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  1. Hi everyone, I moved into a rented house June 2018. Recently I received my first water bill, and it shows me that my average use was around 600 litres of water a day. So the amount to pay is £186 (for 2 months - June and July!!)!! That is a complete nonsense - only two people live in the house, and we don't use water more, then anyone else - we never leave the taps open when not necessary, never take shower more than literally 3-4 minutes. But here comes this bill... Thames Water acknowledges that the amount of water consumption is really unusual . They suggest me to contact some "Homeserve", and sent me a leak allowance form to fill. Well, I reported the matter to the agency i'm renting the house from. But it looks like they are a bit reluctant to sort it out. They didn't say "no", but more than a week passed since i reported the problem, and they still didn't arrange anything to establish if it is an external or internal leak.
  2. I am in a DMP and have been since the beginning of this year. Natwest loan £4889 Natwest OD £1249 JD Williams £1749 Very £771 I have been self running a DMP and paying each £1 for 4 months. I am upping my payments from July to: Natwest loan £57 Natwest OD £15.37 JD Williams £20.65 Very £1 According to my noodle report Natwest have me at DM(4) for May, JD Williams has had me at DM(UC) since March and Very the following: Jan - DM(1) Feb - DM(1) Mar - AR(UC) Apr - AR(UC) May - AR(UC) With Very placing AR markers does that mean I'm unlikely to get a default anytime soon? JD Williams & Very are both being reported as up to date even though I am in arrears of £278 for Very and also JD Williams, though neither are adding interest, that is just Natwest. I have heard Very is terrible at defaulting and you have to either not pay or not clear arrears within 1 year. The whole point of a DMP is to get defaults and clear credit history in 6 years. Isn't AR worse than a default?
  3. Hi there folks. I'm in need of a bit of advice please. So i owe a lot of money to a lot of companies. Some are being paid monthly minimum and there's a few which are being dealt with by debt collectors ( Ive contacted them via letter asking to make token payments already) I regards to the several credit cards i have, i'm literally just paying the interest every month and the balance isn't going down. I cant to pay any more than that. I'm thinking of sending them all letters asking to freeze the interest and accept monthly payments of £10 ( which is around the same as the min monthly payment anyway ) What are the chances of them accepting this? The companies in question are Capital one, barclaycard and vanquis. Many thanks, Amy.
  4. Hi everyone, I have a couple of threads on here regarding various debts but I have been informed that I need a separate thread to deal with my payday loan issue. for the last 18 months myself and my husband who were both self employed have been in a bad way financially, mainly due to lack of work but also we both struggle with mental health issues which has made the situation ten times worse. Over this timescale we have had period of weeks where we have had no income and due to being threatened with eviction for non payment of rent and with no money for basic needs like food, we found ourselves falling into the clutches of payday lenders and loans with high APR because our credit ratings are bad. Its now got to the point where we have managed to get our rent back under control but we are still having to renew loans just to make payments on others and its just spiralling out of control and we feel so ashamed at letting things get this bad and its giving us sleepless nights and affecting our health. We both have a lot of demons and issues and struggle to deal with things but we have made the decision that we have to deal with this now and have decided to cancel paying these people but just send them a token payment whilst we try and find the best way forward. The Payday loan we have at the moment is Myjar. this is the 3rd loan I have had from them and each time they have offered me more money over a longer period and to me this was a lifeline and never thought twice about taking it. I have also had a loan with quidie which has now been settled. We also have loans with 118 118 (very high interest rate) and Bamboo, again with high rate but I am guessing that I should deal with these separately as these are over longer periods so not really payday loans? I was hoping to get some advice as to the options with dealing with these sharks but I have also read that you can put in a claim against them, even ones that have been settled. I am not sure what you can claim for or how to go about it but any help would be greatly appreciated. LTB
  5. Stirling CAB publishes Plain English Guide to help sort out Benefits READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE: http://stirlingcab.org.uk/
  6. Hi all. A very kind family member has offered to lend nearly all my wife and I need for a deposit on a house. We all feel that some sort of agreement needs to be drawn up. Please can anyone offer any advice on this? Thank you.
