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Found 17 results

  1. Hi, on the 17/07 apparently a meter reader attended my home address to read the meter, as no one was at home, they were unable to do so. As such, they pushed a leaflet type letter without any packaging through the mailbox informing me about this. On there, it says that the letter is on behalf of Utility Warehouse (a company I never heard of before this) and it says to contact a mobile number which is always either switched off or is busy. There is no time frame or anything as to when I can call, such as Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 or anything. There is no reference number or membership number on there, despite those words being written at the top. I have always been with British Gas so I have no idea why someone from a completely different company would want to get a meter reading. British Gas have their guy come over on a regular basis to do so as they provide the address with gas and electricity and have done so for over a decade. It states on the letter that if I do not get in contact with them (which I have been trying but the private mobile number is busy or switched off 24/7), that they will get a warrant to come and do so by force. There's a signature but no name or role within the company is stated on there, so I don't even know any names. At the bottom it says that Revenue Protection Services is a business of British Gas Trading Limited. However, as mentioned above, the letter is on behalf of Utility Warehouse. I have tried looking up Revenue Protection Services but have not found any legitimate information or contact details for them anywhere. I have contacted Utility Warehouse via email in relation to this but have not heard anything from them. I saw that another member on this forum got a similar letter a few years back, so I thought I would give it a go. At the moment, there is no mention of money or anything of the sorts - only that they will get a warrant if contact is not made. Has anyone else had any dealings of this nature? I don't know if this letter is even legitimate considering how fake it looks. Any information would be helpful. Kind Regards, G
  2. Eon sent my vulnerable relative £679.44 charge 19-5-17 for Western Distribution visiting Eon then sent an outstanding balance of £1,080.35 Eon have set the meter to take £5 a week towards the debt. Doubt the property has ever had a meter reading in the 27 months that the relative has been at the house. Relative is very challenging due to mental health and does not engage with anyone including mental health, gp, etc. Relative is often not at the property for more than a night due to a break in at the property at the end of last year, they have become too upset to stay there, the doors were not secure after this despite having attention and anyone could come and go into the property who might have knowledge. An ex partner of my relative recently out of prison as been in and out of the property we do not know about this we do not know if they have been staying there items have been stolen. The family have had some security measures installed at the property in the last month it now as a bolted 6 foot gate and new doors and locks and new glass in 2 outside doors. I put in a EON Energy Fund application for my relative the reply has come today stating the application was unsuccessful when I contacted EON Energy Fund they stated that EON had told them not to accept the Energy Fund application this is so wrong my relative has not stolen electric they simply have not been staying at the property or using any energy, there was no electric or gas on in the property when relatives attended to work on the house and I doubt it has had any gas on for some time there was so much mould and damp. We were advised by EON to put at least £7 a week on the electric key to cover the debt and standard charge this we have been doing, relative went home for one night then left again it has disturbed them this break in then the knowledge that the ex partner has been using the property, we understand that the ex partner as been recalled to prison. What can we do about these charges and the fact that this Energy Fund application as been unfairly denied.
  3. Hi My wife has received a letter today from Past Due Credit Solutions saying that HM Revenue and Customs have asked them to contact my wife on their behalf. It asks me to call a number and pay in full or if I am finding it difficult they can discuss whether I can spread the payments. It says all discussions and payments now need to be made through them. Any advice about this would be welcome as there is no way I can pay the amount that it says off and also I do not know if this debt is my wife's. Please advise? Thanks in advance.
