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  1. Hi Elderly relative slipped on food produce on supermarket floor. Very bad fall. Immediately other customers came to help and they called over a store assistant to assist. This assistant then put up one of the yellow "danger slippery surface" signs. Relative had the presence of mind to use telephone to photograph what slipped on and the injury. After a while relative managed to get up/ drive home and then go to the doctor. Its a rural quite old-fashioned GP and they told relative to come back if injury gets worse (ie they were very busy and kind of couldn't deal with this type of complaint) 1 month later the bruising has subsided but the injury is still bad; causing problems. A possible fracture? Needs an x-ray to verify. In the meantime relative had been expecting a call from the local branch to check injury ok - but never received any call. So relative instead wrote to the head office of supermarket and complained. The head office replied quite swiftly advising relative to return to the local branch for compensation: which turned out to be a bunch of flowers and a cheque for a nominal (tiny) value. Given relative is elderly and vulnerable I am of the opinion that the flowers/tiny cheque value is a 'fob off'. Lots of elderly would be very happy with such "gifts". But relative is still in pain and may even have a fracture (can update on this after hospital) so I am wondering if we should write and thank them for the flowers and the cheque - but we are considering making an injury claim against them. Is this how it works? See how they reply to such a letter from relative? Or just go straight to a lawyer to handle this issue?
  2. Hi All, my mother had a tripping accident in a major supermarket last week. A piece of plastic cabling that is used to hold boxes together was left on the floor, my mother didn't see it, got her foot caught up in it and ended up on the floor on her right side. The plastic cabling was picked up and remove whilst my mother was on the floor. The store staff were very good, but no details were taken and through embarrassment she was desperate to leave the store. The store's first aider was called but my mother said she was fine and refused to allow them to call an ambulance. However, she had great difficulty driving home and was very upset about the situation when reaching home. My sister insisted she attended the Infirmary Hospital near to us - she has fractured her shoulder which is very painful and she has to wear a sling. My mother is currently caring for my father which is proving very difficult as a result of this accident and is unable to drive for 8 weeks. Whilst two members of the public ran to assist her no details were taken. We have been advised that each aisle has CCTV and the accident would have been caught on camera, can I ask to see the store CCTV? Any advice or guidance on what to do now would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Public Health England (PHE) researchers attempting to pinpoint a link between 60 people with hepatitis E (HEV) found that they had all eaten own-brand sausages and ready-to-eat sliced ham from an unnamed retailer known as Supermarket X, The Times reported. The research was carried out between 2014 and 2016. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/sausages-ham-pork-hepatitis-virus-hev-supermarket-uk-tesco-public-health-england-a7903431.html Something similar was reported in Australia around the same time http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-26/kohler-berries-and-hepatitis:-the-high-cost-of-doing-business/6265360 "with figures showing infections have risen from from 368 in 2010 to 1243 in 2016. Caused by the hepatitis E virus, the disease generally results in a mild and short-term infection unless the person has a pre-existing liver disease or is pregnant." and UK reports from years ago http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30006977 One in 10 sausages 'carries risk of hepatitis E virus' https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/8/11-1647_article Hepatitis E Virus in Pork Food Chain, United Kingdom, 2009–2010 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/8081387/Virus-warning-over-undercooked-pork-after-three-die.html Virus warning over undercooked pork after three die Britons were warned not to eat undercooked pork after three people died from a rare virus. Is it a real problem? https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/8/11-1647_article https://pork.ahdb.org.uk/health-welfare/health/safe-traceable-pork/hepatitis-e/
  4. Hello everyone I hope someone can give me some advice, I am a loss as to what I can do. In February I went to purchase my prescription and do a bit of shopping at a local Sainsbury's supermarket. Whilst at the pharmacy counter I noticed there were some avocados in a clear bag left by the side of the counter. I took this to mean someone had changed their mind and decided not to purchase them. I thought just what I had been looking for. I took the avocados (2) along with the rest of my shopping and proceeded to go to a cashier at the check out who scanned all my items and took payment. A short while later I was on the bus making my way home when an unknown number showed up on my phone. It was the pharmacist from Sainsbury's store asking if I was still in the store, for a minute I panicked thinking I had left my bank card or wallet