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  1. New veterans ID cards rolled out to service leavers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-veterans-id-cards-rolled-out-to-service-leavers
  2. I issued a claim through the newer moneyclaims.service.gov.uk and have received a full defence. I now log in and it states that I can ''request a County Court Judgement as there has been no response by the deadline'' even though I have received an email from them stating the defendant has filed their defence and it is attached to the email, albeit on the last day I believe of the allocated time allowed. Is this a glitch in the website? Secondly, can someone please help as to the next step as I am not sure if I have to offer anything in response to the defence. I have attached the defence below - as you can see, my claim is against someone who hit my car and then denied doing so. I have a witness who saw the individual damage my vehicle and reported it to me. I went through the process of trying to claim on their insurance, but all liability was denied, as per below also. I am doing this in person, where as they have a solicitor provided for them via the insurance company. My questions are these - please help, I need your help if possible! 1 - Do I have to reply to the counter-schedule (or any reply as such) as suggested within 14 days with photos/documents etc, or can I just complete the required n180 by the required date? 2 - Is it best to reply to the defence below, and if so, what do I reply with? Does anyone have a sample draft that I could use that would help? Is it best not to reply to it? 3 - What is the best course of action from here on? Many thanks in advance.
  3. Hi everyone, following on from extremely similar cases, i requested documentation for service charges of a flat i own. Accordingly to regulations (Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 Section 21, as amended by the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 Section 152) they should have provided evidence within 21 days. 25 days later they sent me some receipts making up 25% of the charges. I asked them if that was all they had for that financial year and they confirmed this. So I had these checked and found usual irregularities like wrong calculations for shares and of course all the missing receipts and invoices for many of the services allegedly offered. For example, lift maintenance is £1000, divided by 10 flats they make it £15. Clearly wrong to me and you, but of course their calculators seem to consider maths an opinion. They don't dispute that these calculations are wrong, but they simply avoid addressing the problem. I asked for a refund of all undocumented charges and overcharged, same as I did with other financial years which they refunded. As soon as they received this request they sent another 3 receipts totalling £20 approx; this was well after the statutory 21 days. I rejected these receipt and told them that I was not in a position to accept any further documents because they had already confirmed that they didn't have anymore and the 21 days had passed long time ago. So they're now playing the ignore game and, as the 14 days I gave them are up tomorrow, I am drafting a lba. If you are still reading I thank you, I know it's a bit long but I wanted you to have a good picture. I have a feeling that this time I will end up taking them to court, so I don't want to make any mistake. My question is: Accordingly to the pre action protocol I should suggest an alternative dispute resolution service, however I don't want to give them an opportunity to get the Ombudsman involved, knowing that they are useless. Can I avoid mentioning ADR in my lba? If I do, could they claim that I haven't complied to the letter of the pre action protocol? Or by ticking yes to mediation on mcol I should be ok? Thanks for your help.
  4. My mother of 82 took out a Policy with yourrepair in July this year She had swapped from a previous cover as it was getting a bit to expensive for her. She saw yourrepair online and read the reviews and all seemed good so She chose top cover as it was still cheaper than previous care cover. Now she has happily been paying for a good few month with no problems. The boiler has now incurred a problem. It keeps cutting out leaving her without heating and hot water intermittently. She made a claim online as there doesn’t seem to be a telephone number. She was told an engineer would respond within 3 days or less. After 5 days no body had contacted her and the boiler was still cutting out. Now being 82 and having a problem with your boiler can cause unnecessary stress. In her head something serious is wrong if it’s cutting out. i took over and made a complaint she finally gets an engineer out After 13 days. He diagnosed the problem as the sensors and said they need changing. He said he would speak to yourrepair and get back. Next day heText messaged my self saying that the repair had been refused by Yourrepair. i made another complaint about the refusal of the repair and get a phone call almost straight away from a lady saying that the problem is sludge in the system and it’s not covered in their policy. But I can have a 2nd opinion and if he says there’s sludge there will be a £90 call out charge. I have had issues with the boiler previously and the company has been straight out and fixed the problem or had to order parts in and then fixed it. There has never been any mention of sludge. I told them im not prepared to pay £90 so i had the boiler looked at by an independentBoiler