  4. The shop where i work was visited yesterday by a member of the revenue protection team. Stating their meter had been tampered with and they have been billed £14402. (13500 is for estimated gas usage) Firstly the reason I am looking into this for them is that they are Malaysian and have a very basic understanding of English. They took over the shop from a previous tenant in 2007 and have had the meter read throughout this period of time. Last week they came and changed the meter and stated the meter would be sent for forensic testing etc. This resulted in the RPO turning up yesterday and dropping this bombshell on them, he would not give any extra info when asked when i arrived he point blank refused to talk to me at all, despite being told I could speak on their behalf. They have to pay £4400 today or they will have the gas disconnected. I have spoken to them and they are adamant they have not touched the meter or any of the parts. Some info that may help 1, Payments have been made to British gas over the whole time they have had the shop. 2, Checking the new meter it shows 280kwh used in just over 7 days. I checked back at this years bills and over a 4 week period it averages out at around 260kwh over the same period of time (4 week period divided by 4) so we are talking a similar amount of usage with old and new meter. 3, The meter has been read and viewed by meter readers for the last 7 years without anything being said. Not sure what course of action we can take, the letter states nothing about being able to appeal the decision and they are terrified they are going to lose their livelihoods. I have advised them to scrape together the £4400 today by any means they can so they can at least keep operating as a business and we can look at appealing this. If anyone has any advice on which way i should go to help them it would be much appreciated.
  5. Hi all Please could I get some advice regarding an issue with opus energy. My father who owns a takeaway was visited by 2 British has guys on behalf of opus energy to check the meter (something which they did on all the shops on the parade) . After a quick check they advised my father the meter is over 20 years old so would therefore need to be replaced. They phoned back after a few days and made an appointment to visit and exchange it. On the day of the visit, 4 guys turned up (not sure why it required 4 of them) and went about their work about 15 mins later they produced a seal and told my father this wasn't the correct seal. My father simply said oh ok, as he wouldn't have a clue about it. They then went to leave and before doing so told my father the meter reading had been written down on a piece of pAper and left by the phone. Having only read the letter 2 days later (as my father assumed it was just a meter reading as advised) it's from revenue protection services for opus energy stating 'we have reason to believe the gas meter may have been prevented from registering all the gas used. We have therefore removed the meter and placed it in a sealed box which will remain sealed until the meter is removed for testing' It then says to call a number if we wish to witness the test being carried out or have any queries. This has come as a huge shock to my father who's not sure what to do as it appears he's being accused (pending tests) of energy theft. The gas men seem to have taken all the above action yet not once mentioned to my father, the meter wasn't even sealed infront of him either. Does anyone have any experience in dealing with such an issue and have any advise they could please share, Please advise Midlands bloke
  6. Hi there, I have recently been stopped and cautioned by a Revenue Protection Officer at an un-manned train station. I usually buy a ticket whenever I travel on public transport. This time, however, I had got on a train at a manned station in a rush. I had my money ready to pay the fare but since no conductor passed on the train I couldn't purchase a ticket. I still had the money in my hand when I was stopped by the officer when I got off the train so it was clear I had the intention of paying the fare. After I gave the officer my details he told me I would receive a letter in a few weeks time asking me to pay the fare. However, after reading the previous thread and the replies I am now worried about the consequences. I understand it is a criminal offence but does every offender get convicted or can it be dealt with simply through a fine? Thank you for your reply. Elaine
  7. Hello, I'm just looking for some advice about an incident that happened with northern rail. I have just moved to the area and was travelling from my local station to Manchester Victoria for the first time. I tried to buy a ticket at the machine however it kept on saying that were no fares available for my journey which completely confused me. Anyway, I was going to buy a ticket at the manned office however the queue was huge and there were only a couple of mins until my train so I just thought I'd get on the train and buy a ticket from the conductor. The train was slightly delayed which meant that I was going to be late for work. Also, the conductor didn't come around meaning I couldn't buy a ticket and as I got off there were people checking everyone's tickets. As I was in such a rush and panicked because I hate being late, I stupidly just flashed an old ticket that I had in my purse and I got pulled up by the revenue protection officer. He took my details and said that northern rail would write to me and he said that they would either let me off or they might charge me. Anyway, I've been scaring myself to death reading forums and things like £1000 fines and prosecution have popped up?! I've been frequently using trains for over 8 years and I have never done anything like this before. I have hundreds of tickets to prove that I always buy a ticket. The same guy also saw me doing the same journey today with a ticket. It was just a stupid mistake because I was in a rush, panicked and was unaware that nobody would come around on the train giving me the opportunity to buy a ticket. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  8. Are revenue protection officers legally entitled to check tickets and passes once the passenger has left the bus? I have seen this a few times but it has occurred to me that the pavement is not TfL property. On the last occasion the man claimed he had given his Oyster card to a friend on the bus so she could get home later on. I've no idea what the outcome was as I got off the bus to avoid being delayed. Thanks in advance to those replying.