instore. The cashier proceeded to ask me if I had taken the avocados that were by the counter, I informed her I had and had paid for them, only to be put through to the security officer who accused me of stealing even though I informed them I had the receipt with the name of the cashier who had scanned my shopping showing the 2 avocados. My initial reaction was anger because my personal information had been misused. I have since resolved this with the pharmacy, however Sainsbury's apologised and agreed their security officer had not followed store guidelines/policies when there is suspicion of theft. I was left humiliated on the bus as other passengers could hear me arguing that I had not stolen anything whilst the security officer informed me should this happen again the police will be called. Sainsbury's initially offered me a goodwill gesture for £30 vouchers which I thought was adding insult to injury, they then offered me £100 vouchers which I refused to accept. I feel the stress I went through on that day which raised my anxiety levels warrants more than a £100 voucher. I have not been able to return to that Sainsbury's supermarket because I feel my every move will be monitored. this incident affected my health for a while. I have sent them a LETTER BEFORE COURT but Sainsbury's responded by stating I did not have a case. I am sure the way I was treated was wrong as their own guidelines were not followed by the security guard?...Can someone help please...
  5. Sca mmers have been sending out a host of fake vouchers, purporting to be from some of the nation's favourite supermarkets and high street stores. These fake voucher promotions have been popping up all over Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You will be led through some questions to get your voucher and you will have to supply your mobile number and your address – ostensibly so your “prize” can be sent out. In reality, your phone will be hit by premium rate calls costing up to £5 each https://www.lovemoney.com/news/26495/dont-fall-for-this-supermarket-voucher-[problem]
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3569255/Hundreds-parking-fines-overturned-Aldi-failed-planning-permission-number-plate-recognition-cameras-operating-one-stores-FIVE-YEARS.html
  7. I currently work as a Deputy Manager (one of 300) for one of the big four supermarkets, and they have recently announced a new contract change that comes into force on Monday 18th April. In effect we are being demoted to a lesser position, that being of a duty manager. They argue that our job role is not really changing as we will still be doing the same job we have always done and they will not be reducing our pay. However it is a HUGE drop in status as our current contract states we are 'autonomous decisions makers' which classes us as senior business leaders and opts us out of working time regulations. On our new contract we are not classed as this and we are therefore opted in to working time regulations. In addition we also recieve free fuel and a car allowance which will also be taken off us although they have given us over a years notice before they take this away. However this is in our current contract that this can be removed at any time so do not think that we can argue the point much there. The main issue is as Deputy Store Manager you are above all the other senior managers in the shop and now will be dropping to the same level as them so surely this counts as a drop in status, even though my salary will not be affected. It also effectively puts my career back 10 years as I was doing that job 10 years ago! There have been various 1-2-1 meetings held with the outcome already decided, however I asked questions weeks ago which have still not been answered and I also have not got a copy of my new contract as yet. From what I have read online if i work on Monday then I am effectively accepting the new contract and will have no means to put a claim in, in the future. Do I have a case for constructive dismissal?? Please help!! Thanks in advance
  8. Is there a legal requirement for supermarket aisles to be a certain width as my local co-op doesn't appear to have thought much about this issue.
  9. Looking for a bit of advice. I was at my local supermarket this morning with my 2 year old, who we have just started potty training. As we entered the car park, he told me he needed a pee. Which, at the moment, means he literally is about to do a pee right now! I therefore parked my car in a total rush, and inadvertently parked in a disabled bay. (I saw the hatched area alongside and wrongly assumed it was a mother and child space). Took him to the toilet in the supermarket, did my shopping, and came out to find a parking ticket on my windscreen. Grrr! It was a genuine error on my part. What I need to know is whether this ticket is actually enforceable. I have read that disabled bays may not be enforceable on private land, but there was very clear signage up stating that these spaces are for blue badge holders only. One of my sons is actually registered disabled (deaf in both ears), but he is too young for a blue badge. I'm not sure whether to appeal on the grounds of the fact that I actually have a disabled child, or whether just to ignore the letters that will no doubt start to arrive in the coming months and hope that nothing more comes of it. We are based in Scotland, and if it makes any difference the parking company is Horizon.
