in which she told me I wasn't sick.Being told I missed a promotion because I had a baby.A series of derogatory comments relating directly to my illness and maternity leave. It also became clear that she had lied,saying that I hadn't bothered to call in sick and had been repeatedly late with sick lines(she didn't even send the first line to HR).She had absolutely no proof of the latter as she hadn`t dated the sick lines. As you can imagine,coupled with what I had to deal with (she also was aware that I had a teenage daughter who had been sexually assaulted during this time)it was very stressful.I had a subsequent re-assessment with occ health in which they agreed that i was ill(this was after a request from my GP).She then made me come in for a return to work interview while still off sick and I am meant to return at the end of July. I lodged a grievance on the grounds of her bullying behaviour and her harassment.My grievance was upheld,saying she had been unreasonable and should have forwarded my first sick line but that her management of me was because I handed in my sick lines late(which I STRONGLY deny). They believed her even though it was clear she had no proof.They didn't address the comments she made to me at all.I am angry because they have said yes she is wrong but basically its my own fault!! Can I appeal this decision? She was rude an aggressive during the grievance hearing and never denied anything,in fact she tried to justify the comments she had made.I am worried about returning to work with her as I feel she will continue her bullying and make me uncomfortable. Thanks in advance
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