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Found 11 results

  1. Hello everyone , today I signed on after being layed off on Monday . It was all going well until they asked for my email address & I asked " why " . They explained they need it for my registration to UJM , I declined immediately the oh so previously nice " coach " told me if I refused I would be " in here every day showing your job search " . It didn't matter that an agency had called me mid interview for a possible position & I had asked if it was ok to take the call , she seemed happy that I was obviously already putting my self out there & getting possible bites for employment but I digress. The fact she was so quick to threaten me upon my temerity of questioning her was the key to a realisation that this is not all it seems . I am claiming JSA & Housing benefit & not on the all in one UJM . Being told I will obey will never sit well with me from what I have already gathered this is nothing more than a processing / spy centre . It has been many many years since I last needed help from the state & I am shocked , dismayed & even angry at the Orwellian attitude . Sorry for the long rant but I am very angry at the so called system . My questions are Am I legally obligated to open the UJM account ? Do I legally have to give them access [ this sent 2 " coaches " into beast mode but still no definitive answer ] I was asked if I had a CV , I was asked half a dozen times in fact . I stated I am more than capable of doing my own CV , adjusting it for various positions but still they would not let it go so that tells me they want a copy , am I legally obliged to give them a copy or have one on this UJM account. Lastly , I need a survival guide to my legal rights on this . Once again , sorry for the ramble but I wont be bullied or treated like a sub human because I have been put out of work but I need the benefits to survive . I can see this being harder than actually working. Thanks in advance for any help & advice . Freddy PS .......... " Coaches !!! " , where do they dream this nonsense up
  2. Hi , i am on JSA & have only recently started claiming benifits , today i have been informed that i have to attend the JC every week . One week is signing on & job search proof the following is UJM search at the JC. The latter is why i am posting, having shown my " coach " 33 job applications in less than 3 weeks & receiving a phone call while with her in connection for a possible job i still have to go through this UJM search nonsense . I have a UJM account, i have not allowed them access to it & i have no other information other than my name . No CV, phone or address . Am i legally required to.. A: Have a UJM account . B : Go through this futile & soul destroying waste of time. C : Are there any templates or legal documents i can copy to take with me to show them i am within my rights not to use UJM . It has been an eye opening few weeks & dealing with the whole DWP is an exercise in frustration . The one thing i have quickly learned is that they are not there to help you find work , it is a processing center with shark pools everywhere , talk about eyes in the back of your head . Many thanks Harry
  3. Saw the latest bully and she was late to her own appointment so good start and then she whined I had no work history and claimed volunteering would help yet I've had short term jobs and forced labour previously, she claimed I had no references inspire of my CWP and WP ones - what's the point of these schemes of even the Jobcentre don't acknowledge them?????? Plus wittered on about work trials as selling yourself at interviews she went into bully mode once I showed her my evidence of a previously accepted format to all the other staff I had seen ipreviously and claimed I needed to account for every 35 hours worth and had to let her have a copy but I forgotten the legal reasons why to deny her and she said I had to so as to cover her selfe and so she had s copy of my log so I said it was blackmail and she lied it wasn't - what else do you call withholding payment to get a copy and I said she could have it under duress so I'm far from happy with her. I am sure that they can't legally keep copies of my job search but it'll help if someone has any links to provide? Plus how easy is it to say I want a different troll? Doesn't help that I'm reminded of a traumatic event sometimes
  4. Hi all. Im on JSA. Was asked to make UJM account to search for work and make log, all is good. Last time i was in the JCP to sign my coach has told me that i MUST bring in my user name and password so they can access my account. I previously gave them my email for the account so they can check im doing my bit as per job seeker agreement which i have no problem with at all. This request for username and password is not wrote on my most recent JSA agreement i note! Its just, im not sure they should be asking for my username and password. I thought that was private? my password I have this coach recorded saying this in audio file also as i dot trust DWP at all due to the things happened in past. Should i ignore this request? To me it just sounds wrong but i dont want a benefit sanction. TIA
  5. I am mightily confused. I have been signing on for 12 months, at the start of my claim I signed a claimant commitment stating I will do X number of steps each week to find work, IE look in papers, ask family and friends, use UJM etc. I completed my job search online and always filled in my activity history on UJM, ensuring I recorded X number of steps as required in my claimant commitment. Part way through the year I was told not to use UJM instead I was given a paper template to fill that stated I must do 35 hours job search per week, this had a section to fill stating the time each task took. Some time later I was issued with a pie chart diagram which showed different activities I could include in my 35 hour job search. Now I have been given another paper template form which states I have to apply for and record 10 vacancies jobs per week. What the heck as happened to my claimant commitment, no where in that did I agree to a 35 hour week job search nor did it state when I signed it that it was a requirement. Secondly, I would never agree to applying for X amount of vacancies per week , what if the only suitable vacancies are ones I have already applied for. And now they have just reissued me a new claimant commitment to sign which is basically same as my old one except they have added “ engage with the work program” Can they enforce this 10 job application rule and what is in place to prevent me from just jotting down bogus applications. Obviously I am fulfilling my claimant commitment still but as there is no actual way to record that activity any more am I even obligated to carry it out. From what I can gather the 35 hour per week is only a suggestion and not enforceable as long as client shows they have took reasonable steps they cannot be sanctioned but I cannot find any info at all regarding the 10 vacancies per week.