  10. Hi I tripped and fell in Sainsbury's under cover car park. There was a pool of water on the floor and I fell flat on my face breaking my front tooth and nose. No one from Sainsbury's came to my aid, two passers by helped me to my car and I phoned my daughter who drove me to A and E. I went to Sainsbury's the following day and spoke to the deputy manager, he filled in an accident form. Went to the car park with me and took photos, examined my shoes and told me he would look at the CCTV footage and call me up last week. So far nothing! I also showed him the A and E report. My dental bill so far is £350 with another £600 to replace my partial denture. Can anyone help me draft a letter as I wish to claim compensation? Do you think I have a case? I don't know what the CCTV will reveal because I was on the floor covered in blood for a while and they never sent anyone to help me.
  11. Hi I was drawn to an offer of two pairs of glasses for the price of one at our local optican so I took up the offer. Normally my employer pays for my test but this offer seemed good. The experience was okay until I was asked by a counter person to answer some medical questions about my parents. She asked if my parents had Glaucoma and Diabetes. I said I thought my father had Glaucoma and Diabetes. He did have diabetes. She then said I can now have a free test. I was willing to pay there and then, though she insisted that I qualify for a free test. She asked me to sign a form for the free test. I bought the glasses and have to go back next Week. Whist in the shopping centre, I asked my elderly Mother if she could recall Glaucoma in the family. She could not remember. So I went back to the opticians ( 30 mins later ) and explained to the same lady. She then replied that I had already signed the form and could be prosecuted for making a false claim. I was shocked !!! I then insisted that I pay for the test to remove any uncertainty so I paid. However, her attitude was awful. Even when I said that I hoped to save some money by getting a free test but could not ask dad because he had died. She replied, that is too bad. I feel like a criminal even though I offered and did pay the fee in the end. Her attitude was awful and now I fear the NHS will be after me next for making a false claim. I sensed she had it in for me, the now paying customer. I thought I would share this as an experience because even the customer can be intimidated. Thanks, Stella Update.... just checked with my Brother. Apparently my Dad did have Glaucoma and was taking eye drops to help.
  12. I was treated very badly by a major UK supermarket. To see more of my story, to help me and to find out which UK supermarket I am referring to, please see this link where you can watch a very short video (1:46 minutes long) and fill in a short form (less than one minute). Please fill in this form and share it with your UK contacts. https://docs.google.co In a nutshell, my story is that the supermarket appears to have destroyed evidence that would have proven that it breached my contract and that it has made claims to have addressed the issues I raised but has never shown me any evidence to support its claims. The human resources manager (in training) that I was instructed to see for further information about a forthcoming meeting openly declared on his personal Facebook page that he is "fluent in buls""t and sarcasm" The supermarket has still not answered some important questions. The supermarket still insists that it did not breach my contract. My case has been brushed under the carpet and the company has denied even the things that are written on paper. The company seems to be pleased that I have so far not been able to do anything about the matter. I feel forgotten and feel that I can easily be mistreated by big companies with near impunity. I feel my life has been a joke.
