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  1. Hello, I have three defaults on my credit report. Do they ever expire? I keep paying £1.00 to my creditors every month but since my credit score is bad and defaults are shown to lenders I have no hope to get work or start a business. Is there any hope to get those defaults moved from my credit report? All the debts are more than six years old.
  2. Hi Guys Despite my constant attempts to get APS Overdraft to 1. Supply me with evidence of the debt and 2. Mark it as default or in dispute They are constantly updating the report with a 6 marker but no default. The account shows no payment since March 2016 and hit 6 in Sept 2016. The message on the credit reports states; "agreed repayments are more than 3 months behind but you have agreed new repayments with the lender" which is total BS as I have never acknowledged the debt as it is not mine. My last letter to Equifax stated; Dear sirs This account is a pre-paid credit card account that has been in dispute since discovery in April 2016. To date there has never been any debt acknowledgement made and based on this fact, taking into consideration the I.C.O. Technical Guidance on Issuance of Default Markers & Notices, the account should not be generating recurring [6] markers but should in fact be defaulted (within 6 months of the first default (missed payment) occurring on the account) which means the record should be changed to a Default status with a default date around October/November 2016. Please rectify this error as the creditor is ignorant to my repeated requests. Failure to correct the incorrect data will result in a formal complaint being raised with the Information Commissioner who, as I'm sure you appreciate, take a dim view of deliberate breaches of data processing. Kind Regards xxxx Credit Report Ref No : 5xxxxxxxxx Name : xxxxxxxxxxxx Company Name : APS - CASHPLUS Account Number : 0000 Current Balance £ : 433 House Name or Number : xxx Post Code : xxxx xxx Start Date : 03032016 End Date : 31072018 Equifax replied (after 4 weeks) Dear xxxxxxx, Thanks for getting in touch on 20/05/2018 about the information on your Equifax Credit Report. APS Overdraft has investigated your query and have told Equifax that the account information is correct and should remain unchanged. This information is supplied by the company and we can't change it without their permission. You should get in touch with the company directly if you need more information. The note that we added, stating that your information was in dispute will be removed within 24 hours. ============== Any ideas what to do next guys as it looks as though it will be ever present on my CS :-x Thanks guys
  3. Having some issues with O2 as of March this year as they have decided to link 2 accounts for another person with the same name and DOB as myself, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I do not have any accounts with O2. 18/3/18 Received letter stating i was in breach of contract for not paying my O2 bill. 22/3/18 Received letter telling me they had stopped me making calls and texts. 23/3/18 Checked call credit report and O2 had already linked my address with the debtors in Janurary 18 and had both accounts listed. 23/3/18 Emailed call credit stating the incorrect information. 2/4/18 Received letter from O2 telling me they had disconnected my phone. 7/4/18 Requested credit report from Experian. 20/4/18 received letter from call credit stating that O2 had not bothered to respond to them, and are unable to amend the entries to my credit file without the permission of O2. 20/4/18 same letter as above also stating that the disputed entries will be supressed from my credit file, however, O2 can remove the suppression at any time. 21/4/18 complaint letter sent to Experian stating the incorrect accounts and linked addresses. 17/5/18 Received email from Experian telling me O2 had supplied the following details "The link is correct as the account was registered to the disputed address." 1/5/18 Received letter from Experian stating O2 had removed the accounts but not the linked addresses. 1/5/18 Complaint send to ICO about Experian knowingly registering wrong information on there systems even though it had been proved it was not me O2 were looking for. 5/6/18 sent SAR to Experian 5/6/18 SAR sent to O2 8/6/18 Received letter requesting what specific information i wanted from Experian. 11/6/18 Sent Experian an email stating i wanted the information between themselves and O2 to see what had been said about the matter. 11/6/18 Received email back from Experian stating that they had supplied the information the comparison data sets in the additional information i could request. No information regards conversations about themselves and O2. What O2 have done here is add accounts and linked addresses to a serial debtor on my credit report , opening the floodgates for all of these other companies to jump on the bandwagon adding CCJs , Defaults, Late payment accounts to my credit files. They are refusing to remove the wrong data from my Experian report and as stated above have not even replied to call credit about the issue. No reply as yet from the ICO as they are running 8 weeks behind about the Experian complaint. Next steps to take against O2 if anyone has any suggestions, AGAIN O2 are the ones that have opened the floodgates for all of the other comapnies to throw wrongful information onto my credit files without even bothering to do the correct checks. ***Please also note that my Experian credit report in April stated O2 were the source of the linked address, however my credit file in June states Experian are the source of the linked address*** Something funny going on i think. Thanks
  4. Is it possible to force the landlords insurance to provide a copy of a survey they carried out due a insurance repair job that was queried as poor workmanship by the landlord ?