  6. Hello. I have signed on for the first time in a while. My initial interview with my Work Coach didn't go exactly how I had hoped. She mentioned she would be requiring evidence of my work search and since I hadn’t granted her access to my UJM account she could request that I show her either printouts from my UJM account or that I log in at one of the IAD's within the job centre so she could physically look at my account on screen. Now I know I am protected by the Data Protection Act from granting her access to my UJM account. But surely being forced into giving her printouts and her viewing my account on-screen is still a violation of the DPA? I have hunted around for Official Evidence to hit the Work Coach with when I eventually decline these requests, but to no avail. Is there anyone who could provide me with a link to a document that I could print out and show to my work Coach and basically shut her up? Thanks for reading.
  7. Hello I just need some advice please I am currently in receipt of jsa. I have now been given one of those job workbook things and on chatting to the advicer he said that i have noticed that you dont allow ujm acess. He explained it was easier for me and them I explained that i was happy to show info print out every fortnight. This is the bit now i am not sure about he said the he needs to se my cv so i said iwill print it out. He said that if i dont give access I would have to log in to my account from the jobcentre to show him. I was not sure if this was correct do i have to use dwp computers at all my feeling was he was lying can any one advice please Thank you g
  8. I've always kept a paper record of my job search activities, however, it seems that at my Jobcentre, claimants are being heavily pushed to record this on Universal Jobmatch. One of the issues with UJM is that the vast majority of the jobs listed there don't allow you to apply within the site itself and take you to an external site, such as CV Library, Adzuna etc. This then means that your application is not recorded in the 'Application history' section. So, does anyone know if it's acceptable to manually type this information into the 'Activity history' section instead? I am also considering typing all of my job search activities - not just those sourced from UJM - into the 'Activity history', so that everything is one place, and so I can do away with writing it all out in hard copy. I don't intend to give the Jobcentre access to my UJM account, and haven't ticked the box that would allow them to do so, but would there be any issues if, when signing on, I logged into my UJM account, so they could view my job search activities?
  9. Hi all My dad is currently on JSA, as he is not good with technology or computers I have to do most of the job search and applications for him. I use sites like Reed and Totaljobs, but the jobcenter people keep threatening him with sanction for not using UJM, now I browse this site for jobs too but hardly ever are there any jobs that can be applied for and most of the jobs just redirect to external site or recruitment agency site for application, so I am lost as to what I can do, can they really sanction him because of that? and is he obliged to give access to his account to them. Any help and advice would be much appreciated Thank you
  10. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  11. Hi everyone, I'm new here and after some advice. I was made redundant from my job last September through no fault of my own and been signing on ever since. However, before Christmas I had an appointment with my advisor at my local job centre and gave me details of a job to apply for but 2 weeks ago I received a letter saying that they are going to stop my job seekers allowance from the end of January to the middle of march. I have since appealed the decision in writing but when i went to the job centre today I had to fill in another form and explain again. I know it was my fault for not applying for the job, but I always complete the booklet and attend the job centre on a regular basis to sign on. Any advice? Thanks Louise
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