  13. I have been driving for less than two years, but am about to qualify for my 2 years NCB for the first time. I drive about 25K miles pa with no accidents at all up to last weekend. This was when another driver was backing out of the parking bay opposite to me trying to back out too and swung round to exit, whilst I was stopped to re-manouvre to go the right way, and he hit my bumper causing the panel to come loose. He tried to drive off but I stopped him and I called police and our details were exchanged. Before the police arrrived he tried knocking on windows putting words into mouths of drivers, instead of just askign them what they saw as an open question. He was saying 'didn't you see her bash into me?' One driver, who refused to be a witness officially and would not leave his details either said : "no you bashed into her." I got his reg. no, just in case. I also video'd the back of the other party's vehicle and this showed no damage at all and photo'd my own car damage, which was visible. I was very angry at the time at what had happened and his attempts to drum up 'witnesses' in the way he was doing. Two women, who overheard the commotion 'got in on the act' and said I had been at fault and were very abusive toward me. One said I was at fault because the other driver was an older man and I was bullying him and getting angry; the other said I was posh for having a brand new car. Both were opportunist chavs out on the make and both were mouthy and one tried to pick a fight with me too. I have no doubt that they will want money from the other party if they are called upon as witnesses officially. They were just fake witnesses. I told police this when I arrived. Police did nto take witness statements, because it was a no injury incident, and said they were there as a 'courtesy' and to facilitate exchange of details. In fact all I got was the other party's name and insurance policy no. His insurance company name was wrong and there was no address (the latter was rectified later on). My local garage said there was a small dent to my car, but the bracket beneath the panel was broken and needed replacing at a possible cost of around £150.. There was no bodywork paint damage or visible paint from the other vehicle. I reported the matter to my insurance company and they decided not to log it officially and said I should claim directly from the other party's insurer and if they accepted full liability my policy would not be affected. I did this. The other party's insurer said they had heard from the other party, refuted my version of events, but would send out a claim form to him. In the meantime. before he received them, I went round to the other party's house and he showed me a scratch to his car which was not there at the time of the incident. He made it clear that he was not interested in claiming for his 'damage.' But since receiving his insurer's policy claim form he put a note through my door asking me to call him. I did and he is now saying that he has got an estimate from the garage for his car and is making a claim directly to my insurer for the damage to his car now. This is completely fake. There is no damage to his car and his actions seem to be little more than vindictive and fraudulent. He is trying to harass me into not putting in a claim at all and if I do he will do a like for like claim against me, even though he is lying and I am not. I feel very angry about this. I have video evidence of the back of his car; I can evidence that he showed me damage to his car days after the incident date (why not at the time of the incident, if he felt I had damaged his car??). There is no CCTV of the supermarket carpark and I have no willing witnesses and he has two fake ones. How do you advise I deal with this. I am at my wits end. My insurance will sky rocket if he puts in a false claim and my insurer decides to capitulate. If I don't claim against his insurer directly, instead of going through mine, he will do the same to my insurance company or he will drop it only if I pay for the damage myself. He has already stated that he doesn't care at all about his car, which is 9 years old. Now he is saying that he has a scratch, the paint over won't match due to fading and therefore it will need a brand new panel. I have evidence that he is lying about the scratch and his behaviours post incident don't in any way match that of someone who believed I pranged him rather than vica versa.. Despite all this, I am not sure I can fight two fake witnesses when I have none and nothing else to back up my story. Should I call police and take the offensive and report him for pending insurance fraud? Please advise. I would really appreciate it.
  14. 12 Jaffa cakes for one pound or 24 for £2.39. Huh ??