  7. hi all after getting my latest credit report i think its time to try and sort it all out my debts total about £4000 probably a bit less i also have one ccj and have just recieved another one of the claim form things , other debts are still being paid because when i fell on a real bad patch with health and work they helped while some just refued to try any help . i know i should pay every single one of them but i cannot i thought i would ask some advice on where to start seeing if any of them are enforcable any help is appreciated
  8. Cutting a long story very short, bought a car in May 2016 for a few hundred pounds, have received a letter from Loans 2go saying vehicle was subject to security by the owner previous to the one we bought from and to contact L2Go. Called them this morning and asked to see copy of BOS and authorisation over the vehicle, they said they would release their clam for over three times what we bought the vehicle for. :-x the amount requested is laughably high, the vehicle would be worth maybe £200 at auction, the person on the other end of the line said we have 10 days to respond Obviously courts are closed for the weekend. Advice please Have reported the matter to the police as a pontential fraud
  9. Hi, I bought a microwave (Sharp) from Waitrose on 26th Feb this year. It has a fault whereby when you close the door sometimes the light doesn't go off and if you then press the top of the microwave it switches itself on (so potentially dangerous). I took it back to Waitrose on Friday. They informed me that as it was outside of the 30 days, they'd have to send it for repair. I wasn't overly happy as I would rather get a refund and get a different make, but I left it with them and they gave me a loan machine. Told me it would take 2-6 weeks. They have just phoned me to say that they're very sorry but they can't deal with Sharp, so I have to go and pick it up, take the loan machine back (10+ mile round trip) and sort it myself. Surely my contract is with Waitrose, not Sharp? What are my rights? I had less hassle from Tesco with a microwave that was almost a year old, they gave me a refund without any quibbles. To be honest, I expected better of Waitrose/John Lewis Group.
  10. Hi all, This is my first post on the consumer forum. The error that Vodafone is continuously failing to correct causes me great distress and badly affects my health. I have tried to sort this issue personally through Vodafone Customer Service making endless phone calls but it got nowhere. I was going to take the mortgage in March but Vodafone INCORRECTLY has placed a Default Account on my Credit Rating which prevents me from getting a mortgage. I have written formal complaint to Vodafone Customer Service that was posted to them on 14/10/2015 but the letter was never acknowledged and I have never received a response from Vodafone. To cut the long story short: I had Vodafone account opened in September 2013. I have systematically paid monthly payments of £39.50 up until December 2014 (shown on my bank statements). I then accidentally stopped the Direct Debit to Vodafone and I had accumulated some unpaid months to them. I have paid all those unpaid months on 29.05.2015 plus all the future monthly payments up until September 2015 (I had minimum 2 years contract) in one payment of £380.40. The reason I paid all the future payments on that day is because I asked the Vodafone Customer Service to close my account during the same phone call on the 29.05.2015. 1. Vodafone has failed to acknowledge internally in their automated system my payment to them on 29.05.2015 of £380.40 2. Due to Vodafone failing to acknowledge my payment they employed the Debt Collection Agency to retrieve the payment from me and more importantly they incorrectly put a default account on my Credit File in August 2015. I'm in the process of applying for the mortgage and imagine what impact this incorrect Vodafone default account has on my chances of being approved. 3. After the Debt Agency started to chase me for the payment I have brought a proof of the missing payment to the Vodafone store first in August 2015 and then I was asked to do that again in September 2015 and the store manager made a note on my Vodafone account about witnessing the payment. I then had spoken straight away to Vodafone customer service on the phone and they said that they will be processing a Missing Payment Form and once done the information of payment clearance will be passed on to the Debt Agency and my Credit File will be cleared. I note that this was done in September 2015. 4. After giving 7 working days (in September 2015) for the Missing Payment Form being processed I have spoken to Debt Collection agency and they said that they still haven't received any instructions from Vodafone to close the issue. I have spoken to Vodafone Customer Service again and they again confirmed that they have submitted Missing Payment Form. I have spoken to the Debt Collection agency a week later and they said the issue has been put on hold for further clarification. I think they realised that I don't owe the money to Vodafone because I've sent to them the copy of my bank statement but they were not receiving instructions from Vodafone to close the issue of this debt. 5. I now checked my Credit File for the first time on 23.02.2016 as I'm just about to apply for the mortgage and it still shows Default Vodafone Account! Bearing in mind that Vodafone confirmed processing Missing Payment Form back in September 2015 they had 4 months to clear my Credit File from the default account, however, this still hasn't been done. 6. I have called to Vodafone again yesterday (23.02.2016) about the issue. Vodafone Customer Service yet again acknowledged over the phone the note from Vodafone store manager on my file made in September 2015 about witnessing the evidence of payment. They said that they had submitted the Missing Payment Form AGAIN and he said it will take 3 (three) months! to clear my Credit File from default. But I was reassured previously by Vodafone Customer Service that the Missing Payment Form on that payment was processed back in September 2015 and they had 4 months since then to clear the Credit File but this hasn't been done! (I mentioned this to Customer Service). How can I allow another 3 months of empty promises to find out in May 2016 that nothing has been done. I have read on the Internet