repair man and he didn’t find sludge. I have complained again to Yourepair and have since been offered another visit which would be chargeable if they found sludge I have refused for obvious reasons as they have already lied about sludge. I told them i want the policy canceling but they are refusing to cancel my policy and expect my mother to pay the rest of the 12 months even though that cannot offer the service which she is paying for. In the mean time i thought it was strange that all the reviews on their site were positive i checked with Trust Pilot they have a warning about Your Repair and their reviews saying they believe that their reviews are being manipulated Overall this company seem very iffy to say the least I just want rid of them but theres no way we are going to pay them the rest of the policy, mom has called the bank and they said its a 12 month contract DD and cant be cancelled Not sure which way to go with this so any help would be appreciated
  5. Hi All In September 2017, I purchased a leasehold tenanted flat above a commercial premises. The entrance to my property is on the first floor and you have to climb some external stairs to reach the front door. After purchase the landlord decided to convert two offices in the same building into flats. The other two flats (which have just been converted from offices and are still owned by the freeholder, but are up for sale) have an entrance door on the ground floor and internal stairs to the individual flats. In order to sell these flats some quite drastic improvements in the form of wooden cladding have been made to the ground floor area surrounding the ground level entrance door to the two aforementioned flats. ( I have to walk through this area for access to my own property) However, the actual area leading to my own property, has been left in the same state as before and no cladding has been added here. Additionally, there is a small flat roof to part of the ground floor commercial properties within the same area. As there has been a several unsuccessful attempts to repair a leak on this roof which is affecting one of the commercial premises, they have decided to put some plastic corrugated sheets at first floor height, making a makeshift roof one floor higher, to prevent any water getting to the lower flat roof, therefore addressing the leak. This is actually a repair to the commercial premises but has been addressed in the communal area, inappropriately in my opinion as they have attached a frame to my windows in order to attach the roof to. In expressing my concern about this they agreed to remove it. That was July, and it's still there. An absolute eyesore (picture 1 ) Initially, I had received a bill for these works but upon meeting with the agent and expressing my concern he agreed no bill would be issued. I have now received a bill for the service charge for the last 6 months. This bill is 3x the amount suggested when I signed the lease. It was approximated to be £35 per month,( draft agreement photo 2) but the bill I have received equates to around £90 per month. They are obviously trying to get their money that way! Upon first acquiring the property, I received and paid a service charge bill for around £40 per month, which I paid, but this was then returned to me by cheque as they were about to start work on the other 2 flats and said that they would waive the service charge until works were completed. I have now received this further inflated service charge, which is obviously to pay for the improvements made outside of the 2 ground floor flats (an area that has to be passed through to access my own, but my own outside are has not been subject to similar renovations) they want to charge me separately (£997) for conducting similar renovations in my immediate external area. Actual service charge breakdown Photo 3 It is also to pay for the corrugated plastic roof shown in the picture 1 Picture 4 shows the monstrous view from immediately outside the front door. I have objected strongly to this roof for the reasons outlined initially but it remains attached to my own properties windows and they now want me to pay for the privilige! I'm going to admit to being baffled by the legal jargon and am currently simply refusing to pay. Not sure what to do next caggers, but really feel this is very unjust. photo1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B8TsY4aaYjNP3VH_xH8GoJYlMca47_UY/view?usp=sharingphoto 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BpZNQu4TTu7iwKuN2CgSsFYpZ5hHR6Vt/view?usp=sharingPhoto 3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/11VmUF3Zc_GwCskHus3sPS_zwX5x_wwt0/view?usp=sharing photo 4
  6. Hi everyone, I'm new one here and sorry for my mistakes, english isn't my first language ))) The question is about PPI claim. I moved to UK in 2010 and opened my bank account in Lloyds bank. Because of I didn't speak in English very well the lady in bank sold me Silver account and I didn't know I can have a free one. I knew only this year (2018) in April and I did complain through Resolver and than escalated to Ombudsman. Today I received the answer with refuse. They write it's too late because of it's more than 6 years from opening account date and I should receive the letter with AES (annual eligibility statement) in 2014. How do you think can I fight for my PPI money back or not? thanks
  7. Signed a solar panel maintenance Contract in home for 3K (deposit paid on CC), with no mention of 'cooling off' period. in Contract. So how how long do I have to cancel the Contract & recover my deposit (s75)?