  9. Trying to help my Step daughter with this A few years ago when she was 15 her real father got my step D a contract phone in HIS name and registered at HIS address, anyway to cut a long story short he was not able to afford the bills and asked that she return the phone to him "so he could send it back" which she did, Now it turns out he never sent the phone back and had ran up an even bigger bill! the other week he contacted her (she is now 19) and said Vodafone were chasing him for the bill and SHE needed to pay it, he gave her the number for what turned out to be the above DCA and without telling me first she contacted them, at first they had NO record of her either by name or address, however when she mentioned her fathers name they then pounced, she told them the bill was not hers and had been run up by her father but they were having none of it and basically told her if she didn't give them her card details they were sending the police round to arrest her, like a silly girl she handed over the card details, After she told me all this I straight away got her to cancel her card and inform the bank that she had been made to hand over her card details under duress for a debit that was not hers, she has had a letter today from the back confirming the DCA ARE trying to take funds from her account and so far they have blocked them, Now my worry here is this DCA may try and chase her up at home/work etc and even send a bailiff for a debit that is not hers, she still lives at home with me and her mum and I don't fancy the idea of them chasing us either, the father is refusing to pay the debit even though she was 15 at the time and was advised NOT to get the phone for her, we even told him that if she ran up a huge bill NOT to chase us for it as we were quite happy with her being on PAYG. My daughter is worried as she is now in a good job and is in the process of trying to get credit herself for a car and this may go against her. Whats the best way to stop them?
  10. Im at my wits end with these people. I have been paying 7 creditors off on a voluntary arrangement 6 of which seem to be content with the low amount im paying them. 2 1/2 weeks ago DRS contacted me on the phone offering me 40% discount off a £3046 debt in full and final settlement. A week later they phoned me to see if i could raise the amount. I told them i could'nt raise it. They said in that case we need to review your payments to ascertain whether i can pay more or less per month so they sent me a form to fill in asking for ALL details including names, account numbers and amounts owing. Also the amount im paying them per month. All other income and outgoings inc proof ie statements , bank and credit cards. Im not happy giving them this info. last friday i managed to raise the £1840 as a loan from my sister i contacted them and told them i had borrowed the money. I asked them to send me a letter confirming that it was full and final settlement which he agreed to do. Monday a woman from their office phoned and said they had made a mistake and the bank they represent wouldnt accept the discounted offer because i own the house!! (they have always known i own it!). They would only accept a 20% discount. I cant raise the extra and i wont even be able to raise the £1840 now as my sister did have the money saved to use for other things. Whats my next move as i suspect there next move is going to be unpleasant?
  11. I have a confession to make: I regularly get onto a train and buy a ticket on the train - I am told that this isn't allowed, but it doesn't ever to seem to have caused a problem before (I think this is one reason people get confused about the byelaws). I buy a ticket, all is usually ok! Today, I asked for a return ticket and the conductor told me that his machine was broken so he couldn't sell me one. I had the cash in my hand to give him, so I clearly intended to pay. It never occurred to buy a ticket on the way out as I was running late! I wish it had though, was stopped and cautioned by a Revenue Protection Officer (which made me even later!). I know you can't predict these things, but what is likely to happen next? Would they prosecute for an £8 fare that I tried to pay?
  12. Hi all, I have received a letter from Debt and Revenue Services threatening a Home Visit, because I have not contacted them regarding repayment of an account.... They are demanding payment of £328.33 in relation to a debt with a company called 'Opal'. I have absolutely no idea what this is for and have never heard of Opal. What do you think would be the best way forward with this? Should I send an email asking for details of the debt or ignore them? I had a similar one for £130 a few weeks ago from another DCA and when I challenged them they said they would just pass it back to their client as I had been un-cooperative. Do these people think they can just demand money and you will just give them it without questioning it??