an Experian expert saying that changes to the Credit File can be done overnight. The house prices are rising every month and I have been waiting since September 2015 for Vodafone to clear my Credit File from the default account that they had put in their error. I have no idea what to do anymore and who to speak to about resolving the issue and clearing my Credit File from the wrong default. Vodafone is promising to clear the error since September 2015. Since September 2015 they endlessly saying to me that the Missing Payment Form has been submitted and that I should wait for the Credit File to be cleared of the default. I'm worried that Vodafone will incorrectly make changes to the Credit File simply by showing that I have paid the default money. But I need the fact of default removed from my Credit File because all of the due payments were made by me in May 2015. The default was put incorrectly in August 2015 when I in fact didn't owe any money to Vodafone by then. I'm also worried that Vodafone will reactivate my account once they acknowledge the missing payment when in fact I have asked to close my account in May 2015 and paid all the due payments then. I've asked the Vodafone Customer Service many times to send me the letter confirming that my account has been closed in May 2015 but they have never sent it to me. Any advice on how to resolve the issue with removing the Default Account History from my Credit File and getting the Vodafone to confirm that my account has been closed in May 2015 would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Natalya
  11. Just looking for a home that was built in two days.A house not part of a skyscraper.And 90% more energy friendly and green.Affordable and if so slap them clean on the Brownfield sites now. There is urgent need,that is clear. I will find it.And add it later.90K and can be rented out or sold within weeks. Also will find out about Brownfield sites. Building more homes on brownfield land Consultation proposals https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/398745/Brownfield_Consultation_Paper.pdf And how many empty homes there are,not in use. And who will benefit from those jails George Osborne has his eyes on for selling for housing Speech with video,about 2 minutes that is all for those that may be slightly allergic to George Osborne. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/video/george-osborne-nine-new-prisons-to-replace-victorian-jails/vi-CC8zE3 So perhaps some in the steel industry would be interested in this. I know,those damn Chinese,but fine entrepreneurs as well.Despite having many of our ideas away.And copying them. We should now return the favour perhaps with our steel.They use a lot,like meccano sets. Connect the steel plant to the production area,give no chance for cheap chinese steel to appear. Perfectly legal to do.A small loophole in European Law that is all. And it is time to look after our workers. Chairman Zhang's flatpack skyscrapers A Chinese entrepreneur who took just 19 days to build a 57-storey tower says he has triggered a construction revolution. And his dreams soar far, far higher. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-3cca82c0-af80-4c3a-8a79-84fda5015115 And the video. China builds complete 57 story skyscraper in record 19 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93HVG3j1phs Even better. In April a company in China claimed to have built 10 detached, single-storey houses within 24 hours, using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each. Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported at the time. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753200/Company-launches-two-bedroom-home-DOWNLOAD-internet-build-yourself.html#ixzz3rZ4YJiwB The answers are here friends,nip off to the council and enlighten them. For those that would consider this idea. Would be in the house and set up for Christmas.I can see you sat by the fire.Christmas tree in the corner,turkey on the table. Will find much more info in the next week.This is just for starters. A lighter look at the problem we know is here. I have run out of time today. Please post how you feel about things. Any info,any additional thoughts and links.From you knowledgeable ones out there.
  12. Dear All, I am extremely unhappy with the way that Scottish Power have dealt with a complaint I had. My father lived in Scotland and my brother and I live 360 miles away in England. To cut a long story short, in 2012 my late father notified them that his meter was not working correctly from October 2012 to date, they were sending bills to him with the same meter numbers on . In September 2014, my father died and Scottish Power had still not changed the meter even though it was still showing the same readings as in 2012. My brother and I were left his property as part of the estate and I (and the solicitors in Scotland) have attempted to get them to change the meter since September 2014. We found a buyer for the flat and they wanted to move in on 10th July 2015 but obviously we had to declare the meter wasn't working so they threatened to pull out of the sale. Luckily, at the 11th hour, Scottish Power did change the meter on the afternoon of 9th July as I threatened to sue them because the Purchaser threatened to pull out and the house sale may have fallen through. This meant that all the paperwork didn't get done in time and we finally sold the property on 24th July 2015 to the same person. The bills have now been sorted out and luckily my dad did keep making payments to Scottish Power until he died as he was afraid that he would end up with a large bill once the meter issue had been sorted out and I now have to pay them £12.09 to finish everything off. As you can imagine, this was extremely stressful for my late father who was very ill during this whole period, fighting cancer and going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He involved the Citizen's Advice throughout the whole time but nothing was ever resolved. I then took up the fight after he died because I knew it needed sorted before we sold the property. My dad did not let the situation go, but didn't get anywhere and I have now spent hours trying to sort it out even though I lived 350 miles away from the property . I feel that we deserve some sort of compensation but don't know where to start. I know that my solicitor in Scotland has written and called them on numerous occasions up to the date they changed the meter and I was constantly calling and emailing them to try and resolve everything so the sale went through. Does anyone think that it is cheeky to look for some sort of compensation? I spent at least 2 hours on the phone to them, then phone calls to my solicitor in Scotland, plus the bill I will receive for the solicitors letters that were sent to them? I wouldn't even know where to start in calculating such a thing? Any advice from anyone would be appreciated as the last 3 years have been very difficult dealing with this and the loss of a parent? Many thanks for reading. Worstutility
