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  1. Thanks for the quick response guys, I have showed her your reply's and it has for now set her mind at ease, she has been into the bank and explained the situation and they have assured her they wont allow any money to come from her account nor will they give out any details of her account address etc, her boyfriend has had a couple off calls from them as she contacted them on his phone but he has since blocked the number so they cant call him again,
  2. Trying to help my Step daughter with this A few years ago when she was 15 her real father got my step D a contract phone in HIS name and registered at HIS address, anyway to cut a long story short he was not able to afford the bills and asked that she return the phone to him "so he could send it back" which she did, Now it turns out he never sent the phone back and had ran up an even bigger bill! the other week he contacted her (she is now 19) and said Vodafone were chasing him for the bill and SHE needed to pay it, he gave her the number for what turned out to be the above DCA and without telling me first she contacted them, at first they had NO record of her either by name or address, however when she mentioned her fathers name they then pounced, she told them the bill was not hers and had been run up by her father but they were having none of it and basically told her if she didn't give them her card details they were sending the police round to arrest her, like a silly girl she handed over the card details, After she told me all this I straight away got her to cancel her card and inform the bank that she had been made to hand over her card details under duress for a debit that was not hers, she has had a letter today from the back confirming the DCA ARE trying to take funds from her account and so far they have blocked them, Now my worry here is this DCA may try and chase her up at home/work etc and even send a bailiff for a debit that is not hers, she still lives at home with me and her mum and I don't fancy the idea of them chasing us either, the father is refusing to pay the debit even though she was 15 at the time and was advised NOT to get the phone for her, we even told him that if she ran up a huge bill NOT to chase us for it as we were quite happy with her being on PAYG. My daughter is worried as she is now in a good job and is in the process of trying to get credit herself for a car and this may go against her. Whats the best way to stop them?
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