  5. Hi all, I had a judgement registered against me which i paid in full within 28days. I have spoken to the court and they have confirmed it is showing as cancelled however the lady said that it can take time to filter down to credit reference agencies, does anyone know what sort of length of time this may be as it is having a significant impact on my score and i need to get a letting agency check done. Is there anything i can do to speed up process??
  6. Charity Commission response to report on freedom of speech in universities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-response-to-report-on-freedom-of-speech-in-universities
  7. Hello, I purchased a Garmin sports watch in december 2016 from Decathlon for £159. It has recently stopped working, will not charge or turn on. I approached Garmin first who gave me some basic suggestions (which failed) and then told they could fix it for £100 as it was outside its 12 months warranty. I carried out some research which suggested that I should be protected by the Consumer Act based on my thoughts that a watch of this type should not spontaneously break after 16 months. I have contacted the retailer who initailly advised that there was nothing they could do as the product was outside 12 months warranty but have now accepted that they would review if I sourced a report that supported my claim that the watch was effectively not fit for purpose. Is anyone able to advise if this is the right approach? Is it likely to be worth my while? Who would I go to for such a report? Appreciate any suggestions. Regards Antony
  8. Good Morning everyone, My situation is quite complex so please bear with me and any help and uggestions would be greatly appreciated, i will start with a brief statement as to how this all started 15 years ago and then onto the problems i am now facing. In 2003 i applied to remortgage and take equity from my home, i was turned down, i checked my credit reports to see that i had several defaults and a CCJ from Barclays on my acc, after a few years i managed to get all of this sorted with apology letters from Barclays. In 2013 i was again chased for debts that did not belong to me, i tried every avenue possible to get this mistake sorted for a second time but eventually i ended up going to the newspapers and the FOS who then sorted out the problem with Lloyds and Experian with a pathetic £250 compensation, even though id spent 10 times this on phone calls and writing letters/emails etc . Now in 2018 this has all happened again, i have checked my report from all 3 CRAs and Call Credit and Experian are showing defaults, CCJ, addresses i have never lived at, they have even changed my electoral roll entry without any instruction by myself or legal documents to do this. All of this wrong information is for a person with the same first and last name as me and also the same date of birth, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I received a letter from 02 on the 19th of March chasing a debt for this other person, i immediately checked my credit report, and there it was, 02 had already linked me and the debt/account to my address without doing any checks whatsoever to see if i was the correct person, i DONT have an account with 02. There is then the other accounts from 6 other companies in default that i have never had accounts with and a CCJ which i dont even know what it is for , i just know none of these belong to me as ive never missed a payment on anything or had any dealings with these companies. I have disputed all of this with Call Credit but they refuse to remove all of this wrong information, i have not spoke to any of the companies involved as from past experience they will not speak to me due to data protection when i say i am not the person they seek, but they also dont resolve the problem either, i have since joined checkmyfile and they are trying to sort things out with call credit , but say i have to sort out this mess with Experian myself. I am seeking advice as to what to do next, to be honest the companies reporting all of this wrong information in my eyes need to pay, i am busy renovating my home and considering an extension as my wife is 8 months pregnant but i am now reluctant to apply for any loans/remortgage etc as i know i will be turned down, and as you can expect for this to happen a 3rd time my stress levels have went through the roof. Companies listing defaults on my report who i have no dealings with at all and ruining my credit report because of there incompetence to check they have the correct person are: Lloyds Bank (again) Lowell Vanquis Bank Capital One Hoist Portfolio Home retail group 02 ( who reported and made the link with callcredit , even though this serial debtor has paid his bill now, so is not showing as a default, but its now to late as they have done the damage) Thank you kindly to anyone that can help. Luco19