  15. Hello Everyone. First time poster in need of some help and advice. I was recently accused of shoplifting in Sainsbury's. Here's the story: an off-duty employee, who just happened to be shopping in the store, incorrectly claimed she saw me trying to steal some items and she reported me to the store security. The security guard (accompanied by several 'burly' male members of staff) asked me to leave and escorted me off the premises. I attempted to remonstrate with them but they weren't interested and feeling completely surprised and intimidated I left. The police were not called, my details were not taken, and no further action was taken. It ended there and then……or so I thought….. From that day on, I always get followed by security in almost all major shopping chains up and down the country from London to Aberdeen. It's very easy to spot and I'm certainly not being paranoid. The process is almost always the same - it usually starts with an announcement over the speaker system when I walk in (e.g. "Can the Store Manager please come to the security desk" or some variation) and then I get followed around the shop often culminating with large groups of staff standing next to the exit as I leave, I assume, waiting for me to do a runner or something. The whole experience makes me feel sick every time as I hate the idea that I'm thought of as a shoplifter. I don't have the confidence to confront them either. I've also been followed at Airports and Kings Cross train station amongst other places. Am I an some sort of UK National Shoplifting Database? Does the database have a name and someone I could contact? Can I get removed from it? Where would I even start with any of this? I'd appreciate any help you could offer. Best regards, Garabaldi
  16. Hi all It has been pointed out to me by a friend that works in a supermarket that their security guards do not have SIA licenses to carry out security guarding activites . I went and asked in the supermarket and spoke to a personnel manager , she told me she wasn't aware supermarket guard needed licenses as it was private property . But so are nightclubs . And also they are not employed as security they are just supermarket employees . My questions are . 1)Can these people wear clothing stating they are security ? ie jackets etc with security written on them 2)Can they legally do the job of security guards ? 3)Is a supermarket a licensed premises ? 4)Can they watch and use CCTV , which is following the public without the correct CCTV license ? (it is my belief they can only watch stock on the shelves) 5)How does the data protection act apply to them when using the CCTV ? I have many many more questions , but if i get answers to these basic questions they may no longer need answering. Thanks all
  17. Hi, On the weekend I popped into my local supermarket to get a few things, I had my 2yr old with me and I put him in the trolley. I usually go with a list as I am a scatter brain but this time I forgot so I picked up some items that I remembered we needed and on my way round I put my carrier bag into the trolley. I wasn't really thinking about it I just put it in. Anyway when I got to the till's I put the stuff from the trolley onto the belt and had to take a chocolate bar off my son to pay for it and he started to cry for it. I was distracted by this and didn't check the trolley. I paid for my stuff but on the way out a woman security officer called me back and walked me through the store to a room at the back and asked me if I knew why we were there I said no so she proceeded to tell me that she had seen me on the cameras put an item in my trolley and then cover it with my shopping bag then at the tills I left the bag and the item in the trolley (clearly I didn't leave the bag in the trolley because I filled it with my shopping). The item was still in the trolley and I apologised for the mistake and said I honestly wasn't thinking and I was distracted at the till. She then told me she wasn't going to call the police on this occasion and I wouldn't receive a ban but she needed me to write down my details on a plain A4 piece of paper while she got someone to sit with me and got a receipt for the item. By now I'm in tears because I wasn't trying to steal anything and I was hugely embarrassed, I had the money in my hand to pay for the item which was £4.50 but wasn't given the opportunity to offer to pay for it. When she came back she said I understand what you said about your child at the till but to me he appeared to be behaving well, as I said we won't get the police involved or action a store ban but because of the value of the item I will have to send this to head office who will send you a civil recovery loss because I had to watch you on cctv, bring you here and get someone to sit with you. The manager made out that it would be a small fine maybe £2.50-£3.50 and no where near the £90 the police would have charged me. She took the piece of paper from me and told me I could leave. How long does it usually take for a civil recovery letter to come through? I've also read it seems I'll be in for a hefty fine £150+ which seems excessive to me for a £4.50 item. Also I never filled out an official form it was a plain piece of A4 and they didn't even ask me for ID, is it possible they were just trying to scare me and I won't hear anything back from it do you think? As my husband seems to think they don't have the power to do anything and even if I do get a letter I should just ignore it and forget about it and was just an honest mistake. This is really playing on my mind though, it has taught me a lesson to thoroughly check my trolley at the check out but I feel like I can no longer shop in that shop because every time I set foot in there they will be watching me all around the shop!