  8. Hello All, Ive been a HA tenant for just over a year , so I'm now an assured tenant. Last year I recieved a list of service charges, which at the time seemed a little off/excessive, but being on a starter tenancy I sucked it up as to not cause trouble. This year however, I would like to dispute some of the charges and I was wondering what the best way of doing it was. I've looked all over the intertubes but there is very little out there. I've emailed the contact address on the letter outlining my concerns, and I'm awaiting a reply, but forwarned is forarmed as they say. I would appreciate anyone with experience of this chipping in. I'll just quote from my email to the HA, so you can see some of the issues I have with their charges... "Communal Cleaning: £315.82. I have lived here for over 12 months now and have never seen a cleaner at the property, or evidence that someone other than the resident have cleaned the very small communal area. Can you provide the invoice and a schedule of their visits please. Communal garden and grounds maintain: £318.39 As far as I can see , this building doesn't have any communal gardens or grounds. It fronts directly onto the street and has no grounds to the rear, other than the church graveyard that is maintained by the parish. Can you explain which "grounds" are being maintained and when I would expect to have seen the maintenance people? Could I also see an invoice for this charge? Communal electricity: £220.31 The communal area has 1 small heater and a light. My total bill for last years electricity for lighting, heating etc a whole flat was £750. I would like to see a bill or electricity meter reading as I believe £220 is excessive for such a small area."
  9. Disclosure and Barring Service New identity checking guidelines READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-identity-checking-guidelines
  10. Disclosure and Barring Service Email addresses are changing READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dbs-email-addresses-are-changing
  11. I would greatly appreciate some advice on a private parking charge I received in the post today from Euro Car Parks whilst using an Esso service station @Esso_GB . I parked in a car park to the rear of Esso Meads Purfleet, and put a timer of 40 mins on my phone (the parking limit was 45mins). I met with a friend in the station and we collectively bought fuel, costa coffee, food to eat and sat in the seated dinning area. When my phone alarm went off to leave, we had not finished eating. A member of staff advised me to just move my car to the front of the forecourt and park there instead of the rear car park. I did this and continued to finish my food and bought more coffee. I now have a £100 parking ticket reduced to £60 if I pay straight away. I am really angry with Essso, as I was in the process of leaving until their staff told to re-park at the front of the building. Also i am annoyed that i was buying food, drinks and fuel and sitting at the tables for customers to eat at, so after spending my money with them, they are charging me. My friend who parked at the front of the building for the enter duration of our stay, did not get a ticket.
  12. Hello, We have had a terrible experience with a local children's nursery and I wanted some advice before I submit a case to the small claims court for a refund of our fees not used. After researching various nurseries we chose this particular one which ticked all of the boxes for us. A relative worked there, we were assured at the initial show around that communication with parents is key and a sheet is filled out daily containing all of the details of the day (food eaten, wet/soiled nappies/milk consumption/activities). A key worker would be allocated so we could have a smooth settling in process. Being new parents all of this was very important to us. We felt happy with our decision, read through the policies and procedures which detailed the above and signed the contract along with paying the deposit. Unfortunately none of this materialised when our child attended the nursery. Two settling in sessions were held where we dropped our child off for 2 hour periods. We did not meet the key worker nor did we receive the information sheets - given it was for a short period we didn't question the report sheets however we did question when we would meet the key worker. The key worker allocated was on long term leave with no immediate date of return so the other workers would chip in and help. We therefore did not have the chance to bond with a particular individual at the nursery. I should mention this nursery has children of all ages mixed together in one room. After this our child spent 2 full days at the nursery. Both times we again did not meet the key worker, communication was poor, no report sheets provided and therefore at pick up no-one could give us details of what our child had eaten/drank/nappies changed etc. This was not the service we were promised when we signed up. We were feeling very uneasy and wanted reassurance so we asked for a meeting with the nursery manager. The meeting got unnecessarily heated. The manager felt attacked by our concerns and was very defensive. It was confirmed that the production of the daily report communication cards had been halted for 2 weeks due to the hot weather - something to this day which still baffles us. This had not been communicated to parents. Additionally the allocated key worker still had no return date. At the meeting it was clear the relationship had broken down and the manager confirmed the nursery was not right for our child. We followed up with an email later that day confirming our child would no longer be attending the nursery. I should mention too that during all of this we received information from an ex worker there that safety standards were not being met (child to adult ratios), poor hygiene was observed (feeding babies with same spoon at mealtimes). This person has chosen to remain anonymous however a complaint may have been submitted to Ofsted by them - something I am unable to confirm. This information coupled with our experience clearly resulted in a loss of confidence in the nursery. Monies - we had paid over 500 pounds on what ended up just 2 days care (48 pounds per day). We requested a refund due to the breach of contract as they did not deliver the service they agreed. Within the contract they request one months notice and we would therefore not be entitled to any money back. A goodwill offer of just 150 pounds was proposed to us which we reluctantly agreed. When I have chased for the monies a week later they have responded confirming they have changed their minds and they will not be refunding any money to us. Clearly frustrated I feel I have a case to pursue this however would like some advice. Thank you in advance for your help on this.