  13. Hi after several years of depression and spiral debts I now want to sort out my pay day debts. I am currently with Pay plan but currently repayment will mean I am 80 before debt free. Looking for advice to get debts reduced due to irresponsible lending. I am not trying to get out of the debts just reduce interest they currently have charged Quick Quid after 8 roll overs borrowed £750 paid £269 Currently with Arc still owe £1107 Swift borrowed £150 now with CCM paid £72 still owe £265 pay day express after several rollovers borrowed 750 still owe 1200 Nat west went overdrawn by £10 charged me £250 in bank charges Lending stream took out 4 loans 750 in total charged £2000 reduced to 1600 Most were irresponsible as they loaned money even though I had defaulted on a a payday loan Lending stream I defaulted and they still allowed to take another loan. They also went to my account 44 times one night and each time tried to take £5.00 till the bank stopped after 4th attempt How do I start to ask these companies to take off interest. My memory regarding the loans is a little sketchy as I was suffering from depression and don't even know if I took all them out
  14. could anybody help, i need a sort code and acc no. to set up a standing order to kandco so i can start paying off this debt. thank you in advance
  15. In late 2007 when our business failed we were left owing nearly £100,000 – partly on a business loan and business credit card, but a lot of it was in the form of personal (unsecured) loans and credit cards that we had mainly used to support the business. I was advised that bankruptcy was not a good option as I have a large personal debt that would not be eligible to include in a bankruptcy. CCCS were unable to help us even with the personal loans and credit cards as our income was insufficient to cover our living expenses – still had children at home then. I wrote to all our creditors (by this time mainly DCAs with full details of the situation and offering token payments of between £1 and £10 depending on the size of the debt. Some accepted and some didn’t. Those that did accept we set up DDs to pay every month and those that didn’t accept got nothing. As far as I am aware none of them bothered with CCJs. I am now trying to get on top of the situation and have been checking the bank account and going through paperwork. It seems that 2 of the DCAs, after taking their payments every month for 5 years or so, stopped taking anything about a year ago. The DDs are still active in the bank account but no payments have been taken. Only 3 of the original debts are now claiming these token payments. Another 3 are I think probably statute barred by now (one of these has just started sending chasing letters again). Where do we go from here?
  16. Been trying to sort out my credit file. I have a £1600 overdraft from Natwest from my student days which I'm now paying off £100 a month payment plan, and it's automatically reduced by £100 each month. I have 2 defaults, one is from HSBC Litigations from January 2009 so it's due to drop off January 2015. Default balance is £439 and marked as SATISFIED. I rung them and asked about it and they said it should be marked as paid off, not sure if thats what the satisfied means. It's a massive red mark anyway. Another is with provident loans, for £350 from October 2014. I don't ever remember getting a letter from them about a default whatsoever! The balance is £320 though as I stupidly agreed a £10 a week payment plan as the woman on the phone said if I did then they would remove the default. I received a letter 1 week ago informing me "We told you the default would be removed but it won't be, it will remain on your account for 6 years" which is completely unfair, downright lie. Any advice at how I get can these removed? I can't improve my credit file as I can't get any credit accounts due to the defaults! Thanks for your help
  17. I moved from Clapham to the Isle of Wight in Feb 2010. About 6 months ago I got a pile of letters forwarded from my old address via the Estate Agents who sold my house. These letters were from RLP about an incident in March 2012. The name on the letters is nothing like mine BUT the current owner of the house ( a male) was saying it was nothing to do with him as the addressee is female and there are no females living at the address. I returned all the letters to him and made it clear that if the address was being used its HIS problem and he needs to sort it out. ( however thankfully I did actually scan one of the letters.) The parcel of letters plus a couple more came back to me last month and again I sent them back as its nothing to do with me and to contact RLP. Yesterday I got a letter from RLP addressed to my NEW address and with my correct name (obviously given to them by the chap in my old address) ref the same incident. Looking at RLP website it says to contact the Police if my identity has been stolen and to get a crime number, I have just got back from the nick and quite rightly as the initial letters was addressed to a different person to me and at an address where I no longer live, no ID fraud has taken place according to the Police so they wont give me a crime reference number although I do have the name of the copper i spoke to. Also their website says to send Photo ID to prove who I am. Now I don't have photo ID ( No requirement in law for me to do so) so thats out of the question. I do have proof of course as to when I sold the property Land registry details and the voting register, BUT of course they are going to say that it doesn't mean I am not the person who stole the items. Now they have got my name and address they are going to go after me so not sure what to do. Does anyone have any ideas.