  19. Hi, i wanted some advice 3 days ago i was walking around my local supermarket when i got banged in my left hip when i turned round there stood a staff member with a big metal flatbed trolley, i was in alot of pain she apologised she said she had seen me but gathered i would of moved by the time she turned the flatbed trolley, i walked off and stood hoping the pain would subside which it didn't I sought a member of staff telling them what had happened, he advised me to go to customer services, i did while in alot of pain they got a a first aider which took a while to arrive who then took me to the first aid room and applied some ice on the area, a manager came in and took details when they were finished they said i could go, no offer of assitance with helping me with the rest of my shopping, i will also add i had my young son with me, when i got back i emailed asda to complain not just about the staff member who clearly was so much in a rush she took no regard for someone stood there but also the way i was ushered away after. Then this morning i get a letter saying sorry and a £10 gift card!! i went to the doctors who said i need to be on painkillers as its the muscle i have hurt, i am still in pain with this, it is causing me to hardly get any sleep! i can't drive as i am on co codamol, and i am a care giver for my dad so i am having to seek help with this also! Sorry for the rant i am trying to find a way forward, i have suffered enough but i was just glad it wasnt a younger child or elderly person who was in my position and them to send me £10 to be honest is more of an insult. Thanks in advance
  20. Hey guys, While I was out at my local supermarket a week ago the trolley collector was struggling to keep control of a MASSIVE line of trolleys. He'd hit one car and as I walked towards him the trolleys vveered out of control and he yelled for help. They hit another car but not before I'd managed to slow them somewhat but bent my wrist back in the process and sprained it. The trolley pusher told me "this wouldn't happen if people collected trolleys more often"! and walked off. I thought ... or if you didnt take so many at once!!! My wife told me he'd also hit our car when i got back inand sure enough some new grazes (nothing major) had appeared. All in all lucky though as my 4 year old was with me and a few moments later and he could have been hit by the trolleys. I reported it (so they could tell this guy / retrain his poor attitude), and it went in the accident book, but theyve been pretty useless at dealing with it. The person i complained too told me to call back another day as he didnt know how to deal with it. So I rang HQ and they said they'd deal with it. Several days later I got a phone call from the manager at store who said it was being investigated and theyd call back....they never did. So a week later I call the store (time customer services answered the phone but didnt say anything and i could hear them arguing over who should answer it before hanging up on me!) and then I get through to the manager on the second call only to be told another manager should have called me. they said they'd be chasing them, but the outcome was that any action was at this managers discretion. So my car (and two others) were hit, I got injured and any action is at their "discretion"?! I have half a mind to sue them now they're being that bl**y useless! I know there is cctv footage and I've asked the landlord for how long the tapes are kept so i can get proof if needed. What am i entitled to / likely to be offered and what should i not accept (ie not sign any waivers) if they do offer anything? I'm certain that an injury caused by their staff is worth more than a discretionary gesture by the manager?! A formal apology would be nice Should i seek legal advice? I hate the sue britain culture, but i also hate the lack of customer service and respect and responsibility that is around these days. Sorry to rant. Any guidance gladly taken! ps...i didnt see a doctor...the wrist hurt on and off for the week while i took ibuprofen. It was annoying as i'd been off work with stress for 7 weeks and was due to go back to work in a couple of days so this really took the high i'd been feeling away.