  13. anyone used eta breakdown service as im thinking of joining it for my motorcycle they said they use local recovery
  14. Hi We are a small block of flats managed by our own residents. One of our leaseholders ordered some post boxes from an online retailer who it was thought was reputable and could be relied upon to supply us with two banks of post boxes. The post boxes arrived on a large pallet and the lady who ordered them did not open them at the time as everything appeared to be ok from the outside,,,, A few days later she took a brief look inside the wrapping only to discover that the pallet had taken a knock somehow and the weather shields which surrounded the post boxes had been damaged,,, The lady who ordered them then contacted the supplier to tell them about the damage, and they told her that there was nothing they could do as she had not checked the delivery on arrival. She disputed this, so they then told her that she should take it up with the delivery company,,,, After considering what they had said, she then told them that she was not happy with the goods and that they should rectify the problem,,,, they eventually agreed to send new weather surrounds for both banks of letterboxes, which they said could easily be replaced as they were bolted on. But, a few days after when one of the directors decided to unpack the pallet properly to check the rest of the contents, it was discovered that there was also dents and scratches on some of the post boxes. Please can you advise what would be the next step, can we ask for a refund, as the post boxes are not in good condition and cannot be replaced individually as they are pop-riveted together,,, Any help would be gratefully received, and am I right in thinking we have 30 days in which to ask for the goods to be replaced, or a refund?
  15. Hello a bit of a long shot but maybe someone on here has had a similar experience or is going through a similar issue! To cut a long story short, i have now left my civil service job, up until 2015 i was on the Classic pension scheme but then had to move to Alpha ( no choice because of my age at the time ) so 3 years. I will shortly receive my options letter, but having read on the civil service website i may be able to take my pension before age 55, i am 53. i aware i won't be able to take the Alpha part of the pension until i am 55 but it clearly states on the website that the Classic portion of my pension can be taken at 50. The reason i am asking is because theres seem to be some confusion about the Alpha transition, i am also aware of the pension reductions should i take it now, but i am ok with that. Obviously i know i have to wait for the options letter but maybe someone can shed some light on what to expect? Thank you in advance anyway!! Angela x
  16. Disclosure and Barring Service - GDPR is here READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/gdpr-is-here
  17. I'm O2 pay monthly and have just been charged £3 for a service called "watch it". I did not subscribe to any such service. O2 say it's nothing to do with them and have told me to call 3308085223 which is a number in France and supposedly the contact number for the company that runs the service. I googled the number and found the following: Terms of use - Watch It - Watch Your Replay and Programs Online https://www.watch-it.tv/gb/terms e-mail, hotline-uk@watch-it.tv. mail, ALCHIMIE Service Client BP 60270 AUBERVILLIERS 93534 LA PLAINE SAINT DENIS CEDEX FRANCE. phone*, +44-3308085223. unsubscription Text Command, Send STOP by SMS to 62442 (message free of charge. unsubscription info, http://www.watch-it.tv/unsubscribe ... I'm worried about calling that number or sending any texts in case it's a [problem] and I get charged even more. Also I don't really want to confirm my number as a live number so they can send me more scams. O2 have reversed the charge this month but told me I might get charged again and it's down to me to call the company and stop the charges. Any thoughts on how to proceed?