  18. I have just done an online money transfer to another Santander bank account (I am also with Santander) but I made a mistake with the sort code. The correct sort code should be 09-01-32 but I put 09-01-02 by mistake. The money has left my account but, obviously, not shown up in the intended account. I have had a look online to see if there are any banks that have the sort code 09-01-02 and can't see any but not sure what to do next. It's too late at the moment to ring the bank so I'm gonna do that first thing in the morning, but was just wondering if anyone knew what happens to money that is sent to non-existent accounts/sort codes? Have I lost that money or will I be able to get it back? It's my own fault for being so stupid and not thoroughly checking the details before confirming payment, but I am in a real panic now as it was £150
  19. Hi there I have managed to get myself into another mess with some PDL I now have no job and had to leave before probably getting sacked. I took out two loans after I left one with Peachy one with wonga. Both due on 28th feb. I expected to get some money in to pay them back but this hasn't happened. I haven't approached wonga yet I will closer to the time as have dealt with them before. Peachy is £257 including one month interest. They started going on about extra charges and I told them where to stick it (nicely). Peachy are being difficult in that they initially wouldn't offer a repayment plan. I pushed further and now they are saying they will if I send them proof of no more job "Your loan was issued less than 2 weeks ago and it is our right to make sure you have not requested it after loosing your job." They want to know that I didn't take out the loan after losing my job. Does this really matter? This was my last letter (they asked for proof of unemployment - p45 and of income) then they replied asking for PROOF! Any advise? ------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for your reply. I am trying to be candid and cooperative, yet I will stand my ground on this matter. You do not have any right to these documents. I will be washing cars during the month to earn your money and will make repayments every month on the 15th. I washed 5 this week just for you! Please take this notice as in line with FSA guidelines I am withdrawing my authorization and cancelling any Continuous Payment Authority on my bank account. I will be informing my bank of this as well so hopefully between the two of you no attempts to drain my account will work. I hope you will understand that any attempts to debit my account and then direct debits for bills going unpaid will add more charges to my bank account, thus leaving me in a worse position to be able to repay you. As I said if you do not accept this plan then what is the alternative? If we end up in court then I know the judge will grant me an even lower plan most likely as he will not see this as a priority debt! Please can you confirm these are your bank details: Sort code 20-03-53 Account number 43882942 Many thanks
  20. Hi all, is there anywhere on here i can find the Acc number and sort code to pay a natwest loan by SO? cheers
  21. Hello Everyone After looking through the site for a long time and learning a lot I really wan to try and sort things out but get confused about the best action to take and which things i need to do and how so any help would be greatly appreciated, my credit file is a complete mess and i just want to get everything clear so i can try and get everything back in order. My file currently looks like this Candid Collections (Simply Be) Defaulted Current Balance £232 Credit Limit £125 Natwest Satisfactory Current Balance £496 Credit Limit £1000 Lowell Portfollio Ltd Defaulted Current Balance £578 Default Balance £446 Lowell Portfollio Ltd Defaulted Current Balance £497 Default Balance £318 Wonga Defaulted Current Balance £1071 Default Balance £1061 Origional Debt £436 JD Williams Defaulted Current Balance £200 Default Balance £215 Credit Limit £120 These are all the active accounts all others on the file are satisfied or settled. Oh and searches far to many to even worry about anymore:| Any help would be greatly appreciated even just talking about it on here takes such a weight off my mind Thanks alot
  22. I need a way to repay my overdrafts which were previously interest and fee free and no longer are. I have a debt of £4k that I would like to repay, I can afford the repayments on almost any loan and can actually repay my overdraft back over a period of time but it will have cost far more than it would need to. I have looked at my credit file on checkmyfile which seems to show that I'm on 4* which from what I can work out can't be a bad thing. I do have an existing loan which totals about £19k at the moment which again I dont have any problems repaying. My issue is that I want to reduce how much this thing costs me overall. Does anyone have any ideas?? Thanks Khuz
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