  21. me my partner and 9 yr old son was in asda back in october 2012. my son won a laser pen at the fair, while we were in asda me and my son was shinning it on the walls and on the ceiling. shortly after we were told by the security guard to stop shinning it or we had to leave the shop, to which i replied yes ok mate and put the laser pen in my pocket and never used again. still to this day 11/06/13 when shopping asda we are recognized every time upon entry then watched and followed as we shop which is a very uncomfortable feeling for all three of us. this also happens in five other big retail outlets now. neither i or my partner or my 9yr old son have ever stolen anything or have any criminal convictions against us but every time upon entry to these places were are made to feel like criminals and have become very distressed over this matter, much more so for my partner who is now 5 months pregnant. a simple thing like shopping has become very stressfull indeed. any helpfull advice will be much appreciated
  22. Hello all, A relative of mine works for a supermarket chain and whilst she was serving a customer, an accomplice reached across her work station and stole her spectacles which were in a specs case. This came to light, when she realised they had been stolen and they were viewing the CCTV images, which clearly show the image of the thief and the fact that he reached across the work station and took them from the case, leaving the empty case behind. The Police were informed and attended to view the archived image. The Police have been absolutely brilliant with follow up procedures and keeping her informed, with three letters received since the theft which was only 10 days ago. On the other hand, the/her employer have been absolutely diabolical, with no interest and an attitude of no information as to claiming on their insurance or other funds, this is up to store General Manager status, they really have been pathetically remiss. Surely she must be able to claim from them/ins.co for the replacement of her specs which cost in the region of £130. All information/ advice will be as usual gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  23. Hi all, Glad I found this forum and had a good read hope I'm posting at the right place. I got caught at a supermarket for not paying an item worth £35. (feel deeply ashamed and want to punish myself more than anyone else, I don't why I did it had some alcohol before that happened and curious about things, I would never do that again, so no lecture pls) The security took me to a back room and checked the price of item and called duty manager, and they said you are lucky as usually the would call police straight away and then gave me a piece of paper (NOTICE OD INTENDED CIVIL RECOVERY) RLP. They said you need to make the payment with certain days and they are not calling police this time. And I'm banned from the supermarket lifetime (from duty manager) and banned from the mall for six months (from mall security). I explained to them I have been out of job for a while and apparently had a job offer and now under screening checks. They asked me do I use other facilities in the mall I said I will need to enter the work place in the estate and the gym in the mall as well. And supermarket security asked the mall security are you sure you want to go ahead. However he said keep this paper (mall ban 6 months) and come back to me with your proof of work offer, but don't lose this paper. Not sure what he meant by that (I was panicking so just wanted to leave that place so didnt ask many Qs). My quesions - On the notice of intended civil recovery - on the bottom NB it said data protection act 1998 does not prevent use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... . You are notified that personal info held about you may be passed to police for criminal proceedings.... Your personal data maybe stored and used by prospective employers working client companies to make employment decision. They all sound quite scary to me, the work I'm applying is with a major bank. Would this be somehow disclosed to checking party on behalf of the bank? It mentioned they can pass my detail to police. They didn't do so at the incident. If they pass onto police Would I have a criminal record or any negative record on file that would be represented in CRB cheek? It all happened yestersay and I am going back to the mall to let the security person know I have an offer with the bank as he suggested. Do you think he would be planning to lift my ban to the mall? Otherwise why did he ask me to do so? He sounded quite nice and ensured me don't worrry about the credit checking etc this is civil matter won't affect my history. Is this their general style when things happen or what he actually meant it? S Sorry for all this and really appreciated any comments from you guys! Looking forward to hearing your advices! M
  24. Hi there readers, just wanted to start this with a plea; please do not judge me by what you are about to read. I am fully aware of how it sounds, plus after reading other's threads, I too have jumped to conclusions. My background is that I am a full time student, this normally means 'poor' or 'desperate for food', however, unlucky for me yet good for my finances, I was left with considerable inheritance. I am 22 years old and consider myself to be well brought up and a well dressed, middle class girl. (sorry if that sounds ridiculous, just want you to know the facts) I am writing this to ask for advice, I would be extremely grateful for any information you could bring to my attention. I'l try to ignore the negativity and judgement. It begins with me being in a large local supermarket, eg Tesco/ Sainsburys, where I have done all my shopping for the last two years of uni. My bill normally comes in at around £40, £8 of which is spent on bottled water. This time, I was shopping with a friend, sharing a trolly, they were to use my self service check out after me. However, they went of to find an item they had forgotten