  9. Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I placed an order with Amazon 23/03/18 for canon 6d camera, "delivered" and signed for 26/03/18 On opening the parcel I find a desk lamp, yes a £13 desk lamp which Amazon sell instead of a £1700 camera! call is made to Amazon who state, will email an affidavit. This is filled, signed and emailed back to uk-deliveryinvestigation at amazon Cs reply back and state they will be in contact within 72hrs. It has now been over 72hrs. So an email is sent out stating: I have been very patient in waiting for your investigation. If you can shed some light on the matter before I look into speaking with my bank and starting a Section 75 and bringing in Trading Standards. They get back with , 'We have fully investigated this matter with the carrier. And if you want us to take another look provide a police report'. I feel this has nothing to do with the carrier, their carrier Amazon Logistics. I email again this time for the serial number of camera, they state this would be on the box. They are really funny I have asked Virgin credit card to step in. In the meantime has anybody experience this from Amazon? And has anybody any advise? Kind regards and thank you for reading this post, very much appreciated. Dan. p.s. I order a lot of camera related material from Amazon and have placed 370 orders since 2016. And below is just a bit of Columbo. The box size the lamp came in was an E6. Amazon normally send cameras in a E3 box size with 'corrosive materials' sticker. If I would have noticed the box didn't have the 'corrosives sticker' I wouldn't have signed for the order.
  10. It's only a niggle but it's really niggling me. I have (had) and account with Orange many years ago where I paid £99 up front for a basic Nokia phone and then got billed at contract rates only for calls made. It was paid by DD so never a problem, never a missed payment. On my Noddle report there are number codes 2013 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 6 0 1 0 43 0 12 2 0 6 Everything is then at zero from Feb 2013 to the present day. Does anyone know what these numbers mean?
  11. New online service could help drivers report accidents READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-online-service-could-help-drivers-report-accidents
  12. I am trying to support someone who has been rejected P.I.P and having requested copy of Consultation report it appears that their decision is based on information supplied from 1) Claimant's questionnaire 2015 2) Claimant's questionnaire 2017 3) Psychologoical therapy plan 2015 4) Date of Tribunal 2015 5) Psychiatrist report 2012 She has struggled to get the treatment recommended by the Psychiatrist in 2012 and some of which is only (JUST) being put into place. Social Services were responisble for not referring her to the relevent treatment organisations and we have had to fight hard to get her where she is today. She puts a stiff upper lip on things some days to get her through but she does not and cannot cope with the outside world! I am just drafting up a new appeal letter and would appreciate your views on whether the data they are relying on is a valid reason to reject the Mandatory Reconsideration? TIA
  13. Hi, I've just returned to the UK after being abroad for 5 years studying, I moved into a new flat and tried to get electric moved to a credit meter and was denied. I requested my staturtory credit file and have found that Arrow Global have registered a CCJ against me with judegemnt by default (date 20/07/2017). I had no warning or knowledge of this and they used an address that I moved from at least a year before I left the UK. I've no clue what it is for, and have no idea how to go about dealing with this properly. Ideally I'd like the CCJ set aside but first I have to find out what it is for? Thanks
  14. Hi all, My property was repossessed I was able to raise funds to pay off the balance on my mortgage before it was sold, and got it back. The whole process took a couple of months by which time the default was already showing on my credit file (The default was in fact reported to the CRAs almost immediately; I know this because I checked). Can I get the default removed? I am aware that technically, it should remain for 6 years, is there any likelihood of the lender waving this since I came up with the funds rather quickly after the repossession. Being a large debt and a quite recent default, it has completely ruined my credit rating, making it impossible for me to do anything credit related. Most importantly, I am seeking new employment and in my line of work, companies perform not just identity checks but also credit checks. This would disqualify me instantly. Thanks in advance.