  18. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just been on the Universal Job match website and saw this : Universal Jobmatch will be replaced by the Find a job service on 14 May 2018. Important: If you have an existing Universal Jobmatch account it will not move to the new service. Save any information you want to keep, like your CV, cover letters and application history by 17 June 2018.
  19. On the 1st March I gave notice to my old broadband provider (Virgin) and signed up with Vodafone. The agreement for this service included the transfer of my phone number from Virgin to them. My service allegedly went active on the 13th march, but my broadband wasn't working until the 21st March. Whilst on the phone to them (my old cable line with virgin) I asked when the number would be transferred across, and was told it hadn't even been requested. I was rather ****ed off by this, but they assured me it was being done there and then. about 10 days later and still nothing, we go into a new month which incurs me more line rental charges from Virgin as my phone service isn't disconnected until the number is transferred. I spend a further 95 mins on the phone with Vodafone and am assured that it's being done, I'm told that it's been sent direct to Openreach and they will do it within 72hrs. I am also told that they will be crediting my account with £30, but when I try to check... the online account I setup is mysterious non existent and I can't set it up again as it doesn't recognise my phone number or account number. They are told that the 72hrs ends at 5pm on Friday 6th and if the number is not transferred by then, my services will be terminated due to breach of contract (they failed to transfer the number which was part of my agreement to use their services) 72hrs pass and nothing, virgin claim they've never even received any request to transfer my number over and confirmed this again as of the 16th April. On the 7th April, I send an official complain both through Vodafones website, and via mail to their complaints dept. This complaint terminates my services with them for their failure to do something as simple as transfer my number. A process that has been simplified to make it so easy that a trained monkey could do it. So far they have completely ignored my complaints and have not terminated my service. I am now in limbo, I cannot switch to another provider because there is a temp number on my BT line that I have never used and have no intention of ever using... A new provider will try to transfer that number across instead of my virgin one. I am also still paying for a virgin line and number which I've had for many years and don't wish to lose, because it will cause so many problems. Because they had credited my account with £30 (allegedly, I've not seen proof of this) I cancelled my DD and had the previous one of £27.06 returned to me. Today I got a threatening email saying my 'April' bill is unpaid and I owe them £34 (which would be about right if there was a £30 credit as my normal bill would have been £37) So far they have ignored my complaint, failed to transfer my number and failed to terminate my service. They have been clearly informed of their breach of contract, and my service was terminated within the first 30 days (even if they claim 13th March as date service started, it's still less than 30 days). I am now being threatened with my service being restricted, and if it's not paid service disconnection and payment for the full term of the contract will be pursued. I think I need to escalate this to the regulator... But have no idea how to go about this. Switching is supposed to be easy, but this has been the worst mistake and has caused me so much hassle and stress.
  20. BHS investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bhs-investigation
  21. Getting ready for the Customs Declaration Service READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/getting-ready-for-the-customs-declaration-service
  22. I left talk talk after several years up to 2017 and had no yearly contract to honour due to it expiring. Quite simply they didnt provide me a working internet, blaming some issues with their line management software. I finished with them and didnt pay them for the time the line was not working. They sent me bills but I just could not pay them due to the principle of it. I tried to call their staff to explain that I am not going to pay when I didnt receive service, but wasted effort of course. Now talk talk are threatening credit score points against me if I dont pay. Is there anything I can do after they put this on my credit file. Its the principle of it that gets me, I just dont want to pay them after all the hassle and expense they put me through. As I was having to buy mobile broadband until I had a BT line put in. I have lots of credit I hardly use so its not the end of the world anyway but surely there must be a way to challenge them ?
  23. VETERANS Orthopaedic Service READ MORE HERE: https://www.rjah.nhs.uk/veterans Please ensure to have a good read of the link and pass the information on as there will be many many Veterans unaware of this.
  24. BFPOs included in the MOD enduring families free mail service READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bfpos-included-in-the-mod-enduring-families-free-mail-service
  25. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
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