  13. Hi, I was caught by a Revenue officer at Ealing with a legitimate ticket for the return journey, but he wanted to check my oyster card. Earlier in the day I couldn't tap in and therefore had to tap out at Paddington where I was charged the maximum fare (£7.20) anyway. The officer didn't show me any ID, and told me my rights and cautioned me. He then questioned me and wrote them as well as my answers down. He let me read this and made me sign it. He also said I would have to explain any incomplete journeys on the oyster history, but if I bought my paper tickets with cash I have no way to prove this. He said I will be receiving a letter in 3-4 weeks. Im really worried about what this could lead to, as I am a medical student, and cant afford to have any sort of criminal record. I just wanted to know whether the caution he told me was a police caution, and what the likelihood of events from now is. What are the chances of a criminal record? Many thanks in advance, mopo54321
  14. I have been watching customs programmes in Freeview channel 11 Pick TV recently and it has given me a lot of concern. Can anyone throw some light on the following. I must admit it is probably quite unlikely to happen but \I| just wondered what would happen in this case. I have noticed that sniffer dogs go round the passengers going through the nothing to declare exit but frequently people are pulled in because the dog has found something. This could be just a simple case of a taxi driver handing the case who had been taking drugs or some similar thing like that. I was wondering what would happen if a passenger put a light package in my coat pocket when I was in the toilet on the plane hoping to retrieve after I had gone through customs. If I was pulled in I would no doubt be asked if I had anything to declare and the answer of course would be no. Once the package was discovered obviously the customs officer isn't going to believe me when I tell them that the package is nothing to do with me. I could in fact be imprisoned for quite a long time. I would expect the package to be found on the scanner when they themselves went through the security but what if it was not detected? Am I being paranoid about this? I really don't know how things work at airports. I am travelling to Agadir in April and am getting quite concerned about this even the idea of a hotel porter or taxi driver handing my luggage. I am almost 70 years old now and obviously they are only trying to help but if they are used to taking drugs this could be spotted at the airport and cause me unnecessary delays.
  15. Hello, I've been reading this site and i've seen some excellent, helpful, non judgemental advice given here by some of the members . Someone I know was approached by a revenue protection officer recently. They have no defence and basically admitted they were in the wrong and know they have to pay the price. They've been offered a settlement sum, which includes a £100 admin fee, prior to the issue of an Intent to Prosecute letter. They clearly want to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Should I suggest they just pay at once in order to get it cleared up? I don't think i've seen anything on here where anyone was told a figure until after they had returned their MG11. Many thanks.
  16. My young lad has a Ltd company and has to do his self assessment. He recently missed the deadline by making a mistake and sent in a paper return rather than filing on-line and has landed himself with a £1000 fine. He spoke to the revenue with regards to spreading the payment and they would not budge on payment over 2 months - max! Okay, he acknowledges the fine irritating though it is, but the person in the revenue, not a DCA but the Revenue themselves ran through questions about his assets, no doubt to establish if there was room for a Charging Order if necessary, but then slipped into territory that made my blood boil..." Can you borrow the money from anyone else?" , "can you get a loan?" Hang on, didn't we find that a DCA could not ask people to borrow more money to pay their debt? Am I dreaming too much of my Cabot Fan Club days? Can anyone tell me if this is not the Revenue breaking Debt collection OFT Guidance rules or they immune?
  17. Hi All, Received an email today from WDA saying the following: Dear Harry Account Transferred to Debt Recovery Agency Your account is now being handled by Debt Revenue Services who are acting on our behalf. All future communication should be made with Debt Revenue Services and any queries sent to Wage Day Advance will be passed onto them to deal with. We recommend that you contact them without delay to prevent any further action to your account. --------- The amount that WDA have said i now owe is £590.10 although in reality it should be £408.50 (Included in that figure is original loan + 1 months interest) What is my first port of call now? Thanks for your help
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