  15. Very good link for free credit report from Martin lewis. Quite recent too not like some of the other free ones http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/creditclub?_ga=2.51313065.101823794.1503503150-982205561.1477396387
  16. At the start of the year we had a new bathroom fitted. We purchased all the furnishings so the quote was for labour only. Due to my wife being allergic to dust it was agreed that the fitting would take place whilst we was on holiday. 75% of the labour charge has been paid to him to date On our return home we was shocked to see our new bathroom. The quality of work in our opinion is below standard, fittings haven't been fitted correctly, damaged has occured to several furnishings, we have had a leak going through our living room ceiling and a second leak on the outside wall due to incorrect exterior pipe work being fitted. The bathroom is dangerous in parts. The fitter says he doesn't have personal liability insurance and was too busy to come back for a while to deal with any of the issues. Several months on we are still in the same position. The fitter believes his work is to a high standard. He admits breaking fittings and admits parts of the bathroom are dangerous but thinks the 25% remainder of the balance will cover it, but it doesn't. We have had 8 different companies come to look at the bathroom and everyone of them says it isn't fitted correctly and the bathroom needs pulling out and starting again. I have had no choice but to take this matter to a small claims court. Initially the fitter replied to us when I made our intentions known and said he was willing to resolve issues and the reason for not being able to contact him for 6 months is because he had phone problems. I believe he was deliberately avoiding us. When I have told him about the leaks etc he has said he is happy to proceed down the small claims court route. I am wanting an independent assessor to come take a look at the bathroom and provide me with a report that will support my claim. How do I go about this? Thanks in advance for any help
  17. Hello Was hoping for some insight or advice on my situation. I've just checked my credit report and have found two sets of "beneficiary trace enquiries" made by Erudio Customer Management Ltd. The first ones were in mid-march against my current and previous address. Then again two months later in May, also against my current and previous address. I have read up and found out Erudio bought the old style students loans. I do have two of these. One from 1997 and then another for 1999 which has been treated as a separate account by the SLC, but must be linked as the only reason I got the '99 one was because I had started on the old system. The last correspondence about these loans was in 2013 when I applied to defer them in the March, which was confirmed in April 2013 by the SLC. This correspondence was to my old address. Then I have an annual statement from SLC dated September 2013 sent to my current address. I have not had any contact with Erudio so hadn't realised my loans had been sold. I've looked into what a beneficiary trace enquiry means and have read on the internet that it is used to trace people who have moved address without informing their creditors, however the last statement from the SLC was sent to my current address so don't know why they would need to do this, as I have kept the SLC up to date with my contact details. Also I am confused as to why they haven't made contact with me after carrying out these checks if they were searching for me. In normal circumstances I would just sit tight and wait for them to contact me but I am in the process of buying a house and am worried if this will affect it. I have checked all my credits reports and cannot find anything other than these searches. However I am scared in case between exchange and completion they put a default on my credit file, the mortgage offer gets withdrawn and we lose the deposit on the house. I have also read that they do 'backdoor' CCJs, so that's now another worry if they only have my last address could they be putting a CCJ on their without me knowing. Is there anyway I could find out about this if they were, other than waiting to see it appear on my credit report? I have a good report at the moment so would be gutted if they knackered that up for me. Not sure what is the best option. I don't want to contact them and offer to start paying as I fear extra outgoings I didn't know about when I completed my mortgage application might make them withdraw the offer. But then I don't want a default or a CCJ to suddenly turn up and have it withdrawn then, especially if its after exchange and my partner loses all their deposit money as well. Any advice on what would be the best approach, or what Erudio are likely to do next after carrying out these searches would be much appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read this.
  18. From a Parody Website to Fox News https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/07/world/europe/anatomy-of-fake-news-russian-propaganda.html?emc=edit_mbe_20170608&nl=morning-briefing-europe&nlid=80833938&te=1 Addendum OOOPS Typo in title - maybe I should be working for Fox News ... ... q wrongie righties ...
  19. Disabled people 'left behind in society', report finds READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39458672
  20. Hello, I checked my statutory credit report today as I do now and again. I have noticed there's a table 2 search which has Search Reason: Director Search Company: Ic: Lynx Express Limited I'm a director (the only director) of a Limited Company which has never traded and is dormant so I'm assuming the search has something to do with this although I do trade as a sole trader. Why would they be doing a search on me and who is Lynx Express Limited? The search was at the beginning of January 2017, I didn't apply for anything about that time and apart from my car insurance in November last year I haven't applied for anything in at least 7 or 8 months. Does anybody know what this search could be?