whilst I was scanning through my shopping. I paid for my items yet still saw no return of my friend. I was holding my receipt and checking for error as it was lower than I expected (obviously a good thing but I wanted to be sure). Whilst doing this task along with slowly moving my trolly out of other customer's way, I was phoning my friend. During this 1/ 2 minutes, I had moved around 100 yards, approaching the exit, I intended to put my shopping into the car and help my friend with her shopping. I was still multi tasking at this point, looking at my receipt, just as I crossed the exit, I noticed why my bill was low, my water hadn't scanned. It's water and this is England, not exactly crime of the century simply not bothering about it, yet I done the decent thing and turn back to the store. As I made this moral decision, a man in dark uniform asked me to follow him, I mentioned I was going in to sort out my receipt. Then as we walked in, a worker exclaimed, "ahh you've finally got her". To be honest, I thought i'd walked into another person's horror story. When in the back room of the store, the extremely nasty security guard started accusing me of crimes I was unaware of. Apparently my Method of action, or system, (something that sounds like a plan) was that I leave my water in the trolly on purpose. I don't know if they realise you are suppose to and then peel off the tag to scan, that is the way the water company have designed it to be, to be convenient for customers. For at least two years, I have been shopping here weekly, regularly purchasing this water. That means I have bought about £832 worth of this product from them!! (8x104) Except the last two shopping occasions I have 'stolen' this item from them. Water, I apparently stole water?! Yes I totally agree, shoplifting is wrong, just, give people a chance before jumping down their throats and ruining their lives. Maybe let someone explain! This isn't a third world country, I have no reason to steal water. On from that, this is the part in which I feel the judgement beginning to brew, as even I know it looks extremely dishonest. When they checked my items, re scanning them all, there were a number of items that I had not scanned correctly. However, this was a God's honest mistake. I had forgotten to scan through my butter, blueberries and some bacon. Not exactly champagne or a weapon, something one may do purposely. I had scanned through all my other shopping, these items had just been caught up under my bags and crates of water (not an act I'd do purposely as squashed butter and blueberries aren't sought after.) My friend had also left a couple of items in there which there was no way of me seeing. I had scanned through my items, using a self service machine I believed to be in working order. Yet when I come to see my receipt, things had been scanned through as items I had not purchased. Eg, cranberry juices, I had none of these in my trolly! There was obviously issues with the till. Can I please ask if there is a way I can prove the fault? I did not have the intent to enter the store and remove their goods without paying. Any advice you can offer me with this situation would be grate, please refrain from calling me a thief, I already feel extremely scared and stupid. My future is the most important part of my life, my career will be saving millions of lives through medical research. A criminal record could disrupt my career path and future medical profession. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Kind regards, from a very worried girl.x Sorry for making this soo long!
  25. Hi all - I'm absolutely livid at the moment - just been to morrisions to put my lottery on. Basically I got my last £40 out of the cash machine and it gave me 2 £20 notes. Went to the lottery counter and handed my ticket (£2 worth) over along with one of the aforementioned £20 notes. The girl gave me £8 change and I obviously immediately queried it. A supervisor was called and I was told that the cash office had left for the day and I would have to come back tomorrow. I was quite calm and explained this was no good to me as I needed the cash now hence me just getting it out of the machine. I then requested he call the most senior person in store. The store manger then comes down and tells me the same story basically telling me to come back tomorrow as the cash office had gone. I explained that was no good to me I need MY money tonight and asked to to check the cctv to see me giving over the £20. He refused to do this so i reiterated I need the money and if he gives me it back I could gladly provide him with proof of address there and then. Again he refused and told me to come back in the morning. At this point I asked for head offices phone number which he went to get (This took him almost 10mins to come up with it). I then come home and phoned customer services. They took all the details of my query and said they would call the store and phone me back. Subsequently I received the call in which they told me the store manager repeated that this will not be looked into until tomorrow and he has the overriding decision. I asked for the details of whoever is over the store managers but was told this is business sensitive information and she point blank refused to give me the name of any more senior than the store manager, I responded by stating I will write to the chief exec then as I'll be able to get that info and she offered me his name as it is in "the public domain". She went on to mention that my "threat" of contacting the ceo and possible county court claim was intimidating to her and that it would not get me my money back tonight. She said I maybe offered compensation if and when this was rectified tomorrow, however this may be reviewed with my "intimidating threats of further action". Im absolutely livid as my lad cant go to football in the morning now cos I cant give him the money. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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