  21. Hi its a while since I have been on the CAG site and that was for bank charges and PPI claims I now find myself with a report from the care home in my hand with the opening line SR sustained physical abuse and neglect of which all have been substantiated any one out there can help with the next stage as i feel that I owe it to my mum to fight for her we moved her from this home and within ten days she passed away after the other home broke her foot and she was hospitalized. she couldnt move herself in bed or in a special chair any good lawyers be able to help me please. not sure if this is in right section for this
  22. Hi everyone . I want to thank everyone in advance and also apologise in advance - as I realise my questions are probably very common here, but I have very little time left and I am overwhelmed with so much info on internet , while trying to do my duties at work and as a father. Summary : 1.My debts are in the region of 4,000 for a loan, credit card, overdraft and phone account. I started missing payments in 2010 due to family separation and depression, stopped making payments and stopped contact with lenders in 2011. Meantime paid some sums, made some agreements, paid some money on those agreements, on some haven't, don't have good recollection , don't know if i owe some of the debts, if they are for correct amount, if some of them are statue barred, unfair charges etc. 2.All of debts are now being owned by various debt collecting agencies, sometimes changing hands more than once. some already started offering me full and final settlements of 50-60 %. 3. For one of the debts(Cabot, original overdraft from Halifax in region of 1000, now 1400) a court proceeding has started december 2016) -claim form has been sent to Northampton county court. Currently I haven't sent any form back to court, as i called the solicitors representing Cabot - Mortimer Clarke Solicitors LTD and they agreed to give me time until 31.01.2017 to prepare my expenditure form and make offer for repayment and/or full and final settlement upon which they said won't continue with court proceedings as it is up to them to request them. Unfortunately they refused to give me written confirmation of that (twice) which leaves me in a situation where they can decide anytime to request court decision and court won't even know I am in contact and agreement with them while issuing the order. 4. My credit report has inaccuracies- default dates are years more recent than they should be and one of the debt collecting agencies (Cabot) opened a new account with same default date and amount of original debt, but no markers that this is debt bought from original lender, which might lead to confusion this is different debt imo while accessing my credit report. What would you advise me in this situation? My first aim is to get relevant and accurate information on debts, so i know where i stand. Do I have the right to ask the dca for all the info or need to contact the original lender ? Does the dca has the right to redirect me to request the needed info from original lender or they are obliged to provide it as the new owner of the debt. Also templates I found so far are just for one issue or used long time ago. I need a template which requests original agreement, payments, any voluntary arrangements we had, so I know if i owe anything, different amount or if it is already statue barred. What should be the fee i have to pay ? What will happen if they cannot provide the requested inf o- will debt become unenforceable until they do ? Can I use that also to correct my credit report ? I am not sure what template to use for debt for which there is already a started court case - I am afraid that when i send that request to the dca in question they might instruct their solicitors to request immediate judgment. Thanks again
  23. Hi all, Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I have just checked my credit report and their are 2 entries for the same debt. One listed under credit cards with the original CC company and another listed under other accounts with the debt purchasers name. They both have the same amount owing and same account start date, but the debt purchser has the first default (and nothing else) listed almost 2 years after the CC company applied the default. Just wondering if this is something I should be worried about as the SB date is approaching.
  24. I got a decision for my pip yesterday, 0 points. I phoned today and asked for mandatory reconsideration. They need a medical report from my doctor. The thing is the dr doesn't know how i live day to day, they only know my diagnosis's I have and medication i take. Will the dr only list my conditions and medications, treatment etc...?
  25. Hello fellow members - Last night looking at my credit report I found that a CCJ has been issued against me on 16th November 2016 from Northampton County Court (Information Source - Registry Trust Ltd) to pay approx. £300. This is issued to the address I lived between Aug 2014 and October 2015 as a lodger. Obviously not living there, I've not had any letters etc. from court. The only way I found out about this is last night looking at my credit score. I've never had any credit cards, phone contracts etc. which I took whilst being on that address. I can not think of anything which could result into a CCJ at all. How do I find out what is it all about? And should I try to investigate now and contact court ? I really want to do right thing and don't want stupid things like debt collectors coming to our new home we've literally bought. Do I have to go to a solicitor? I'm more concerned of this CCJ being my record and not the money solely. I've never done or intend to do anything wrong. My credit score has been badly affected and it might also affect my application for British Citizenship I guess which I am soon going to apply ! I couldn't sleep well last night and very stressed. Please can you help? Many thanks
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